
Supreme Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, many children and many blessings

[STOP UPDATING CHAPTERS FOR A FEW DAYS WON'T FEEL FELL] Lin Feng traveled across the Douluo Continent and became the king of the Star Dou Forest, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. It has six multiple attributes of evil, darkness, space, time, thunder and lightning, and wind, and extremely high intelligence, which is no less than human beings, and has awakened the system. Many years later, Lin Feng dominated the Star Dou Forest and was known as the Forest Emperor and the Supreme Evil Tiger. There is azure bull python on the left and titan ape on the right. Behind him are thousands of six-winged devil tigers, blood tigers, ghost tigers, ghost tigers, white tigers, dark devil tigers, blazing tigers, and flame devil tigers. "My sons, follow me into the Spirit Empire, kill the Pope, and steal the Saint!"

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125 Chs

Imperial Marriage Letter, Davis is completely green!

  Chapter 76: Imperial Marriage Letter, Davis is completely green!

  Zhu Zhuyun curled up and sat in the room, paying no attention to anyone. During this period, someone brought food to her, but she didn't eat it at all.

  This lasted for several days.

  It wasn't until Zhu Zhuyun fainted that Duke Netherworld opened the door and called a healing soul master to see her.

  Looking at the solemn expression on the healing soul master's face.

  The Duchess of Netherworld asked with worry on her face, "How is my daughter?" The

  healing soul master's face showed a hint of joy, "Congratulations, madam, your daughter is happy!"


  This sudden message made Duke Netherworld Both the Netherworld Duchess and the Netherworld Duchess had shocked expressions on their faces.

  If this spreads out, how can his daughter get married?

  Duke Netherworld took out a bag of gold soul coins and threw it to the healing soul master, and said in a cold tone, "I don't want a third person to know about this!" The

  old man in white robe nodded slightly with a solemn expression.

  He naturally knew what Duke Netherworld meant, and then left the Duke's Mansion.

  It's been a long time.

  Zhu Zhuyun just woke up, his face was pale and his body was very weak.

  Not only did the Duke of Netherworld not care about her, but he cursed with anger on his face, "It's so shameless. It has brought shame on our Zhu family!"

  As a woman, the Duchess of Netherworld is naturally more considerate of her daughter.

  He was also a little angry and said, "Now that it's like this, you should say less!"

  Duke Netherworld looked gloomy and said no more.

  Zhu Zhuyun had just woken up and didn't know what had happened. His face was full of doubts. He didn't know why his father was so crazy.

  Zhu Zhuyun was completely stunned until he heard the words of the Netherworld Duchess.

  His eyes were dull and his body was lying straight on the bed.

  The Duchess of Netherworld also noticed Zhu Zhuyun's strangeness, and immediately comforted her, "Zhuyun, you don't have to worry, anyway, the raw rice has been cooked into cooked rice. This can be regarded as spreading branches and leaves for the Xingluo royal family, and many children will bring blessings." !

  Tomorrow I will report to Emperor Xingluo and ask the royal family to issue a letter of appointment and let Weiss marry you!"

  Zhu Zhuyun was stunned on the spot, feeling empty in his heart, and his brain seemed to have been hit by thunder!

  Only she knew that the child in her belly was not David Weiss's.

  At first she didn't take it seriously and just thought it was bitten by a dog!

  After all, the other party is a soul beast, I didn't expect that I could get pregnant like this!

  Zhu Zhuyun had mixed feelings in his heart, he was a little overwhelmed for a moment, and he was full of hatred for Lin Feng.

  She doesn't know what to do about this matter. Once others know about it, it will lead to irreparable consequences, and she may even be expelled from the family by the Nether Civet Clan!

  But if you don't tell your parents, the child will be born later.

  It would be fine if it was a normal baby, but if a spirit beast was born.

  How to explain it!

  Soon the royal family of the Star Luo Empire received the news.

  Early the next morning, Davis came to visit Zhu Zhuyun with excitement and brought many gifts.

  When he saw Zhu Zhuyun, he held him in his arms again. The previous quarrel had long been forgotten, "Zhu Yun, don't worry. I will definitely be responsible for you. When I become the emperor of the Star Luo Empire in the future, you will be mine." The queen!"

  Zhu Zhuyun's eyes were dull, his face was expressionless, and he froze on the spot, not looking at Davis.

  I even feel a little guilty about Davis.   

  Davis thought that Zhu Zhuyun could not accept the news for the time being, and said with concern again, "Zhu Yun, don't worry, I have everything. Although you are indeed young, I will definitely be responsible for you and take good care of us." Child!

  My father also very much agrees with this marriage!

  Today he will draw up a marriage document early and ask my uncle, Duke Baihu, to come to propose marriage in person!"

  Zhu Zhuyun didn't speak during the whole process, and stayed in place blankly.

  Davis was excited alone. After a while, seeing Zhu Zhuyun still looking like this, he left boredly.

  In the afternoon, groups of troops were seen lined up on both sides of the Netherworld Duke's Mansion.

  Nearly a hundred people from the Nether Civet Clan went out to greet him!

  The Duke of Baifu personally brought dozens of carts of betrothal gifts and came to the Zhu family to get engaged with Emperor Xingluo's marriage certificate.

  The entire Zhu family was decorated with lanterns and colorful decorations, looking happy and lively.

  Everyone looked very happy, except Zhu Zhuyun, whose face was full of sadness and still a little overwhelmed!

  But she didn't dare to tell what happened before. Once she did, the consequences would be disastrous and might even damage the Zhu family's reputation!

  "Congratulations, Duke of Netherworld, we will be in-laws soon," Duke White Tiger said with joy on his face.

  Duke Netherworld also agreed, "If you delay Duke White Tiger's fortune, please bear with me if Zhuyun does anything wrong in your royal family in the future!" "The

  Nether Civet lineage and the White Tiger lineage have been married for generations. It's a matter of time. If

  Zhuyun can give birth to a child early, it can be regarded as opening up branches for our White Tiger lineage!" "

  Haha, I have to rely on Duke White Tiger to pay more attention to me in the future!"

  Duke White Tiger stroked his long beard, his face His face was full of joy, "From now on, you will be the in-laws of the White Tiger Emperor. The Zhu family's prestige will definitely become more and more powerful, and I will need Duke Netherworld to take care of me!

  The group of people were talking and laughing, and it was very lively.

  Only Zhu Zhuyun's face Expressionless, with a gloomy face!

  Soon the news of the engagement between the Star Luo Empire's eldest prince and Zhu Zhuyun, a member of the Netherworld Civet Clan, spread throughout the Star Luo Empire. Countless guests came in droves, and various gifts filled the Zhu family's side room.

  The entire Zhu family was very happy. Lively.

  Zhu Zhuyun wanted to leave secretly at first, but in the vast world, where could she go!

  Coupled with her parents' persuasion, Zhu Zhuyun could only accept the reality.

  It seemed that marrying Davis was her only way out.

  Zhu Zhuyun Remember that the hundred thousand year old soul beast is a Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. There is a 50% chance that the child born will awaken the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger's martial spirit!

  The martial spirit of the Star Luo Empire royal family is the White Tiger Spirit, but there are also Some of the royal martial arts mutated and turned into other powerful tiger martial spirits!

  It can be regarded as a martial soul mutation!

  After all, no one knew what happened that night!

  Zhu Zhuyun soon married into the Star Luo Empire royal family!

  See His daughter-in-law's fourth soul ring is a ten-thousand-year soul ring, and the Star Luo Emperor is also very excited. The fourth soul ring of ten-thousand years has never appeared in the entire history of the Star Luo Empire. He

  has even decided to regard Davis as his daughter-in-law . Cultivating the heir to the empire.

  Star Dou Forest Tiger Hill!

  Lin Feng was devouring the essence of the sun and moon on the top of the mountain, and suddenly a system prompt sounded in his head!

  "Ding, congratulations to the host on getting the heir*1, congratulations to the host on getting the purple thunder body forging pill*1"

  "Ding, congratulations to the host for getting 1 offspring, and the host has got 1 teleportation talisman, which can be teleported to any location in Douluo Continent! "

  Ding, congratulations to the host for getting an heir*1, and the host getting a clone*1. After using it, you can change your identity, possess any kind of martial spirit, and automatically obtain a full-level soul ring!" "

  (End of chapter)