
Supreme Draconic Orc and her Unique Harem

[R-18, Futanari MC, Smut, Overpowered] The Infamous Orc King, who was said to be stronger than the Demon King, was unfortunately captured by all the nations, who rallied together to stop him. In his final moments, he gave a prophecy that the Orc's "Supreme God" would descend from the heavens with strength he could not compare or even understand. After his death, several thousand years had passed, and in outer space on a space ship, a green draconic orc baby was hatched from an egg and was later given the name Ruka. Ruka's parents were in a lot of trouble, all because of Ruka's birth, so they had no choice but to send her off to a planet where it would be safe for her to grow up and survive. Before this happened, Ruka was injected with a golden liquid filled with high-tech nanomachines that will aid her in her adventure in this whole new world, along with an AI assistant to help her. Yet, as she grows up and is ready to seek civilization, the world and Ruka do not mix exactly well. Part of the reason was because Ruka seemed to be the only Orc living, and she was the only person who was a Futanari and had a unique harem. How will the Draconic Orc Futanari survive in this new world? Read to find out! [Note: Her Harem contains Femboys/Traps, not just women.] ---------------- Cover art is not mine, found it off Pinterest.

Vexis · Fantasy
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8 Chs

They're Male?

First thing in the morning, Ruka and the women had gotten up and dressed themselves to head out for the Kingdom of Perlington. Without bothering to take down the house or the tub, they got into the carriage, with the exception of Ruka, who was too big to fit in there.

Before their departure, Ruka had nearly forgotten something. Walking over to a deep pit that Ruka had made last night, right next to the bath tub, she could see that the bandit leader was still alive and now awake. He shouted, "How dare you keep me down here? Once I get out of here, I will—wait, what are you doing? What are these things?! Hey, get away from me!"

In the midst of his demands, Ruka sent the nanobots to lift him up out of the pit before knocking him out again with a quick punch to the head. Grabbing one of his legs, Ruka called back the nanobots that hid underneath her clothing.

"Alright, let's set out!" Ruka had spoken, and she and the women set off on their journey. Luckily, they were fortunate in their adventure back to the kingdom, as nothing and no one had interrupted their travels.

A few hours later, they arrived at the front gate, and they all saw a very long line of people trying to enter the Kingdom of Perlington. It appeared that the guards stationed at the front were questioning every person entering the kingdom, and they had to provide some identification in order to enter.

Most people in the world have this, but others do not. After failing to provide identification, the guards shooed away a man who cursed their corruption. Angered, the guards immediately arrested the man and took him to prison.

"Next!" One of the guards called forth the next person, continuing to do so until they reached Princess Fiona's carriage. However, they paid no attention to them, instead focusing on the large green-skinned 'woman' towering over them and the carriage.

The guards wanted to question who this 'woman' was because they'd never seen a monster quite like her. However, before they had the opportunity, they heard a familiar voice from the carriage. "She is with us. Please do not mind her."

One of the guards looked into the carriage and saw not only one of their officers, Catherine, but also Lady Victoria Winterbourne and Her Highness Fiona Perlington.

"Y-Your Highness and Lady Victoria! Pardon my disrespect for not recognizing your carriage sooner—!" The guard wanted to apologize, but Catherine wanted none of that. "How could you have known this was their carriage when it's clearly not marked? Please excuse us and our friend, and allow us into the kingdom."

Before the guard could respond, a large person, not as tall as Ruka, walked up from behind, wearing flashy silver armor adorned with intricate golden designs. A large silver greatsword, adorned with, again, intricate golden designs, rested on their back.

In addition to this, the man had short blonde hair and blue eyes, and he looked handsome with a casual expression on his face. For some reason, Ruka did not like this guy one bit.

Catherine and Victoria sighed upon seeing him, causing Catherine to grumble with disappointment. "Great... It's the Hero."

Ruka heard this, and the supposed Hero did too. The Hero said, "I apologize, Lady Catherine, if I did something to offend you. I am on my way to meet the king, but I happened to overhear you when I stood in line. I thought I would say my greetings."

Catherine shook her head and gave him a serious look. "Good, now you've said them. You can leave us alone now; we've already told you that we're not interested."

"I know, and I apologize if I'm bothering you. But, if you don't mind, may I accompany you on your way to the king? I'm sure this... mercenary has finished their job of accompanying you." After saying this, the Hero glanced up at the green-skinned 'woman', who responded with an indifferent expression.

However, Princess Fiona had replied in Catherine's stead, "Ruka, our friend here, is our savior and benefactor. You may accompany us, Sir Hero, but I must inform my father of Ruka's outstanding deeds, so she must come with us."

Ruka, Catherine, and Victoria looked at the 'Sir Hero' with a smug look. They saw a vein pop out of his forehead, but he tried to be respectful. "I see. I was unaware of... Ruka's status, and I apologize for my offense. And thank you, Your Highness, for allowing me to travel with you to the castle."

After everything was in order, the guards let Ruka, the Hero, and the five women enter the city, and they were very eye-catching because of the Hero's bright and shining armor and Ruka's tall and imposing stature.

"Look, it's the Hero!"

"My goodness, he's so handsome!"

"I think he smiled at me! Ah, I'm going to faint..."

"Look, who's that monster woman with the green skin and horns?"

"I don't know, but she's very scary-looking, isn't she?"

"Yeah, and she's too muscular and too tall."

"What are you talking about? I'd hit that any day of the week!"

"Ew, dude. You're gross."

Ruka was filled with a strong desire to confront those who were talking ill of her or saying indecent things. 'Calm down, Ruka. Calm down. Just ignore these people, and you'll be fine.' Ruka tried to calm herself down in her thoughts.

Instead, Ruka decided to look at the city's medieval buildings, the stone-bricked roads crowded with countless people, and the numerous stalls selling whatever to whoever. The residents, who included various races such as humans, elves, dwarves, and beastkins, dressed in simple clothing. However, there was one thing that Ruka didn't seem to understand when Luna pointed it out to her.

'You mean to say that those people are male?' Ruka asked as she saw several beautiful, feminine people dressed in magical robes. Ruka initially thought they were women, but Luna said they were actually men.

Hovering in front of Ruka, though no one around could see her, Luna explained. "Yes, they are actually male. You see, the magician's aura focuses on intelligence and charisma, not so much on physical attributes. Charisma serves various purposes, one of which is to enhance a person's femininity. That's why Fiona, Victoria, Bethany, and Emma are more 'gifted' than Catherine, even though Catherine is certainly beautiful as well."

'Huh, and then male magicians...?' Ruka inquired about the potential effects on them and the common physical changes they might experience. Luna explained further, "Male magicians are shorter in height, and they look like women. You know, with soft skin, long nails, a feminine voice, and a shorter body frame. Although they lack breasts, other areas, such as their thighs and buttocks, are where they become more filled. Unfortunately, they also experience shrinkage in another area of their body."

'Oh.' After hearing this, Ruka didn't think much about it until she allowed herself to. 'Oh! But, does that really matter? I don't believe size is everything. As long as they're kind and loving, I'm sure any woman would look pass something like that.'

Luna gestured with her hands and provided an explanation. "Yes, in normal cases. You would be right, but there are some women who prefer either larger or shorter sizes for comfort and pleasure. Intercourse is a wonderful pastime and fun workout, but it's not so much if only one person is enjoying it."

'I see. Well, in any case, if I have both Warrior's and Magician's auras, how come my... thing hasn't shrunk?' Ruka inquired, perplexed as to why that particular aspect didn't have an impact on her.

Luna explained, "Mistress. In all aspects, futanari are genetically, physically, and magically superior to males and females. Not only do you have great genetics, but you also have both Warrior and Magicians auras, which practically balances everything out. Therefore, THAT part of your body will never shrink."

'Okay...' Ruka decided to push this thought to the back of her mind because it was a topic that made her a bit uncomfortable and stressed. The longer she kept talking about it, certain emotions and feelings swelled, so she needed to calm down and focus.

As she tried to do this, Ruka suddenly felt a cold but pleasant touch on her hand. Looking down at the carriage window, she could see Victoria touching her hand with a faint blue glow. "Okay...?" Victoria asked with concern.

Ruka was surprised that Victoria noticed her inner conflicts but ended up smiling. "Yes, I'm better now. Thank you, Victoria, for being so kind." This brought a small smile to her face as she continued to hold Ruka's rather large hand.

As Ruka saw this, she suddenly looked over, and sitting across from Victoria was Emma, Victoria's personal maid. Emma was giving a disturbed look at her lady holding Ruka's hand, but when she saw that Ruka had spotted this, she quickly looked away toward the other side of the carriage.

Sighing, Ruka decided to leave it at that, as she saw that they were nearing the large, grandiose castle that sat in the middle of the city, surrounded by large, tall walls with several guards positioned at the top and all around.

'They take security very seriously here, don't they...?'