
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 138×Shifting Blame

*Dxd World*

*Alternative Alter World*



*Late Night*




A hole was blown in the back of a God as he fell over hugging Haile, another God came from behind with clenched teeth and sweat as he brought down his sword with intent to kill, Haile using the dead God as a shield kicked the other into oblivious.

It has been about 6 minutes since he started, it had went from thousands of God's to just a few dozens, but one thing about these ones that stayed they sure do have that determination, most of them had sent away there children with other Gods to run away so they were doing all they can to buy time.

."Alright, that is enough battling, you all are too weak to fight against me so it has become boring and tedious, so, good bye."Haile said as he stopped, his clothes, body and everything was as clean as when he first came, not a drop of blood was on him.

The Gods got cold sweat, suddenly the light disappeared from all of there eyes, they didn't even know what happened, there hearts stopped and they fell like a puppet with its strings cut.

Hera who was still watching said her last sorry.'....I'm truly a sick woman.'She thought to herself as she squirmed abit, she got turned on from watching Haile kill her people, her panties is soaked and sticky.

."All in a days work, I haven't gotten to enjoy a fight in a bit."Haile said with a smile as he wiped his forehead from invisible sweat as he walked over to Hera.

Hera seeing he was finished quickly forced herself out of her thoughts and self-criticism, she smiled wonderfully."I hoped you had fun darling-I mean Haile, seeing you smiling so happily makes me happy."She said to him as she came closer.

."Is that so, that will not be a problem at all then, you will be happy all the time, also, go ahead, you can call me whatever you wish Hera."Haile said with a smile as he gazed at her softly.

Hera felt her heart flutter and melt away as he looked at her with that soft warm expression, she felt fulfilled and complete, her divinity sent gentle signals of satisfaction.

She then had a troubled look on her own face as she looked at the blood, bones, flesh and all sorts of body parts on the ground, she looked into the distance opening and closing her mouth a multitude of times but in the end dare not speak.

."..."Haile remained silent as well but he knew she wanted to make an input, he looked into the distance also, he held out his palm downward and flipped it over.

.""Blood Manipulation"".


With his conduction the blood that coated what he turned into a battlefield rose into the air, slowly all of it turned into a river in the sky's heeding to his every desire, he twitched his finger slightly and it all came pouring down on him.






Haile opened his mouth inhumanly wide as he drank it all down, it seems like he was getting a bit thirsty, either that or now he was addicted to blood after trying.

Hera's expression didn't Change at all, the Gods drink blood all the time, maybe not in such large quantities but they do, it was not her trying to justify Haile's actions.

Soon Haile had gulped almost all down leaving only a few hundred drops floating in the air as though time was frozen on the blood rain.

."Um, Darl-i mean-oh....Darling, what will you do with those."Hera asked as she looked curiously at the blood floating around them, it glint with light ever so often creating a mysterious sheen.

Haile looked far into the distance as his pupils expanded till it was the only thing in his eyes that could be seen."50Miles, 62Miles, 150Miles, 327Miles, 500Miles, 700Miles...."He slowly and calmly called out a few distances as he stared off in a daze.

Hera sighed sadly, but she didn't say anything to it, it is way to late for that now, she had already sacrificed them all.

Haile smiled as his pupils went back to normal.""Penetration""."He said eyes flashing red like a vampire.





As Haile said that the drops of blood pierced the air like bullets as they disappeared in the directions he was looking, they looked like shining red crystals warping space with killing intent.

Haile's eyes were cold and unbothered, he closed his eyes and he instantly had hundreds of different eyes view, seeing from hundreds of direction point of views all at once.


Deep into the forest of the Alternative Alter World, many beings were moving at top speeds, in their travels to create more difficulty some of them parted ways mid way through and now they exist scattered throughout the forest in all directions making it infinitely harder to find them all.

."Damn, that was dangerous, if we had stuck around we might had been killed, I hope the others had gotten out in time, it would be stupid to fight that monster."A man said as he breathed a little heavy, he smiled with a sweaty face as he pushed up his glasses, he looked to the two people beside him.

It was a man and a woman, the man look like your average man but for some reason his eyes were sparkling and his face look bright and shiny but right now he was looking around with pretty dark emotions, fear, distress etc.

The woman had the appearance of your typical suductive medieval times horny mistress, she breathed heavily as well but amongst the trio she was oddly the calmest, she look to be thinking about something.

The shiny man breathed a sigh of relief."Yes, especially when he so easily killed minister Molly, thank you Four eyes, saved my shiny ass hahaha."He said as he chuckled lightly.

."You, my name is cory, man whatever greasy face, I think we could stop to catch our breath a bit, I haven't ran in a long damn time and my chest feel tight watching my own wife get murdered."Cory said surprisingly cold as if he didn't care at all.

The woman hearing him say this looked at him calmly."Do you not love your wife?."She asked him as she looked towards the sky folding her arms casually.

."Mmm, good question, I...I would say yes and no, we are childhood friends and when I was younger I kinda promised her that we will get married and since it is hard to get access to other Goddesses I thought it would be a good deal in my later years, I do love her just not romantically, at least she died while thinking I loved her right."Cory said without hesitation, his expression was dispassionate but very honest.

He was always honest with his wife, it wasn't his fault she never asked, he does love her and tell her all the time, he never lies.

The woman nodded indifferently."You live up to your divinity, God Of Truth, Cory, but I didn't want to hear your whole life story, you better hope she hasn't heard that, I wonder what you would say when you face her again."She said ominously as she spoke some very creepy words.

The shiny man frowned at her words.

."Wha-what do you mean Witch Of Fortune."Cory asked her as he got nervous, this woman was not a joke, everything she says must be taken seriously, she was the Witch Of Fortune, Gabe, Lady Of The Future.

Gabe looked to the sky with a head tilt."So very interesting, very interesting, who would've thought, we would offend a being of this magnitude, Hahaha."She laughed sweetly, it was soothing and mellifluous.


The shiny man didn't hesitate or even say anything he dashed off at full speed skillfully dodging the trees after miles of practice before, he didn't look at the other two.

."Wrong move, your Fortune just disappeared, if you had stayed still it would have last much longer."Gabe said as she shook her head and looked up like she was following something with her eyes.


Cory's expression suddenly changed as he heard something from above, he quickly turned to the shiny man."STOP NOW DUCK."He bellowed out, but unfortunately it was to late.

."Huh?."The shiny man looked back, he was already a bit away, he saw Cory pointing up, he looked and his face turned a shiny green.




The shiny man croaked out a depressing groan as his sparkling eyes turned dull, a pea size hole could be seen in his head as blood oozed out, he fell over.

Cory and Gabe watched this happen, Cory stood in time lock as dread, flood his veins, like adrenaline coursing through his hot blood from his steadily increasing heart rate, he was petrified.

Gabe on the other hand barely showed reaction, almost like she had seen this scene before, she looked back to the sky."Hmm, is it my turn now?."She asked herself as she stood still.

."W-why are you jus-just standing there, hurry and run."Cory said to her as his legs shook like a leaf in the wind, oh my what fear does, even a mighty God is shaking in his boots, almost like he could feel the ever increasing violent threat of death.

Gabe glanced at him."You cannot hide, no one can, but only I will survive."She said seriously as she smiled like everything was within her grasp.


A crystal like red drop flew straight to Gabe as she put her hands on her hip, she walked forward towards the blood shot not wasting time.

She calculated and got as close as she can and blew gently towards the blood, she moved her head 3cm casually, with such simple yet profound actions the blood that was coming to claim her life zoom right pass her.



The blood hit a trees behind her as she continued looking to the sky as if that one was insignificant, she smiled gracefully, looking over to Cory she spoke some horrifying words."It's your turn now."She said walking under a tree, she will not help him at all, it is not her right to interfere with another's fate.

."You cold bitch, you won't even help me?."Cory said to her gritting his teeth as beads of sweats trickle down his face, he put up his hands in a combat stance that looked awkward, he was really not built for fighting.

Gabe shook her head calmly."Your fate is your own to change, I can only give hints, bound by my Divinity Of Fortune and Fate, offer me something in exchange."She said with the smile of a merchant.

."Damn you..."Cory's eye twitched, he bit his lips drawing blood...


*Back with Haile*

Haile opened his eye."Intriguing, you have some pretty interesting people in your pantheon Hera, though I'm surprised I didn't see your two older brothers, have they abandoned you?."He ask her as he rubbed his chin.

."No, everything just happened strangely, I never expected this, I was gathering my armies to take over Kyoto to find you but then you just invade me, I had set up other plans with Hades involving that."Hera said as she shrugged, talk about the irony, welp, shit happens.

Haile nodded absent-minded not really paying attention, he is looking at something, he smiled."So who exactly is this, Witch Of Fortune."He said raising an eyebrow while separating his mind to deal with the other ones.

."Witch Of Fortune, Gabe, Goddess Of Fortune and Fate, I'm actually not to sure myself, she had always been mysterious, I heard that she actually came from a different pantheon, but I don't know, all I know is that she can see into your future by using fate and Fortune, are you interested in her, she...can be a good Servant to you."Hera said as a strange expression showed on her face, she really hopes he does not like that woman and planing to take her as a concubine or something.

Haile didn't respond to that."1, 2, 3, 4, Hmm, alright, I suppose, let's go Hera, I will go get Melody now."He said with a calm smile as he turned and walk to the Monolith.

Hera was surprised, she looked back into the distance.'Is he leaving that Witch alive, does he really like her.'She thought as she bite her thumb, her eyes glint ominously.


The Witch Of Fortune Gabe was gazing down at a body on the ground."Fate and Fortune indeed reigns Supreme, Cory, no matter what, you would have died here, thank you for the spleen by the way."She said casually as she walked away not touching the rest of his body, it is against the Fate and Fortune to steal from a customer.

."Though I wonder why, I am not beautiful enough to gain the favor of a man, who is horny by nature, especially over so many others, he must be intrigued by my Fate And Fortune, lucky me."Gabe said with a calm smile, still having everything under control as she walked away seductively.



."Huh?."Gabe steps froze as she felt a burning pain in her chest, she looked down and saw a drop of blood floating infront her chest which has a tiny whole by her heart."Oh, I see..."


Gabe fell over with a calm expression, it was almost like she was prepared for this very day."Why was that able to kill me, makes no sense, I've been hit worse, he really is next level...."She said softly as she closed her eyes sleepily with a peace smile on her face.

This part of the forest was a silent one once more as the Gods rest peacefully in the bed of death.


*Greek Pantheon*

*Gods Hall*

Haile and Hera were now back in the Hall walking to the exit, Hera is leading him to the prison where Melody is being held captive, Haile glanced at Hera.

."I hope you have been treating Melody nicely, I like her, I really don't know why you thought it was a good idea to kidnap her, now look what happened, you are a pantheonless God Empress."He said indifferently as he walked along.

Hera sighed, she then remembered something."Darling give me a moment I have to call someone."She said as she took out a little disk and put some energy into it turning it away from Haile.

.""What is it little sister, are you in trouble already?"".

A shadow figure rose up from the disk hologram, it was the same figure from last time, he looked at her raising an eyebrow.

."Well..about that..I..um...kinda..maybe..possibly lost..the...pantheon..destroy..."Hera said looking away, she spoke in a tiny voice that held a childlike embarrassment.

The shadow figure was silent for a bit, he was seemingly speechless."You-how-did-how-you, Huh...huh, you..lost..you lost...LOST a FUCKING PANTHEON, YA LOSE A FUCKING GOLD COIN NOT A FUCKING PANTHEON, WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE TAKEN OVER, WHY DIDN'T I LISTEN TO MY GUT, THIS DOESN'T MAKE NO SENSE!?!."He yelled out at her in dismay, shock, bewilderment, disappointment, confusion.

."Big brother you don't have guts remember."Hera said putting her hand on her mouth.

The shadow man's eyes twitched under his cloak."If you were not my little sister I would hold your head and twist it till it popped off like a bottle of wine FUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!."He bellowed out with fury.

Hera had her ears blocked from his screaming."It-its not that big a deal, we can always build a new one."She said as she hid her face.

."..I can see you're an idiot, do you think that's how it works, do you know how much I've sacrificed for that pantheon, what happened to mother, what happened to us, wait a minute, what happened, who WHO WAS IT!!!."The shadow man asked with burning rage.

Haile who was listening in eyes glint, he waved his hands to catch Hera's attention, this was a good chance.

Hera saw this."Give me one moment big brother."She said as she went out of the hologram and to Haile, she looked at him curiously, she still felt a bit embarrassed being shout at by her brother infront of Haile.

."Tell him, you were attacked by the Hindu Faction, that it seems that somehow, maybe they had a special ability or there was a traitor but they found out Zeus had died, they took that chance saying the pantheon is now weak without Zeus and they destroyed it proving there point."Haile said casually, he smiled, this will start it, two of the most powerful forces in the universe trying to destroy each other.

Hera thought about but then she ran into a problem."But I can't lie to him, he will know I'm lying, this is Hades, my big brother, he could see into my soul."She said seriously as she bit her red plump lips.

."Don't worry about that, just say what I told you, don't repeat it word for word put it in your own words if possible."Haile said calmly as he motioned with his head to go back.

Hera nodded as she took a deep breath to calm herself also."Big brother I'm back, I saw that my lip stick was turning dull."She said as she put her hand on her hips.

."Really, right now, you women, whatever, who was it, I think I might have an idea but who could do it without notice by us, a battle of that magnitude would be felt across dimensions especially with General Moda there, that man is a beast."Hades said as he rubbed his chin under his dark cloak.

Hera cleared her throat, she developed a sad expression."I know who, it was the Hindu faction, I don't know what happened, one of the men knew that Zeus died somehow, I don't know if we had a traitor or maybe they have some special future seeing ability but they knew, they took the chance that we became weaker."She said with some hurt, which she didn't fake, it was her fault after all.

Hade clenched his hands, a blue light came from under his cloak."Shiva, hahahhahaha."He laughed out a menacing grainy laugher, but within the shadow his skeletal face was serious.

."Future prediction, Shiva, he think it is so easy, Zeus, who the fuck is Zeus, I am the real power of this pantheon, me, the only reason he was king is because of my appearance, I am the true might, you want to play Shiva, let's FUCKING PLAY!!!!."Hades said angrily as he turned off the hologram.

Hera looked a bit disturbed."..what just happened, I've never seen my brother angry before, I didn't even know that he can be angry, he is just a skeleton."She said, she looked at Haile impressed, her brother would have instantly found out she was lying if she was alone.

."Good, now it is set in place, don't question why I did that, leave it be and let's go."Haile said to her as he walked away.

Hera was left with her mouth open preparing to speak, she shut it back with her hand."Ok then."She said as she followed after him, her beautiful white hair blowing behind her.