
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 148×All For A Secret

*Dxd World*

*Underworld*(Grimory Mansion)




*Few Hours Later*

After everything had gone down Haile was now by himself walking through the forest away from the Grimory territory, he had left the other girls by themselves to get along, if he is always there they will never even try to know each other.

."The hard life of a Harem God, those guys God showed me make it look so easy, well, they all use hypnosis so I guess that helps."Haile spoke to himself as he continued on calmly.

There was actually another reason he was out here, a few hours ago he had received a link call, it was from Xenovia in the Aot, Attack On Titan world, she said they were ready to come back.

He asked her to bring him back a souvenir which she is currently collecting that's why he is out here in the wilderness basically, cause it was humongous.

."I feel like I've been in this world for way to long, I wonder when Hades will make the move, after he starts I will head my way to heaven see what they're up to up there."Haile said to himself as he came to a stop infront of a giant rock.

.""My lord God, we are ready, also with your souvenir, please bring us back, I can't wait to see your face after so long, Guhna and Aika are trembling in excitement as well"".

Haile smiled hearing Xenovia's eager voice."Ok don't worry, you know I have to make special time for you three after this amount of time apart.""Link"".."He said calmly.






Four bright lights emerged, three smaller lights and one giant one that hit the ground causing a small tremor, Haile looked at it with a nodded of his head.

.""*Sob* HAILE!!!!!"".

.""MY LORD!!!!!!"".

Out of the smaller lights Guhna and Aika jumped out onto Haile clinging to his body as Aika's cried her hearts out.

."Waaa I miss you so much waa I'm never doing that again I don't know what I was thinking!!!!."Aika said as she cried rubbing her face into Haile and smelling his scent sucking it down into her stomach for safe storage.

Guhna was to embarrassed to do what Aika did but she to was very emotional as tears came from her eyes as well but she tried to be strong, she is her master's Guardian afterall.

.""How embarrassing, you all should really learn to control yourself in front of our God, putting your nasty snot and tears all on him"".

Xenovia spoke casually as she walked pulling a mountain behind her, or so it look but it was infact a humanoid creature, a monster of the Aot world, a Titan.

Haile hugged them both and pat Guhna's head, he was happy as well, but cry, nope, he looked over to Xenovia with a smile."Why stand all the way over there, I know you want to, don't you."He said with a smug expression opening his arms wider.

Xenovia paused for a moment, she took quick glances at Guhna and Aika, she shook her head, she was to embarrass to give in now that she reprimanded them before.

."Come on don't be embarrassed now, we won't laugh at you, it is only natural after all."Aika said with a smile of intoxication, she took a deep breath and sighed, the air of Aot was stale in comparison.

After the hugging and sobbing and catching up followed with some promises for dates and what's not Haile focused in on the Titan.

."This Titan, is not a conscious human."Haile said looking at it, he walked around it checking out it's body then he stopped with disgust, he glanced at Xenovia.

Xenovia tilt her head, Haile shook his head."Do I look that desperate, I would never get with this thing, why make it a woman, it doesn't even have a cunt."He said feeling looked down upon.

."Oh, I just thought you would prefer it that way judging by your um history of such actions, I thought you would appreciate it."Xenovia said with a straight face of her confidence that he would.

Haile looked at her for a moment then turned back to it."Well I do, I don't want no penis possibly in my face so thanks."He said nodding his head seeing her point.

."Mmm, my lord I'm sorry I couldn't bring you something as well, we surveyed alot of the world in secret and i haven't found anything I think would catch your interest."Guhna said with an apologetic expression, she really tried but there was nothing much.

Haile nod in understanding."It's already, I knew what to expect over there, though I wonder why you didn't bring back any of the new followers, I was waiting to meet them face to face personally at least once, especially Little Mikasa."He said as he rubbed his non-existent beard.

."I don't really know, we were in that world for over 5 years now and it feels like the world was flowing in a weird direction, around this time more things started to take place and the children wanted to join the army, but since we completed the mission we wanted to come back right way, so we will go back later with the sped up time."Aika said as she sighed, she really doesn't want to step foot in that world again, she thought getting closer to Haile.

Haile nodded again."I see, alright I suppose, the mission is already done, so what have you guys decided to spend the 100 points on, I'm curious, also I really want to know if it will work or not, so go on."He said eagerly as he looked at them waiting patiently.

The 3 looked at each other and squint, they all had their own thoughts and plans they were concoctING but collectively, they know who had the most points at the end of the day wins by default, so they have to conserve as much as they can.

Haile seeing them so competitive smiled, this is what he likes as long as they don't hurt each other to much then he is all for friendly competition."Oh girls, did I forget to mention that, you can give someone that is connected to the system points if you want to, sharing is caring after all, by the way I didn't tell the others."He said with a calm smile on his face, he turned around backing them and his eyes glowed playfully.


They all gasped in surprise getting silent as they slowly turned to each other, that one sentence opened so many different doors and options, it just got so much more complicated for them.

.'~Heh, this is perfect, I have the perfect set of skills to train a group of people, forcing them if I have to, all in the name of love~.'Aika thought with a devious smile creeping onto her face.

Guhna frowned.'My Lord, did you really have to do this, *sigh*, well whatever, let it be by your will.'She thought sighing, she knew her lord purposely said that to them now conveniently not mentioning it before, so the 3 of them can choose, tell the others and gain more competition or at least keep it to themselves gather their forces and jump ahead, cause eventually it will get out so they can only take small advantage of right now.

."I say we tell the others and not keep it a secret, it is not a noble thing to do, it disingenuous, let us be all on equal playing fields and win the title of God Queen fairly."Xenovia said softly being the only sincere voice of reason, as a swordswoman she practiced righteousness.

Aika and Guhna stopped as they thought about it, Aika was the first to respond."Mmm I think nope, this is war, do you know what God Queen even means, you will be first priority, bear his FIRST CHILD, first mother of his bloodline, status bring Supreme everywhere above all the other women that will possibly come in the future, GOD QUEEN OF HOWEVER MANY WORLDS OUR MAN RIGHT THERE CONQUERS, think of that AND MORE."She said with excitement breathing heavily, but most importantly she will be above everyone else and can have him mostly for herself.

Xenovia hesitated and a small battle with her morals began, it did truly sound fantastic, all that wonderfulness could possibly kill the guilt she would be feeling when she wins.

Guhna bit her lips as well, she glanced at her lord who was watching them from a distance, he smiled and waved, she waved back, she looked at the two.

."Let's just decide with rock, paper, scissor, easy, simply and fair how about that."Guhna said giving a way out for everyone to not feel guilty about it.

Aika and Xenovia looked at each other, Aika went closer to her and whispered something in her ear making her eyes lit up and nodded her head."No."Xenovia said to Guhna with determination and seriousness.

."Huh, what did she tell you, come on don't be like this, *sigh* I didn't want to do this but you leave me no choice, as the Supreme Wing Guardian I Order You To Tell The Others This Information."Guhna said folding her arms raising her head high and smug, of course she could just tell but this was a chance to reinforce her position.

Aika first looked surprised then she gain an upset tick on her forehead."Who are you to order me around, you do realize I can beat your ass right."She said as her eyes flash pick and a cruel smile appeared on her face.

Xenovia remained calm not minding it, she is one that came late after all, she knows she doesn't really call any shots yet and she is now in a hierarchy, she knows her place, Xenovia glanced over to Haile just sitting there on the unconscious Titan silently observing.

."Beat my ass, you must not know fully who you are speaking to, you better show me the proper respect due and know your place you mindless bitch."Guhna said getting fired up as well, who is she, she was the leader of great female warriors and Heiress to her tribe, she will not tolerate disrespect from a girl who was powerless few years ago.

Aika's face turn cold and violent which was very uncharacteristic of her, makes one wonder what she went through in them 5 years in Aot searching for followers, she really matured, in a really weird way but not physically though she was now 22 years old.

."Look at me however you want, but I will take that look off it with a slap, hold your face."Guhna said stepping forward, she swung a slap to Aika in full force.



Aika casually stopped it with her palm, a great wind blew through the trees of the forest like a small hurricane."Fuck off!."She said aggressively gritting her teeth sending out a powerful kick like a muscle bound divine horse.



Guhna dropped low on the ground and kicked Aika's foot making her lose balance falling, Guhna moved quickly she jumped over her and stomped down with both her feet on her head.



Guhna's foot land on the ground making a small crater as Aika dodged barely rolling out of the way getting up taking a few steps back.



.".....~Heh, you sure are powerful, you were not lying, I guess darling making you his Guardian was indeed a wise decision~."Aika said as she wiped the blood on her cheek that had a cut on it, she tasted it and smiled.

Guhna smirked and went into a casual fighting stance."Now you know huh, how about we crank this up the levels a bit, so I can kick your ass a little bit more."She said before she kicked the ground disappearing traceless.


Aika eyes swished around as she looked for the tracks of Guhna, she glanced at every corner of her eyes and sensed around, but to no success, it was like she went truly untraceable.

.'The fuck, when since could she do this, she's been holding out on us huh, but.'Aika thought calmly as she turned around to all directions, she smirked.'X-ray Vision'.She looked around and focus in on a particular tree.






Guhna's eyes widened as she jumped out from behind the large tree escaping some pink bullet like contructs that destroyed several trees in the area, Guhna was shocked, she was using a barrier to reflect light making her invisible also with her trained stealth all her life.

."You can hide but I'll find your ugly face from miles away."Aika said running to Guhna, she created a pink shield and sword, her body also became coated in a thin pink layer like crystal scales.

Guhna sighed."Damn, I forgot about your perverted peeping Tom power, alright, since you want to bring out something like this, here."She said as she materialized a magic bow, she threw it in the sky as it expanded.

.""Feathers Of Heaven!"".


Guhna said as she directed the bow floating above her to shoot down at Aika, some arrows turned small and lighter looking like white feathers, numbered in the possible millions, raining down like white rain.






Aika without even blinking ran through them, they hit both her and the ground exploding like bombs, the ground damaged, broken, holes amd decents, Aika, not a scratch, her path, momentum and speed unhindered.

Aika smiled as she brought her toy looking sword into the air, she was like a tank able to take all hits like nothing while still wielding unparalleled power and speed, she arrived in an instant by Guhna swinging with a graceful explosive power.



But Guhna was not helpless at close range either unlike what some people would think being an archer, she clashed head on with Aika's sword using her bow, she had used her absolute Divine Barrier from her Divine Magic Library on her bow fortifying it's durability, with that she successfully pushed Aika back seeing that she was physically stronger.

."Woah, I wish we had gone to a more dangerous world, that way I would have gotten to know more about your powers."Aika said as she kept a calm mind side stepping and swinging again.


Guhna jumped back back-flipping onto a tree, pulling her bow back."Cheeky aren't you, if this is all you have then you can never even think about defeat me or even being in my league."She said confidently, she hadn't pulled out any of her actual power yet, she had so much more resources at her disposal that she haven't used.

."Oh really, you must realize, my power wasn't made to play, it was made to destroy lives, you really don't want to go all out with me."Aika said clenching her sword and shield tighter making them glow brighter.

By now Xenovia in the distance was seated next to Haile who was silent all this time, she looked at him."Lord God, don't you think you should stop them now before they get too excited and hurt each other?."She asked him curiously, he seemed much more layed back with this rule than back then.

."Oh, why, let them have fun, if they hurt each other beyond limit they both get punished, but, why haven't you gone and stop them if you're so worried, your abilities are made for this kinda thing."Haile said also asking her, he knows her strength, even two of them together cannot defeat Xenovia even though the opposite is also true, they were all each others natural enemies and friends.

Xenovia shrugged her shoulders."I know my place lord God, they are both above me in what truly matters."She said looking at the two fighting again, her eyes profound and knowing.

."...haa, I suppose that is another layer to your intelligence, always seeing and looking at the bigger picture."Haile said with praise gaining a smile, he pat her head gently.

*3 Hours Later*

Aika and Guhna are stand staring each other down both breathing heavily seeming dead tired battling at that level for so long but their eye were still as bright as when they started or even more so, shining like true Goddesses should.

They were fighting for over 3 entire hours being hot on each other's asses, surprisingly none of them were missing limbs they had various cuts and bruises, they pull all sorts of abilities on each other but none went to far with it.

Though currently Guhna is winning, she is after all a true warrior, Aika does have special abilities but so does Guhna and Gunha had been in the game of fighting far longer than her.

But even Guhna would have to admit Aika is a hard opponent, especially in the first half, she was practically dominating with a combination of Body Language Analysis, Doubt Inducement, Hypnotic Voice, Invisibility, Sleep and X-Ray Vision along with Lust Contructs.

Let Guhna tell it, those are hard to defend against, if not for her Divine Cancelation and Absolute barrier it would have had her in the beginning.

But other than them, the forest was in a mess, it was all destroyed, cut, crush, mushed etc, leveled to the ground creating a dirt plain with a visible mountain range which only the top was visible before.

There was only one spot that was untouched, not a single speck of dust even went through, on this spot was the giant Titan, so who else but Haile could stop the destruction.

."They really went crazy didn't they."Xenovia said calmly as she watched them, they were really all equal, the only thing that could change the outcome is the forbidden Moves.

Haile rubbed his chin as he watched them."Mm, I think that is enough now, the only path from here is to start using the dangerous abilities, Xenovia."He said as he sat cross leg in lotus position on the Titan.

."I understand Lord God."Xenovia said as she got up, she walk to edge and jumped down from the Titan, she walked to the two who was so locked in battle they had no awareness of their surroundings.

Aika and Guhna smile at almost the same time.".""Lustful Death Lance""..""Divine Barrier:Offensive Sword of Damnation."They both said at the same time.

In the air over head Aika created a giant dark pink Lance that radiated power unmatched who knows where she is siphoning the energy to make it from, Guhna formed a great silver barrier and folded and shaped it into an ethereal sword that seemed heroic and unfathomable.



Space and time warped like hyper forces, they had put what was left of their powers into it, they were confident it wouldn't hurt each other but they knew that one of them will come out as the victor.

They were smiling at each other when they noticed an intruder walking into the frame and they were kicked back to reality."XENOVIA!."Aika sound out in realization.

Xenovia calmly stood between their attacks."Our God commands you to stop."She said as she touched the sword on her waist, it was one of the swords from Aot, but without extra equipment, she slid it out the sheath slightly before putting it back in and walking away all that could be heard was a click.



Aika and Guhna watch frozen as they looked at their magic Lance and Sword respectively on the ground disappearing into particles with a sharp cut in the middle perfectly dividing it in half.

Haile nod as Xenovia returned."That ability is really impressive, bypassing even power levels to Cut-All."He said intrigued by it, it doesn't seem like something he could copy without her blood.

."Thank you Lord God, it is by your grace that I am gifted with this power, only you are to be praise."Xenovia said with a slight satisfied smile on her face, she can now say that confidently and know it's true, that her God is truly real amd with her always.

.""Hey whats the big deal darling"".

Aika came up to them grumpily."It was just about to go down, I would have won for sure then."She said with arrogance, in just 5 years her ego had overgrown it seems.

."Excuse me, but I would have won, no matter what you did, my lord please tell her so she can understand, just a beating alone will not be enough it seems, she is so stubborn."Guhna said exasperated as she shook her head.

Haile chuckled."Alright alright, Aika she actually speaks the truth, she was holding back way more than you were, being my Guardian doesn't just come with a title after all."He said to aika, his golden wing that he gave her, nuff said.

."*Hmpm* so what, even if I can't beat her I can still leave her helpless, all I need is a single touch on her and God Queen would mean nothing."Aika said calming down as she smile viciously.

Haile frowned at that instantly knowing what she ment."Aika, leave it at this, I don't want to hear of this again."He said with a sharp tone.

."O...I'm sorry darling, I take it back, I promise I'll not use it on her."Aika said hurriedly after she realized what she said, doing that would mean breaking the iron rule of Haile, she doesn't know what would happen then and she wasn't willing to find out.

After that they talked about anything as they got to relax for a few minutes, Aika and Guhna becoming "friends" again and everyone was happy, as happy as can be.