
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 114×NPCs Have Lives As Well

*Dxd World*

*Underworld*(Grimory Territory)



In the Grimory mansion all the servants were the earliest to get up, they cleaned and they cook so they can have everything ready before the masters and mistresses wake up.

In the bedroom Haile opened his eyes and found himself lying in the bed completely by himself, he smiled and stretched out, he closed his eyes for about 5 minutes more before he got back up.

."*Yawn* ah boy, that was a nice sleep, sex then sleep, the perfect remedy for insomnia."Haile said to himself as he got up out the bed only having on a pants, he walked to the bathroom in the bedroom.

He took a much needed piss after not taking one in awhile, then he went into the shower and took a bath he took his time bathing for half hour.

He walk out the shower completely naked and stop."You are quite dutifully aren't you, didn't even blush once from seeing my perfect visage in all my naked glory, nice."Haile said with a smile on his face as he took a towel from the maid now standing outside his bathroom door.

She was a pretty normal lady, not bad looking but not really even just pretty to his standards, she had a slim build that could be considered nice but something about her disposition made her just blissful to look at, she looked to be about 22 maybe 23.

Haile raised an eyebrow, he can't put his finger on it."What is your name miss maid."He asked her calmly as he dried himself off infront of her not bothering to cover up.

."Master Haile, please forgive my intrusion, my name is Nalisa, I'm at your service by Lord Zeoticus, please to make your acquaintance."Nalisa said with a peaceful smile as she bowed her head in his direction.

Haile nodded as he continued to look at her as he tilt his head."Hmm, I think I can see why they sent you to serve me, it is nice to meet you as well Nalisa."He said as he smiled, he then walked to the bed.

."Master Haile, sorry if it is rude, but what do you mean."Nalisa asked him curiously as she looked at him.

Haile frowned as he looked at the wall, he looked back at her."What are you looking at Nalisa, I'm over here."He said to her as he saw her talking to the wall.

."Oh I'm sorry Master Haile."Nalisa was embarrassed, her face turned red as she bowed again following the direction of his voice.

Haile's face relaxed in realization, he walked over to her silently and went closer go her face, her face remained the same as she stared off into space with her beautiful dark blue eyes.

."Nalisa, what happened to your eyes."Haile asked her calmly, he had realized what happened.

Nalisa tensed up at that, she bowed her head deeply."I'm sorry Master Haile if it inconvenienced or bothered you, I can go fetch someone else to serve you if you'd like."She said apologetically as she tapped her foot on the ground hard then turn to the direction of the door.

."No no, it is not a bother at all, I was just curious, if he sent you then you are probably qualified for the job why would I turn you away for something like this you can't control."Haile said as he Instinctively pat her head gently.

Nalisa nodded her head gratefully as she bowed her head and stood at the side waiting to serve him.

Haile looked at her and used his statistics on her to gleam some information...

NAME:Nalisa Andromalius


TITLE:Perfect Maid, Lady With The Heart Of Gold, Cursed Legacy, Wanderer, Survivor, Heiress of The Extinct Clan Of Andromalius.

RACE:Human(55%), Devil(45%)



CLASS:Peak, Mid Class



ABILITIES:All Seeing Eye(Cursed)

TECHNIQUES:Sound Sensory, Hidden Weapons, Traditional Judo, Ancient Kung Fu, Iron Fist, Iron Shirt, Perfect Clap.

MAGIC SPELLS:Defensive Magic, Teleportation Magic, Echo Location, Fire Magic, Water Magic, Ice Magic, Wind Magic, Summoning Magic, Teleportation Magic, Illusion Magic, Hypnosis Magic, Sealing Magic, Healing Magic, Enhancement Magic, Defensive Magic, Security System Magic, Spirit Magic, Fairy Magic, Devil Magic, False Magic Rune, Black Magic, White Magic, Alchemy

Haile looked at her.'Well, talk about being fucked over by life, how unfortunate for her, she was supposed to be a little princess of the devil race, also All Seeing Eye but she is blind, only Mid class even after over a century of life.'He thought as he looked at her and she did indeed have a heart of Gold.

."Alright Nalisa you can head back now, tell the others I will be out shortly."Haile said to her with a soft tone.

Nalisa nodded her head, she stomped her feet and turned walking out the door, she tapped on the walls and followed the sound going down the long halls.

Haile smiled watching her, he shook his head in pity as he went back to the bed and put on his Clothes which will be his formal divine uniform, anyone have any talk, his trusty gold slipper will answer back.




Haile walked out into the wall ways as he remembered where the dinning room was, either way it is impossible for him to be lost, he walked passing by dozens of maids and butlers who all bowed showing him respect.

Soon he arrived at the dinning room, everyone was already there waiting on him except Grafia, he walked in confidently and took his seat."Good morning everyone."He said with a smile as he reached over and kissed both Rias and Akeno on the cheeks then he nodded at both Koneko and Gasper.

."Goodmorning to you to Lord Haile, I hope you had a relaxing night and was comfortable in our humble home."Venelana said with a warm smile as she looked slightly in his direction but not looking him in the eyes.

Zeoticus nodded with a smile as well."Yes I also hope so, you can stay as long as you like, make yourself at home, either way aside from the, *ahem* circumstances, we are family now so our home is your home."He said as he raised a cup of wine in his hands.

Haile glanced at Rias and raised his glass to toast as well, he smiled and looked around at everyone, he took a sip of his wine, he looked at it in a bit of surprise."This wine is quite nice, where can I buy this."He said impressed, he could use a few bottles.

."Oh you like this, don't worry about price, this is made exclusively by our Grimory Household, made from red cherries grown here in the underworld, fermented for 500 years, a single dragon whisker in this centuries batch, plus one very special ingredient a drop of blood from a Grimory, before you leave I'll send you off with a hundred bottle as a present."Zeoticus said proudly as he inhaled the scent of it.

Haile nodded as he took another sip, at least the list is not as bad as that other one."Thank you very much, but talking about gifts, I believe I should be the one to offer a gift, would you allow me to offer a gift to your lovely wife in celebration of this day sir?."He asked him.

."Sure Go ahead, no need to be so formal with me, just call me Zeoticus and if it's ok with you Haile well."Zeoticus said with a big smile as he motioned him.

Haile nodded and got up, he walked over to Venelana who avoided eyes contact with him, he smiled gently."Here Miss Venelana, I created this for you."He said as he opened his hands and revealing a necklace.

Everyone in the room was instantly drawn to it, it shun brightly in different shades of colors from red to gold and black, Venelana received it as Haile placed it around her neck, she looked at it.

."My, it's so beautiful, thank you very much Lord Haile, I love it."Venelana said with a happy glow, she appreciated it very much, it had a warm feeling to it as well probably from his touch.

Haile nodded with a smile as he went back to his seat drinking his wine.

Akeno reached over to him."Haile what is that made of, it is so Hynotically beautiful and shiny."She said as she looked at it in a daze, she wanted one now.

."Hmm let me see, the sliver-White looking material is call Rhodium, the next to that is Painite, the others are, Golden Rube, Blood Diamonds, Black Opal, Blue Gold, Jadeite, Blue Garnet, Lithium, Platinum, Silver, Uru and my Pure Divine Energy, it is completely priceless, but let's say just for the numbers game, this would cost approximately 952 Trillon worlds or planetary planes."Haile said as he looked at it, it is his masterpiece for the moment.

While he was admiring the necklace everyone else was frozen, Venelana personally felt suffocated as the priceless artifact was around her neck.

."Yo-you are joking right???."Zeoticus asked him with an awkward smile on his face, that was completely ridiculous.

Haile smiled as he shrugged."Why would I make a joke like that, the reason it is so expensive is because of Uru and my energy, but all the other materials are expensive as well, that Blue Garnet is 1.5 million per carat, there are 16 Carats on that necklace, the Jadeite are 30 Million per piece, all those little pieces you see lining it, those small little green stones that number is 800, yes those are Jadeite, 800 stones at 30 million per stone, 24 Billion dollars, Uru, you can't even put a price on that, I would pay several million planets for an indestructible metal."He said explaining it all to them, yep Thor is alot richer than he thinks and he will not be the one to tell him.

Rias and Akeno looked at each other as they spoke to each other with there eyes, they blinked and move around there eyes in girl code then they winked at each other.

."I see, well I thank you very much, but I don't think I can accept this, we haven't done anything worthy of something like this."Venelana said with a warm smile as she took it off from around her neck.

Haile smile and stood up, he turn to Rias amd walked over, he held her face gently and took her lips catching her by surprise, he push his tongue inside, he glanced at Venelana who was staring licking her lips Instinctively, he pulled away.

."Mm do you think it is worth it now, I gave you something worth only few worlds and you have allowed me the hand of someone priceless, if you don't take it it may make me feel bad."Haile said as he caressed Rias cheek who was blushing at what he said.

Venelana gulped her saliva and cleared her throat."Ok, I suppose if you say all of that, it would be rude to refuse, thank you."She said as she rubbed it gently.

."Haile what will you be doing today, me and Rias are going out and catching up with some friends, I'm not sure if Koneko and Gasper will want to come."Akeno said to him as she looked at the two mentioned.

Koneko shook her head in refusal, Gasper said no as well, they both want to stay here, Koneko was looking over her shoulder all the time presumably waiting for something to jump out.

."Well alright, all of you can have your own fun, I will have a little sight seeing of the underworld with Nalisa."Haile said as he started eating his food and drinking his wine.

Zeoticus smiled knowingly."So you like her eh, worry not when you leave I will send her home with you as well, treat her nicely, she's a good girl, one of you Servant over there go call upon Nalisa."He said as he looked across to the ones standing there.

One of them left to go fetch her.

."It you want i could make some recommendations for you, you know Nalisa is not really, um, equip for directions and sightseeing."Venelana said gently to him, she doesn't want him to her lost.

Haile shook his head."Thank you but it's ok, we'll get by, I think I'll get going now, thanks for the hospitality, Koneko, Gasper I'll check on you later on, Rias and Akeno have fun."He said as he got up with his wine in hand leaving the rest of the food on the table.

Akeno, Koneko, Rias and Gasper waved him goodbye, Venelana watched his back as he was leaving unblinking, when he disappeared is when she finally like came back to life.

Zeoticus was looking at his wife watching Haile."Honey is something wrong, are you still worried about the necklace, Haile isn't worried about it so neither should we."He said to her.

."Oh huh um um ye-yes, I was-was, just feeling conflicted, I'm fine now, thank you honey."Venelana said a bit flustered but quickly caught back her composure as she sighed in guilt.


*Few Minutes Later*

Now walking through the devil territory of the Grimory was Haile and accompanying him is Nalisa whose hand is interlocked in his as they walked in silence.

They pass lots of devil citizens on the streets, from children to old looking people, they were main roads where cars pass, it had basically almost everything that the human world had in someway, small restaurants and stuff.

Haile guided the way which was basically random, Nalisa who was silent for a while now finally spoke."Master Haile, I'm not able to entertain you or even show you the way, I'm sorry I'm useless."She said softly as she look directly ahead.

."You don't have to apologize, I quite enjoy your presence don't think so low of yourself, I'm quite a simple man, beautiful company, peaceful atmosphere and I'm happy."Haile said with a smile, he stopped as he looking around.

Nalisa faced in his direction as she tilt her head."Master, are you facing some difficulty?."She asked seeing him stop.

."No no, I'm just looking to see where a forest is that has no people of intellectual nature, I've found it."Haile said as he held her in his arms hugging as he created a magic circle disappearing.


*Random Forest*


In a beautiful forest with a mountain range behind it, they were all sorts of creatures walking and flying around, from small and large butterflies to dragon like lizards.


Haile and Nalisa appeared in this forest, the wind was blowing nice and cool, Nalisa was surprised, she stomped her feet on the ground and snapped her fingers trying to get an image of her surroundings.

."Hmm this is a nice spot, how are you liking it so far, refreshing right, I know you probably haven't gone outside in a long time so enjoy."Haile said as he began walking using his earth Manipulation to create a clear path.

They walked for 15 minutes just enjoying the atmosphere, Nalisa hearing the creatures make there noise and Haile enjoying the sights.

."Master...why are you doing this...I have done nothing to earn your grace, I don't know how to feel about all this,."Nalisa said gently as she held her head down shyly, she felt like she was being courted, but was she worthy, maybe her mind is making it up.

Haile smiled."Do I need a reason, I decided if I will allow you my grace or not, I just find you interesting as well and enjoy your presence, but I would love to hear some things about you, if you don't mind."Haile said gently as he focused a little of his attention to clearing the path.

."Mm...ok, Um, I could say say not few things, not to many people know it but, my name is Nalisa Andromalius, the last member of the extinct house of Andromalius, one of the 72 devil pillars of the underworld."Nalisa said as she looked up and saw darkness, but she was not in pity of herself, she is happy just to have lived another day.

Haile nodded as he tapped her palm gently to let her know he understood and to continue.

."I..I am only just 137 years old, but truthfully I was born in the human world, I have only learnt about the underworld on my 30th birthday, that was because for some odd reason amongst all my human friends who was the same age I still looked 16-17, that was when I and everyone around me knew something was wrong, I asked my mother if I was maybe sick, something like being another race didn't even cross my mind".

."I still remember it vividly, I asked her and she casually looked me in the eyes and told me I was a devil, just like that, to say I was shocked is an understatement, that time I still had eyes and could see, i haha I remember crying that entire night wondering how I would face my friends from then on knowing that I was not supposed to be."Nalisa said as she chuckled lightly.

Haile smiled just listening in as they walked.

Nalisa gathered her thoughts."After I learn about what I was I confronted her the next day and ask her why didn't she tell me before, why have me growing up thinking I was indeed a human, but then she told me that I actually was, my great great great....I do-don't know how many greats, but he came to the human world hundreds of years before to get away from the self destroying bomb that was the devil race".

."He later on married a human woman, who was herself a great magician which is a human that knows magic, he then got a single child and live happily for 9 years but then it all went down hill, the war of fractions happened and it came all the way to the human world, they were hit hard, he and his wife die as collateral in that war sacrificing their life but also causing the downfall of the entire clan".

."It was found out by one of the devil kings of old and he sent out a force to punish the deserters, we were not the only clan that had members run away, him and his wife were already dead but the child was still alive, it was captured and enslaved for many years and Cursed with an evil curse, the Curse Of Blindness."Nalisa said as she looked up small droplets of tears falling down.

Haile was silent as he instantly connected the dots, it must be a curse that passes through the bloodline.

."It is a curse that once a person with this curse reached the age of 100, which is extremely young for a devil's and considered still a teenager by devils standards, but they will go blind in some way or form, when my mother told me this I looked right at her with fear cause we were making jokes a time back and she told me she was 97, so I calculated it, she....she was..99 years old then going 100 that same year".

."So it's safe to say you know where this is going, we also thought we knew where it was going and my mother was already prepared for decades to go blind but there was one thing we forgot to calculate, how that was going to go down and also what could be a casualty."

."That year...my-my..*sob* my, mother....she die, she was stabbed through the eyes by a fork when she slipped on some water that she spilled, it cut through an artery and blinded both eyes but it killed her in the process from blood loss".

."That was the day I realized the curse was more deadly than I imagined or even my mother imagined, it wasn't just some normal curse, I was left alone to fend for myself from then on, I lived in fear everyday, fast forward 20 years, in all that time I had researched everyday into the occult to see if I could gleam any information about my race, it was actually easy back then because the witchcraft and things of that nature was at an all time high but also was religious practice."

Nalisa stopped as she also stopped walking, she turned in his direction and looked up as she felt for his face gently with her hand."Master, I was blinded at the age of 52 years old, I trusted who I thought was a friend and told her what I was, then hours later I was a monster to hunt, they forced burning hot stakes through my eyes as I screamed, begging and pleading for mercy, I was granted none, they trapped me to a cross and lit it on fire burning me as they prayed to their God in heaven to kill me as I too also prayed to that same God to save me, there was no mercy for one who was born a devil not of there own will, I Cursed the Gods who wronged me."She said to him as she looked at where she think his eyes is, her own blue eyes felt his.

Haile said nothing as he just watched her speak.

."But I don't hate you though, even though you are a God, you are a good person, it would not be fair of me to hate you for that, it would make me no better than the ones that did it to me too."Nalisa said as she smiled gently and rub his face slowly.

Nalisa stopped as she pass her hand across his nose."Mm, you are indeed very beautiful, just as the others have said."She said as she smiled warmly, she then interlock her hand back with his so they could continue to where they were going.

."Thank you."Haile said as he started to walk again, he looked at her waiting for her to continue speaking.

Nalisa as if sensed his gaze continue."I will spare you the details, I was saved after that by a devil, Mistress Venelana, that is how I survived, after that I left her a year later and wandered throughout both the devil world and the human world learning everything I could to cure myself of this curse, but after finding nothing I returned and she offered me a job as a maid here and I've been here ever since."She said finishing skipping out a few details.

."I see, quite a tale you had, you must have been terrified being the only one of your family remaining."Haile said softly as they walked, they had walked quite a ways already almost up the mountain.

Haile looked up and smiled."Nalisa hold on tight."He said as he lift her into his arms.

."Kyaa, Ma-Master Haile, what are you doing!?!?."Nalisa screamed as she held on to his neck tightly, she couldn't see so it felt like the entire world shift and she no longer had a sense of direction.


Haile dashed off at high speeds the wind brushing past them as he ran through the forest and up the mountain slope.

."Wooo hahaha hahaha yea!."Nalisa screamed this time in excitement as she held on tighter, heart heart sped up as she felt an Adrenaline rush.

It only lasted for a bit as Haile arrived at the top quickly only purposely slowing down so she could enjoy it.


They were both standing at the top of the mountain, the wind blowing strong as Nalisa held down her maid skirt from blowing up, she smiled as she breathed in deeply.

."This is so nice, thank you very much Master Haile for this wonderful time, I don't know why you did it but I am grateful either way."Nalisa said as she backed him gazing off into the darkness.

Haile stood and watched her for a bit in his own thoughts then he smirked."Nalisa, tell me what would you pay to be able to once again see."He said casually watching her back.

Nalisa froze up, she clenched her fist as she looked on into nothing, she sighed then relaxed."I, have already come to terms with it, it's been more than 50 years living like this, I don't know how to take it, either way mistress Venelana have tried with the most powerful of healing medicines but they all fail, it gave me back my eyes but I still couldn't see, for years I dug them out and healed again but it still didn't world, I tried everything I could get my hands on."She said with a smile filled with hopelessness but also an acceptance.

."If you could get the chance what would you sacrifice to gain back the ability to see the beautiful world around you, to once again regain that which you had lost."Haile said his facial expression not changing.

Nalisa was quiet for a bit."I have nothing to offer you, I have already been given to you by Master Zeoticus, you are a God and I am but a poor devil maid with an extinct noble household."She said seriously as she turned to him.

."You say this, I can make you no longer want to be blind."Haile said as he walked closer to her and covered her face with his hand as she offered no resistance to him.