
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · Fantasy
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45 Chs

Ch 39- A Year Passed

A city large enough to hold millions can be seen. It was a beautiful city a perfect contrast between a medieval and technological marvel. Flying ships and even large portals can be seen with people coming out and going in.

Ships powered by magic larger than buildings can be seen gliding in the Air, armed with large canons that could devastate entire armies. Thousands on board working on different things.

The city although looked old but has mordern technology such as Air conditioning, Hovering carriages and flying beasts even large earth creatures can be seen pulling different wares.

Merchants with their stalls selling various things magical and Mundane. Most eye catching would be a group of people armed with weapons and staffs constantly leaving and entering the city.

Over all the city is what you'd think of when you first imagine a fantasy world. Currently what looks to be a boy no older than 18 wearing a silver cloak with a dragon markings can be seen atop a tall tower with a large bell inside. He looks at the city below him with a hazy gaze.

Of course who else could this be if not our Protagonist.

Zain Pov.

Although it has been more than a year till I first entered the ancient world and while many things might have happened but I still can't get enough of this scenery. It just... looks so satisfying.

The city of Ardonia is truly a marvel no wonder the people call it the city of fortune and glory. With over 290 Million beings of different culture living inside of the city it is truly gigantic. Almost the size of an entire country. I've been in this city for 8 months while it took me 2 months to reach all the way here.

At first I did not know anything but thankfully there are places in here that helped after that I had to search for something to do. Well with my power I picked the monster hunter profession. I'm pretty good at it as well I reached master rank just in 7 months.

I came pretty far both in status and fame in just a year in these new lands of opportunities and danger. From a nobody to a respected Master Rank Monster Hunter. Before I came here I thought my self to be very strong even when fighting against other dimensional beings but now after seeing true monsters most of my arrogance has been tamed but of course not all of it after all I've also come a long way.


Host Status-

-Name: Zain Barlow

-Class: ???

-Level: 19

-Exp: 79990/80000

-HP: 10000/10000

-EP: 32000/32000

{Host Attributes}

-Strength: 100

-Agility: 115

-Dexterity: 107

-Intelligence: 111

-Perception: 120

-Charm: 87


Most of my stats are in triple digits. It truly feels satisfying to see my power rise so much within just a year.

My skills have also been honed highly now I posses a wide variety of abilities allowing me to deal with most enemies.


{Host Skills & Abilities}

>>Gaming lvl: Max

-Desc: Allows host to game better and learn newer ones faster also has a small chance to increase luck during gameplay.

(>> Raise Mass Undead lvl: 5

-Desc: Raises mass amount of undead from dead corpses. Undead will retain their previous powers and abilities. Undead's can also evolve to do many more things than the basic.

Also allows one to summon undeads from the eldritch realm of the dead.

Mass Undead Skeleton Knights Summon.

Mass Undead Skeleton Archers Summon.

Mass Undead Skeleton Mage Summon.

>> Lesser Arts of Eldritch Necromancy lvl: 9

-Desc: Allows one to comprehend and understand the arts of of Eldritch Necromancy on a deeper level. Helpful for beginner Eldritch Necromancers.)

(>> Void teleportation lvl: 15

-Desc: Opens up a portal that can transport host any location that host has visited before. The range depends on the level.

>> Void Defense System lvl: Max

-Desc: A defense system Created by the first void space magus himself. Perfected by countless others after him. Allows one to insta cast a preset system of defensive abilities. Can be used to defend against multiple types of attack including true damage and soul, origin damage.)

(>> Hell Fire lvl: 13

-Desc: A fire that's hotter than all other fires. Its extremely painful, especially for those that are guilty of various Sins.)

>> Hell Domain lvl: 7

-Desc: Transforms any place the user is into a hell Domain that can cover as far as infinity. The only catch is user needs enough energy to supply the domain. While in domain all abilities and stats are doubled. Damage is tripled and HP Regen is quadrupled. Also Transforms any fauna object or beings as suited to the domain )

(>> Abyssal Beam lvl: Max

-Desc: Fires a beam that's filled with high amounts of abyssal energy its extremely lethal to all living beings other than abyssal's.

>> Abyssal Conversion lvl: Max

-Desc: Allows user to convert both living or dead being into abyssals. The rank and the power of the being will depend on their will power and talent while they were normal. Converting one into an abyssal gives them abilities and other things related to it as well as making them almost immortal and the possibilities of evolution are endless. Also the user requires one third the total amount of energy of the said target being to convert them.)

(>> Advanced Elemental Control lvl: Max

-Desc: Allows basic control over the four basic elements of nature as well as advanced elements of nature.

>> Elemental Resonance lvl: 7

-Desc: Allows one to feel a deeper connection with the elements or reality. Deeper comprehension and contact with elemental spirits can also be achieved with perfect resonance with elements. With this ability one can even connect different elements to create or new or control existing elements. The possibilities and limits of Resonance is only the imagination of the user.)

(>> Demonic Charm lvl: Max

-Desc: Allows host to charm and control the actions of any being within host's lvl. it can only work on creatures maximum of five levels above host's level.

>> Demonic Magic lvl: Max

-Desc: Allows one comprehension into the unique and almost endless possibilities of demonic magic.)


Most of my powers have maxed out. I just need a little bit more exp than I shall have the next batch of abilities to work with.

I do wonder what abilities i will receive. Well i guess i will find out soon enough.