
Supreme General Reborn In Dxd With One Wish.(Verse)

[Check Out My Original Book* [Resurgence Of The Violet Overlord: Chronicles Of A Shattered World] Thank you if you do. Synopsis: The Supreme General of the Hevsue empire, Eseryt, the most powerful empire on earth was killed in battle after falling into a trap made by the combined countries. He was given top priority over everything else to be killed as he was the Hevsue empire's most powerful soldier even considered its backbone. With power like that of a god borne on earth over 10,000 enemy soldiers fall at his feet every month, they had tried to kill him many times in the past but he always came out on top. It was as though he possessed no weaknesses to speak of. Unfortunately for him he does indeed have one such weakness......his own empire. Sometimes following orders from above without a second thought and often times foregoing to question their loyalty. In this small failure he was set up by some corrupt officials of the empire who though the empire was done for, as all other countries formed an alliance to deal with their own Supreme General. But he knew best not everything ever goes as planned, opportunities exist in everything, even death.... *Alright, story has a system but it doesn't have any real use, it is only used to see statistics nothing else* *Forgot to put, but nothing in this story belongs to me except the Mc and Oc characters Cover photo not mine, if owner wants me to remove it I will.

infinityGod · Anime & Comics
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241 Chs

×Chapter 105×Man Of Many Mysteries

*Dxd World*

*Kyoto Japan*



Haile shook his head in pity."Go and put on your clothes Gasper, it's ok, thank you for taking care of him miss Regina."He said to her and turn to Melody.

."~Well, I'm still not satisfied with today, so how about you take care of me big boy, you must be concealing a pretty dangerous weapon under that pants~."Regina said to him lustfully as she looked at his body, she licked her lips.

Haile shook his head."No thank you, anyway Miss Melody, how much do I have for you, give the full price don't worry about him."He said as he took out his wallet, he already have something for her anyway.

."Ah um ju-just give me 500, it's fine."Melody said to him, she would prefer to not take his money at all but she doesn't think he will agree.

Haile nodded and pulled out a necklace from his wallet."Have this, you can keep it, this is a platinum chain call Valabrie, it is made of Purified Sun Sheen Platinum, 24k Pure Gold, Red and Green Water Emeralds, 1 diamond that has never been seen before and 52 120 carat Pure Red Diamonds, this is worth more that 500 million dollars hand crafted by me personally so it would only sell for 200-300 million as I'm an unknown jeweler."He said casually as he gave it to her.

Melody stood with the necklace in her hand frozen stiffly, Regina was in complete shock as well, she couldn't believe her ears, Melody wanted to drop it she felt like she was unworthy to hold something like that but also she can't as it's too expensive, she turn to Haile.

."I don't want it back, I like you, but I can't take you with me, so I'll leave this to you in hopes you can have a better future and walk away from this lifestyle, you can grant the girls you have here a nice place to call home and all of you can live in peace."Haile said calmly as he glanced at Gasper who was fully dress, he patted his back and started walking away.

Both Regina and Melody just stood there, completely befuddled, she slowly started to cry again, tear came from her beautiful eyes, she can't even find it in her heart to be happy, she just regret everything, he was so good to her and she was not even his, if she could exchange this thing and everything she has for him she would.

The two walked along Gasper looked at Haile."Lord, you are a good person."He said as be smiled happily, even though he may actually be ruthless on the surface.

."Huh, haha I wouldn't hope for it my boy Gasper, I just take care of what I like, if I don't like you, you don't even exist."Haile said with a smile as he walked along.

Gasper somehow understood what he meant and it honestly scared him a bit, but he realized that means that Haile likes him so he was fine, he skipped along happily.


They are now outside walking down the streets of Kyoto, just doing a little sight seeing as they are things that don't exist in Kuoh, Haile spoke to Gasper on the way."So how was it, your first experience."He asked with a knowing smile.

."Umu I don't know, it felt nice for 10 seconds then it was over three times, but I wanted to do it more but couldn't, is that normal?."Gasper asked him curiously, he felt like he did something wrong and he didn't like that.

Haile gained an awkward smile."Well..they are people like that...possibly...but um, oh yeah you are only 12, you have a long way to go."He said as he remembered that he was still young, but he really hopes that he can still grow and is not like some vampires that stay that way for eternity.

."Mm I see, that is good, I suppose?."Gasper said confused, he didn't even really know if something was wrong with that, he was lost completely.

Haile cleared his throat."Anyway, let's return to the occult Club, your training in terms of confidence is finally over, but do you really want to be my student and follow the teaching of my great wisdom, this is something my followers have bare minimum access to, sagely wisdom of my caliber is impossible to find."He said rubbing his chin fooling the poor boy, but he wanted someone to tell all of his sagely wisdom to.

."Yes yes yes, I want to be your student Master, tell me something."Gasper said as his eyes shun brightly, he skipped in happiness as he listened attentively.

Haile rubbed his chin."Alright let's see, *Ahem*, listen closely to my words of wisdom."To be strong is to grow, but to be weak is to show when your ego overflow~True God Haile.:".He said as he felt the spirit of knowledge enter his soul, the ultimate enlightenment.

."Ohhh, I understand that one, I understand."Gasper said as he nodded his head, he rubbed his chin with one hand and put the other behind his back as they walk immating his master.

Haile looked on proudly."Mm we shall continue on the path of Supreme Intelligence, one day you will look back on this and smile for accepting to be my only student, you will reign Supreme over this universe."He patted his head, some poor bastard to pass his knowledge to finally.

They walked and went along stopping by a few stores, they went into a Cafe and got some cookies and cream lattes along with 2 giant chocolate chip cookies 1 pound each.

Now they were going into an alley to teleport back home, Haile ate his cookie as he turn to gasper."Did you have a good day today?."He asked him.

."UmU *Chomp* Mm yesh *chomp*."Gasper said as he ate well and drank his latte, it was the best thing he ever tasted in his life.

Haile nod to that."Look forward to more like this in the future but better, we will be going places, hopefully you grow."He said as he summoned a magic circle under them and they disappeared.


*Occult Club*


Just infront of the club they both appeared, Gasper was feeling extra cool, he walked up to the door and opened it for his Master.

."Than-*chomp* thank you Gasper."Haile said as he walked through, he went down the hall and opened the other door seeing, Koneko, Akeno and Rias.

In the room both Akeno and Rias were playing Chess on her table and Koneko was just lying down, they noticed someone coming in, Rias rain an eyebrow."Where did you two go, were you actually training."She said as she looked at Gasper's get up, but he did indeed seem to have change a bit.

."Haha yes, my boy Gasper is now a man, I've also accepted him as my student so I will take out his evil piece."Haile said with a smile as he drank some of his latte, this was actually his first time tasting one.

Rias was surprised at that."Oh, I didn't expect that, when did you two get so close, I thought you only accept women."She said as she looked at them suspiciously.

."~Ara ara, as I said before I'm all for it AhhMm~."Akeno said as she licked her finger and smiled at Haile.

Haile had a disgusted face."Don't even go there, I have friends that are men you know, moving on from this stupidity, Gasper is my Student."He said going back to casually drinking.

."Go ahead and do what you have to do Gasper."Haile said to him as be went and sat next to Koneko on the couch, he pat her head gently and put his cookie by her mouth.


Koneko bit off a piece casually as she slid herself up and put her head on his lap, she turn her face slightly as she felt something but she didn't say anything.

."Haile I had wanted to ask, when will we be done off with this world and live in our pantheon."Akeno asked him softly, she is ready to leave anytime, she has nothing else to live for in this world, her life now is with Haile.

Haile stopped eating for a moment, he glanced at Rias and Koneko."Mm, I know some of you still have people here, so I was giving you a bit of a chance to do what you have to do, but remember from the time you took my ring, you have lost loyalty and responsibility to anything else that is not of our pantheon, soon the pantheon will be completely set up and we will leave this realm."He said to them, he didn't mention anything about the other great war that will soon be coming.

The girls nodded each with there own thoughts, Koneko especially, she was thinking about what to do with her sister, she knows her sister is much weaker than her right now, but she was at a lost for what to do.


*Few Minutes Later*

Haile after spending time with Akeno, Rias and Koneko he is now on his way to Sona and Tsubaki, mostly because he just remembered to take out Tsubaki's evil piece.

.""~Kyaaa my prince I missed you~!."".

.""~Hyaaaa Haile~"".

He walk pass a couple of girls that immediately recognized him, he gave them a wave and a smile and went along on his business, they wanted to follow him but he put them under Hypnosis.

He quickly arrived at the student council room and went right inside.

.""*Huff* Don't you know how to knoc-... Haile, didn't expect to see you here today, sorry about my sister the other day"".

Sona said as she realized it was him, she glanced slightly across to Kiba in the corner who stiffen up as soon as Haile's name was mentioned.

In the room all the student council was there Sona, Tsubaki, Kiba, Momo and the others who was looking at Haile defeated, they realized long ago he was beyond there reach and they didn't know what to do.

."Nah it's alright, we had a little talk and everything was sorted out no need to worry, we are good friends from now on."Haile said with a smile as he looked at Sona, his eyes held amusement within.

Sona frowned at that."So, on that topic, what did you two talk about, what did you say to make her suddenly act like that."She said with curiosity and frustration, all last night it was eating at her.

."Oh nothing really, we just decided something for mutual benefit, she got what she wanted and I got what I wanted."Haile said dismissively not really elaborating any further.

Sona sighed in disappointed."Whatever I didn't really want to know anyway, what did you come here for anyway."She said going back to her work not looking at him anymore.

."So now you want to ignore me, haha well I've come here to take the piece out of Tsubaki and give her back her freedom."Haile said as he turn to Tsubaki who got up happily, she was waiting for this day.

Sona without looking up motioned that Tsubaki is right there go talk to her.

Haile shook his head with a chuckle, he looked at the other girls especially his favorite Momo."Ruruko Nimura, Tsubasa Yura, Momo Hanakai, Reya Kusaka, Tomoe Meguri, glad to see you all as well, I've came by multiple times but I didn't see you."He said to them ignoring Saji depressed on the ground in a corner balled up like a pussy.

The girls all greeted him back with varying thoughts and emotions, but collectively they felt a certain sadness in there heart, they know that they can never reach him on their own, they were simply only worthy to look at him, Momo was the most disturbed by this, she clenched her fist.

."Tsubaki let's go to your room in the pantheon."Haile said to her, he came closer and hugged her body to his own creating a magic circle, he winked at the girls before he disappeared along with Tsubaki.

Saji who was on the ground had a glint in his eyes as a fiery rage and other mixtures of emotion swirled in his mind, if one were to look inside one would definitely think it belongs to a great demon.

Sona sighed as she glanced at him from the corner of her eyes.'Saji, don't do anything stupid, Haile will not be soft on you, even for my sake, I can't save you.'She thought to herself calmly, she didn't worry about herself at all, Saji cannot do anything to her, if he tried she will put an end to him herself.


*Supreme Wing Pantheon*

Haile and Tsubaki was now in her room, it was like a world of reflection, the mirror function was on so everything was a mirror, this was only the second time Tsubaki was in here so she was still a bit fascinated by it.

."Alright, close your eyes and hold still Tsubaki, don't move no matter what you feel."Haile said to her gently as he touched her forehead.

Tsubaki closed her eyes without hesitation offering no resistance, Haile focused with a serious expression, he closed his eyes, he send his magic into her body as eyes.

.""Concentration Magic"". .""Sealing Magic"".

Haile used the formula as well as he instantly saw everything, from her sacred gear to her soul which he was basically in, her soul was also instead of the usual white space it had a hue of gold probably from his divine energy making her a Goddess.

He look at her evil piece, he was experienced with this already so he knew what to do, he transformed his magic into his Divine Hand with Major God Power, Tsubaki as a Goddess could take much more than Kiba.


As he got closer to the evil piece as expected it trembled as it glowed green releasing a red energy that shot out towards the divine hand.



The red energy instantly was suppressed upon contact with his divine hand, it crumbled like old bread, Haile hand move quickly.



The divine hand broke the green barrier like paper, he grabbed it and pulled it while suppressing it completely, he took it from Tsubaki's soul.


."Here it is, hold it, you can give it back to Sona."Haile said with a smile as he gave it to her, it was just a small chest piece with great demonic power.

Tsubaki looked at her hands, she felt her based power drop slightly, but over all her combat power was still the same just she felt alot more free like a chain broke away, she looked up at Haile with a slight smile on her face.

."Thank you very much Haile, I love you."Tsubaki said as she tiptoed and kissed him hugging his neck tightly as if afraid to let go or he will disappear.

Haile hugged her waist and kissed her back gently, but honestly he wasn't really paying attention, he was thinking about when she said she loves him.

.'Hmm I wonder, would I one day be able to give them back my love as well, interesting.'Haile thought as he grapped her big warm ass that was covered a bit by her long hair.

."AhhMm Haile, I don't want to do this now, I want to wait for a right time, can we?."Tsubaki said with a red face as her breath rushed, she was having a hard time suppressing herself but she wanted there first time together to be more romantic.

Haile shifted his hands from her ass to her back, he pull his head back gently as a saliva bridge connected them together."Of course, anything you want, just ask an it is yours."He said as he gave her small kisses on her face.

."Thank you, I love you very much, I want you to have me at my best, I want to give you the better half of me."Tsubaki said softly as she hugged him and put her face in his chest, she felt a wave of calmly as she heard his heart beat, it was a beautiful sound.

Haile smiled gently in satisfaction, but suddenly he frown as he heard something.


.""Can you hear me, Haile!"".

.""Is this thing broken?"".

.""Haile response if you can hear us"".

Haile raised an eyebrow as he heard the voices of Rias and Akeno in his head then be remembered."Oh yeah the link, I forgot it does that, my bad, hey what is wrong."He said curiously of what could have them so worked him.

.""You can hear us, this thing actually works, neat, now we can bug you anything we want, so anyway, we have a little situation right now, um a Mr Zezalza Zazalza zelzaze or something came to see you, he said he heard some intriguing news or something and wanted to meet you"".

Haile tilt his head at what Rias said.'Zezalza, I don't know anyone by that name, Zezal, azel, azelza, oh Azazel'.He finally realized who it was, he must be looking for him because of the mixture of holy and demonic thing, however he even knew.

."Rias tell him to hold on a minute, I'll be there soon, if he gets close to you all three of you instantly blast him with all your power without forbidden and run from there."Haile said to her seriously, Azazel, not a simple man at all.

Tsubaki hearing him speaking to himself looked at him strangely but didn't say anything, he probably had a reason seeing as he did mention names.

Haile cut the connection and looked at Tsubaki."I'm sorry Tsu but it seems we have to cut this short, I'll send you back."He said to her as he rubbed her hair, he gently glide his hand to her chin and kissed her again.

They disappeared in a magic circle, he sent her back to the student council and he went straight to the occult Club.

He appeared out the building non surprisely everyone was there, Akeno, Rias, Koneko and even Gasper had come out the closet, they were all looking at a man in a kimono standing infront of them calmly.

.""Ohh, I'm intrigued by you"".