
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 116×Seekvaira The Violent

*Dxd World*

*Grimory Territory*(Underworld)



Haile looked at the two confused."What is going on, when was I sick, I think you misunderstood something."He said as he got up.

."Huh, if you're not sick then what happened, are you an impostor, how come you didn't flirt with Seekvaira, this is impossible."Rias said baffled, she felt the world crashing down on her, what happened to her Haile in just a few hours, did that maid do something to him.

Haile tilt his head then realized what she meant."Haha is that it, I'm just not interested in your friend, she is not bad looking but she just doesn't stand out in anyway."He said casually as he smiled shaking his head.

."You bastard, what do you mean by that, you don't even know me!."Seekvaira said coldly, she now feels a way about his dismissiveness, now that she knows the reason why he did it.

Was she not attractive or something, she is sure she can go and get whatever man she so desires, just because he is a little handsome he thinks he's the center of the world.

."It is nice to meet you though, maybe I'll get to know you more in the future."Hail said calmly as he ignored whatever she is saying, he was looking at Akeno, he took her hand and pulled her in a corner on the couch.

Seekvaira stood looking at him with overcast eyes as a dark aura hovered around her, she had never before in her life felt so disrespected and criticized.

Her stomach felt awful, she watched him converse with Akeno casually like he did nothing at all, she clenched her fist tightly and grind her teeth, her eyes frosty.

."Come on Seek, it's not a big deal, it's not like you like him so you don't need to worry about it."Rias pat her on the back feeling sorry, she doesn't know what Haile is doing.

Seekvaira snorted."How can you like an ugly bastard like him, he isn't that good looking or even looks remotely smart, it would have been better to share a drink than for you and Akeno to share this vile abomination."She said ruthlessly with a smirk on her face glancing at Haile.

."*Sigh*."Rias just sighed, even though it sounded harsh they held no weight, any person with eyes could glance and see the absolute opposite which is a being of perfection, it is very hard to critique anything but his actions.

Haile looked at Seekvaira."Quiet a sharp tongue you have, to bad it is to nasty to be put to use by me humanoid lizard."He said as he ignored her again with a smile focusing on Akeno.

Steam came from Seekvaira's ears in anger."Let me at him, just one kick!."She yell out but luckily she was being held back by Rias or she would have pounce on him and tried beating him to a pulp.

Few Minutes later she calmed down and looked at Rias in surprise."It seems the rumors were true, you did indeed become stronger and beat Riser fair and square, I wish I was there to see it, how did you suddenly become some powerful."She asked her with some interest, she is sure she was stronger than Rias.

Rias sighed and moved aside and directed her eyes towards Haile and Akeno flirting with each other.

."...you gotta be kidding me, him, the bastard, made you that strong, how, who is he."Seekvaira frown as she looked over to him.

Rias smile as she sat casually."We are the Gods of the Supreme Wing Pantheon, Haile, True God King, Akeno Goddess Of Lightning and Thunder, Me Goddess Of Destruction and Ruin, there are also several other Goddesses as well, that speaks volumes our power, let alone his."She said with pride in her husband to be, everyday she looks in the mirror and feels lucky.

.".....what..."Seekvaira stood feeling like an idiot, she looked over to Haile again who smirked and waved at her, she frowned again, she still didn't like him one bit.

Rias chuckled lightly."It's ok, he won't do you anything, just don't antagonize him to much, especially on a bad day, he might just decide to kill you and your entire family."She said chuckling again but she was completely serious.

Seekvaira was shookth, did she accidentally bark up the wrong tree, did she just mess up a possible connection she could have made with a powerful being that is probably stronger than the entire devil race.

Haile looked back at Seekvaira."I suppose she is beginning to regret coming at me so rudely, anyway Akeno, so what do you want your Goddess dress to be, you will be wearing it to this little party."He asked her, he is going to make it for her.

."Hmm let me see, Black with...bla bla bla."Akeno started to explain to him what she wants in her dressed.

Haile nodded."I see, Alright, that is easy, I will make the jewels expression beautiful also expensive, also durable and sexy, we will have to break in that dress."He said with a flirtatious smile moving his face closer to hers.

Akeno glanced at his lips and lean in for it connecting lips with him, no matter how many times she kiss him her body experience that same shock like an Adrenaline rush as her mind and body becomes excited.


Akeno moaned in his mouth as she hugged his neck sliding cross and saddling his lap rapping her legs around his waist.

Haile grabbed a handful of her ass as it's elasticity rippled in his hands warmly as one of his fingers got clapped between her bouncing cheeks.

Seekvaira looked on peeking through her fingers."Rias, what are they doing with us watching, are they really going to do it, did you do it."She said with red cheeks with her eyes glued to the happenings infront of her.

."Mm, I don't know, Haile does whatever he wants anytime he wants, as for me, unfortunately no, I have not but soon, I will become his woman truly, soon enough."Rias said with a glint in her eye watching Haile and Akeno being so intimate.



Suddenly someone knocked on the door, Haile stopped as he looked at the door and nod at Rias, Akeno didn't get up she grind her ass on him feeling his giant cock pressing against her through his pants.

Rias opened the door and standing outside was Grafia and next to her was a disturb looking Sirzechs, he walked into the room.

."Hello everyone...Akeno, Ohh, Seekvaira Agares, Haile.....Rias...."Sirzechs said calmly as he looked at everyone, he raised an eyebrow as he glanced across Haile and Akeno.

Rias frowned."Sirzechs, might I ask what brought you hear."She asked going cold looking down on him.

."Rias."Haile said casually as he rubbed his face into Akeno's breast.

Rias woke up, she was trying to make up with her brother not make things worse, she looked at her brother who looked hurt."I'm sorry about that big brother, *sigh* I don't want us to fight anymore."She said tired of all this.

."I'm sorry as well Rias, I should have explained the plan to you, but I thought it would be to obvious if you are so willing to marry Riser, so I didn't even tell mother, only me, father and Grafia knew about it."Sirzechs said feeling apologetically to her.

Tears came down Rias eyes."I just felt used and abused, I thought you all just gave me away for some tears foregoing my own, I don't think I can ever trust you the same after that, you didn't even give me a choice, just deciding everything on your own."She said as she faced him looking him in the eyes.

Sirzechs hearing this felt a pain in his heart, he felt like he had wronged her, he came forward slowly and took her in his arms."I'm sorry Ria, please forgive me, I thought you would have understood, I'm sorry."He said to her as emotion flood his body, he felt empty on the inside without his little Ria.

."*Sigh*Unfortunately for you, you are to late big brother, it is no longer my choice, I have given him all the power."Rias said as she wiped her tears and stepped back going closer to Haile.

Haile smirked all perversely as he moved his eyebrow like waves, Sirzechs sighed helplessly as he raised his hand."What do you want."He asked softly.

."Hehehe let me see, 999,000,000,000,000,000 dollars, half the Grimory Territory, 200 of your most beautiful maids, all your secrets texts and scriptures of the ancient past, I like to read, Mm I suppose that's it."Haile said as he rubbed his chin, he looked at everyone.

Everyone looked at him, he was tripping, all of them thought that collectively, Sirzechs sighed again."Please Haile, I'm literally on my metaphorical knees begging you, just to give me this favor, I'll give you 5 favors in exchange."He said.

."Well it seems you don't really want this, what do I look like a mice for you to give me such a small piece of cheese, make me satisfied, make me want to jump on the trap."Haile said with a smile as she squeezed Akeno's ass tightly as she put her mouth on his neck to silence her moan.

Sirzechs quickly realized who he was dealing with, an evil God, filled with greed."Alright, 35 favors but I can still refuse if it is unreasonable, but if you fuse 10 favors together you can give me one order that I wouldn't refuse, if I do you have the right to kill me."He said as he made up his mind, he will do whatever it take to get back the love of his Ria.

."Now we're talking cheese, I allow it, you know even if you had refused I would have still allowed her, to bad for you hahahaha."Haile said as he bellowed out in laughter.

Sirzechs tried his best to ignore him less he loses his mind, he looked at Rias who smiled at him and of her own will hugged him, he smile in satisfaction as his heart melt, it was all worth it.

They hugged and made up for the next 20 minutes, soon they were speaking almost as good as before but Rias still had a boundary around herself that Sirzechs decided not to bother about.

."Alright, Rias I have to get back to work, I can't dilly dally with the group of beings coming to the underworld, I'll see you later....Akeno, Seekvaira,....*huff*."Sirzechs said to them as he huffed and puffed as he landed on Haile, he turn and left.

Grafia glanced at Haile and a spark of something flash in her eyes, she then turned and walk out behind Sirzechs.

."Rias, I suppose I should be leaving as well, I can see you all want to have your um intimate time, I'll be going."Seekvaira said as she looked at Haile once more with a conflicted expression, she had lost big time, she turn and left.

After she had gone along Rias turn to Haile."Was that really necessary, what are you doing anyway."She said sighing, he is always up to mischief.

."Hahaha, I'm just trying out a new technique, I'll see how long it takes her to fall into my arms, but i was not lying, she is really not to my taste, so sorry about your friend."Haile chuckled and said but also apologized to Rias.

Rias shrug, there was nothing she could do about it so why even bother to try, a futile effort.

."All that matters is that you are good to us, nothing else matters, at least to me."Akeno said as she kissed his lips gently forcing all her love down his throat in the form of her saliva that now tasted sweet like a Goddess should.

Rias nodded fervently in agreement, he may be ruthless to everyone else in the world but never to those around him, they know he is not a good person at heart but it's to late for all of that, they love him and he will love them soon enough.

."Anyway, let us go get lunch, I'm feeling some salmon with toast garlic bread and cheese, it's even better because I don't have to make it haha."Haile said as he stood up with Akeno still hugging him like a koala.

Rias nodded her head in some thought."That does sound rather delicious, I'll have the maids prepare something, Akeno do you want the same as well."She said then asked Akeno.

."Hm, yes and let them add a honey and cyan pepper chicken breast, Mm two pieces."Akeno said with a smile as she licked Haile's neck sensually.

Haile smiled and tapped her foot so she can get down, she did reluctantly, Haile looked at Rias."Let me go see your parents, I must say they are good people and I like them."He said with a nod of appreciation.

."Or is it that you just like my mother, they are happily married you know, for centuries now, there is no way that she would accept your advances."Rias said confidently, even if he was extremely handsome her mother was a strong woman, that is where she got her strength, if she herself had a boyfriend there is no way she would fall for Haile.

Haile smile relaxed."Is that so, I guess I would have no choice but to give up and leave it up to mother fate."He said as he had a blissful appearance and having no trace of disappointment.

Rias sighed."Let's go ahead and get the thing ready, my mind is making me hungry, I think I might do like Akeno and get some chicken as well, maybe a thigh."She said as she walked.

Haile walked out holding hands with Akeno as well.

They walked for a few minutes passing by fountains and stuff they came upon an outside living room, with a half circle couch and several small tables going around with a multitude of maids standing behind cause sitting there was Zeoticus and Venelana having tea and conversing.

Venelana who was speaking noticed them coming from the corner of her eyes and they lit up as she smile."Oh Lord Haile, you've come, I heard from Nalisa you had some business to take care of?."She said enthusiastically as she watch him get closer.

Haile smile as he walked up and greeted them both before he sat down."Yes, it's just a matter I forgot, it's been rectified now, no worries."He said to her.

."Umm Haile, I've um seen Nalisa's..I don't know if I should mention it but I've noticed that her eyes...."Zeoticus said let's it roll off his tongue and hang in the air.

Haile waved it off."It's no big deal, it's not some secret I'm trying to keep, yes I've made her see again and made her new, she will now be my official servant."He said not taking no if's or but.

."Hm I see, Alright."Zeoticus nodded, that was the original plan anyway so it was nothing much at all.

Over to Venelana's side she was just staring watching Haile speak off into her own mind, she felt something brush her shoulders and she looked over waking up.

."Mom, stop undressing my boyfriend with your eyes, it's rude, don't you have a husband."Rias said with a frown, now she understood why Haile had that expression, but why, how did this happen, they didn't have any physical interaction that could lead to something like this.

Venelana felt embarrassed and scared."N-no Rias y-y-y-you have the wrong idea, I-I was just in my own thoughts and my head just happened to be in that direction."She said trying to explain herself.

."Sounding awful distress for someone innocent, but whatever you say."Rias said not believing her mother at all, it was Haile, now she was embarrassed, she had just told Haile about how strong her mother was, seems she was wrong.

Venelana cleared her throat and took a sip of her tea gracefully, she glanced at Haile sneakily but she saw Rias looking at her out the corner of her eyes and looked away to something else.

."One of you maids can you please go tell the chefs to prepare a meal for us, three of them, consisting of salmon, smoke salmon for me, toasted garlic bread, um, cheese, two honey and cyan pepper chicken breast and two honey BBQ chicken thighs, um Haile you want anything else?."Rias stop and ask Haile.

Haile rubbed his chin."Maybe some more of that wine, if it's alright with you Zeoticus."He said as he looked at him.

."Yes of course, maid bring back three bottles of 700 hundred year Grimory Blood Wine, thank you."Zeoticus said to the same maid kindly.

The maid took in all the information and nodded, she bowed and left going to complete the order.

A few hours later it was brought back, several maids came with the trays of food ordered, it was glistening and the chicken was coated in edible gold.

Haile licked his lips, Rias and Akeno were also ready, the maids also brought extras for both Zeoticus and Venelana.

Everyone ate, made jokes laugh and had a great time, soon they looked like they became quite close, Haile even let the maids get some to eat as well, so they were happy and smiling also, grateful to him.

Now it was bed time, Haile had gone and hung out with Gasper and Koneko earlier, he had took them into bed as well, well Gasper into his box, he isn't really shy anymore but he still enjoys his box.

Now he is back in his own room with Akeno and Rias who had a red face filled with anticipation and nervousness, Haile smirked.

."*Yawn* alright let us get some sleep, tomorrow may have some fun, good night."Haile said as he kissed her and Akeno on the lips as he rap his arms around them both and closed his eyes.

Akeno smiled as she huddled close to Haile feeling sweet in her heart, she closed her eyes comfortably.

."....."Rias just layed there froze and disappointed, she sighed and shook her head, she closed her eyes begrudgingly but as she was doing so she noticed something by the door.

Her eyes snapped opened and stared at the door but the thing she saw was gone."Mm, what was that."She whispered to herself, she pointed her finger to the door and if closed, she could've sworn she locked it on the way in.

Haile lying with his eyes closed smile.
