
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 53×A Familiar Energy


*Kuoh Academy replica*

."We did it."Rias said with smile on her face as she fold her arms, she is going to give Haile a big hug and kiss when she sees him again.

Akeno also had a smile on her face as she looked around at the ruined landscape that was destroyed by there power, the thing is they didn't even use much of it, they were basically playing around and having fun, yet it cause all that damage.

Koneko smile slightly as she clenched her fist and a glint was in her eyes.'I will meet you soon, you will see, I am stronger than you now.'She thought in her mind thinking of her sister.

.""This space will be destroyed in 30s please go to the Teleportation circle, it will take you back to your previous location"".

They looked around and saw the magic circle they quickly ran to it, they didn't know what will happen if they stay here but they weren't ready to find out at all.

They quickly disappeared leaving the space replica.

In the now silent space it suddenly rippled and three figures appeared floating in the sky with varying wings.

."They sure did a number on Riser, sigh I'll surely have to speak to his father Lord Phoenix, that girl giving me more work."Sirzechs said as he rubbed his temples and glanced at Haile the one responsible.

Haile spread his hands."What, would you rather Rias be married off to someone she doesn't want to then, what is getting stepped on a little extra, you're already used to it, so why the complaint."Haile said poking jabs at him.

Sirzechs didn't respond to it he shook his head but he did feel as if an arrow peirced his heart at that, the man was ruthless with his words, he didn't mince them at all.

."Anyway I guess I'll get going then, it's nice to meet you though, forgive my little bashing you are still the brother of one of my girls."Haile said with a smile as he held out his and for a handshake.

Sirzechs looked at his hand for a moment, then he smiled also."Alright, I guess I can do that, I know Rias is happy with this so I won't say anything, take care of her, if anything happens to her I will definitely kill you, fuck the consequences."He said with strong voice as his eyes glowed red and he took Haile's hand and squeezed.


His red aura spread towards Haile and Haile just released his own aura casually resisting, they both looked at each other with a smile as they shared the most epic of hand shakes.

*Boom*!!! *Boom*!!!

*boom*!!! *boom*!!!

*boom*!!! *boom*!!!

*boom*!!! *boom*!!!

As there aura rised the air around them popped and boiled like water in hot oil, small explosions ensued like mini bombs as the ground itself caved beneath them even though they were flying in the sky.

.'A-amazing, this is beyond anything I've ever seen and they are not even serious.'Grafia shielded her face as she tried to defend against the strong winds that was being generated between them, the air had a heavy pressure, she was barely keeping herself in the air.

Haile suddenly smile wider."Good, that is the spirit, this is how a real man should be, not that piece of crap from minutes ago."He said as he nodded his head with satisfaction, he likes to see growth, it matters not how much they grow it will never compare to himself.

."You, can't you just let me have some pride, what the hell is your problem, I can't remember doing anything to you."Sirzechs said as he slumped his shoulders and shook his head with pity for himself as his aura disappeared.

Grafia who was pushed back for away flew back to them and stood off to the side, she looked to Haile with awe, even though Sirzechs true power was unexpected it was still understandable but she didn't even know who Haile really is, she had never heard of his name before.

."Anyway I think I should be going now the girls are probably waiting for me, Grafia it was nice to meet you as well, bye bye."Haile said with a smile on his face as he also bid Grafia good who was looking at him strangely.

Sirzechs nod with a smile on his face at him and created a magic circle in the air for Haile which he stepped on and disappeared leaving only him and his queen.

Grafia just stood slightly behind him respectfully, she glanced at him waiting for him to say something.

."..He, he is a very intriguing fellow, also....very dangerous, very very much so."Sirzechs said as she clenched his fist tightly, he was aware of his own power but even he was unaware of who would win if they were to fight for real and that honestly has him uneasy, he is such a variable.

Grafia just remained silent as she also thought of Haile.'If I am to escape from this man, Lord Haile is probably my best bet, but how, no matter what I have to get away, I regret so much leaving the old Satan faction now I am being hunted by both sides, even though he saved me but he also imprisoned me knowing that I can't escape unless I want to die.'She thought to herself with bitterness at her sad fate.

.'I must find a time to secretly speak to Lord Haile without prying eyes and ears'.


*With Haile*

."....Now....where the fuck am I???."Haile said to himself with surprised, he appeared here out the magic circle on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere.

He looked around the island and found nothing but water on both sides, but he wasn't that worried though, he can just teleport back and even if he couldn't, he could sense his rings.

."Guess this is a little revenge by Sirzechs, the oh so great Satan just because I told the truth, well what ever, to bad for him that it didn't work haha."Haile chuckled as he sat on a rock relaxed as he enjoyed the beautiful sea as the setting sun looked so enchanting.

."Setting sun?".

Haile suddenly realized something."Is it so late already, no something is not right, it was just after 8am when the rating game started, it didn't last no more than two hours, is this still even the human realm, I can't even sense the distance of the rings from here but I can sense the direction, Sirzechs is more petty than I thought.He said as he looked around with vigilant.

."That bastard needs to be taught a lesson, put me into probably a sub space of one of the Pantheon, trying to get me ganged up on by a number of God's huh, well to bad."Haile said with a smirk as he closed his eyes and concentrated then flashed his eyes silver-white and a magic circle appeared.

He frowned a bit."That was harder than I thought, this is a space of extremely powerful God's, the sub realm barrier is even stronger than asgard's own."He said to himself as he stepped on it and disappeared along with it.


*Human world Japan*

In an alleyway a silver-white magic circle appeared with Haile on it, he looked around curiously, he didn't recognize anything.

."Where am I now, but at least I can feel the rings being closer, so I know for sure I am in Japan, man those devils imagination ability is so unfair, how comes I am a God but i have to use coordinates but not them, that is bulshit, I think I'm going to have to have a talk with God about this favoritism."Haile said grumbling to him as he walk out on the street.

As he walk out the alley he attracted alot of attention, every thing about him was catchy, his appearance first of all was a 9 in the grand scheme no one in dxd can compare to that so everyone was looking.

But what attracted the people's attention more was that he was a rare foreigner, his height didn't shock them in the slightest after looking at him, it seems the rumors were true.

Some of the woman blushed as they saw him but some for different reasons also, his being so handsome plus that one rumor there were a wet mess.

But Haile as usual ignore the ignorant mortals and walk around enjoying the sight.

.'Mmm I'm not seeing anything that can tell me the city I'm in, but it's definitely gigantic, I'll have to take the girls here maybe for a day or two.'Haile thought as he continued walking along, ignoring the fact that he is causing traffic on the streets.

As he got further into the city the people around got more scarce and also drunk at this time of day, he also saw more pubs and love hotel, even a red light district.

."Mm maybe I'll stop by for a drink or two, I haven't had alcohol in a good while."Haile said to himself with a smile as he walk into the red light district.

Soon lots of women dressed very scantily start walking up him, asking him all sorts of strange things and disturbing things.

."~Welcome big boy, choose me and I'll suck your dick from behind~."

."~No no choose me and I'll give you my special post orgasmic blowjob~."

."~I'll eat your ass, my treat~"

."~Have you ever felt a half foot pussy~."

."~I accept golden showers~."

."~I do anal~."

Haile's face turn disgusted, he is pretty sure that last one was a man, even if not he will not lower himself that low no matter how horny.

He ignored those overly used woman and possibly man and walked inside the building, thankfully inside was much more classy than outside.

It was like a restaurant but no food was served only drinks, he could see all sorts of lonely poor oldmen with there hand rapped around some pretty young ladies that were serving him his drink, they were definitely having the time of there life before its over.

As he entered a beautiful woman walked up to him, but she was fully dress in a long black dress with flower patters and looked to be rich from her bearing, she had blonde hair blue eyes and a nice curve body even though she is probably in her fortys as a human, she was probably the owner of this red district.

."Hey handsome, welcome to the dragons resting place, one of THE best in Kyoto, My name is melody nice to meet you, what would you be having, public or private."She said as she stopped in front of him, her cheeks her slightly flushed but one can see that she was experienced from the way she kept her noble bearing and didn't freak out like the others.

Haile eyes slightly widen.'So I'm in Kyoto, that makes sense I guess, now this woman here is quite classy especially being in such a place like this.'Haile thought as he then observed the lady before him, he nodded his head in acknowledgement of her beauty.

."So miss melody, beautiful name by the way, the melody of your beauty has given my ears a pleasurable experience, ah so uh now, what is the difference between the two."Haile said as he smile at her.

Her face became even redder at the compliment but she took a deep breath controlling herself."Sir, you must not be well verse in this, is this your first time, please follow me."She said with a little hesitancy as she turn around and walked deeper inside.

Haile tagged along behind her, as he walked in he could see less and less people till he eventually saw nuh, but then he saw door, the rooms were sound proof but to Haile that was like a normal room, he could hear the sounds of moaning and stuff but also some other disturbing sounds, some harsh words were being said.

They soon arrived in the back, it was a big room about as big as a basketball court, there was a gigantic TV on the wall that was showing all the old men that he saw earlier at the front.

He frown as he looked at the lady."Why did you show me this."He asked her, he didn't know her reasoning for showing this to him, is this to make him get the private room.

."Well this is what you will experience at the public tables, nothing you do or say will be private to you, the girls have mics on there body to pick up every sound so nothing is a secret."She saw with a smile on her face.

He shook his head."You didn't really need to do all that you know, I was ever going to get the private one, so what is different."He said as he folded his arms and looked at her.

."Well, for one, the privacy, you will have a private bullet proof and sound proof room all for yourself, then if you want you will get to pick from our actual best girls, from virgins to girls that only had one partner, or two partners or three partners, you get the gust, you will get to choose all of this, you will have total control, think of it like a game where you can customize your own sexual partner, any fantasy you could possibly imagine, five free drinks up to twenty dollars included."She said with a beautiful smile on her face as her chest rose in pride at how great there place was.

Haile was actually amazed at that, if that is true then it's quite impressive, they would have to have almost absolute control over the girls to make sure that they are not doing anything untoward, probably have then sign contracts and such.

."Alright so how much is it then, for that much features, you all must pay out alot of money so you have to earn profits, so it must be extremely expensive."He said said watching her expression that looked like one of them greedy merchants.

She smile wider at that."Well of course we have to get profits, a man of your stature would of course pay for things he likes, otherwise what is the reason for money, it is useless if you can't get what you want, it's just a small amount of 5,000 dollars an hour, even poor men pay it all the time, you wouldn't consider yourself below then right."She said as she rubbed her hands together slightly as a crafty glint flashed through her eyes.

."...It's actually not as expensive as I thought."Haile said, he knows what she is doing he is not bothered by it, but he better like it, otherwise he'll just destroy the place razing it to the ground, though he is not here for sex just as experience.

The lady nodded her head at that.'Sure enough he is a rich second generation, but....he is definitely unlike the others, almost want to make me keep him for myself, I'm so jealous of these girls that get to be with him, but sigh I'm to old now, he not going to like my old pussy .'She thought in her mind as she sigh sadly to herself.

."I will pay cash up front about two hours, but I may only take the drinks."Haile said as he reached behind him back to his back pocket, but a small magic circle appeared behind his back with money.

He gave it to her and she took it dazingly, she never expected him to walk around with so much money, she is accustom to cards and sometimes men even bring there weekly checks.

."Thank you sir, I'll take you to a private booth where you can drink in peace."She said as she bow to him slightly and folded the money.

As she was going to lead him on the way a girl ran through the room in a panic."Miss melody, miss melody, that rich lady from private booth five is crying and acting up again towards the male servants."She said as she breathed heavily like she ran all the way here, which she did.

."What does that mad woman want now, she's lucky she's rich, Mr.-."Miss melody grumbled then she turn to Haile who was off to the side.

Haile look at her."My name is Haile."He said with a slight smile on his face.

The girl finally noticed him standing there as she was focused only on Miss melody, she turn to him and went into a daze as her face turn red like blood.

."...Uh uh Miss I'll be going n-nowow."The girl said as she ran out of room funnily as the back of her skirt was wet.

Miss melody shook her head at that, that girl need more experience talking to men."Anyways Mr.Haile sorry about, I'll have to stop by there to check and see what's going on, you are welcomed to follow, anyway your room is there as well."She said as she bowed and walked off to the same door the girl came through.

Haile nodded his head and followed, if it's on the way already why bother waiting till she came all the way back up.

They walked along a Corder there were no doors or any, at the end of it there was a elevator.

.'Oh I see, the private rooms are underground, this is where everything really is Up top is only a cover so they can do anything underground.'Haile thought as they went into the elevator which she pressed to the 2nd flood, they were only two buttons, first and second floor.

There stood in silence as the elevator went up slightly then down, but Melody was secretly observing Haile out of the corner of her eyes, it was just that he was so interesting to look at, she had amazement in her eyes as she did.

Soon the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened leading into another hallway, but this one had a door every 10 meters and there were only six doors going down.

Melody led the way walking down down the Cordor.

Haile followed behind, he looked at the doors and saw that some were marked occupied while some mark open, follow by numbers.

They arrived at a door numbered five, melody knocked on it and waited but still didn't hear anything, she knocked again.





This time the door opened and white hair peeked out, it was a woman but as she was crying her face was wet and hair was stuck to Her face, she look out with red eyes that were also red from crying.

."What *sob* i-is it?."

Haile eyes widened upon seeing her.'A Goddess? what is she doing here.'...