
Supreme Evolution: Rebirth

In a world beset by unprecedented change, a young man named Bultear is killed and revived with a special role as the Supreme Evolution candidate. After revival he soon finds out that he has fused with Sigmund, a stray dog he took care of, gaining thus two sets of Evolver abilities, while others only have one set. The machinations of powers that be have something big in store for him. In front of Bultear is a world 500 years after the Great Fall, where the emergence of Evolvers poses a great danger as well as a chance to storm high into the sky and etch his name in history! The cogs of this machine are ever turning, how will the mysterious, supernatural fog surrounding our main character affect him and his role in all of this? This is a story of beasts, vampires, mutated humans and many twists and turns set in the wild Victorian era!

Luke770 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Ritual's Purpose

*Crack* *Crack*

The splitting of the ground made a noise that shook the eardrums of the people running through this darkened hallway, chasing after the culprits of this sinister plans.

"Where is Sull?!"

Pax yelled out this question aimed at Brock.

"He went to intercept the two men, thanks to his eyes he was able to immediately locate them."

"What an idiot! Does he have a death wish? It's two on one plus one of them is able to nullify Evolver abilities , it's certain death!"

"He said that he'll be careful."

"That is not assuring at all... pick up the pace everyone!"

Using the information sent to them by Sull, the group quickly found themselves on the top floor of the school. On the way Brock healed Bultear back to full strength.

"Damn you E.S.O.P dog would you die already!"

The screams of frustration alerted the group to the grim situation happening in one of the classrooms. Sull was able to ambush them by laying a trap on their path while keeping distance. Sull's second ability [Inferring Eye] allows him to see what ability the his opponent has and, as such, he knew that he had to keep himself out of sight of the one that nullifies abilities. It worked for a while but the long ranger finally was able to catch him with a fireball.

In a moment where death was unavoidable a flying rose hit the nullifier in the back, saving Sull who successfully regrouped with the rest of his comrades. Now they faced off against the two cultists in a classroom on the top floor.

"Brock, take Sull outside and heal him. We shall handle the rest."

When the two left the classroom Pax, who stood behind Bultear, focused his gaze at the men who were cornered. They didn't plan this ahead of time, yet they knew what to do. The long ranger from the corner of his eye saw that his partner was breathing heavily with the rose deeply lodged in his back, it was miracle that he could move at all.

Both sides moved in an instant. Bultear running at full speed at the men, his claws sharp and deadly as he ran towards the nullifier, blocking his view. The nullifier's eyes glowed blue as Bultear felt his claws retract and his speed dwindle.

'Pax, now it's up to you!'

His goal to protect Pax from having his ability nullified had been reached. In that split second the long ranger shot two massive fireballs at Pax and Sinthia who had moved in front of Pax.

"Continuous Release!"

[Divine Command] activated instantly as Sinthia was buffed to the point that it allowed her to activate both [Crystal Embrace] and [Crystal Rose]at the same time. The exchange lasted an instant as the roses shot right through the lanky long ranger, filling him with bloody holes. His death was unavoidable while his fireballs were rendered utterly futile, the crystal dome completely blocking them.


There wasn't even enough time for the dust to settle when Sinthia used [Bloom] to detonate the rose embedded into the nullifier's back. The rose exploded into hundreds of shards that ripped the remaining cultist apart, his blood painting the classroom walls a deep crimson.

"Phew... now that's that. Let's see what he has to say."

Approaching the dying cultist, Pax stepped up and used [Divine Control] to get information out of him before he died.

"Tell us where boy is and what the point of this ritual is supposed to be."

"Heh... y-you th-iink you can sstop u-s from summo-ninng th-e beast of S-evering... the b-oy is gone with... go-rilla..."

Saying those words, his life left him as he succumbed to his injuries.

"The beast of Severing? What's that?"

Bultear turned towards Pax with a questioning only to see an entirely pale face from Pax even Sinthia was shaken by these words.

"We'll talk later, he have get to the kid and stop the ritual now!!!"

The urgency in his voice was palpable as they rushed out of the classroom with haste.

"Sull! Have you located Milek and the monster he's fighting?"

"Yes they are currently on the second floor!"

"Perfect, let's go!"


Milek who was currently fighting the last cultist, that had turned himself into a human sized silver back gorilla, couldn't stop cursing in frustration.

'That fucker is purposely running away from me to stall for time. That must mean the ritual is close to completion... fuck, fuck!'

Every time he would come close to him he would either crash through a wall or jump through a window while throwing chairs and tables at him. They ran through the entire school building at this point with the gorilla's superior agility being the main reason why Milek couldn't reach him in spite of his superior speed.

"Come back you ape! Stop running, I swear to god you better not let me catch you or I'm going to wear your skin as my new winter coat! Believe it!"