
Supreme Guardian's Heir: Calamity's Awakening

Blinded, betrayed, and killed by the people she trusted the most—her closest friends and family—Ophelia, the illegitimate child of one of the most powerful families, was granted a second life, or the opportunity to be reborn. Little did the young girl know that all of this had been done because she posed a threat to the authority of those who had betrayed her. She had a difficult life, being rejected, never acknowledged, and used as a scapegoat for actions she had not committed. She encountered an entity on the day of her untimely death that was unlike any other she had ever seen; it was aware of every detail about her and gave her the opportunity to reclaim what was truly hers. She was hesitant but resolute, choosing to take a leap of faith and seize the opportunity that would alter the course of history, there was much more to her existence than anyone could have imagined—her life, her death, and everything in between. She was everything that was not meant to be, and it all started the day she was reborn into a life beyond which fate or destiny could now play a role but fate always had a sneaky way of adding its touch, for she was reborn into the very family that caused her death in her previous life and now her fate was tied to another as well. [System notifies.] Join her in a world full of advancements, diverse magical beings, and a harsh but beautiful balance between darkness and cruelty. For most of these beings, the rule of survival of the fittest applied. Ensnared in a web of conspiracy, the battle to ascend to a fabled throne that had been vacant for years, possessing absolute authority, reveal the mysteries surrounding her existence, interwoven with time, life, and death, and the reason behind her unforeseen birth. Will she be able to overcome those who oppose her, threaten what she is creating, and demonstrate her power to the world in order to achieve peace and acceptance and reclaim the life that was meant to be hers, or will her efforts in this world be futile? Will she be able to ascend the throne? Other tags: Overpowered MC - Smut - Fantasy Creatures -Mature - revenge- Magic- survival- Beautiful female lead.

Darkphoenix · Fantasy
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72 Chs

Shall see

Xania swallowed deeply upon seeing the looks in her eyes, for the first time ever, a mere human was able to make him feel what it means to fear what was to come and wonder what could happen next.

He was not used to feeling that way and despite he not being as powerful at the time, he felt intimidated just by the looks he had seen in her eyes, the one that sent shiver down his spine, only once had he ever felt such a sensation and that was from the dragon, one of the only being in existence that he actually looked up to and respected. 

For a mere human girl to make him feel that way, sent many thoughts to his head, only thinking about what was to come once she fully settled into her role, one which would be most dangerous and, in a way, he admired her unwavering personality, it was refreshing to beings like him, since most people would fear, not threaten them. 

Xania looked at Violet as she approached him and he was about to pull back from her, when she grabbed onto his body and grinned while looking at him, causing him to feel a sense of dread. 

"Wh- What are you doing? Let go of me..." He said with an annoyed look and she chuckled. 

"Not a chance, little one, take me back to where you pulled me from now... I have things to do," She said and he scoffed as he looked at her with annoyance and admiration. 

He chuckled knowing that it wouldn't make any sense to say anything otherwise, since she was quite a determined one and he nodded as his eyes began glowing brighter red as did the entire empty space they were in and she looked around as it was shifting. 

"Fine, just so you know, you never left the palace or the throne room, I just created a space around you, which was only accessible to you and me, act normal now or they will suspect you and look down on you more, don't let things continue the way they are now, " He said. 

"I see... So, I was still here all along... Makes sense I guess given how some has the ability to manipulate the space around them, don't worry, I will not let anything keep going the way they have always been, I mean it's going to feel good being the wicked one for once, I am going to put them to their places slowly but surely, things need to change around here," She replied. 

"That's the spirit, do what you need to even if some would start to call you the villain of their life," you are an interesting one... Good luck and I will start helping you soon, just call out my name if you need me for anything, I will be there in no time, princess," Xania said with a chuckle. 

She scoffed as he disappeared along with the space around her and she found herself standing in the same spot, she was in before in the throne room she sighed, thinking about what had just happened as well as what she said to Xania. 

'What a piece of work... Well, I will stick to my word, but I will have to wait until tomorrow when the official selection will start in order to tell my father that I will be joining... Ugh... I am not going to let anyone push me around anymore,' She thought and the king, her father glanced at her with his eyes narrowed, while she was completely lost in her thoughts. 

"ASre you even paying any attentin here girl? Where is your mind at Violet?" Her father asked in a stern tone and her eyes narrowed and she gave him a sharp look, that made him raised his eyebrows, slightly surprised. 

She plastared a smile on her face then turned fully towards him and bowed her head slightly. 

"Your highness, sorry I was just thinking about a few things but I am pretty sure what you were discussing did not concern me in any way but now you have my undivided attention, please continue," She said in a firm tone as he stared at her, since the way she was speaking to him, was changing by the day and he was taking notice. 

"Oh? Is that so? Well, you are right, it doesn't concern you since you cannot take part either way because you lack in a lot of ways, but, it's at least good to have your attention now since you literally contribute nothing around here, I suggest you work a bit more on yourself and think about your future," He said in a cold tone and her eye twitched in irritation at him, wanting nothing more than to smack him if she could. 

"Oh? Is that what you think? I lack huh? We will see about that, It's good to know and don't worry I intend to work on myself in such a way that you will think twice about your words and as for my contribution to you and whatever the hell you are referring to, don't worry I will fix that as well, there is after all, indeed a lot f things I have to work on, just like you said before and when I do fix all of them... You will bite your words and I will make sure of it..." She replied in an equally cold tone, while looking at him directly in his eyes. 

"Am I hearing correctly right now? Did she just talk back to the king?" One of the guards muttered to the other and he shrugged, clearly they were surprised since this had never happened between her and him before. 

He was slightly taken aback by her tone and audacity to speak to him like that and wondered what was going through her mind at the time, little did he know that a terrible and cold storm was forming within her and the throne room was silent and the tension in the air, between father and daughter was palpable at that moment, with the two of them, staring into each other's eyes with unwavering gazes.