
Supreme Guardian's Heir: Calamity's Awakening

Blinded, betrayed, and killed by the people she trusted the most—her closest friends and family—Ophelia, the illegitimate child of one of the most powerful families, was granted a second life, or the opportunity to be reborn. Little did the young girl know that all of this had been done because she posed a threat to the authority of those who had betrayed her. She had a difficult life, being rejected, never acknowledged, and used as a scapegoat for actions she had not committed. She encountered an entity on the day of her untimely death that was unlike any other she had ever seen; it was aware of every detail about her and gave her the opportunity to reclaim what was truly hers. She was hesitant but resolute, choosing to take a leap of faith and seize the opportunity that would alter the course of history, there was much more to her existence than anyone could have imagined—her life, her death, and everything in between. She was everything that was not meant to be, and it all started the day she was reborn into a life beyond which fate or destiny could now play a role but fate always had a sneaky way of adding its touch, for she was reborn into the very family that caused her death in her previous life and now her fate was tied to another as well. [System notifies.] Join her in a world full of advancements, diverse magical beings, and a harsh but beautiful balance between darkness and cruelty. For most of these beings, the rule of survival of the fittest applied. Ensnared in a web of conspiracy, the battle to ascend to a fabled throne that had been vacant for years, possessing absolute authority, reveal the mysteries surrounding her existence, interwoven with time, life, and death, and the reason behind her unforeseen birth. Will she be able to overcome those who oppose her, threaten what she is creating, and demonstrate her power to the world in order to achieve peace and acceptance and reclaim the life that was meant to be hers, or will her efforts in this world be futile? Will she be able to ascend the throne? Other tags: Overpowered MC - Smut - Fantasy Creatures -Mature - revenge- Magic- survival- Beautiful female lead.

Darkphoenix · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Side Effects

Xania's eyes widened as her body was glowing slightly and he could see the changes were now taking their form within her, but he was slightly worried since according to him, it was happening too soon, something that was supposed to happen only in the near future something that he had no control over could only watch and let it happen. 

Xania exhaled deeply as his eyes were glowing, scanning her body and keep an eye on the storm within her, keeping her in check just in case something went wrong and that was something he could not afford since it would anger the dragon, the one who told him in the first place, to be there for her as a guide. 

Xania sat down on one of the pillows, placing his hand on her forehead, as he sensed the speed of how fast the change was happening within er, coursing through all of her veins, making its way to her heart and brain. 

Zania felt her heartbeat increase and her body began glowing brighter and he blinked, scrunching his eyes a little bit, since it was quite inte

Seriously?" He mumbled as he went to close the balcony door then rejoined her and his eyes widened when she began floating in the air slightly, hovering over her bed and he swallowed as he flew around her, wondering just how strong she will become since she was already strong and quite skilled in various area, despite being young. 

Xania created a barrier, to keep anyone from outside to see the glow and he moved her back against the bed and her eyes narrowed, even though she was unconscious, she was still highly aware of her surroundings, including who was there and Xania chuckled as he looked at her, finding her behavior endearing. 

He kept by her side as her body was changing colour and she began moving slightly, showing that the process was close to being over and that gave Xania, a chance to relax, knowing that she would be waking up soon and wondered what more changes could happen to her that was making her react a certain way. 

He knew she had a tough life, but the dragon did not reveal much to him about her or the so-called past he heard about, which was making him slightly frustrated but also understood that her personal life would stay away from the venom the incidents that will soon be upon them may spill. 

Xania sighed and fell asleep on the pillow beside her head, with his hand still gently resting on her forehead, on the small glowing mark and a little bit of energy left his body and entered Violet's but none of it was natural, not even in a world that was filled with magic like theirs. 

What was happening at the time, within the young girl's body was far beyond normal for certain minds to process around which was why the dragon had sent Xania to keep an eye on her in the first place. 

The next morning, when Xania woke up, he saw that she was still unconscious but this time, her body had stopped glowing and the storm within her had ease up more than it was before and her heartbeat had returned to normal, though the marks were still there. 

"Princess... Wake up, I need you to wake up now you have been out for far too long and that's not right," Xania said as he tapped her, trying to get her to regain consciousness but it was difficult since, she could barely hear him.

At the same time, within her state, Viole began seeing flashbacks and things she had never seen before or thought she hadn't and her body began tensing up as she was trapped in a corner or her mind, with images circling around her, ones that she had no idea of what they meant and she could hear screams and see the bloodshed, which made her body tense up even more and she gripped the bed sheet. 

Xania looked at her sensing the tension that was building inside of him and hos brows furrowed, wondering that she was seeing that made her this way. 

'What the hell is going on here? These are not illusions but feels more like a memory, but why am I feeling so familiar with it,' She thought as she was trying her best to wake up and snap out of those thoughts. 

Just as she was about to snap out of it, she heard someone call out her name and her body flinch as she felt a pang of pain, striking though her chest and she gritted her teeth, wondering why that was happening to her and what she did to cause any of this to happen, yet it all felt familiar to her. 

"Wake up!" Xania shouted and she snapped out of it immediately and sprung up from the bed with her eyes glowing red and gold mixed with a silver lining and Xania looked at her then smirked at her shocked expression and she glanced at him. 

"Answer me, why is this happening to me? I see memories that are not even mine, it doesnt make any sense," She demanded and Xania chuckled. 

"You can call it a gift or knowledge I guess, I don't know the specifics about that, I can say though, you will be able to find out more about yourself later on, as you grow, you will get the answers you seek, for now calm down," He said and she exhaled deeply then nodded and her eyes widened when she caught a glimpse of herself in the mirror. 

"What the...." She mumbled and Xania held back a laugh and saw the mark on her forehead as well as her chest and the way her hair got longer with stripes in it and her eyes narrowed. 

"Well, all I can say for now is that it was the side effect of the changes that had just happened to your body, it was inevitable at this point, even if you may have conflicted feelings right about now," Xania said and she sighed as her eyes began to wander around them. 

Just then she began hearing a voice in her head and a ringing sound and gritted her teeth as her eyes glowed brightly. 

[System Activated.]