
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 133×Goddess Iris Heart

*Dxd World*

*Raeh's Pantheon*







Albino Maze pushed off turning into a stream of light as he screamed out with a Roar beyond that of an enrage Dragon.

Haile looked at him with amusement, he touched Tiamat's shoulder, his eyes glowing with violence that of a demon."I got this."He said taking one step forward and upward, he raised his hand gently and swung out with a ruthless smile.






Haile's slap connected with Albino Maze head and completely separated it from his body like using a razorblade, it was so smooth and so precise that his body didn't even move when he was hit, not even a shake.

Haile grabbed the rest of his body by the piece of spine left over from his neck."Nice spine my dude, I could make an albino snake belt out of this hahaha."He chuckled at his own bad joke, looking at the lifeless body in his hands, he felt a bloodthirst, one that he knows quite well.

The hunger for blood he had sourced for years after millions of kills, after a bit of peace it is finally back and with a vengeance, he smiled as he threw the body into the air and snapped.


The body turned to dust as it sprinkled down into the Flames disappearing to nothing as over 200 survivors watched the public cremation.

All the observers were just speechless at this beast, over 10 million strong couldn't just beat Albino Maze but this man just upped and killed him, just like that, what were they supposed to do in regards to that.

."Hahahah, serves that fellow right, I'm satisfied I got to see him die before me, but...I will die on my own terms not yours Hahahah."Adonis said with loud laugher as he pulled out the sword from his stomach and push it back in.




Adonis looked down at his stomach."Oh shit, you gotta be kidding me."He said as he looked at Haile's amused face.

."Do you thing you have the right to anything standing before me, I control everything, you die when I say die.....oops."Haile said as he looked at the Adonis falling into the fire dead as stone, Haile scratched his head, his eye black with a sun in the middle.

Tiamat along with everyone looked at the falling body of Adonis, then they all turned back to him, Tiamat raised an eyebrow for everyone."Was that supposed to happen?."She asked curiously as she tilt her head.

."..Well yes but actually no, but either way it's been done, moving on, you all who have chosen to stand against me, you have two choices, stay and fight or turn around and flee back to your island's and live, choose wisely."Haile said projecting his voice as he put his hands behind his back casually.

The two hundred soldiers looked at each other, they were the last 200, that means each of them were the strongest of the strong and for some the lucky that can rule an island if they wish, there leaders are dead, why would they waste there lives away for nothing.




One by one, two by two and in groups they took off at breakneck speed disappearing into the distance returning home with big smiles, they can now be rulers back home with no problems.

Haile and Tiamat stood and watched them flying away, after they all left Tiamat looked at Haile with surprise."That was surprisingly merciful of you, did you have a change of heart mid way through or something?."She asked him seeing him let those people escape.

."Huh, mercy, what is that, I said I would let them live, I didn't say for how long though, I let them go so I can find the Islands easily without having to look, now let's go."Haile said as he took to the air and disappeared at Blazing speed following them.

Tiamat shook her head."I should've known, but whatever, I like it, this feels like a date somehow, just me and master going around destroying civilizations, it's kinda romantic now that I think about it."She said with a smile as she went into dreamland flying after her beloved master.

They moved at speed unreal to common reality, it wasn't long before they caught up to the 200 that had gone on before them, the 200 hundred were moving extremely fast as well giving it there all.

For some odd reason they felt an ominous pressure bearing down on them like a sword by there necks just waiting to take it off there shoulders, they sped up even more as some of them felt beads of sweets forming.

Halfway through the 200 split into three groups and took off to there respective islands, when they all returned they expected to feel relieved and excited for their long futures of possibilities ruling there divine islands, but they were suddenly hit like a train by Paranoia.

In the far distance high in the air above the West Divine Island stood Haile and Tiamat they looked down at the humongous landmass of an island.

."These islands are actually quite big, just this one alone is about the size of an entire continent, it also seem to have everything from rivers to seas and forest, I wonder who created all this, these Greek Gods sure did a good job."Tiamat said casually so she looked at the pitiful creatures below going about there boring existence.

Haile stepped forward with a smile then froze as he frown, he turned back to Tiamat with slightly wider eyes."What did you just say."He asked her slowly, he knew he didn't hear wrong but anything is possible.

.""Huh, uh, these islands are quite-""

.""Not that, the last thing"".

."Oh, the Greek Gods did a good job, what is wrong with it, do you not like it or something, I think it's pretty nice."Tiamat said as she raised an eyebrow, did he not like them that much that he even denies the truth, well to bad for them.

Haile stood in thought of the past.'Damn...that's where I heard that story from, Raeh...Hera, so this is her pantheon, her husband is The King Of The Gods Zeus, her brothers, Hades and Poseidon, there father Cronus and mother Rhea, there father locked them up....'He thought, it all finally clicked in his mind.

."Umm, what is it Master, did you suddenly gain some more "sagely wisdom"."Tiamat asked him with quotation as she rolled her eyes seeing him so focused in thought.

Haile came out of thought as he smiled looking towards the distance."No, I was thinking of this bad girl I have to punish for misbehaving and causing me trouble even after I done her a favor."He said as his eyes glint, he raised his hand and pointed a finger to the sky.

Tiamat folded her arms and smirked, she is waiting to see something cool and different and she think she will very soon.

.""Ice Magic:Frozen World"".


In the sky infront of Haile The sound of rapid freezing was heard, visibly with the naked eye one could see a small ball of blue ice taking shape as it expanded and grew to sizes that screamed terror to whomever is on the opposing end of this.

."Woahhh....."Tiamat murmured as she gradually raised her head looking at the icy planet Haile was floating above his finger, it was a giant ball of ice that was so massive that it created a pressure reminiscent of gravity.

Down on the continent like island, the residence were no different than normal humans aside from the powers and appearance, they had lives, job's, families, there own entertainment, hobbies, goals and dreams.

Some lived as poor as the very same ill situated human and some as rich, even though they may be of two different classes of power, some remain homeless and in slums, children in orphanages and the likes.

In the poor district a mother was preparing dinner for her two children, son and daughter, she smiled with motherly love as she saw there expectatious eyes as they await there mothers tasty food.

The mother was a decent looking woman, she had warm Black eyes, long black and white hair and some dark green horns coming out from the top of her head like a forest dragon, her aura was calmly and relaxing as she hummed a fine tune as she cooked.

.""Mama mama when will it be ready, I can't wait, Aaaa my tummy is growling Roar hahaha"".

The small boy asked as he laughed joyously, he looked just like his mother but boy baby version as he had one dark green horn and one full black eye, his sister beside him nodded with a cute pout, she looked just like her brother but more feminine, they were twins.

."Hold on a minute my babies, mama will be done soon, just five more minutes alright, just give mama five minutes."The woman said with a sweet smile, she wiped away some sweat as she stirred the pot.

As the two children were playing around, the boy twin looked to the window curiously as if something interesting caught his childish eyes, he tilt his head slightly as he saw the shadow outside visibly move in a weird direction, he had never seen that before.

."Mama, why is that shadow moving like that Mmm "The boy asked as he pointed to the window, he got up and went closer, he realized that it was moving quicker.

The woman glanced but was not really paying attention, she waved it off."It's probably just some clouds blocking the sun, the lightning must be taking a break."She said calmly as she turn off the stove, she has to let it settle for the next four minutes.

."No Mama look."The girl said to as she looked through the window, she had gotten curious of what her brother was talking about and the phenomenon she saw baffled and hypnotized her childlike mind.

Now it was too obvious for the mother to ignore as she to is growing intrigued, she dabbed her face with a towel, taking off her apron she came by the window and looked out....


The woman suddenly screamed in a frightened panicked high pitch tone as her entire body trembled with fear and disbelief shaking her head trying to deny it.

."No..no..nooo...my...babies my babies noo!!!"".

.""Waaaaaa Mama!"".


The woman screamed in heartbreak and misery as she hugged her two confused children who were only crying because she was, they did not understand what was going on at all.

A similar yet slightly altered scene was playing out all over the Continental Island as hurt, fear, hopelessness, distress, every negative emotion overcame this once prosperous and powerful island.




The Frozen World hit the island with Supreme mass and speed causing it to instantly collapse on itself as it broke apart shattering like flagile glass crushing and killing everyone some painfully other luck enough for a quick and painless death.

Knocking it off it's floating foundation the rubble along with everything else fell into the pit of hell fire, anything fortunate enough to survive the Frozen World, got to enjoy the warm embrace of hell instead.




."Woo, Master that...was epic, ohhh, I wish there was more beings here that you didn't want to kill, you would have made the legends for that move alone."Tiamat said with sparkling eyes as she almost danced around like a little kid on Christmas.

Haile dust off his hands casually as he glanced at where the island fell into the fire pit, he felt like he had caught a glimpse of one of the residence lives for some reason, it was playing out right before his eyes and he watched it all.


.""*Sniffle* why must you be so cruel, they did nothing to you, I even showed you the innocent lives that be, yet *sob* how could you they were just kids"".

A beautiful voice sounded from behind Haile and Tiamat, it was that of a female, words couldn't describe the beauty of this voice and it only made one's heart break to hear the sorrow that is now held within, even a demon would feel impure for causing such a sin to occur.

Haile didn't make much of a reaction to this sudden new person, Tiamat on the other hand frowned, she turned around laying her eyes on that Hateful innocent face.

Iris had tears running down her face like a river as she cried for all the lives lost, she fell to her knees as she covered her face with her hands in heart break.

."Boohoo it's so sad *puh* stop it with the crocodile tear already Iris, I'm on to your tricks, if you cared so deeply about these people you could've helped them by stopping this piece of ice."Tiamat said with disgust and frustration.

Iris was surprised by this person that knows her name, she tried wiping some of her tears which failed miserably at first but eventually she got them to stay in, she looked at Tiamat's face and she gained a puzzle expression as she Sniffled.

."Who are you???."Iris tilt her head in confusion not recognizing this person, did she know these evil people.

Tiamat's eyebrow twitched slightly."Alright, since you want go play a hard ass, let me see...do you recognize me now perhaps stupid bitch."She said as she started transforming into her giant dragon form, she glowed and changed like energy as she grew becoming once again whole.

Tiamat breathed breathing out smoke, she looked down at the now small little Iris with her slit gigantic pupils, Tiamat grin.

Iris face paled like sheet of freshly made paper, her heart dropped as fear gripped her in its slimy embrace."Uh oh, this is not good at all."She said cutely as she backed up, she held up her finger for "wait one minute" sign, she turn around putting her hand on her ear pretending like she is talking to someone and..



Iris screamed in fear as she ran away in a rainbow like Bridge, she stopped as she got a certain distance, she looked back then screamed again and continued on with even more speed.

Tiamat shook her head as she palmed her face with her claws while Haile chuckled at this entire situation, this Goddess was actually quite cute and funny, he liked her.

."So this Iris is the Ancestor of the Iris I drank, how funny, maybe I should drink her as well, just as reference to tell my disciple how a Goddess Taste compare to a human."Haile said as he licked his lips imagining the delectable flavor.

Tiamat looked at him as she covered herself with her claws."Master, you're scaring me, soon you're going to be telling me you want a taste of dragon just one nibble, we-we taste very salty, very bad for you."She said as she turn back to human form.

."Hahaha that would be something but don't worry, if I want to eat dragon there is always those other ones, I'll try not to make them extinct."Haile said with a chuckle, he looked to the direction Goddess Iris went off to, is headed back to the Land Of The Gods.

Tiamat looked as well."Iris, damn bitch, she had become even more beautiful as she got older, damn whore, she is a nice girl, fuck her."She said speaking with a bipolar personality as she smiled and got angry like changing clothes.

."..moving on from this madness, let's go destroy the last two Islands and head to the Gods and Goddesses."Haile said as he flew off into the distance at breakneck speeds.

Tiamat followed closely behind as she pushed.


*Raeh's Palace*

Raeh was still Meditating, she felt like she was drawing closer to her new divinity, all she need is a small push and she will have it.'Haileeeee, Haileeee, Haileeee, I miss you Haile, ah focus, Haileeeee.'She meditated profoundly.


Raeh's eye twitched.'What is that girls problem now, is she going to make this like old times again, *sigh*.'She thought, she opened her eyes raised her hand to her two guards that rushed into the room from the two large Doors.


Iris stopped screaming as she opened the door calmly, she cleared her throat as she walk in then she closed the door."WE'RE GOING TO DIE, YOUR MAJESTY SAVE ME!!!."She ran at Raeh ungracefully as she slid on the floor and held onto Raeh's legs.

."Hey let me go, you are such a scaredy-cat Iris, come just tell me who is bullying you now, I'll deal with it, this display is pathetic, is it your husband again, I'll give him a good beating."Raeh said with a sigh, she took Iris off the ground and put her to stand.

Iris stood up and dust off her clothes."It is not my husband, it is a dragon Tiamat from yearrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs ago, she is back to eat us and destroy our pantheon, her and a very beautiful man, he seems to be the one in charge, they destroyedthe North Island and the East Island, now are going for the others."She said hurriedly as she started to panic again as she talked about it.

."Mmm I see, it matters not, those were going to be destroyed either way, my late husband always do it every million year- oh."Raeh stopped as she saw Iris shocked expression, she put her hand on her mouth, her damn big mouth.

Iris stepped back with her stomach in her hand."You what, but all those innocent people, we are supposed to protect them, why did you."She said in disbelief, is this what the Gods are.

."I'm sorry you had to find out like this Iris, but this is how it is, you are not a million years old yet so you haven't been through a purge yet, one happened right after you were born, one was scheduled to take place in the next 2000 years, guess it just came earlier."Raeh said heartlessly, it was a tradition where the Gods came together and hunted them out, they leave some woman alive mate with then and repopulate the islands.

Iris couldn't believe it."The-then my husband...."She asked fearfully as her hands trembled slightly and her heart sped up.

."If your husband is older than a million years there is a high chance he participated in the last purge no, infact I'm 100% sure he did, I'm sorry Iris."Raeh said as she sat on her throne, this is just the way it is, she was not forced to participate seeing that she was queen but almost everyone else was no matter if you were good or not.

Iris knees felt weak, she fell to the ground as she cried."But why, why, they did nothing wrong, please why, the children, you all are evil.She said as her head slump down.

Raeh shook her head."Come on Iris, we are the Gods, we made them, we can do whatever we want with them, this is the law of nature, let's worry about this another time, you said there was a man who is calling the shots, what does he look like."She asked gently, she knew Iris is a good girl, wouldn't even hurt someone even if they killed her whole family, always seeing the so called good in people, that's why people bully her.

."*Sniffle* I don't know, I didn't see him properly ."Iris lied as she kept her head down, they must all pay for there sins, even she, she can't live on like this anymore, she is ashamed to be a Goddesses.

Raeh frowned.'Iris lied, what is going on here, is Iris having an affair with the enemy, why would she lie for him.'She thought as she clenched her fist.


.""Achoo, *sniffle* who is talking about my handsome self."Haile said as he just destroyed the last island, he used the wind pressure from his fist and destroyed it all crushing everything.

Tiamat rolled her eyes."How could one being be so narcissistic, even I was never so."She said as she stood watching.