
Supreme Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, many children and many blessings

[STOP UPDATING CHAPTERS FOR A FEW DAYS WON'T FEEL FELL] Lin Feng traveled across the Douluo Continent and became the king of the Star Dou Forest, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. It has six multiple attributes of evil, darkness, space, time, thunder and lightning, and wind, and extremely high intelligence, which is no less than human beings, and has awakened the system. Many years later, Lin Feng dominated the Star Dou Forest and was known as the Forest Emperor and the Supreme Evil Tiger. There is azure bull python on the left and titan ape on the right. Behind him are thousands of six-winged devil tigers, blood tigers, ghost tigers, ghost tigers, white tigers, dark devil tigers, blazing tigers, and flame devil tigers. "My sons, follow me into the Spirit Empire, kill the Pope, and steal the Saint!"

FaaanzKun · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

The momentum is rising.

  Chapter 102 The momentum is rising.

  Then Lin Feng suddenly unfolded the cyan light shield.

  The dazzling cyan light shield spread directly, and in an instant, a faint cyan light appeared above the sea. Those cyan rays formed a mountain range in the sky.

  The mountains stood tall and towering, like a huge peak reaching the sky. There were runes flowing on the green mountains, and all of those runes exuded infinite power.


  Lin Feng shouted coldly, and immediately the huge green mountain peak fell directly from the sky and suppressed the deep sea demon whale king. This scene was so shocking that even Lin Feng's heart suddenly trembled, and his I secretly screamed something bad.

  This move of his is a move that he researched by combining the attributes of earth and fire. Coupled with his Dark Evil God Tiger skill and Qing Yan Holy Thunder Gang fighting skill, it brings its power to the extreme. Such an attack can be said to be shocking. Even he was unsure of resisting ghosts and gods.

  Because this kind of attack method has surpassed everything. It is the unique skill of their clan. The power is unimaginable. Even with his current strength, such a blow will not make him feel comfortable. The power of such a domineering force It just destroys everything.

  But now that the matter has come to this point, there is no room for him to retreat, because today the deep-sea demon whale king must be defeated or killed, because the giant shark swarm has blocked this place, and they have no way out and can only fight bravely.

  Lin Feng's cyan peaks carried vast power and moved directly towards the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King above the sea, just like a giant millstone, trying to crush the huge Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

  At this time, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King finally reacted. He looked at Lin Feng with crazy eyes. His body leaned back, and his huge body retreated rapidly. There was a person inside his body. A jet-black round armor appeared, wrapping him tightly in it.


  Countless black spikes suddenly appeared on the back of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, like rows of sharp blades, stabbing towards the cyan light shield.

  "You were born as a soul beast, but you turned into a human. You deserve to die! Now you dare to offend me. Today, you will definitely die!" The

  Deep Sea Demonic Whale King roared, and the black spikes continued to extend outwards. , it has reached thousands of meters in the blink of an eye, and the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King continues to add strength. The dense black spikes are like steel needles, constantly piercing the cyan light shield.

  The black spikes hit the cyan mask, making a sound of gold and iron intersecting, but Lin Feng knew that the cyan mask could not last long, because he could already clearly feel the power contained in the black spikes. , getting stronger and stronger, and the cyan light shield is getting weaker and weaker, and will soon be torn by these sharp spikes.

  Lin Feng also frowned slightly. After all, this cyan light shield was made of pure mental power, and it was a new skill that he had just realized after breaking through to the sixth-level weapon refiner. Although he had already had a first glimpse of the secret, he was still There is a certain distance. According to his speculation, it will take him at least half an hour to be completely proficient in using it, and now he can only persist for half a minute at most.

  Sure enough, half a minute later, Lin Feng's face was as pale as paper and his body was shaking. He knew that he had reached the end of his strength, and in front of him was a pair of scarlet eyes, which were waiting for the moment when Lin Feng was exhausted, and then gave Lin Feng Feng Lei struck and killed Lin Feng in one fell swoop!

  Lin Feng's eyes flashed with resolute killing intent. He had no choice. Since he couldn't escape, he had no choice but to give it a try, or he would die!


  The cyan light shield shattered with a bang, Lin Feng's thin figure was exposed, and his huge fist directly hit the thick turtle shell of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King.

  Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Lin Feng's body flew backwards. A huge force hit his body along his right arm, making his injuries aggravated. The turtle of the Deep Sea Demon Whale King The shell defense is too strong.

  There was a trace of blood dripping from the corner of Lin Feng's mouth. Looking at the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King in front of him, he wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and then jumped up again.

  Lin Feng's small body flew through the air, heading straight for the giant tail of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. The cyan light flashed, and the huge light ball hit hard at the giant tail of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. superior.

  There was another muffled sound, a burst of smoke dispersed, and Lin Feng's figure was shot back again.

  Lin Feng's chest was in severe pain, and he couldn't help but spurt out a mouthful of blood. On his left shoulder, there were three ferocious claw marks, and the muscles under the skin were shrinking rapidly.


  Lin Feng stood there panting violently, looking at the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King in front of him. His eyes were extremely cold. He never expected that his full blow would only hit the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. He retreated, but he himself was seriously injured.

  The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King also screamed angrily. In his huge mouth, black light gathered, and then the black ball of light slowly condensed in his huge mouth.

  There was a gloomy look on Lin Feng's face. He could also tell that the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was serious. He really wanted to kill him with one blow, because the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King's momentum was rising steadily.

  Lin Feng's eyes flashed coldly, and his eyes were firm. If this is the case, then let's fight. Even if we die in battle today, we will die together with the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. He also knows that this Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is also very smart. Yes, it knew that Lin Feng was not an ordinary person, so this attack was also planned for a long time.

  The sea surface around him was also constantly rolling and boiling. When the waves hit, the entire sea surface set off huge waves, and the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was floating on the sea surface, staring at Lin with a pair of extremely scarlet pupils. Feng, it also understands that Lin Feng is difficult to deal with.


  A clear sound came, and the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King spit out the black ball of light. The black ball of light instantly enlarged to a size of a hundred feet square, and then shot towards Lin Feng, wherever it passed. , even a slender crack appeared in the space, which shows how powerful this light ball is.

  Lin Feng also gritted his teeth at this time. He knew that if he didn't fight hard now, he would be directly bombarded to pieces by this terrifying ball of light. He pushed his palm forward, and a huge mental pressure was directed towards the huge light. The ball rushed forward, and the cyan ball of light also flew towards the ball of light at this time.

  The two light balls collided with each other, and a huge light shock wave exploded in the sea water, and the ocean was also blown up into huge waves hundreds of feet high.

  (End of chapter)