
Supreme Gods Memories within a Cultivation World

An avid reader of manga and light novels suddenly gets reincarnated in another world after his death. He will use his smarts and cunning to act around his new family, act like a prince trying to better his kingdom and use his knowledge of light novels and his cheats to prevent cliche's happening and rule the world living out his desirers. While also using his cheats of heavens database and an internal world to his fullest advantage. ====================================== Note: The mc will fake act around his family, though they may grow on him into real feelings. He will do everything for the betterment of himself or what ever he feels like. There will be a large harem. Here is why: 1. In a cultivation world where one gains power in order to fulfil their goals, have a large harem is more common and uncommon. It is also one of his goals as I feel that 80% of people if given the chance would take advantage of the world and setting and just live how u wanna live, and in the MC's case that's to have lots of girls. 2. The MC's background. His background is as a loner who has no friends and wants doesn't want to be alone anymore. Hence why he wants a large harem. Its a way of him getting a large amount of people who he can trust within the cultivation world and love and care for him. The mc will be cruel as well, like if slaughtering an entire village of innocents will be more beneficial to him that not then he will have no scruples doing so. After all this is a dog eats dog world, morals have no place until your strong. He will enslave a lot of the girls for his harem, though lots will be for his maids harem. He will make tiers due to wanting to have thousands. Spoilers - His powers are Heavens Database - kind of like library of heavens path but different. An internal world - he can put stuff, things and people in there, including himself. And finally memories of multiple supreme gods - giving him knowledge of almost everything. Finally. This is only my second novel, i personally hate MC's who are illogical and dont take advantage of their status, power and knowledge. So expect a semi OP MC. but I will be making him less OP by making it slow for him to cultivate and put restrictions on his powers, these will be logical restrictions though, not random annoying ones for the sake of making mc not OP. He will be OP, just a logical way that makes sense kidna. Its Op, hard to make sense of it.

Doublenile · Eastern
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80 Chs

1 Month Time Skip

In an extravagant room stood a young man with deep wine-red hair that went down to his waist in a neat but untamed style. He was dressed in black and gold robes while standing In front of a mirror. The morning sunrays shining on a bed behind him revealing 5 extremely beautiful women naked.

This man was Fen Chang getting dressed in the morning after a night of sex with his sexy maids and getting ready to leave for breakfast with his parents and sister.

'Damn these new maids are amazing. I'm so glad I managed to convince father to get find me some more. Easy harem members. I should talk to father about seeing if any of the noble family's want to offer any of their female descendants as my maids. I'm sure lots will jump at the opportunity to get an in with the royal family. Now with this new technique I found in the Heavens Database called the "Mind Enslavement Technique" I can also guarantee loyalty. This technique is the best for me, as it allows me to put a seal on the targets soul and not only control them but also, alter their memories and kill them with a thought. The best technique for harems and my own personal army. Unfortunately, the target can't be above 2 major realms above me and they have to be unconscious, so I can't enslave powerful people, but as my soul strength grows with pills and techniques, I should be able to enslave people of higher and higher levels.'

Fen Chang is eating breakfast and talking with his parents. When his father then asks him some questions. "So, son. How are those new maids of yours? I swear you are turning more and more into like how those noble young masters act. At least you aren't as arrogant as them."

"They are good father. I used the technique my master gave me so they are now completely loyal to me. I was wondering though, why not send an olive branch to some of the nobles and kings under us and offer their female descendants a chance to become some of my maids. We could even use this as an opportunity against some of the more hostile nobles. Most of them would send a descendant to spy on us and report back to them about our status. Instead, we can use my slave technique to make them a spy for us. We could even offer their direct descendants a hand in marriage and then have a spy of a high status."

Fen Zung and Fen Hai Rong's eyes open in surprise at how far their son is willing to think in order to get female slaves. In the end Fen Zung only answered "Are you really wanting that many females? The points you make are valid and worth considering, but are you really needing that many. They will only distract you from cultivation."

"Father during my illness I found out how little of my life I spent doing something I wanted, and now my master has given me a second chance I want to live out my desired while I still can. Also, father you need not worry, my cultivation is progressing at a satisfactory rate, also it could actually improve faster with more women. I mentioned this exact problem to my master and he said he would give me a dual cultivation technique that would increase cultivation speed by up to 3x when having sex. Though its affects would depend on the partners cultivation."

Fen Zung could only sigh seeing his son willing to go as far as to ask his master for this. "Seeing how much you though about this makes me worried. You spent all this effort and even had your generous master go along with your plans. I give. Fine I will send a messenger to the nobles and offer them the chance to become a prince's maid. Though I imagine a lot will be hesitant, since their status will only be a maid with no benefits. As such I will offer other things, such as depending on the number of females they send and the quality of them they will get more land, less taxes and such. With these benefits I'm sure even the hesitant ones will send most of their beautiful descendants. About the marriage part, I will only offer that to the nobles who have extremely beautiful descendants with high talent."

"sure, that works father, but for the marriage candidates can I get sent a sheet of them along with who they are, their personality's and such. Also, very importantly, if there are any from any noble house hold who even if of low status, have a mysterious disease or condition then I would also want to be notified."

"Fine, whatever you want. Though I don't understand why you would be interested in crippled women."

After breakfast Fen Zung and Fen Hai Rong went to go do empire business while also discussing how much of a woman lover their son had turned into, but in the end, they could only accept it since he was their son.

Fen Chang on the other hand made his way out of the palace secretly. Obviously his parents know, since they are the ones who set him up with multiple shadow guards and ways to get out while hiding his identity.

He was on his way to his newly finished restaurant building.

On his way he stopped many times to check out beautiful girls and the shadow guards mark them, try some of the local street food and just admire the capital city.

Eventually he arrived in front of a huge building, you could see everyone who walked by stopped and looked at the majestic building in front of them in astoundment. The building was 12 floors high, with white, black and gold walls covered with glass. It also had lot so of triangular bits as decorations on the outside. The bottom 2 floors where the size of a football pitch while those about drastically got smaller, with the top floor being as small as the average bar size.

This building was exactly what Fen Chang was looking for. Since he had reached his destination. Fen Chang dressed in a black cloak strolled past the guards and entered the building under the watchful eyes of the public.

"Who was that person? He just walked past those guards like it was nothing. I tried to enter earlier and they almost killed me for it."

"Do you think he's the owner."

"Is he some rich young master."

The crowd outside bickering away trying to guess the identity of the mysterious person who entered the building.

Big company's and nobles where especially interested in this news as when they saw the size and majesty of the building, their greed fired up. They tried many times to seize the building, though legal routes and force. Unfortunately for them each time they attempted something; they were stopped in their tracks by city guards. So instead, they planned to make a deal with the owner, and force him to give the building to them. But after weeks of searching, they could not even catch a glimpse of them. But now a cloaked person entered the building their interest was peaked, since it's the first time someone entered that wasn't a builder or guard.

'I should get some guards in place to prepare for the annoying flies. Those big companies will defiantly try something, especially when I saw the people, they put in place to watch this building panicking when I came in. All according to plan.'

With Fen Changs unknown plans falling into place, he decides to check on the people in the building to make sure they are ready. When he enters the main dining hall of the bottom floor what greeted him was hundreds of people dressed in different clothes. Some wore white chef clothes, others in a black and white waiter suit or dress, while others had a formal gown on.

These where Fen Changs restaurant staff. "Good morning young master." They all said in sync.

'Seems like the slave seal worked perfectly on all of them. I had to rewrite a lot of their memories to make them think of me as their master, and that their job is working at a restaurant. I also had to give the chefs lot of training on more modern ways of cooking. I even managed to get working ovens and fridges.'

That's right, Fen Chang used his enslavement technique on all these people. Not without reason of course, because even if they all look like nice people, that doesn't mean they are. Before Fen Chang turned them into slaves many were prisoners, bandits or just homeless people. These people are not ones Fen Chang can trust so he used the enslavement technique on them. Though that doesn't mean all are bad people, some are chefs from competing restaurants and 1 is even the head chef he had kidnapped from the neighbouring empire's kitchen when they had left to go out.

'Ok everyone seems ready. I kept the cute women I found in the bandit camps and prisons to myself and will be keeping them in my internal world as maids and workers. I know how this works with restaurants, cute girls cause arrogant cultivators and young masters to molest them and take advantage of their status, as such I created the perfect plan. I turned the more feminine males and made them traps. Haha, if any try to cop a feel or further, well I'll let them experience what they got themselves into. Besides all the staff are cultivators of at least the stage 0 level 9, with most being stage 1 experts and a few in management being stage 2. So there should be little problems. I also managed to with fathers help enslave a few stage 3 experts to act as the hidden powerhouse. They were death row inmates or bandit leaders that I had father weaken enough for me to enslave, then a few simple pills to heal him back up. Then boom, multiple stage 3 slaves.'

Fen Chang spent the next few hours collecting the ingredients, sorting out the furniture layout, and organising other stuff ready for the opening tonight. Fen Chang plans to open tonight, and he is using his father as a way to drum up business. Instead of publicly saying stuff and showing advertisements, it would be more impactful for all of a sudden, the emperor to enter an unmarked building, then leaving with a satisfied face and then to name the building.

'Ingredients seems to be of the highest quality. Just as I would expect from my personal world. I'm glad I tested if plants can be grown in it.'

When Fen Chang thought about sourcing food for his restaurant then he knew he can't use the standard stuff. As such he got a bunch of seeds of plants that where not known to people, and ones considered inedible and planted them in his internal world. With this he found out that anything underground would experience a faster time at around 1 to 100. So 1 day is 100 days to anything underground.

When he found out about this, the first thing he did was try to bury himself to see if the effects will work, but alas. He could not find a way to abuse it. So in the end he settled for using it for crops, wines and other stuff that required time.

Obviously, he didn't have the time to go around doing farm stuff, so this was when he had the idea of getting slaves and by chance found the slave technique. He then had some shadows go to their enemy empires land and kidnap some beautiful women that can work in his internal space. His father had his reservations, but after thinking about how there from the enemy empire he just sighed and left his son to his business. His internal world had also expanded quite a bit from cultivation, so it was also more than big enough for crops and places for these people to live.

It was like this that Fen Chang has now got an internal world filled with crops, wines and beautiful women. Though beautiful they fall short compared to most, since a lot have a common upbringing are farming experience.

Though they where kidnapped, they are living a life impossible for them otherwise. Completely safe from harm, a happy environment where they can relax, and he even taught them his efficient techniques for stage 0 cultivating. Hence all the women in his internal world where all Stage 0 level 1's or 2's with the talented ones being level 3's.

What shocked Fen Chang the most was Yan Yin. When Fen Chang put a slave seal on her and she found out about the internal world and being able to cultivate. She instantly begged her master to let her. She said that she wants to be more useful and protect him. So, he gave her the methods, and her cultivation rocketed. Within just 1 month she went from normal person to stage 0 level 7. Her talent was even higher that Fen Changs well known peerless younger sister.

So now, with all the preparations ready. Fen Chang only has to wait until its time.

So yeh, time skip happened, this was mostly saying what happened during time skip obviously. Next chapter will have some conflicts with obvious arrogant people. This conflict will only last a few chapters, then restaurant stuff for a little, then cultivation and harem building. Then might be adventure time or at least some action.

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