
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 54×How to bed a Hurt Goddess 101 (18+)


*Human world*

*Kyoto Japan*

*Red light district*

Upon seeing the woman Haile's eye's widened slightly.'A Goddess, what is she doing here.'He thought as he felt the divine energy in her body, this was probably the first time he ever saw a true divine Goddess in the flesh.

She looked out and glanced at both of them but still didn't make any reaction as she couldn't see with her eyes blurry from the tears.

."Ah yes Mrs.Raeh, I heard you were having some trouble with the male servants, can I help you, what is wrong did they try something?."Miss melody asked respectfully to the woman, this woman came here every week disturbing the peace.

The lady Raeh glared in her direction."I told you I don't want men near me and you still keep sending them, you know I don't like those bastards, all of them disgusting pigs, nasty, repulsive, vile, ugly, Ugh just disgusting and deserves to DIE!!!."She shouted as she breathed heavily then she started to cry again.

."Well shit, I didn't know I hurt you, well sorry I guess."Haile said joking as he smile slightly, this girl was definitely crazy, I guess living to long of a time will do that to you, she is also having some man problems.

The lady Raeh hearing his voice froze up them she glared at Melody again."You brought another disgusting pig, you are clearing pushing your luck, you think I can't have this place shut down?."She said with a voice full of resentment and hatred.

."Ma'am I advise you calm down, I am not your enemy, also I'm not one of the servants."Haile said as he frowned, he was already getting tired of this woman already, he never even saw this woman before yet she is dissing him like that.

The woman glared at his silhouette as her eyes were still blurry."What, do you feel hurt, huh, how does it feel, all you men are the same."She said hatefully as her figure also radiated loneliness, she was the one that looked most hurt.

."...I see, alright, first may I ask how you know this, how many have you been with."Haile realized why she is acting like this, her probably husband created on her, but as he is probably more powerful than her she couldn't do anything, so she came out to get a breather.

She froze again as she heard him, she frown as she opened her mouth but no words came out, she was stumped.

."Thank you very much, proved my point, just because your husband did you badly does not mean every single one will do that to you."Haile said wisely as he nodded his head, but he spoke some sweet bulshit, he had done that many times from the time he came to this world, but since this woman is free, he won't ming speaking some bulshit to bed a Goddess, that was like a little fantasy of his back in the old world.

She was silence for a moment and spoke again but this a little less hate filled as she regained some of her baring."Then what am I to do then, I saw this happen to many others as well though most of them accepted it, I can't."She said as more tears ran down as she covered her face.

."Come now, you are you beautiful woman, why are you worried about this one fellow, you can easily move on and find someone better, come let me hold you."Haile said gently, as he came closer to her, he went into flirting more as he held her hand.

She flinched and wanted to pull her hand back from the disrespectful man before her but then she heard what he said next.

."What, do you still want to be faithful to a man that already betrayed you, It seems like it only works in his favor, he must be smiling right now knowing that he has such a loyal wife and he can fool around but all you can do is cry about it."Haile whispered under his breath like the whispers of a vile demon from the depths of hell.

Even though he whispered it she definitely heard it as she is still a Goddess, her eyes widened momentarily.'That's right, right now he is with that bitch, if he can do it and not even apologize to me, then why can't I.'She had a thought pop into her mind, but then she shook her head.

.'No I can't, that would make me no better than the men I despise, but that could also be what that bastard is hoping I feel, so I won't do it.'Right now she is having an internal struggle as her eyes looked complicated, she didn't know what to feel, this was not in her nature, not in the nature of her divinity.

Haile's eye's flashed as he noticed her guard was down so he made one final push."Look I know you are a good person, you would never cheat on a good man, but he is not a good man is he, he is out there doing that very thing right now, this is nothing but revenge, no emotional attachments or anything on your part."He said as he rubbed his thumb on the back of her hand gently.

Her eyes seem to look unsure but also seemed to be still struggling, she looked at the blurring imagine of Haile and said to him deliriously."But what about you, how do you feel about me using you for revenge to feel better, won't you be hurt by this."She was not a bad person at heart and didn't want to really hurt anyone, she could understand how that could hurt someone's feelings.

."Well to be honest, I was indeed captured by your beauty and was quite devastated by the fact that you were already taken, but now I just think it a pity that a woman like you would be cheated on and am furious at your husband for this injustice, all I want now is to help you avenge yourself by shower you with the love I think you deserve, now would you do me this honor, help me help you."Haile said with a heroic fury in his eyes as he squeezed her hands a bit to show that he has her back.

Miss Raeh blushed heavily at what he said as her heart started racing."I-i you can-i."She stuttered not knowing what to say in return, her face felt heated as she let him hold her hand.

Haile smiled slightly, right now she is in a very vulnerable state maybe if she was in her right mind she would not fall so low, but she was full of hatred for her husband and want to hurt him back just as badly, she will go right back and tell him what she did so he can suffer.

Miss melody to the side was also in awe of him, even she was a bit touch by what he said so much so that she started to feel jealous that it wasn't her, she frown at the uncomfortable feeling, she wished she had such a good man.

She then shook her her head with a resigned smile.'No, I'm not worthy of a man like him, not after the things I have done.'She thought to herself, she didn't just got this far in life with clean hands and body, she had to do some very dirty stuff to achieve it how can she now want to contaminate an innocent young man no older than twenty.

."So what do you say miss Raeh, would you allow me this honor to help you in your quest for revenge against your evil husband."He said as he lean down and kiss the back of her hands then looked wiped her eyes with his shirt so she could see and look her dead in the eyes.

Miss Raeh when she saw him her heart almost stop, what was she looking at, how can he be a mere mortal, it didn't make any sense, even tye God's were not as beautiful, along with those loving words, almost unreal kindness now a handsome look to add he was the perfect man of any woman's dream.

Her seeing him push her over the edge she was on she nodded her head vigorously.'This would be the perfect revenge against that man, how can he ever hope to compare to this beautiful man before me, beautiful inside and out.'She said in her mind as her eyes lit up as she continued to look at his face as hers turned even more red.


."I thank you for allowing me to help you."Haile said as he pull her hand as she fell into him chest as she yelped, though she didn't know he knows that she allowed herself to be pull by him as he didn't use strength beyond that of peak ordinary human, she only want to act like she still has a little bit of resistance so he won't think that she is a loose woman for agreeing.

She put her hand on his chest as she heard his soft and calm heart beat, it relaxed her as she melted in his arms

Melody look on in envy."Mr.Haile, will you still be needing the room or will you be staying with her, a maximum of three people can go in for the price."She said as her eyes held disappointment as she will have to give back the money also, she is just losing everything today.

."..Mmm you can keep the money, I have to thank you, if you hadn't directed me down here I won't have met her this beauty in my arms."Haile said with a smile a he hugged Raeh more to his chest as he was arouse so his pheromones were releasing.

Melody was filled with even more regret as he said that, meaning it was her own fault."Will you be needing anything else, like to drink."She said respectfully, she still had an image to maintain in front of her guest, but later on she will go and cry about it in her room and eat some ice-cream.

."Well my beautiful Raeh will I need anything?."He looked down at the woman on his chest that looked to be thinking about something.

She came out of her thoughts and looked up at him."Uh oh, no, I still have things from before, can we just go in?."She asked as she wanted to get away from that annoying woman she could feel the negative emotions directed towards herself.

."Yes let's go, Miss melody, I will see you sometime later don't disturb us."He said to melody as he released his hold on Raeh waist and held her hand pulling her into the room with him.

Melody bowed her head and left to give them privacy.'Well at least I earned 10,000 dollars today for nothing.'She thought but she didn't look happy, she walked along.

In the room Haile had shut and lock the door, he looked around the room it was quite a nice room about the size of a large tennis court, it had a half circle couch, A large royal bed that is a circle, a TV on the wall and a dining table with four chairs, on the table was all kinds of alcohol which some were already empty and some candles, it had no windows but the inside was cool because of the ac, he pulled her towards the couch facing the TV.

."Come sit beside me."He said as he led her and he sat as did she and he stretched his arm around her as he looked at her, she was indeed beautiful, long straight white hair and blood wine like red eyes, a long blue dress and a necklace, she was a fine mature beauty.

She looked a bit stiff but she had already resolved herself to it, but it was still hard for her, she was a Goddess of many divinity that were the complete opposite of something so vile, but she still wanted to hurt her husband as he did her.

She glanced across to Haile who was looking at her, her innocent heart sped up, she was well aware that one of the reasons she agreed wasn't just for revenge, but it was revenge that made her do it, otherwise no matter how beautiful he was she would not have budge an inch.

."Hold on a minute, let me get something."Haile said as he got up a went to the table, he took up four candles, he put two on her side of the couch on the ground and on his, he got a lighter and lit up.

He then went to the light and turn it down making it dim, it's one of them lights where you control the brightness.

With that he created a romantic atmosphere in the room as the sweet and tender scent of the candle waft throughout it.

."Ah that is better, let me put on something to watch us while we talk for a bit."Haile said as he sat back down and put his left arm around her, he picked up the remote and put on a random romantic film which he didn't care about much.

Raeh's face turn red at the effort he was putting in for her but she was feeling conflicted.'It is weird to be romanced more by a stranger in minutes than her own husband in millions of years, he deserves this.'She thought as she moved closer to Haile as she looked at the TV.

."Come talk to me, I want to know some things about you, I feel I should know more about you before we start, tell me something about you."Haile said to her with a gentle tone, as he looked at her with interest.

Raeh seeing how interested he was in her life and didn't want to jump straight in it she perked up in surprise, she was once again stunned by him, he was more than just a man, he was perfect in every way, even the way he way he talk was perfect

."Uh, I guess I can start from my family, I have two brothers, I am the youngest of us, I guess you can say we get along fine for the most part, I don't have much friends as we were very rich so it was kind of like we were expected not to need anything else, our father was a horrible person always grounding us in the basement in the dark and starving us, he was later imprisoned for life and we inherited all of his wealth, now though my brothers and I don't get along as much, so you can say I'm very lonely."She said as she thought back to the past, she tried her best to fit it with the human world.

Haile frowned as that story sounded quite familiar, where did he heard that before."What, really, I'm sorry, I guess that gives you one more reason to hate us then huh."Haile said with chuckled rubbing his chin contemplatively.

."What are you apologizing for, it isn't your fault, if anything I should be the one apologizing to you, I had called you some disgusting things yet you treat me so kindly, I'm the one that's sorry."She said as she bowed her head slightly and smile at him as she looked up into his eyes.

Haile looked down into her eyes as well, with the scent of the candles and the romance on the TV he took the chance and moved his head closer to her while transiting his eyes between her lips and her eyes.

She as if drawn in by a magnet did the same and they locked lips first just a touch then they opened there mouth and shared everything with each other.


Reah moan into his mouth as she felt a heat in her stomach, she put her arms around his neck and kissed back more passionately, she was the first to pull back as a strand of silava connected there lips seductively.

."That haa was the best I've had in my hold haa life, even though I've only had one partner but it's still the best, I can't believe a mere kiss could bring such pleasure."Raeh said as her eyes held arousal and a longing for more as she rubbed her finger across her lips as she licked then of his silava.

Haile licked his own as well."Mm that was a special treat for me as well, your taste just as sweet as you."He said as he held her chin up to him looking into her eyes, he got up from the couch and held her hand.

She got up along with him in curiosity, then suddenly she was hoisted up off her foot and into his big strong arms bridal style.


She yelped as it was unexpected, she blushed as she knew she weighted alot she hid her face in his chest, for a normal human to carry her so easily he must be extra strong, her large breast alone are probably like a couple pounds.

Haile walked over to the bed with her in hand and rest her down gently on the bed as he held over her body kissing her lips softly.

."~MMmAh Ha~ile~."



She moaned crazily as He played with her body he kissed her neck and played with one of her breast over her dress as his other hand rubbed her smooth legs.

.'MmAh he didn't even start yet, but I'm feeling so great already, I can't believe this.'Raeh thought as her body shivered slightly as goosebumps appeared on her skin.

He held up and look down at her."Let me help you out of that dress it's blocking me from seeing your true beauty."Haile said as he held her body up and kissed her as he unzip the back of her dress.

Then he proceeded to take it all off leaving her in her full naked beauty and she shyly covered her privates.

."Why are you covering up, this is a work of art, I never thought it was possible a perfectly sculpted being."Haile said as he looked at her fully.

She blushed more heavily at his compliment but she complied and removed her hands, she had never shown her body to anyone but her husband in her entire life of millions of years.


Haile spread open her legs and looked at her beautiful pussy, he didn't hesitate and licked her folds as it was already wet he got to taste her immediately.


Her entire body jerked as she held his head a curve up her back as she squirted all on his face wetting it.

."Mm that was fast, I barely did anything yet, guess your husband is doing a good job."Haile said as he smiled and wipe his face, then he went back to work but this time put in a finger to get her ready to accept him fully into herself.










She screamed as she rapped her feet around his back and came again this time her body convulsed even more as her back looked like a wiggling snake, she held his head down, if he was an ordinary human he would probably be dead, but she didn't even realize this as she was to much into the pleasuble feeling she was receiving.

."Ugh, trying to drown me in your special fluid."Haile groaned as he said with smile then he got up, he reached to his clothes and started taking off.

Her eyes widened as he got naked and looked at his body but she wasn't impressed with his body itself she had seen many with better but his package down below, she never even heard of one like that, she thought back to her pathetic husband and felt disappointed.

Haile stood on the bed and looked down at her, he is deciding what to do and had an idea, he stood over her head and him facing her pussy 69 position.

Raeh looked up at him with a flushed face as she could see everything from down here, she waited to see what he is going to do with her next.

He knelt over her face as he put his cock on her face gently, he rubbed it on her cheeks and lips as she smelt it breathing in deeply.

."Open your mouth."He said as he put it on her lips which she complied with parting her small mouth and put his head in and forced more in, he doesn't have to be careful, it wouldn't leave any permanent damage on her.




."~GgaghgahkkA cough~."

As he push in and out she released a mixture of choking, moan and groaning as her tongue wasn't idle, it moved slightly.






Haile groaned as his balls hit against her forehead, he held down and started eating her out again, he pumped his waist with force as he knew it wouldn't hurt her.


Raeh moaned as he did that for 8 minutes straight then he felt the feeling building up in his balls and started to pump faster and stuck a finger in her pussy and rubbed her clit while sucking the lips.


."~AAGHHGGH YEAH, I'm cumming take it all~




He came in her mouth for a solid 20 seconds as his body trembled slightly and he pumped a bit more before taking out his cock.

."Agh *cough* *cough* *cough* that was re-really rough on my throat, but I understand."She said as she coughed but nothing came up, she looked at his giant cock still hard and pulsing.

Haile now came in front of her and went between her legs."This is it, are you ready."He asked her as he rubbed his cock on her pussy lips as it ran liquid he slap it on if and it created a wet slapping sound.

."Mmm."She nodded as she confirmed, she bit her lips, this man will be the second person that entered her body, her second time, if she said she is not nervous she would be lying, his thing is also extremely large.

Haile smiled at her he rest his cock on her pussy her hole but then lean down and kiss her lips roughly then push his cock in slowly as not to make her uncomfortable.


She feeling the rod entering her body felt a tsunami of pleasure and moaned into his mouth as she hugged his body as if trying to pull him more into herself.


Haile groaned as her pussy rapped around his cock like a virgin, she was almost too tight, his cock was big but women were stretchy for child birth so it shouldn't be like this, it squeezed down on him.





."~MmmmAahhHhM Ye~sssMm~




."~AhhhHaa~!!!." ."~AaaMmm~!!!."

."~AhhhAH~!!!." ."~UhhggAhhMn~."

He started off slowly but sped up as he pumped his cock into her pussy violently, soon his entire length was inside her pussy as the wet juices sound out throughout the room wetting the bed.

He did at a lightning fast pace for 7 minutes straight as he felt the familiar feeling bubbling in his ball.

."~AgHh I'm cumming soon Raeh~."

."~AhhhAaMmm MEE TO I'M CUMMING~!!!." ~AAHHHAAMMmmMAaahhHhaaMm!!!~."

."~AgghhGgh Yeah~!!!."


."~AgggHh~!!!." ."~AhhhHhhhAhha~!!!."














They both came at the same time as they both trembled violently from the pleasure Haile continued pumping his waist violently trying to maximize the after glow of the orgasm for both of them.

After about one minute of continuous pumping he slowed down and pull out of her pussy slowly as he layed on his back relaxing.

.'Sigh yes that divine pussy didn't disappoint me, it wasn't as good as my fantasy but it was definitely up there with Ophis almost, that squeezing thing definitely did the trick.'Haile thought as he glanced across at her also laying on her back.

."Haa haa haa Hai-le that was haa amazing, I've never felt anything like that ever, can we do that again, please."Reah said as she breathed heavily, she looked to him with lustful eyes that glowed slightly.

Haile raised an eyebrow.'She completely forgot about the initial reason she agreed to have sex with me didn't she, well I'm all for.'He thought as he climb over her body but then had and idea and layed back down on the bed.

."You can come on top, let me see your ability."Haile said with a smirk on his face as he put his hands behind his head.

Raeh's eyes widened as she then also gained a smirk of her own as a mischievous expression ensued."Oh you want to challenge me, you're what 20, you're still a million years to young to want to challenge me."She said arrogantly as she got up and sat on his lap rubbing her wet cum filled pussy lips on his cock.

."AggH you should know how to tease don't you."Haile groaned as he said and grabbed her fat ass and squeezed it.


She inserted his cock into her pussy as she moaned and arched her back in pleasure she grind her waist not bouncing yet.









She bounced up and down on his cock but never touched his laps slapping sounds ensued due to Haile spanking her ass as she had it turn to him in reverse cowgirl as she rode him wildly.

."~AghHhhY~es yes~s YES~."

.'I love my life.'

~~~~~~~~~~8 hours later~~~~~~~~~~~~~

In the bed now layed Haile and Raeh with her head on his chest and draw circles it, she had a thoughtful look in her eyes as she periodically glance up at his face.

."Mm uh...Haile..can I ask you something."Raeh suddenly said as she looked up at him with complicated emotions in her eye.

Haile looked down at her curiously, what did she want."Ask away, don't tell me you're pregnant already, that would be crazy."Haile said jokingly, he had one girl in the past do that to him so he would keep her, his heart almost stopped as she told him, but then later he came to find out that it wasn't true, after that close call he started using protection.

."wha..Hahaha no how could that be."Raeh smile and laugh at that, she sighed in her mind, she can't remember the last time she had ever smile, it's been a really long time.

Haile smile also seeing her smile."So what is it, I'm willing to listen."He said but in his mind he had different thoughts, I don't want to hear about your problems but of course that was normal.

."Mm it's just, how would you feel if I divorce my husband and me and you get together, we can be happy together... you get to have me all to yourself and we can do anything you want, all we have to do is live somewhere far away from society, I'm rich."She said hurriedly almost sounding desperate, she looked into his eyes longingly.

Haile was stunned when she said that.'Well shit, Mm now how to go about this.'He thought to himself as he looked back at her.

."Look just think about it, I have not loved my husband for years now and he has never loved me at all, but I still tried my best to make it work because, it concerns the stability of not just me and him but many other people as well, but now I can't take it anymore, I don't care anymore, please, I just want to be happy."She said as tears ran down her face, she looked anguished and lonely as she cried.

Haile looked at her in silence."No."He said that one word, he honestly doesn't care about her troubles at all, but the main reason was that he was also not an exclusive man, so she also wouldn't be happy with him either.

."What...but w-why, didn't you want me just then, do you not like me, I'm beautiful."Raeh widened her eyes as she said with shock, disbelief, disappointment, dismay, insecurity, sadness, despair, depression, gloom, hopelessness, suffering, agony, almost every negative emotions possible flash on her face.

Haile observed all this emotionlessly."You think I would keep you just because you are beautiful, no, I would have sex with you because you are beautiful, I am not as perfect as you thought in your mind."Haile said as he relaxed resting his head on his palm looking into her eyes.

."....."She was stunned to silence, only one emotion remained on her face disappointment, she was not regretful but she was disappointed.

Haile touched her cheek gently."You already knew the reason we agreed to this, it was to help you with your revenge, now it's over, so are we, I loved you for the moment, that should be enough."He said as he got up out the bed stretching and put on his clothes, he looked at her once more and left.

."....."Raeh sat there devastated not nothing what to do, she looked down at her hands as tears fell on them.

*5 minutes later*


After crying and shouting for about 30 minutes straight she calm herself down and stood up, putting back on her dirty dress, she waved her hand and the dress was clean instantly.

."I first have to deal with my pathetic husband, I have to find a way to kill him and take over, I won't allow him even close to my body, I can't let this feeling disappear, this loving feeling that Haile gave me."She said as her eyes looked different than before, she had an emotion in there that even she didn't recognize but it definitely wasn't healthy for her or anything for that matter, it was small but it was growing.

~~~~~~~Sorry I just realized how long this chapter was, hoped you still redd all the way through~~~~~~~over 5000 words.