
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 169×Ass Kisser Dragon


*Haile's Fortress*

*Thursday*No Clue

*Time No Clue*


In Crystal's mansion cottage in the woods she was still in her bar drinking away her sorrows and sadness, piled on the counter on the side was over 200 empty shot glasses and she still wasn't finished yet.

But for some reason her eyes were not as glazed over as they were before, it's almost like the more she drank the more she became sober and clear headed, very strange.

."*Sigh* always the same, no fun at all, anyway when will that basta-..master come, did he decided to not come anymore, maybe he found someone else to do the job."Crystal said laying her head on the bar twirling a shot glass in her hand filled with strawberry vodka.

.""Who says I am not already here, maybe you just didn't realize it yet"".

Crystal's body stiffen up, beside her in her line of vision Haile was sitting there casually with a shot glass in his hand also, all she did was blink and he was already there.


Crystal fell back and off the stool falling on the ground, she was almost scared to death, no one had ever snook up on her before, she almost had a heart attack.

."Bastard-I mean master you scared me to death, how did you do that, that's impossible, it shouldn't be!?."Crystal said with disbelief, she got up off the ground quickly dusting herself off.

Haile smiled."Impossible, no such thing exist, now I've given you enough time to think it through some more and relax the tension from your discipline, what do you say to becoming the Demon Queen of Volociblazers."He said as he squint his eyes giving her a creepy side eye.

."*Sigh* why do you say that like I have a choice, anyway yeah, I guess it could be fun, but what exactly does this roll entail."Crystal asked him now calming down, she sat back on the stool and took up another two more shots of vodka downing it all in one gulp.

Haile looked into his shot glass for a moment before looking at her."I want you to try your best to destroy the world, if you accomplish this then you may have any wish you desire, if you fail..."He said trailing off casually as he smirked, he wasn't really planning to do anything to her if she failed but she doesn't need to know that.

Crystal's face turned pale."...You must be crazy, for-forgive me master bu-but that is ridiculous, if I destroy the world where will I live, where will you live."She said with confusion, is this a mad genius she ran into, he is clearly not retarded so he must be a crazy genius.

."You sound awfully confident, hahaha, I don't think it would be as easy as you may believe, Mariah Minrin may have something different to say about it."Haile said with a smile on his face, he chuckle.

Crystal froze, she looked at him with confusion, some thoughts floated into her mind."Alright I accept."She said calmly, her mind now clear once again, but a strange glow was now in her eyes.

Haile tilt his head also confused.'What's with the sudden change, strange, but I suppose the willingness is a good sign.'He thought nodding to her.

."So master, can I kiss you?."Crystal asked, just casually, she didn't have any hope for him to agree but hey it was at least worth a shot, what could go wrong.

Haile looked at her for a bit."Mmm, sure why not, only because you agreed."He said, he reach to her face with a smile, he tilt her chin and kissed her lips.


Crystal's face turned a shade of pink, she felt an electric spark all over her body and her stomach had butterflies.

."Is that good enough for you?."Haile asked her with a smile as he pulled back leaving only a string of saliva between their lips.

Crystal nods with pink cheeks."I thank you, that was amazing, I didn't know that kissing someone could possibly be that good, definitely the best I've ever had."She said trying to keep her cool.

."Good, then go start your quest, I'll see you next time, I also have some side quest to complete."Haile said casually, he got up after taking his shot of the vodka.

Crystal looked at him walk away as he fade into a golden dust."Bye master."She said waving, she stared at where he disappeared for a little more before looking back at the glasses of vodka, she taps the bar counter and all the vodka shots started to boil with electricity.

."Alright time for greatness, first take over the Demon Army of Volociblazers, then take over the world then try my best to kill Minrin."Crystal said as her eyes glowed menacingly, she smirked playfully, she took up one of her crazy electric shots and down it.


*Dxd World*

*Human World*

*India Tower Of Wisdom*

Haile opened his eyes finding himself laying down on Violet elder's lap who by the way had a look of triumph as she smirks down at him smugly.

."Finally wake up huh, I take that as praise, I guess I sucked the soul right out your body for a little bit."Violet elder says with a smile, she rubs his hair gently, it was soft to the touch and she quite enjoyed it.

Haile looked down at his body, all his clothes was on properly, he smiles."Yeah sure if you say so."He said, he honestly didn't feel anything, he had went off to another world he usually has his consciousness but it seems something went wrong this time.

."No need to be embarrassed, it's totally normal to sleep like a baby after losing consciousness from the pleasure, you're still young you have alot to learn, you're like what 20?."Violet asked with a passing remark of if he was 20 years old, she was so proud.

Haile chuckled."Nope, I'm 17, almost 18, hope you don't have a law here against that."He said with a smile looking up at her.

.".....Violet elder stared down at him in silence, she slowly moved her hand to her mouth and started nibbling on her fingernail looking to the door like an army is going to burst in any second.

Haile laughed."Whats wrong, are you scared, it's not a big deal you know, age is but a number of mortals."He said casually turning his head to her stomach and taking a deep breath almost draining the air of oxygen.

At the word mortal Violet elder's eyes shun a bit."Wait, you said you were a God right, are you really, please tell me you are, I couldn't possibly live with myself taking advantage of a poor boy."She said with a bit of grievance, but she already couldn't do anything, she already sucked him off and he even made her cum.

."Hahahaha, imagine that, I thought you wouldn't even care about that, being the kind of woman you are I thought you'd be excited to play with a young body, strange."Haile said with a raised eyebrow.

Violet elder's eye twitched."What kind of person do people see me as, I'm not some great monster that go so far as playing with children, *sigh* but it's to late already."She said depressed.


Haile pulled down her head and took her lips so she'd shut up for a bit, Violet elder was caught off guard, but she felt it so pleasant and warm, Haile pulls away first.

."Relax it's not a big deal, it's ok Violet."Haile said calmly holding her face in his hands, he could see the panic in her eyes, he didn't think that some random magicians cut off from society would still have morals, especially her.


.""Hello master, miss me?"".

Haeek walked in elegantly and masterfully with a shiny yellow smile, he smiled wider as he saw the comcupiscent atmosphere between the two of them."Oh, you two are getting along quite well I see, master I hope she hasn't taken any of your innocence yet."He said grinning.

."Oh Haeek, I was just about to think of you, remember when I said I wanted an ass kisser dragon....that's going to be you."Haile said with a smirk, he pointed his finger at a frightened Haeek, a golden beam shot out.


Haeek"s face turned green, blue and yellow."MASTER NO I DON'T WANT BE A SCALY BASTARD AAHHH!!!."He shouted as the golden beam enveloped him swallowing him whole.

Haile smiled at this, what he used was his dragon energy, he mixed some of it was his life force, he is currently performing a state of the art surgery, life-force replacement surgery, blood replacement surgery, bone replacement surgery and organ replacement surgery except the brain.

Basically he's changing the molecular structure of those specific things to match a dragon, like his sacred geometry, every body, every race and even every body part has its own frequency, tap into it and you have control.

But right now he is cheating again like usual, he is using the dragon energy he has in exchange for finding the dragon frequency, also he used his blood manipulate to make Haeek"s body non rejective to the physical alteration.


Haeek groaned out in pain as the light slowly transformed itself into a brown shell that covered Haeek entirely, the shell had veins that were pulsing like a heartbeat.

Violet elder looked at this with fascination."So you really are a God."She said with some disbelief but also a bit of relief was in her eyes, at least she didn't do anything wrong.

."You are totally worried about the wrong things, but look Haeek's going to hatch pretty soon."Haile said with a smile looking at the shell that is beginning to get razor thin cracks already, it was fast but effective.


*Outside Underground City*

The girls were still seated on a few large boulders glancing at the portable toilet from time to time, Guhna was the most ashamed, she was her lords great guardian, she is supposed to stay by his side till the end of time.

."*Sigh* I decided, all of you listen up closely."Guhna said standing up on the rock, her eyes were determined and strong, she looked everyone in the eyes confidently.

Hera was a little irked with Guhna's commanding tone towards her but she didn't have any bright ideas so she'll just go along with it for now.

."What is it Guhna."Akeno asked softly with her hand under her chin casually, she was thinking of some past issues with her father and mother, also of Haile.

Guhna clears her throat."I order you all as the guardian of the Gods to enter that place and yes you have to follow my orders, so let me all remind you of something, I can be the one who decides who gets the title of God queen, I have the power to execute you if you "betray" him."She said with a smile on her face, she knows what she mean, basically obey me or I'll blackmail you.

The girls frowned, Anvi looked at them with a frightened expression.'What is wrong with these people, why are they so moody, are they going to wake up one day and just kill me?!.'She was legitimately scared.

."Isn't that like an abuse of power or some."Serafall touched her chin, obviously she wasn't scared but she could use the extra boost, anything to make her closer to the throne.

Hera, Melody, Xenovia, Aika and Akeno all nodded, they had no problems with it, Guhna was not strong enough to kill them but she definitely had political power with Haile that could help them be the first, also they would only be worried about that if Haile was retarded and would believe it.

.'Anything to be Queen, it will all be worth it in the future when I have his kids.'Aika thought to herself with a smirk, her eyes glowing pink unknowingly.

."Good, at least you know, alright march on."Guhna said with a smile, she walked to the portable demon leading the way, she clenched her teeth and closed her eyes charging in.

Without her notice everyone else had stop and was just watching her walking to the demon by herself, Koneko looked up at the other's, she actually wasn't planning to stop.

Aika looked down at Koneko with a smile, she pats her head."Don't worry about it, we need someone to make the ultimate sacrifice then after we see the coast is clear we'll go in afterwards alright?."She said.

."Mm."Koneko nod in acknowledgement but pulls her head away from Aika's hand, it was not very enjoyable for her and that spot was reserved for Haile only.


The girls looked over to the portal demon hearing the scream of Guhna, she was eaten by the demon ruthlessly, Akeno clasped her hands.

."May you be with God in a better place."Akeno said praying to Haile with a smile on her face, her breast jiggle as if excited to exist.

Nalisa shook her head."*Sigh* I'll also go ahead to make sure she's ok, I have my duties to fulfill, you all can come down when this game is over."She said walking to the demon and just walking inside of its mouth disappearing for eternity.

Akeno shrugged her shoulders and walked to it as well."It only takes one to sacrifice themselves and suddenly it doesn't feel scary anymore."She said calmly and with a closed eye smile dive to her doom.

After Akeno was swallowed as well everyone just looked at Hera the strongest here who turned her head away, Xenovia walks forward."I'm going, Lord God may be in need of me."She says calm going into the demons mouth and willingly jumping into it's stomach.

."Man, it doesn't even feel fun to stay here anymore, let's just get going."Aika said with a sigh, they just know how to suck the fun out of everything, she walks to the demon and goes inside.


*Underground City*




Guhna fell from the hole in the sky landing on her feet like a cat, she stood up looking around with her guard up and ready for battle.

."Mm, oh, no wonder my lord didn't come out yet, it's actually a whole city down here."Guhna said to herself looking at the grand city with interest, it was actually amazing to gaze upon, mysterious like mist and stuff floating around.


Guhna looks up at the hole above in surprised, seeing she was by herself she didn't expect someone else to come down."It's Nalisa, she'll make a good baby sitter after all."She said with a smile.

Nalisa lands gracefully on the ground not making a sound."Lady Guhna you haven't gone on ahead?."She asked curiously.

."Nah look over there."Guhna said with a smile pointing to the grand city.

Nalisa looks and was amazed."Oh I see, Master must be in that city, Mm but before that we should probably wait on the other's to come down."She said looking back at the hole, she knows why she also made the jump, it would feel let challenging for the girls if she do.

."You feel they'll come, all traitors *Hmpm*."Guhna said folding her arms.

With that said one by one girls came raining down, Akeno came first flying down like a true Goddess, which she in fact is, then behind her the other's came falling through with a screaming Anvi who looks like she is about to past out.

Guhna looked to them with fold arms."You're late, my lord would be disappointed, so you know what you have to do, make up for all lost time."She said turning around to the city with a smile appearing on her face.


*Tower Of Wisdom*

*Library Room*

Haile and Violet elder were seated looking at Haeek's shell that had cracks, it was starting to get bigger and bigger like a balloon that would soon explode.

."Mm I think maybe we should get a bit away from here, come along."Violet said with worry, she held Haile in her arms and moved back abit out of the way.

Haile sighed.'That's going to get old quickly, a dominant woman is a headache, Mm I'll just have to tame her a bit I guess, only a little.'He thought to him allowing himself to be hoist up like a sandbag, she is definitely strong physically.





The shell started to crack like spiderweb spreading all over it, soon it looked like it reached its maximum extension and was about to blow.



The shell blew apart like broken rocks, a claw could be seen seeming to be the thing that broke it, a brown large figure stepped out of the shell, it's brown scales sparkled in the light, smoke came from it's mouth as it moved its large lizard eyes around, it was a brown dragon.

.""Master why did you do that to me, I don't wanna be a lizard, no no no"".

Haeek's voice came from within the dragon as it spoke with tears in it's eyes, it took another step and the ground beneath it cracked slightly.

."What are you complaining for, I made you strong, you are now top 30 in the world's living creatures, you can destroy this entire planet if you wanted to, from now on you will be my- *pttf* -Ass Kisser Dragon, your entire race when you get children will be dedicated to kissing my families ass, a very distinguished job."Haile said barely being able to stifle a laugh.

Haeek gained a tic on his forehead."If it's so damn distinguish why are you laughing, I'll get you back one day, I'll take a bite out your ass instead."He said angrily breathing out smoke.

."Hahahahah Haeek look at you, oh how far you've fallen Hahaha, you do know you'll have to talk to me nicely from now on, Ass Kisser Dragon."Violet elder didn't mince words, she bellowed out in inelegant laughter cracking up on the couch.

Haeek's eyes were furious."You damn, old wrinkly whore, left over cereal looking bitch, volcano mouth breath hot like an asshole, when you hit 60 master will leave you for a younger woman you dried up cunt....."He continued to spew fiery words from his mouth none stop, he was truly worthy to be a Dragon.

Haile was in shock, he felt personally attacked and it wasn't even at him, the man had clearly had enough, he never heard so much dirty words come out a single person's mouth before, intense, he definitely chose the right person for the job.

Violet elder was also stunned into silence, she couldn't even muster up a rebuttal, she could only stand their and watch him abuse her verbally.

*5 minutes later*


*Dxd World*

*India*(Grand Magic City)




.""You know what you are, you are an old man that got erectile disfunction and turned into a manly woman"".

Haile and Violet elder was on the couch, this time Violet elder's head was on Haile's lap in a daze, he was rubbing her head gently in comfort, Haeek was spewing fire like he had a limitless supply.

Haeek was breathing smoke as he thought of his next one."You are like a-."As he was doing that he got interrupted.



Someone knocked on the door, Haeek looked over at it annoyed that someone came at this moment, he was just about to spill his most powerful insult yet.

."What is it come in."Haeek said through his dragon mouth, it sounded like his voice but a bit deeper and gravelly.


A man in an elder's robe walked in, tears was on his face and he had a black and blue eye, his head was also swollen."A message for Lord Haile Supreme, some ladies are here to see you, they say they are your harem and one carry on item.....
