
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 82×Fallen Crack Head

*Dxd World*

*Research club*



Rias who pacing the room stopped."Alright we will rescue her, Koneko go and inform Akeno and the others."She said as she created a magic circle and looked at Haile.

."Alright Alright no need to look at me like that, I was ever going to see her, can't have her dying yet."Haile said as he took over her magic circle and it turn silver and it's energy disappeared, he pulled Guhna into his arms.

Rias didn't even react at her magic circle being taken, it was pretty abnormal but Haile was also pretty abnormal himself so it evened out.

They disappeared from the room and appeared in a forest trail that seems to be used as it has rails that one can overlook Kuoh town, a bit further up they saw Rias familiar and on the ground Irina still unconscious and her clothes ripped and bloody.

Rias eyes widened as she walk towards her, she looked at Haile."Haile can you save her, I don't have the time, she might die before I have the chance."She said worriedly.

."Mmm, you have quite the good looking familiar."Haile said casually, completely ignoring what Rias said and the injured Irina on the floor as he looked at her familiar still having his arms around Guhna.

The familiar tilt her head slightly in confusion and had an almost ever-present smile on her face, she looked at her master.

."Haile, please we don't have to delay, I don't want her to die, didn't you already agree to it."Rias was exasperated, she didn't know what Irina did to offend Haile that he is acting like this.

The Supreme General acting like a big child, Haile looked into the forest for bit then looked down at the unconscious Irina with distaste."I do not like this girl one bit, you Rias are one of the worse demonic creatures I have ever seen, *sigh*."He said as he reached down and touched her as she instantly woke up, he healed her body.

Guhna needed to say no words, if her Lord didn't like the girl then neither does she, all her Lord has to do is just show the signal and Irina will be gone to me her "God".

."What happened, who did this to you and where is the other girl."Rias conveniently ignored what he said to her and asked her with a now calm baring as she folded her arms.

Irina cracked open her eyes slightly."Xenovia managed to...get away, but I wasn't so lucky, I was to slow, h-he he is very strong, strong."She stuttered as she spoke as she thought back in disbelief at what happened.

."He, who is this person."Rias asked curiously as she leaned closer.

Irina opened her mouth."Fa-."She was saying but instantly passed out for some odd reason even though she was healed.

It was Haile who did it, he wanted somethings to play out the same at least up till Vali showed up, who he will beat up for fun.


Coincidentally the others appeared before them, Sona, Tsubaki, Akeno and Koneko they all looked in surprise.

."Thanks for coming Sona."Rias with a smile on her face as it doesn't hurt to have more manpower.

Sona walked up and stood next to Haile who she patted on the leg as greeting, she looked at Irina."Huh, what happened, wasn't she injured, aside from the ripped clothes, there is nothing, not even a scratch."She said in surprise at this, she looked to Rias.

."Haile healed her with his magic, she is fine now probably just tired or something."Rias said with a casual smile as she relaxed, the only missing piece is Xenovia.


Suddenly all of the devils had a bad feeling suddenly hit them and they all turn to the same direction in unison, it felt holy.

.""Well lookie over yonda, you took the bait and now all of you are gathered hear trap like rats!"".

From behind a tree came Freed Sellzen as usual with his creepy smile and a long sword, he was like a peeping tom.

."How are you all today devil scum and what every else makes up your rotten group."Freed said as he put his hand on his chest and bowed casually and with complete confidence even though he saw Haile in there ranks.

Guhna grit her teeth at this mad man, she walked forward and raised her finger towards him and gathered power on it."You will die for your impudence, don't think you will be escaping like before."She said with a calm suppressed rage.

."Wait wait a sec, hold on wait!."Freed seeing this said hurriedly to her, he recognized that She-Devil or whatever she was.

Guhna didn't listen to him, she gathered more on her finger and glanced back at Haile who nodded his head, she looked back to Freed."You are lucky you get to live a bit longer."She said and walked back to Haile's side at her rightful place.

."Anyways, someone wants to talk to that red head devil over there."Freed said as he instantly calm down.

Rias looked surprised at this."Me, who is this someone."She asked, she glanced over to Irina thinking if it was that person she was talking of.

."Yeah My boss himself!."Freed said with a twisted smile as he looked up.

As he said that the sky turned purple and everything darkened a bit and high in the air above him an angel like figure appeared with 10 wings.

."A fallen angel?."Akeno said feeling a bit uncomfortable, she glanced at Haile briefly, she hopes that nothing comes out of this and causes trouble for her.

Riad frowned but was not scared, she scoot closer to Haile as did everyone else."He has 10 wings as well, he is a leader class fallen angel, a representative."She said a bit grimly at what this could signify.

.""Nice to meet you I suppose, daughter of the house of grimory, my great name is kokabiel"".

The fallen angels said with a grin, his red flavored-snow eyes shining slightly.

."Good day then, Leader of the fallen, my name is Rias Grimory, not so glad to make your acquaintance."She said folding her arms under her breast as she came face to face with an Ultimate Class fallen.

Kokabiel didn't mind what she said."Your crimson hair is beautiful, you look just like your brother, the scarlet haired Devil King sirzech-."He was saying feeling cool from his entrance but was interrupted.

."That is kinda gay you know, just to let you know, guess I know why you fell God didn't seem to like that."Haile said nonchalantly as he chuckled slightly at the end.

Everything laughed a bit even Freed cracked a smile that wasn't completely crazy and filled with killing intent.

Kokabiel felt his temples twitch as a vein bulged from his forehead."...you bastard, You didn't let me finish, *Ahem* as I was saying, it's so infuriating I want to vomit."He said finishing but he didn't get the same satisfaction he would have gotten if he wasn't interrupted so rudely.

."Yeah, your cool entrance is ruined, so anyway why did you contact me, it's rare to be able to see a leader up so close."Rias said still cool headed as she stepped forward showing she was not afraid.

Kokabiel snickered slightly."I was just thinking of starting with your stronghold Kuoh Academy and running wild in this town."He said in a deep menacing voice.

."Our school, why would you do that."Rias asked with a frown, what could his reasons be.

Kokabiel smirked."If I do that then sirzechs will come out of hiding from his little kingdom to protect his little red haired sis, right?."He said grining as he looked down at them.

."I can assure you he will not be needed, but, if you do that, the war between God, the fallen angels and the devils will break out again, why do this?."She asked looking at the idiot, he was only putting his people in danger.


Everyone turned to Haile who let slip a laugh, he looked at everyone."What, continue on, don't mind me."He said with a relaxed smile as he shook his head.

."I had hoped that if I stole the Excaliburs Michael would have come after me but all I got was some small fry exorcist and two lowly holy sword users, I'm extremely disappointed."Kokabiel said with a shake of his head.

Rias had a straight face."So your ultimate goal from the start was to start a war huh?."She asked again, this was starting to get interesting, she was not scared by it at all, she knows the backing she has now.

."That's right, that is exactly right, those cowardly assholes, after the 3-way war was over, I was so bored, Azazel and shemhazai were being passive about the next war as well."Kokabiel said as he clenched his fist in anger.

Haile picked his nose."You are boring me here, does Governor General Azazel know what you are doing here."He said with a serene expression not taking the weakling seriously, he wants the shit to speed up.

."Who cares, that Azazel, not only is he being passive about war, but he also started collecting the Gods artifacts, those weird Sacred Gear and is completely immersed in his useless study of them."Kokabiel mentioned with a tick on his brow.

Haile shrugged."And so what does that have to do with us, not like you alone can cause a war, just by wanting it."He said with a smirk on his face to antagonize him.

."Ohh, you think so, Fallen Angels, God and Devils, they are only just barely in a state of equilibrium."Kokabiel didn't mind him, he had a smirk of his own waiting to drop his next bomb.

Rias and Sona frowned deeply, as they gained a realization of what that ment for the balance.

."You've guessed it huh, even just me alone is enough to push it over the edge and start a war with my own two hands."Kokabiel said with triumph as he spread open his arms with confidence.

Rias folded her arms going back to being casual."So you are just a war monger crackhead Fallen Angel then huh."She said with a nod of her head.

."That's why I am going to use you devils this time, right, Lucifer's little sister, Rias Grimory and Leviathan's little sister, Sona Sitri."Kokabiel said with a smile as his eyes glowed.

Rias and Sona raised a brow, Haile just shook his head, he was never destined to succeed no matter the timeline.

."There must be alot of power over the school you both attend, I'll be able to enjoy the chaos that will be sowed there, it'll be a great war zone."Kokabiel stated with a vicious grin on his face.

.""Hahahahah isn't my boss's crazy state the best?"".

Freed Sellzen said with his own crazy self.

."Oh, I see now it all makes sense, you both...smoke crack together, no wonder, I wonder who was the one who tempted who first, Kokabiel was probably the one tempted that's why he fell from grace."Haile said as he rubbed his chin slightly in all seriousness.

."...Pfft! hahahahhahaha."

Everyone broke into laughter holding there stomach, Guhna laughed the loudest at her Lord's joke, Kokabiel's eye started to twitch violently.

."You all won't be laughing for much long, Freed!."Kokabiel said with a furious smile on his face.


Freed smile crazily and open up his cloak and show off what was within, at that everyone went silent, a multitude of Excaliburs.

."Excaliburs, so many?."Akeno said in surprise, she never saw so much in her life especially not in one place.

Freed danced around a bit."Yes many, there are all in a hyper state and ready to use, I'm the best aren't I, I even got this holy sword, Excalibur Mimic from the girl in pigtails lying right there behind you."He said with his tongue out as he was speaking.

Everyone except Haile, Guhna and Koneko gasped slightly as they heard him.

."Let's have a war, sister of sirzechs lucifer!."Kokabiel shouted as he summoned a light green magic circle and fired off dozens of light spears at them.

*Shh*!!! *Shh*!!!×2

*Shh*!!! *Shh*!!!×2

*Shh*!!! *Shh*!!!×2

The devils was surprised that he attacked so suddenly, Guhna walked forward calmly and raised her hand and summoned a sliver crystal like barrier around everyone.





The spears rained down on the barrier but didn't cause even a scratch at all just a bit of smoke, Kokabiel was surprised at this, he took Freed and flew away.

Everyone looked around and saw that he was gone, they all thanked Guhna who nodded her head calmly and stood next to her Lord.

."Where did that cowardly bastard go, he upped and ran away."Rias said angrily, she was caught off guard if it weren't for Guhna they all might have been injured unless Haile stepped in.

Haile looked in the direction of Kuoh Academy."He is going to the school, he did say that is where he is starting, he made it just clear, let's play for a bit."He said with a relaxed smile on his face.

."I'll put up a barrier over the school to lessen the damage, ya'll can take care of it with Haile there, I suppose you want to see what Kokabiel wants first before defeating him?."Sona said and asked Haile as she pushed up her glasses.

Haile nodded with a smile."Yes we have to take it a bit easy on him for a bit, but who can cause the most damage to him without your rings, I will let that person become my second Goddess."He said with a knowing nod.


Everyone disappeared, some ran towards the school and others just teleported, Rias was thoughtful enough to teleport Irina along with her, now the only the ones left were Guhna and Haile who shook his head with a smile, he sure is mastering his great power of making them do his bidding.

."The poor fools, no matter what they do I will always be your first, that will never change hahahaha."Guhna said as she laughed at them, she move to slightly behind her Lord and stood there guarding his back.

Haile chuckled."You have your fun now, but remember in the future you have to get along with them, they will be your sister Goddesses."He said to her seriously.

Guhna nodded her head, she understood that, she and the other will be allies soon enough, she will have to look after them in the future as will they to her, she sighed a bit, oh how much she would love it if she had her Lord to herself.


*Kuoh Academy*

Sona and her Peerage including Saji were outside the school setting up a barrier that Sona will hold in place with her magic, while Haile and the others watched.

."Thanks Sona, that would be of great help in preventing the need of to much clean up afterwards."Rias said with a slight smile.

Sona nodded slight as she had a serious face, she looked at her with a smirk."Don't think that I'm not going to come in there to deal some damage we still have that challenge, so you can go ahead and have your turn."She said and turn back to the barrier.

."Had anyone caught wind of Xenovia?."Haile asked generally casually.

Everyone shook there heads, she was probably fine though, she managed to get away.

Sona turned to Rias with a doubt full look."Rias, don't you think you should contact your brother, it is not to late, you can't hold pride, we are not powerful enough to decide the flow of a war, as Haile said, the 3 races are more powerful than we think."She said to her.

."Well, I don't see you contacting your big sister."Rias smiled smirked slightly as she said this.

Sona gain a slight amount of Insecurity."My family, it's complicated, your brother will definitely come to your rescue, so..."She finished as she looked back to the barrier.

."Rias, I've already contacted sirzechs."Akeno said with a serious face.

Rias turned to her slightly angry."Why did you call him on your own, you are currently still a member of my peerage you know, plus we can deal with this on our own."She said to her trying to calm down.

."Rias I understand that you have your pride, but please understand this situation, this is bigger than us, this is the difference between life and death for millions, we at least have to let our leaders know, You are making plans based on the fact that Haile will save you, don't let arrogance cloud your mind, this is all his power, I don't want us to bother Haile in our devils troubles, so we should do what's best for everyone, alright?."She said to her gently with a slight warm smile on her face.

Rias frowned slightly for a moment then she sighed under her breath."Alright, you win, it's my fault, I got too arrogant with this new power to see the bigger picture."She said now feeling frustrated with herself.

."Thanks for understanding Rias, sirzechs forces will arrive to intervene somewhere in an hour."Akeno said smiling.

Rias shook her head at that and turn to the academy."I suppose we can wait one hour, we also have to try not to kill him, that could be a reason to restart the war, killing a fallen leader."She said to everyone as she now thought with a straight and calm mindset.

."You all can have your fun, if anything happens in the long run I'll take care of it, so give it your all, don't worry about bothering me."Haile said nonchalantly, chaos is his game, why would he avoid it, infact they should try to cause more chaos, he has to teach them well in the future.


*Inside Kuoh Academy*