
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 150×Rollercoaster

*Dxd World*

*Japan Kuoh Town*(Hospital)




In just a few minutes Haile and the two so in love husband and wife arrived at the hospital where issei is currently staying.

People at the hospital looked on in amazement at the Rolls-Royce rolling in like a Batmobile, it as expected instantly became the center of attention and some people were watching eagerly awaiting to see what specimen steps out.

Miki and Gorou both became nervous they know that eyes will be on them as soon as they get out, they were not acustom to anything like that so their hearts were racing.

."No need to be afraid, just walk out and ignore everyone that you see till you get into the building so they don't ask questions."Haile said casually as he parked the car and opened 3 doors and the roof rose again causing a stur.

.""Wow Mama who are those people, are they celebrities?"".

.""I'm-im not sure, I've never seen them before, tha-that man there is not from here for sure"".

.""Yooooo that car is insane, man I'll have me one when I grow up!"".

.""Yea yea me too, for sure"".

Loitering around the hospital entrance were several people, some sick and injured, some taking care of the sick and injured people, they were all gossiping and whispering with who they know as they looked at the scene before them.

Haile casually stood waiting for the two to find the courage to get out, he then shut his car with a snap of a finger causing another uproar amongst some that were knowledgeable about cars.

Miki was so nervous that she had a stomach ache, she keep her head down as she stood with her bag in hand.

Gorou on the other hand decided to go full on with it and kept his head up high so he can't see anyone or anything with his chest puffed up.

."Yes that's the way, walk with pride like that, everyone will just think that you have a stick up your ass, but it does the job hahaha."Haile said with a chuckle as he walked along calmly not following his own advice as he had no need.

Gorou froze as he deflated as he glide along the pavement like a ghost, how is he being tricked by a boy more than twice his junior.

Without ado they enter the hospital with everyone looking at them like they were monsters from Pirates of the Caribbean, Haile as usual payed no mind.

They went to the fronts desk, there was a young woman maybe in early to mid 20s, she looked at them with a rehearsed beautiful smile, at least till she saw Haile, one could literally see the light that shun in her eyes upon seeing him.

.'Woahhh who is this, he must be some kinda celebrity, gotta be, am I dreaming, cause he's so dreaming.'The young lady thought as the world turn dark and only Haile remained in her vision.

The young lady quickly fixed herself with the speed of light as her hands blurred, she smiled brighter."Good afternoon sir, my name is Masami Virgin, Yes in case you're wonder, um how may I be of service."She said as she leaned forward on the table spilling all her "secrets" for him to see.

As beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, so is temptation, though someone else may be captured but, Haile was awfully disappointed.'One of Akeno's is two of her's, yet she dares show off to me like it's something special.'He thought but didn't make it visible on his face.

She patiently waited for him to speak but she would be totally fine if he never did, she would just like to tie him up and put him in her room to watch her at night when she sleeps.


."Ahh!."The young lady Masami was startled by a sudden cough breaking her fantasy world, she now remember that other people were there, she looked over an saw an old man and woman.

Miki had a tic on her head being ignored like that."That is bad for business you know, blatantly flirty with a visitor or possible patient on the job, I'm sure you don't want to lose your job, please don't let it happen again."She said with a closed eye smile as grit teeth.

Gorou looked at her abit funny.'What's gotten into her lately, she's been so different for the past few days, I've never seen this side of her before, can't say I don't like it but..isn't it a little late for new shit to pop up.'He thought to him as he saw this new face of his wife and he doesn't know whether to feel aroused or be worried.

."Im-im so sorry ma'am, I promise it won't happen again, please don't report me, I have a little sister in this hospital that is sick I need this job."Masami hurriedly said as she bowed her head with fear pleading with.

Miki suddenly felt guilty, but also another feeling that she can't explain, it felt...nice..to have another person's life in her hands for a change.'Huh, what am I thinking, no this is not me, wake up Miki, you are a good person.'She thought suddenly becoming aware of her own thoughts.

."No no, it's fine, as long as you don't do it again you're fine, we all actually came here together, we are here to visit someone, Issei Hyoudou."Gorou said quickly saving the girl, he felt bad for her, to him it was understandable, the boy looks like a damn depiction of those rumors Greek Gods, plus the "Big Black" rumor.

Masami was grateful as she bowed again, she quickly went on the computer trying her best to ignore Haile who was standing there which became its own torture."Um, Issei Hyoudou, 17 year old male, he has been moved to the 13th ward block B."She said respectfully.

Gorou nodded, Miki just turned around and walk away, Haile looked at the woman."Thank you miss Masami."He said with a smile before following the others.


Masami felt her heart almost burst hearing his voice for the first time, she was mesmerized, she could feel it in her privates.'I'm so in love.'She thought as she rest her hand on her cheeks and lay on the desk.

Walking along the corrdor they were going to the B block, they quickly arrived as everything was numbered, Miki went to push open the door.

.""Excuse me"".

A voice sounded from behind them, they looked it was a young looking man in his possible 30s, he was in a doctors uniform so he must be the doctor.

."Are you the family of the patient room 13, I've received word from front desk, we just have to make sure you know, so I'd like to see an ID."The doctor said as he looked at a notepad in his hands.

Miki had a realization.'Oh yeah, they were doing that now.'Thought as she went into her bag and pulled it out, there was an incident awhile ago when someone got killed in the hospital by a visitor, everyone thought it was his family member or a friend but it was not, so now they let you go through but have someone stop you, in case anything happens you don't have the time to run.

."Mmm I see ok, thank you and sorry this is just procedure now, you may enter."The doctor said as he got confirmation, he turned and went along about his business shaking his head to a particular direction.

With every obstacle out of the way, Miki now was suddenly hit by another more sudden realization, they were taking the devil to their son, what if...

Haile stood behind the two with golden glowing eyes smiling with amusement."What is the problem Mrs.Hyoudou?."He asked with a curious tone.

Gorou raised an eyebrow."Miki?."He said also wondering what happen, she just continues to get more and more strange.

."*Sigh* it's nothing."Miki said resigning herself and her only child, she pushed open the door and went in.

Gorou not saying anything follow after, he felt a weird atmosphere around, Haile shook his head and went in as well.

On the inside was Issei laying on the hospital bed, eyes open wide but unfocused and unblinking, he had tube in his mouth and up his nose, IVs were stuck to his arms feeding him.

Also a strange device was attached to his chest that sparked with electricity ever now and then making Issei's body jump.

."Well damn, what happened?."Haile said scratching his head as he looked at Issei's body, but really what happened, he can't remember doing all this, all the doctors had to do was put him on a ventilator to breath for him.

Miki glared at him.'Damn bastard, you dare to ask that with me here, you know what happen, it was YOU!!!.'She thought loudly, but she didn't dare to say it out loud.

Gorou sighed shaking his head."The doctors said that he had a hard fall, the amount of damage he sustained a normal human would be dead with no chance of recovery, but when he fell he apparently hit his head and that injured his brain, the part it injured was the side responsible for the body's natural Instincts, everyone is born knowing how to breath but he lost i-t, then he got a heart attack and his heart stopped beating so they gave him an old pacemaker because we couldn't affor-d...*sob*."He said with tears welling up in his eyes trying his best to push it back down.

One could see that he was truly hurt to his core,, Issei was his last opportunity, if issei is gone he will have nothing left, his bloodline will be over, everything will be over, he will become a failure of life and existence.

Miki gained tears as well, but her's was regretful, she feels hopeless, she doesn't know what she should do.'Should I tell him what happen, that it was my fault, would he be able to forgive me.'She thought as she felt sick to her stomach.

."I see, I'm sorry this happened to you all, you are a good man, looks like a man that will sacrifice everything for his family, would exchange anything for Issei's life."Haile said facing to the window of the hospital, it was only a small one because they were poor.

Miki gained a shiver down her spine as she spinned her head to Haile, horror was deep within her eyes.'No..no....NO!!!.'She clenched his fist, at his words, all she saw was damnation.

Gorou sighed in depression as he looked at his son."I wouldn't call myself a great man, it is what any man should do for his family, but you are indeed right I would give anything for Issei to go back as normal, to become a great man himself, achieve something in life, anything...anything..."He said trailing off softly as the dam broke tears rolled down.

."Yes, you're right what any man should and must do, you would sacrifice everything so that your son issei would live and become a great man."Haile said with bright golden eyes and a grin sneaking on his face, he glanced at issei and his eyes flashed.


Issei on the bed remained unmoving and unresponsive, but if anyone knew what was going on within, he was trapped inside his own back, only being able to look but not interact.

He saw everything that has taken place, from his mother's shocking conversation with Haile to all their promises, one could say his shock disappointment was immeasurable and his day and life was ruined.

He really didn't know what he did or his family did that would incur the wrath of this malevolent being, what Haile was, whether a demon or god he didn't know but he was definitely evil.

Now he has to watch his father be sacrifice to this monster so he could live, but already made up his mind, since he can't do anything he will kill himself so that Haile get a backlash from the contract.

He knows alot about these demons and their ways, they form contracts with humans for a price and if any side breaks it that party will receive a backlash, so if he kill himself Haile will suffer.


Miki put her hand over her mouth, her body instantly went cold, sweat form beads on her face as she looked like she saw a ghost.

."Yes of course I would, what father wouldn't, only a bastard wou- wouldn't..wou-ldn't...."Gorou said as he all of a sudden felt sick to his stomach and a sharp pain in his back.

Gorou look looked down with lightless eyes.'Huh..a..hand...oh..'He thought as his final thoughts then he fell over and onto the ground.



Miki fell to her knees her own eyes lifeless, she has now officially lost everything, she had no hope of Issei recovering, he is basically already dead.

."You shall have your wish, a life for a life."Haile said calmly as he made the blood on his disappear, he turned to Miki.

Miki remained on the ground staring at her dead husband's body."....why....what...what did we do to you???."She asked with a voice of desolation and hollowness, but deep within was a curiosity, she really really wanted to know what her family did to him that he would torture them so.

."What did you do like what, I'm a kind God you know, I only answer wishes, your wish was to feel beautiful and young again, so I allowed you to use me to feel that way, which YOU did, your second wish when you were caught by your son, "Oh please Haile don't destroy my family, erase Issei's memory" and I as the kind being I am complied, then now your husband made a wish albeit unknowingly but he seemed very willing, do you think he would have refused if I asked him up front, if he did refuse I would have killed him anyway as he failed as a father and does not deserve to live, so what says you Miki."Haile said folding his arms casually.

Miki opened and closed her mouth several times but each time unable to say a word, what was she even supposed to say to that.




In the silence of the room a loud beep from Issei's heart monitor erupted though his body remained still, Miki almost had her own heart attack."No, oh no DOCTORS, DOCTORS!!!!"She got up running out the door screaming in desperation.

Haile quickly made Gorou's body disappear along with any trace and track that he was there aside from recording Cctv.

At her scream quickly a doctor show up with a few nurses and other professionals,the doctor look at issei and frowned."Code blue, may the patients family please be escorted out please."He said with a serious expression as he put on gloves.


The door was shut on both Haile and Miki who were told to wait outside, Haile had his hand behind his back as he walked away.

Miki seeing this chased after him."Wait wait please you promised, you made a deal, you can't leave him like, you have to save him!."She begged with anguish.

Haile stopped, he turned to her."I don't have to do anything, but I suppose you're right, I am a truthful and honest God, so I shall do you this favor and heal your son."He said with a heroic aura and shining smile.

Miki mouth layed opened."...favor...favor....THIS IS YOUR FAULT, FAVOR, YOU DID THIS TO ME, YOU DID THIS TO ME, YOU DID THIS TO ME!!!."She bellowed out as her eyes went red, all she saw was blood, her hand clenched like a bird claw as she swung at Haile's face.


Haile didn't even bother looking at her he simply stopped it with a finger as he walk to the door he snapped and seconds later a stiff looking Doctor opened the door and walked out with his helpers.

Miki looked confused."..doctor..don't tell me..."She said with a fearful expression, she glanced at Haile slightly then back at the doctor who also looked confused.

."Um, *Ahem* Mrs um Hyoudou, well good news your son will be fine, um uh, confusing news, I don't know how, his heart rate went back to normal, his body healed itself and he is breathing on his own....all I can say is that God loves that boy."The doctor said a bit emotional, he was true believer, even more so now.

Haile kept a smile on his face.'I do not.'

Miki covered her mouth with her hands as she dropped to her knees that were now to weak to carry her, she cried her heart out.'My son, my son, my son.'She thought over and over.

In just minutes her emotions had been taken on a roller-coaster ride of extremes downs amd extreme ups, she felt so tired.

Haile pat her shoulder."Go ahead, your son is waiting for you."He said helping her get up off the ground, he slowly led her to the room as the doctor patiently watched.

In the room, Issei who was thought to be a dead man was now not only lively but awake and sitting up, he was looking at hands like they were not his own.

Miki saw her son and cried even more."..Is..sei..."She spoke as her voice broke apart, she almost couldn't believe her eyes, her son just moments ago was literally almost on his last heartbeat but now.

Issei hearing the voice looked up, he looked at his mother then he smiled a charming smile."Hello mother, did you come to visit me?."He asked her with a head tilt.

Miki smiled brightly as she rushed to him, she hugged him in her arms, in that moment she felt a wave of relaxation hit her, she squeezed him tightly, she didn't care for anything or anyone, she was just happy.

."Now you can have your wish, a good son, respectful, chivalrous, strong, the perfect man, everything a woman's says that she wants."Haile smirked as he looked at "issei".

Issei hugged his mother back and pat her back...wait no not that one.

.'NO NO THIS CAN'T BE HAPPENING, MOMMY THAT'S NOT ME, NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!'Issei trapped within his own body with bloodshot red eyes screamed out in misery and heartbreak.


*Dxd World*



