
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 56× New Beginning For A Being That's Worth It.


*Kuoh Academy*

Haile and Kiba had now walk through the gates and are now headed to the occult research club behind the school, the school look so strangely beautiful at night, it had some lights on but was mostly illuminated by the moon.

.'Now that I think of it this is the first time I had entered the school at night, it feels mysterious somehow, probably because they are ghost floating around'.Haile thought to himself as he looked around the grounds.

Kiba on the other hand was casual he had seen this sight thousands of times, he lived here in the occult research club so to him he was used to it.

They walked along and quickly arrived at the club, Kiba walked up first and open the door he let Haile go in first and followed after closing the door behind himself.

Haile walked along the cordor and into the usual room everyone be in, he gain a smile as he walked in, everyone was fast sleep, Rias was laying on her desk, Akeno was spread over one of the two small couches and Koneko and Aika were laying on the long couch hugging each other so the one at the edge don't fall.

Koneko who was sleeping ears and nose twitch violently and she steered awake opening her eyes as she looked up rubbing them, she looked and saw Kiba standing next to Haile.

."Haile you come back finally."Koneko said calmly as she rubbed her eyes with back of her hand cutely as she sat up.

Haile smile with a nod."Yeah hope I didn't worry you, little Koneko."He said as he patted her head gently.

At Koneko getting up she also wake up Aika who was sleep next to her, she looked at Koneko and she heard a familiar voice she looked around at brake neck speed, she was at the edge facing the couch back.

."HAILE YOU FINALLY CAME BACK."Aika shouted happily as she jumped straight at him and into his arms hanging onto his body.



."What happened!!."

Because of Aika's scream it jumped awake the other two, Rias rolled off the table in fright falling to the ground and Akeno got up in a panic as she gathered her lightning on her hand.

."Look what you did Aika, you could've been more quiet."Haile said as he shook his head with a smile.

Aika buried her face in his neck in embarrassment.


The two Rias and Akeno finally noticed him and ran to him in happiness and jumped on him also lucky he is strong and big, so Rias held on to his right side and Akeno on his left with Aika on his chest.

."Yes I miss you to, I wasn't gone for that long was I, only a couple of hours, I still made it back quite quickly."Haile said said as he glanced to a wall at the corner of his eyes that flashed in gold, he felt magic outside, he smiled, he know who it was.

After hanging on to him for 5 minutes the girls finally released him and he sat down on the couch where it was Koneko's turn to have him as she sat on his lap.

."Ahem so Haile where did you get sent to anyway, we heard it was somewhere far away."Rias ask him curiously, to make him take so long to return it must truly be very far away.

Haile rubbed his chin as he thought about it."I'm actually not really sure but it was a different space as time was a little different, it was sun set over there and when I came back it was mor-night."Haile he almost slipped up that he was back in the human realm since morning.

."Mm you seems like you were sent to a God realm, the sub realm of a Pantheon, thankfully you came back."Rias said with a pale face as she sighed in relief that he came back.

Haile tilt his head at her."What is wrong, was something supposed to happen?."He was confused.

."You don't know, Teleportation to different realms is illegal without permission by the owner so it means that if you were caught by the God's of that realm and killed we couldn't do much in ways of legal action as they would be in the right and no one will side with us, in your weaken state you're probably to weak to fight them."She said explaining to him as she said another breath of relief that he came back safely.

Haile's eye's twitch slightly at both her calling him weak and the fact that Sirzechs tried to kill him using the hand of another Pantheon.

."Yeah sure, but don't underestimate your man, I can still give out Satan class power casually, no other Gods can do that."Haile said with a smile on his face as he looked her in the eyes, he'll have to give her a good spanking later on.

Rias blushed in embarrassment."Yeah sorry about that, it's just kinda unrealistic to imagine you being so powerful, any God no matter how weak is above Satan class, our leaders are all only Satan class, maybe if they all come together they can beat a lower God."She said in contemplation as she also felt sadness in the fact that they were so weak.

."If your brother hears that he would be pissed hahaha, let me tell you a secret that not alot of the younger generation of the devil race is aware of, the devil race has two protector super class devils."Haile said with a smirk.

Everyone in the room was absolutely shell-shocked except Aika because even though Haile taught her everything important she still didn't understand the full weight of classes.

."What, really, who are there, do I know them?."Rias was the most shock out of the bunch because she was extremely close to one of the leaders and he was supposed to be the strongest devil in the world and according to rumors the strongest in ever.

Haile smile brighter."Yes of course you know them, one more so, they are second generation lucifer, devil king Sirzechs and second generation beelzebub, devil king Akuja."He said as leaned back.

."...."Rias had a baffled look on her faces, one could see this was shocking news to her but she wasn't in disbelief cause she believed Haile.

Everyone else in the room that had met the devil king had a serious look on there faces as they thought back to it.

."..It seems there are a lot of things hidden from me, there is still alot more for me to learn."Rias said with bitterness, she thought that she was finally one of the strongest in the devil race but it seems like nope.

Haile nodded as he rubbed Koneko's head on his lap."Yes that is why not to let this little bit of power fool you into arrogance, Satan class power in the grand scheme of the world is absolutely nothing, nothing at all to beings like us, to be honest right now your man is not the strongest in the world."Haile said ruthlessly but then sighed as he said about himself as he rubbed his chin with his other hand.

."Don't worry Haile, we will get strong for you as well, that way we can help you in the future."Akeno said as she saw him looking a bit down by his current state of weakness.

The other girl's nodded as well even Aika, she has to first train how to control her new power.

."Mm, also one thing, you have to train your actual power as well, the stronger it is the more power you will have when you use the rings, remember that."He said with a gentle smile that they are so supportive of him, he has to hurry and get those rings for them but first he has to do something important.

Haile gained a serious look on his face as he looked at Rias."Rias I have something serious to discuss with you."He said to her with a calm voice rubbed Koneko's head.

."Mm w-what is it, is i-is it serious or is it Serious."Rias said looking nervously, all sorts of thoughts flashed through her mind as panic start to bubble in her stomach.

Haile nodded his head."It could be serious or also could not be, depends on what you make of it, so, I want you to get rid of him."He said motioned with his head to Kiba who is looking to the ground.

Everyone in the room was horrified by what he said except Koneko and Aika who didn't really care that much.

."Wh-w-wh-what i-i- can't, h-he is my family, Pl-please, he isn't doing anything wrong, pl-please just give him a chance."Rias said as her stomach dropped in dismay, she looked over to Kiba, he is her precious family how can she betray him, she would not be able to sleep a peaceful day in her life if that happened.

Then she thought of Haile as her eyes dimed, she will be betraying his trust as well, he will probably throw her away as well.

."Haile please just give him a chance he is a good person."Akeno said as she with dejection in her voice.

Haile nodded his head at this, he is glad for this, he may have had to rethink his decision of if to keep them or not, the trust would not be there between them.

."Mm good at least you are trustable but you don't have to worry about betraying him, I had actually discussed this with Kiba already and he is ok with it as long as you agree with it."Haile said with a soft smile on his face.

Rias looked over to Kiba with surprised on her face."Kiba is this true, do you really want to leave?."She said with a little sadness but honestly she was also a little relieved by that, if he already agreed then she didn't disappoint him.

."...Yes Master...I'm sorry but I have to do this, now that Haile is here with you I don't think it's right that I stay here, it also feels awkward for me, Haile had given me the opportunity to decide my fate, I am forever grateful to you for saving my life on that day and taking me in as one of your very own family and I hope someday I can repay you, but unfortunately as I am now I cannot but I hope in the future I would be able to, I will still stand and fight by your side should anything happen this I promise, so can I have your permission to once again become my own person?."Kiba said with gratitude as he knelt down on both knees and bowed his head.

Rias had tears in her eyes and felt kind of guilty that she felt relief that he was leaving just now."Yes you can, if this is what you truly want then it will be yours, your freedom."Riad said sadly as she walked forward and touched his bow head and then turned her back.

."Thank you president, Haile?."Kiba said gratefully as he wiped his face secretly as he stood up and turned to Haile.

Haile nodded his head and gently took koneko off his lap and stood up."Alright I will be right back, give us a minute."He said as he walk to the door and ushered Kiba to follow.

They arrived out and Haile continued to walk for a bit before stopping under a tree and looked back at Kiba.

."This is it my friend, don't think of this as an end to something, think of it as a beginning for you, now you can go around the world taking on any challenges you so wish, so now a serious question that will decide your future, do you want me to give you the raw super class power or do you want me to give you super class potential."Haile said with a serious look on his face, that is a question that could decide how far he goes in the future.

Kiba made a think posture as he looked at his hands."Mmmmm as much as I'd like to get fast power and be comfortable, I don't think that is manly at all, I would rather work hard with the potential cause at least I know that I will make it, not having to guess like before."He said as he looked up with eyes blazing in determination as he stood straight.

."Yes, that's my boy, very well then."Haile said happily with a proud smile on his face as he Clapped his hands.

Haile walked up to Kiba and rest his finger on his forehead as he did a silver magic circle appeared at his fingertips, he is using his Disguise between seals so the magic fluctuation won't spread to far, as they are probably God's that can probably still sense him even with the Divine Ascension Technique(Dbs)

."So let me first sort out that evil piece, I think Rias needs that, well you don't need it anymore if you want to be free, don't put up any resistance."Haile said as he frown his brows in concentration and directed a calm flow of divine energy into his body and soul in search of the evil piece.

Kiba stood frozen still as he didn't put up any guard or even flinched at all as he just closed his eyes as he surrendered his body and soul, sounds more disgusting than it is.

Haile was in deep concentration as he closed his eyes and used his divine magic as his eyes, he searched around but wasn't seeing anything.

He searched the entire body but still wasn't seeing anything, but how can that be, he knows that it is in there.

."Oh yeah."Haile exclaimed as he used concentration magic, Sealing magic and the formula that made this power possible in the first place, then a bit of Enchanted on himself, almost instantly he felt a new vision and "saw" everything with his magic.

He saw not only the evil piece but even the sacred gear in the form of light, but even that was not all, he saw his DNA, to his not so surprise, he still had a trace of human DNA lefted over, it seems like the evil pieces are not perfect.

He after looking around a bit focused back on the matter at hand the evil piece, it was in the soul, he turn his divine energy into a hand and went for it.


A dull sonic boom sound echoed in Kiba's mind but it didn't affect him much on the outside it just sent a slight shock to his body like touching a plug and getting a little shock.

Inside his soul the evil piece released a vibrant red-light that radiated demonic power as it fought against Haile's divine power with surprising force.

."He really put alot into making these evil pieces, it has a defensive mechanism that is at super class along with help from Sirzechs."Haile smirked as he hit it with even more power.

*Boom*!!! *cha*!!! *Shatter*!!!

A green barrier appeared also but it shattered instantly as it couldn't handle the power of the divine hand, it seems like this evil piece has no counter measures against pure divine power, it seems like the countermeasures were for the holy power of angel.

Though it was being defeated it still held on with everything it has as the green and red energy combined into a black mass of energy that radiated disgusting amounts of power.

Haile frowned at this.'Was all of this even necessary, this is like completely overkill, Peak Super Class really, that was not needed at all.'He thought as he clenched his teeth, he can't put to much power into Kiba's body or he may kill him so he only have one move to use.


Haile used Absorb and sucked up the energy into his divine hand as the piece instantly lost power and stability as the energies crumbled.

Using this chance Haile grabbed it, covered it in silver magic and pulled out it out from his soul and into the physical world.

."Phew, that was a pain in the ass, as you can probably feel you are a free man now, don't give me that lost look you know what to do with your new found freedom, what ever the fuck you want."Haile said to him with a strong voice that echo and resounded in his mind.

Kiba nodded as he clenched his fist an felt somewhat weaker but not by much, only about 10-20%.

."Alright now for my gift from me to you, Super Class potential with the possibility for something higher."Haile said with a smile on his face, he put his finger on his head again.

He did the same thing again using all the spells and formula creating his divine hand, he may keep that as an ability of his, maybe make it bigger or something, he flowed the energy to the light of the sacred gear.

He put his divine finger of it and used Enchanted on it as a magic circle, instantly it glowed illuminating the entire soul as it grew more majestic as Haile poured magic demonic magic energy into it that he got just now from Sirzechs and Ajuka beelzebub.

Unfortunately though he didn't get Sirzechs destruction ability because he didn't use it and it was only a bit of his energy, he'll get it from Rias, it's easier than fighting him.

He pulled out his divine hand from Kiba's soul and put it back into his own body as he looked at Kiba who was clenching and opening his fist.

."You could already feel the changes huh, how does it feel, to know that one day you will be on par with the God's that rule the universe."Haile said with a soft smile as he felt a little happy for him, this was a boy he decided to train a little bit.

Kiba clenched his fist tightly and look up at him with a smile also."It honestly feels amazing, I've never felt so light, like I'm floating in the clouds, I will train hard and be worthy of accepting this power."He said as he got down on one knee like a knight to a king, as he bowed his head and put his hand on his chest.

."I thank you very much for this opportunity Lord Haile, I hope to see you again in the future, should you need me I will be there worry not."He said with a smile on his face as he knew how much Haile enjoys being called Lord.

And it was indeed the case Haile smiled brightly."You are almost a professional ass kisser, good at least you will survive then haha."Haile chuckled a he patted Kiba's shoulders as he stood back up.

."So when are you leaving you can stay for the night, I don't think you can survive out there tonight."Haile asked him, did he even have money.

Kiba smirked at that."Don't underestimate me Lord Haile, I have survived much worse, if I'm hungry I will hunt and eat which is apart of my training, if I am bored I will train, if I'm sleepy I will find a place to sleep as it is apart of training and yes I do have money, Lady Rias family gives us quite alot.."He said as he nod his head.

."Alright I guess this is it then, your new beginning."Haile said with smile on his face as he held out his fist to him.

Kiba looked at it and smiled also he gave his the fist bump."My new beginning."Kiba whispered under his breath as he walked away, this is where it starts, he has nothing right now but he will gain everything.

."Say goodbye to the others for me."Kiba said as he turn and walked away into the night as he is a knight no more.

Haile nodded as he watched his figure disappear."I wonder how you would be when we meet once again in the future, but I know you will not disappoint me, the original series fucked you over but not this time, your hard work will be repaid with success."Haile said as he turn around and looked at the the occult building.

."Hey I can see you there you know, you all are not doing a very good job at hiding, especially you Aika."Haile said with a smile as he looked at the eyes of different colors peering through the window.

He smiled as he walk to the house.