
Chapter 311: Dragon Tiger Leopard Wolf_1


The eastern sky had just begun to show the first light of dawn when Ye Fei had already mastered the integration of the two heart methods.

Actually, instead of saying he had learned the two heart methods, it would be more accurate to say that he had regained what he had once lost.

Next, he washed up as usual, made breakfast as usual, and sent the children to kindergarten as usual.

All his affairs were carried on without delay.

When he returned home again, more than a dozen Qianlong Squad armored vehicles were already neatly parked by the road, ready to deploy.

"Little brother Ye, I've been thinking it over, and I've decided to come with you after all. I wouldn't have peace of mind otherwise!"

Wang Jianglong said with determination.

Ye Fei gave a faint smile; now that he had mastered two new abilities, he was completely confident of victory.