
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 27×Won't Be Missed

Asgard Outside The Barrier

Haile was walking fast almost skipping in excitement, he had gained so much from today, not only what he came for he even formed a brotherhood with the most powerful Norse God the mighty Thor.

To say he was elated was an understatement, he had never expected things to go so smoothly, infact it went too smooth, all his plans that he prepared was all for nought, he was almost disappointed.

."Well, all's well and ends well."


."...."He was in stunned silence as his big mouth once again caused him trouble, another of those hybrids appeared infront of him violently growling at him as if it new he killed one of it's kind.

Haile smile at it."You know what, you guy's are kinda cute to look at from a distance."He said and started walking towards it still with the same smile on his face.

He arrived right infront of it and it raised it claws at him.


Haile still with a smile on his face slapped it turning it to to nothing but blood that splattered across the ground dying it red.

."Mmm, I've done you a favor Failure, I've given you an almost painless death after your tragic life."Haile said as he continued walking along back to the forest where he first appeared.

He will go there to teleport back to the human world, he won't try teleporting elsewhere and get dropped off to a random place he don't know, maybe that forest was the coordinates of right back to his house.

So he chose the safe route, going right back to that forest.

He arrived extremely fast, it only took him a few minutes and he was back because he didn't feel like using Teleportation.

."Now to home."He said Summoning Ophis purple snake and using it to summon a magic circle, the same silver-white magic circle as he had not taken off Disguise between seals.


And he disappeared leaving asgard, for how long only time will tell.


Human World

*4:30am Monday*

In a flash of silver-white he appeared back home, maybe a little ways from where he Teleported from but close enough that he didn't care.

He walked along to the door with a smile on his face.'Asia probably misses me alot as she was asleep when I lefted, she must thought I died again if she is up by now after not feeling my body."His smile widened at that thought.

He open the door and went in not keeping much noise to not wake them up, he released his Disguise between seals allowing ophis to feel his presence.


In the bedroom both Ophis and Asia are sleeping hugging each other comfortably as if they were blood sisters who had been together forever, suddenly ophis snapped open her eyes as she looked to the bedroom door.

A smile creeped on her face as a look of relief was in her eyes before her face relaxed to its previous Emotionless demeanor and look at Asia.

She shifted out of Asia grasped gently without waking her up so she can get out of bed and go to Haile, she wants to see him with her own two eyes.

She got up out the bed and walk to the door, open it and went out with her heart speeding up with every step she took.

She opened the door and there he was standing with his mighty physique that even she felt like she could rely on to be her rock and foundation.

Haile smiled seeing her and open his arms for her to jump in and she did, she dived right into his embrace.

."Did you miss me, I was only gone for a bit."Haile said squeezing her tightly for a bit give her a kiss on her cheeks then lips before looking into the bedroom to Asia.

Haile put down Ophis."Ophis there is something me and Asia have to day today so we will be leaving, but there's something I want you to do for me, will you?."He said as he looked at her gently and reached towards her to caress her head and hair.

Ophis nodded with her Emotionless face but she snuggle again his hand."What do you want me to do."She ask him lazily as she rubbed against him like a cat.

."There's something I need, I'm creating a weapon but I'm missing a few key ingredients, first thing is I need a dragon scale from one of the dragon kings the stronger the better and last a piece of Sun wukong's staff,."He said to her seriously, the reason for the dragon scales are self evident.

The reason he want a piece of the staff is because of its ability to increase in size and change its weight and form at will, that will be extremely useful to him.

This is all to create the ultimate weapon, God slaying Fangs, black iron from wukong's staff, Dragon scales and Uru.

Ophis nodded her head, it was easy enough but she then looked at him and pointed at her mouth."Reward."She said cutely as she raised her head.

."You don't have to ask that as a reward, I'll give you a kiss either way."He said as he leaned in taking her lips with his own sucking her lips and tongue before pulling away drawing a strand of silava between them.


Ophis moaned as she had her eyes closed savoring the taste of his tongue lefted over in her mouth from the kiss, so she stood there for a bit.

Haile smiled at a what she was doing and turn to go into the bedroom to get Asia, since she was with him last time he'll go with her to the old lady's place.

He stopped suddenly as if remembered something."Wait, Ophis do you know where the two heavenly dragons are."He ask her, he knows where issei I but he would love to find vali.

Ophis nodded her head but then stop."No only one, vali, white dragon not red dragon."She said correcting herself.

."Ok, so I'd also like a piece of his balance breaker, it will not hurt him or anything, I know his power."He said explaining to her.

Ophis thought about then nodded her head."Alright, I'll get it or the whole body."She said saying some chilling things with a straight face.

Haile raised an eyebrow."I don't want you to kill him you know, maybe just ask him for a spar and knock the living daylights out of him and secretly sneak away a piece of the scales."He had to correct himself, he didn't want her to just kill him if he resisted.

Ophis shrugged like she was disappointed."Ok."She said monotonously as she walk along to the living room to watch some tv.

Haile shook his head and walked along to Asia who was still in a deep sleep as she twisted and turned on the bed as there was no one else to stop her rolling.

He walk up to her and sat on the bed."~Asia~."He whispered seductively into her ears as he patted her head gently and look at her face that suddenly gained a small smile as if having a good dream from hearing his voice.




He continues to whisper into her ears as them kissed her cheek and face, then to her lips, he could feel them twitching at his touch, he smiled in return.

."~Why are you pretending to sleep my dare little Asia."He said still whispering to her and kissed her mouth again this time she kissed back as her face turn red.


She moaned into the kiss as her arms reached around his waist and tried pulling him to her more for which he allowed.

He put some of his weight on her body and held her head and kissed her roughly as he caress her back gently, he did this for 30s then he pulled away go look at her blushing face as she breathed heavily with her eyes closed from there rough play for which she seemed to like very much.

."Come get up, we'll go somewhere."He said to her gently as he continue to rub her head with a smile on his face.

Asia opened her eyes in curiosity."Where will we be going???."She asked with question marks on her head, she started thinking back on if they had any dates planned and couldn't think of any and start to get nervous if she had possibly forgot, which she think is impossible.

."Hey what did I tell you, don't let your thoughts run wild like that, we are going to the old lady's Cafe as we have promised we will come back."He said to her before her thoughts get out of hand, she is really a lossed cause.

."Oh, yeah."She said in realization as she calmed down.

Haile smiled as he rubbed her head and kiss her forehead and stood up, he held her hand and helped her to get up as well.

."Hold on a minute, let me go and freshen up quickly."She said with a blush on her face and rushed on to the bathroom quickly hiding her face in her palms.

He shook his head."What is she embarrassed about, you are human it happens, like I would care about something like that."He said with a smile on his face as he looked at the bed glistening.

He waved his hand on the sheets lift off the bed."Water Magic."He said with a large ball of water gathering, he put the sheets in the water ball and swish it around for a bit.

Then he dissipated the water ball leaving just the wet sheet."Fire Magic."A ring of appeared at his command, he let the wet ball of sheets pass through the ring of fire in a cycle for 30s.

He canceled the fire magic but the sheets were still mostly wet but only with spots here and there."Wind magic."He then created a ball of compressed air and threw the sheet into in to let then fully dry.

In seconds they were finished and he put the all back on the bed perfectly without lifting a finger to touch any of it.

."This could be a good way to train magic control, that shit requires quite alot of concentration."He said wiping away his non existent sweat from his forehead, as he looked at his "hard work".

He then walked out the bedroom and headed to the living room to wait on Asia, she will probably take extra time from embarrassment before she comes out.

He walked out the bedroom and saw Ophis watching tv, since she first watched it she became a tv addict, luckily for her she can't become fat.

With all that tv watching and cake eating she does she would be a a bus by now, Asia is the one that has to watch what she eats, she may want to eat like Ophis and become a planet.

He went next to ophis and sat down with her, he put his arms around her shoulders and she snuggled closer to him and rest her head on his chest.



A hour afterwards she came back with a relaxed look on her face fully dressed, but one could still see her face being Slightly red as she avoided eye contact with a Haile.

."So are you ready to leave Asia."Haile smiled seeing her out, she really took her time in there, he almost wanted to go check on her.

Asia nodded her head still not looking him in the eyes."Yes, I'm ready."She said and started walking to the door.

Haile laughed at her, then turned to Ophis."Ophis we'll be going now, I want you to be careful, dodge every attack don't try to block or endure it, trust me."He said to her seriously, he knew what happened to her in the original with Samuel's poison.

Ophis seeing his serious expression nodded her head."I'm strong."She understood that he cares for her but also wanted him to know she's strong.

."I know but I still want you to be careful."He said with a smile brightly, as he leaned in and kissed her lips before getting up, with the box in his hand and follow behind Asia who was waiting by the door.

He walked up to Asia and held her waist looking back at ophis once more before leaving with Asia in hand.

They arrived outside he looked at Asia."Asia which would you prefer to walk or teleport directly there."He asked her to see her opinion, he is ok with any method but she might want to enjoy the nature.

Asia though about it."Mmm maybe we can walk."She said, in her mind she was think of how to spend as much time with him as possible without seeming needy, nagging or clingy.

Haile nodded his head and took her hand, he could read her like a book, she wanted to spend more time with him by herself without anyone else.

They walked along the track with Asia almost skipping, though she did look back every now and then, she felt bad leaving Ophis by herself and wanted to bring her along but she wanted some time alone with Haile.

But she still felt a bit guilty so she kept on looking back, then she felt a tug on her hand from Haile.

."What are you thinking of in a daze and why are you looking back all the time, are you worried about ophis?."He seeing her distracted asked her.

Asia shook her head."It's nothing, let's go."She smile lightly and said to him no longer looking back.

The walk along to the Cafe in a beautiful silence as they both enjoyed it, they pass by people on the streets out early in the morning like them, they passed the crosswalk and continued on.

Soon they arrived at the Cafe, Haile raised an eyebrow."Mmm strange, why isn't she here by now."He said to himself also letting Asia hear it.

He walked up to the glass and peered through it to see if she's inside, he looked through and did see some movements on the inside and smiled.




He knocked on the glass trying to the attention of the old lady, he saw the person turn around at the Knock and came towards the window.


The door open and a middle age woman in her early thirties, she looked out curiosity."Hello, how can I help you, this shop is not opened at the moment."She said politely.

Haile raised an eyebrow and glanced at Asia.'Well shit.'He had a bad feeling, he knew this was going to happen, but he had to be sure and not jump to conclusions.

."Uh..is..is the old lady not coming to work today by chance?."He asked her softly but his hope isn't up, he kept an eye on Asia.

The woman looked at both of them up and down then her eyes widened."Oh, are you the one she gave the box to."She asked him in a strange tone.

Haile felt a bad feeling from her tone, he shook his head."No I'm not, I only came to check on her as I saw she wasn't feeling well the last time I came here."He said and squeezed Asia so she can be quite.

The woman gained a dispirited look in her eyes as she sighed."Oh...well the old lady's dead."She said that with a uninterested looked.

Haile frown.'Just as I thought, but this situation is not as simple as it seems on the surface."He thought to himself then he felt a tug on his hand.

."Ahh Noo, bu-but we...we just saw her last week!!!."

Asia broke down crying as she hugged Haile, though she wasn't close to the old lady she still felt sadden by the news of her death, it was so sudden especially just after meeting her.

The woman looked at Asia with a annoyed look in her eyes, while Haile hugged Asia comforting her, he looked at the woman's expression.

."When is the funeral going to be I'd like to attend it."Haile said calmly watching her expressions carefully.

The lady had a slight hesitation in her eyes."ah, uh she is, her body is being shipped back to her city, so she will not be getting layed to rest in Kuoh, sorry."She said to him not in the eyes as she looked around nervously.

Haile frowned deep.'I see.'He though as his eyes turned golden, he raised his hand extremely quickly and put his finger on her forehead catching her off guard.

Her eyes became blank and just stood there looking out of it.

."Tell me who are you, are you a member of the supernatural, details."He said with his eyes glowing brightly, he had put her under hypnosis to learn the details of what is going on.

The woman open her mouth."I am not, I am human, I have no connection to the supernatural."She said monotonously.

Haile frowned again.'Was it just a conflict between humans."He thought, then he ask her something again, but this time he placed a barrier around Asia so she can't hear outside and rightfully so.

."How did the old lady die, details."

She spoke again."We killed her and threw her body into a furnace to burn so we can hide the evidence."

Haile eyes widened as a heavy pressure was released from him but he instantly calmed him and asked again."Who is this we, who else is apart of this."

And she responded."Me, my brother,my father and my mother, my mother is not apart of it but it was for her."

He asked again."Why, tell me why."This time he clenched his fist, he liked that old lady.

."My mother is sick, so we had to get money for the treatment, we had none, it costs to much so we didn't have a choice, we have been watching the old lady for five months now, we heard she was rich and had alot of money hidden away, we had found out a way to find her money, which is the box."

Haile's eyes twitch."So why did you kill her, she is old and can't do anything, why not just rob her."

We weren't planning to kill her, but my father was consumed by anger when she said she gave it away and it was no longer with her mean all of our efforts was pointless, we tried to ask her where it was but she didn't give in so he killed her."

."...Why her, why not some other rich person."

."She was already close to death for the past four months, we heard her child and grandchildren all died in a fire in the country side where she use to live, so she is alone in this world and won't be missed by anyone so we choose her to make the sacrifice for our mothers life."

Haile froze.'Won't be missed."He whispered as his eye glowed brighter and then suddenly he smiled, a warm smile appeared his face.

."Woman, lead me the way to your family so I can kill them, where are they exactly."He said calmly.

."The woods just outside Kuoh town."

Haile turned to Asia who was still crying in the barrier, he removed."Asia I want you to go home, I will teleport you there, here hold out your hand."He took her hand and past some of his magic into it so she can open the door.

Asia saw he was extremely serious, she had never seen him like this before she nodded her head.

He looked around and sensed around to see if anyone was watching, then he created a silver-white magic circle and teleported her back home along with the box.

Then turn back to the woman with a smile on his face.