
Supreme Eldritch Lord

Journey of a 17 Year old boy. From his humble beginnings to hailing as the strongest Eldritch Lord in existence. Now guys what can you expect from this Novel. Overpowered Mc Kingdom Building.(not the main plot tho) Overpowered Followers No harem (it's kind of a personal preference also it's very hard at least for me to write a harem) Cold but rational Mc World Conquering & sci-fi elements (in the later arcs there will be a lot of that and some sci-fi elements as well so a double check) I am a newbie writer so don't expect a lot but still you guys can be sure that I will try my best to keep a stable weekly release other than that I also will hopefully get better as time passes. that's all I don't like long synopsis or useless info dump so I'll end it here.

Archlegion999 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
45 Chs

Ch 37- Arena Duel Part 1

The fights in the arena were really intense however to me it all looked a bit lacking. Most of the testers are a bit weaker than that silver haired supervisor guy I met. However they make up for that in pure combat experience. This guys have some very clean and smooth combat moves which honestly makes me green with envy.

Although I have some combat experience from practice and battles but none of them were actual life threatening experiences. From what I can see these people here have that experience. I might have raw power but against experienced fighters that might not matter much.

Half an hour passed while I kept watching one battle after the other. This was quite helpful to me I was able to learn how people weilding magical powers actually fight which gave many new insights to me. I was able to improve how I fight thanks to the experience I received from watching the battles.

Soon it was my turn a burly man that had crimson hair this was the guy that was gonna test me.

"Well Hello there, My Name is Osiris and I shall oversee if you are worthy enough to step into the Ancient World." The guy whose name was Osiris said with a powerful and assertive voice. Osiris looked like a normal human in his mid forties but seeing his powerfull physique filled with explosive might he might be very strong. Even stronger than that supervisor guy.

"I hope to have a good battle with you, young one. They say you were lucky enough to chance upon the elemental Mage path but I will be the judge if you actually are lucky or not." Osiris said with a serious tone.

I replied in kind "Well I also hope to have a good match, though I would like if you go easy on me since I'm new to this stuff." I said with a smile. Although the easy part was just a joke I would definitely love to battle this guy on full power.

Osiris as if sensing my humor smile in gleee. Geez I think I'll get along this guy quite greatly I smirked in return.

Soon we were led by an Arena Assistant to our duel ground. Apparently the arena as many duel grounds for individual battles. Only extremely powerful beings can have the entire arena to themselves when they battle but for noobs like us a single individual ground is enough.

Soon we were brought to our destination. There were some weapons in the racks including some weapons I've never seen in my life video games included.

"If you want to fight with a weapon you can pick one from here. All of these weapons are enchanted with defensive runes so they are pretty hard to break however don't try to break them. They are not cheap to produce."

Runes that's new knowledge. Though I know runes I mostly have knowledge from games. What I do know is that they are generally used to enchant various items. The enchanted items have special effects.

I might try to learn these things from what Osiris has said they are expensive to buy it could be a way to get rich quickly.

As I was in my thoughts of getting richer I was called by Osiris to the battle grounds.

"Okay let's have a good battle today and also do not try to use dangerous moves for mine and your own good." Osiris warned with seriously

I nodded, as much as I would love to have an epic fight I'm not a fool to showcase my full strength. As they say pretend to be a pig so that You may eat a naive tiger. Don't know who actually said that though.

I stood opposite of Osiris he summoned a large claymore sword out knowhere. It might be Spatial Tech damn I would love one of those but I have a better one but still I always wanted those space storage rings and stuff.

Soon the refree started the match. I immediately summoned 5 large fireballs the size of a football. I condensed them and rotated them at super speed. The fire balls went from orange to bright blue. It was hot enough to make the surrounding air to turn extremely hot as well.

Just one these fire balls would be enough to turn a mordern attack tank into scrap metal.

Osiris still stood still without showing any particular expression on his face.

Five sword light materialized from Osiris sword they instantly neutralized my attack. The sword lights were approaching me at fast speed. I conjured a wind Barrier. A green dome appeared. When the sword lights hit the dome it was as if multiple grenades went off at once. The floor cracked a little but It also got fixed automatically like it never cracked.

Osiris took the battle to skies I also used the Wind element to fly and took the sky. On the sky I fire of three large 5 meters tall wind blades. The winds blades could slice through tungsten like a hot knife through butter. However Osiris countered it with his large claymore sword. There were loud metallic clang sounds.

Osiris approached me at close range however I was not afraid. I made a steel earth sword then met him head on. On first impact my sword cracked a little and my arms felt extremely numb. It was painfull too.

Osiris fought like a true sword master. Always exploiting my stance since I didn't know how to fight with swords especially against a sword master. But thanks to my inhuman senses and extreme dexterity I was able to somehow Dodge at the last seconds.

Like this we fought at close range for a while but slowly I was getting cut at many places.

In the arena seats many people were noticing our battle and a lot of them were surprised. It wasn't everyday they can see an Elemental Mage fight against a Warlock at close range. Especially not such a percuiler mage that seems to be able to hold it's own against a genuine sword master.

Many were awed by his powerfull performance. and some powefull people were interested behind the identity of the mage and they would definitely try to figure his identity. They would definitely get to the bottom of this matter.

Unknown to Zain his attempt to not draw much attention to himself failed. Even though he didn't use amy of his other flashy abilities he still caught attention. If Zain knew about this he would've cried with injustice.