
Supreme Dragon Bloodline

Synopsis Plagued with bad luck his whole life. Lost his parents to the cruel reality of the current era. Left alone and maltreated because he had absolutely no standing in the current society. Having a horrible childhood experience. But still holding onto the last shred of hope that could change his life. He wanted strength. Sadly this dream and will was crushed by a simply ordinary mechanical voice. In his darkest moment. Down and discriminated against because he had no talent or affinity. With the strange pendant. Only thing in remains of his late parents. He was given another chance. Stepping onto the bloodline path... Alone he walked on the path to supremacy. . . . . With my Supreme Dragon Bloodline! Superpower?! Talent?! Physique?! Grade?! I'll crush them all! I'll reign SUPREME! I Am The Law And The Law Is Me Supreme Dragon Bloodline . . . .. . . Looking for battle against behemoth beast and Titanic Legendary Beast ? Then read this. Trust me the beginning maybe rough but I've got something big for you guys.

FREAK_Reader01 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
89 Chs

Playing The Side Character

Chapter 37






Currently, the ranking board floated in sky, penetrating itself the In the clouds for all to see no matter where you where, but with no names on the ranking.

They all gathered to form teams, while the stronger ones were planning to excuse their self from the group and go solo.

Sadly that opportunity wasn't going to come to pass.

"Duum! Duum! Duum!" the earth trembled.

"Ehn? what's happening? "

" Did someone bury and explosive around here? "

" Beast Tide! " while the quick and wiser ones who were able to judge the cause of such abnormalities reacted in an instant.

"Fall back it's a beast tide" while someone may not have experienced a beast tide before others were a special case.

" Huh? Beast tide? I thought this was supposed to be a normal exam of slaying monster?"

" Idiot move away or do you want to die here? " fear gripped voices resounded.

As a towering cloud of dust rose beyond the horizon, in telling of the terrifying amount of monsters in beheld.

"Fall back! Don't spread out! Form a line" the quick witted ones called out to their teammates.

The pain of dying here was two times more terrifying than real life, even though it was just a Virtual World no one really wanted to test it out.

"Form a team!" "I repeat Form a team you pieces of shit!" the annoyed captain angrily shouted, the helter scelter running group of students finally calm down after hearing their captains angry voices.

"The monster aren't here yet, and it would take about ten minutes for them to arrive based on their current speed , so keep on falling back till we reach the mountain top behind, after that it won't be hard facing this monsters"


Desolate team unlike the other teams never planned to disband or go solo, Kyler currently took hold as the captain, planning to conquer and destroy every team in their way, untill the surging clouds of dust to him otherwise, making him reluctantly abandon his first goal.

Silently comforting his self " It would even be better this way, this time the whole of Desolate shall know my name" leading his team towards the mountain beside them, hoping to claim hold of it before the others arrived, with the mindset they were closest to the mountain.

Indeed, Skywalk team were lucky to transported directly to the top of this mountain , after the randomized setting of appearing in this world.

Eric who was already halfway down the mountain turned back in an instant to join his useless teammates.

Seeing Leo already took command as the captain of the team,as the joy of being transported up the mountain wasn't hidden.

There would be enough time to prepare, but new team that silent crept up the mountain almost scaring them to death.


Kyler coldly glanced at the who had somehow arrived before them, but seeing the colour of their clothing made him loose further interest.

Turning his head, he faced the rising clouds in the horizon with a grim face after getting a clearer view of what was coming for them, not bothered to start a conversation , the thoughts of chasing them of the mountain even crossed his mind, but the thought of what they had to face very soon changed this thinking, as there would be a need for meat Shields to defend the flanks after all.

It wasn't long before the other teams arrived.

Boss Leo warily looked at his new arrived foes, but the color of their clothing made him keep shut, choosing to remain silent over the matter that they were the first to arrive here, naturally the one in command should be him, but without strength who would listen to him, half each team here were enough to take on his whole team for breakfast, since the least awakened talent in their group was D grade, compared to the teammates behind who didn't have any amazing talent to speak of, apart from Eric thou that's if he knew.

If they were to get into a fight right now, it would be the extermination of of his team.

Eric stood apart from the rest of the team, separating his self from the folks, with a cloth over his face to avoid trouble, since handsomeness was now a crime.

Silent confrontation ensued between each teams while no one bothered to give a glance at Eric.

Five minutes later after they all arrived, a quick meeting was held between the strongs to determine who would take the final command of the hundred teams signifying the cities within the whole of Desolate region assembled atop the mountain.

After some little argument and a little show of strength, Desolate team finally assumed command with Kyler dominating his peers.

Eric stood in a corner, blending with the common folks, choosing to become a side character in all this.

While the weakest teams were simply grouped altogether to the defend the flanks, the Stronger characters stood forward to claim all the glory .

Eric agreed to their arrangement without ultering a single response in defiance while peacefully bidding his time,

"When it's my turn to shine, I'll shine, No matter how a firefly tries It would never overshadow the moon"

While Acravan team was the only team able to take on Desolate team, it lack a stronger captain like Kyler, it became the second in command, their indigo gold uniform fluttered in the wind as they stood to the right.

Greencloud according to their name wore green, stood left assuming third in command.

The three chains of commands were formed, all other team were subsidiary.

Forming up a Trident formation, the Three teams as the spear point, while the rest connected the three spear head.

No one seemed to be afraid of death apart from the common folks.

As stated in the rules , "your performance decides your result".

So why would they try to put up a weak front since they were being broadcasted live to the millions of residence in the whole of Desolate region, simply doing such would tarnish not only their reputation but also their school and the City behind them.

Even if they were afraid, they all tried their best to put on brave front.

This was still just a Virtual World it wasn't worth to risk all that for common death[1].

5 minutes down.

The furious tide of raging monsters came into view with rushing clouds of dust beholding it's terror, their large body size average to the size of a human adult didn't make it less intimidating, as razor sharp teeths enough to end the life of man in an instant crazily grinded against their counterpart, large blood red eyes staring straight at the humans from afar with bloodlusted gaze.





AN: So am changing the names from Beasts to Monsters because I think the name Beast is too noble for such low level monster with no conciousness.(which is going to be a thing of the future around chap 1000 a

or so)

Thanks for the motivation guys.

Saw the gift and Golden tickets , thanks.

A lot of you must have noticed the mistake in my words throughout the chapters.

Usually typing in my work place or in the sun if the environment is too noisy (can't concentrate or think well)

While most time auto correct does the most annoying things ever, I don't usually proofread before updating, thanks for understanding guys^_^.

1/2 more chapters coming up this week ^_^

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

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