
Supreme Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, many children and many blessings

[STOP UPDATING CHAPTERS FOR A FEW DAYS WON'T FEEL FELL] Lin Feng traveled across the Douluo Continent and became the king of the Star Dou Forest, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. It has six multiple attributes of evil, darkness, space, time, thunder and lightning, and wind, and extremely high intelligence, which is no less than human beings, and has awakened the system. Many years later, Lin Feng dominated the Star Dou Forest and was known as the Forest Emperor and the Supreme Evil Tiger. There is azure bull python on the left and titan ape on the right. Behind him are thousands of six-winged devil tigers, blood tigers, ghost tigers, ghost tigers, white tigers, dark devil tigers, blazing tigers, and flame devil tigers. "My sons, follow me into the Spirit Empire, kill the Pope, and steal the Saint!"

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Dark Demon Evil God Tiger VS Golden Crocodile King

  Chapter 63 Dark Demon Evil God Tiger VS Golden Crocodile King

  Demon Bear Douluo glared ferociously, and his sharp claws cut through the void, as if he wanted to tear the entire sky apart.

  The giant claws cut through Lin Feng's body, splitting his body instantly, leaving clear claw marks on it, and the flesh and blood were blurred.

  Hu Liena took a step forward with a worried cry on her face. Just as she got closer, she was instantly blown away by the powerful aura of several titled Douluo and hit the ground heavily.

  Xie Yue and Li Kai hurriedly came forward.

  Fortunately, the two-pole stasis fields of Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo could not last for long, and ten seconds passed quickly.

  Lin Feng saw that the field was starting to become a little weak, and his huge tiger body shook violently, breaking through the two people's martial soul fusion skills.

  Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo were also knocked away together.

  "The sable fur is warm and startling, and the water and ice light shoots at the sun and the moon!"

  "The ninth soul skill: Guangling Ice God Break!"

  Guangling Douluo has been waiting for this moment without making a move, only to see the Guangling Divine Bow in his hand The cold light flourished, and the soul power of the whole body was integrated into the divine bow of light feathers, condensing a crystal-like sapphire blue feather arrow, with light flowing on it, flashing with colorful halos, known as the strongest single attack.

  A ray of cold light cut through the void, piercing straight towards the heart of the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger.


  The power of the arrow directly passed through Lin Feng's body, and heartbreaking pain spread throughout his body.

  This is the strongest damage Lin Feng has ever suffered so far.

  When the Guangling Divine Bow penetrated Lin Feng's body, the ultimate ice attribute froze Lin Feng's body again.

  Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo attacked Lin Feng again.

  "The ninth soul skill: Chrysanthemums are broken, and the ground is covered with injuries!"

  Ju Douluo used his ninth soul skill again!


  Lin Feng's body was severely injured, and he let out a roar, and a domineering aura enveloped the entire Wuhun City.

  His whole body shook violently, and the ice fragments around him exploded instantly.

  Seeing the divine bow in Light Ling Douluo's hand glowing brightly, he was ready to activate his soul skill again.

  Lin Feng's tail flew out like a sharp arrow, and the Evil God Hook immediately passed through her body.

  Light Ling Douluo's eyes were shocked, and his whole body froze on the spot, with a look of unwillingness on his face.

  Lin Feng's huge tiger body soared into the air again. Before Ju Douluo could use his ninth soul skill, he had already slapped it on the ground. He then raised his right foot and slapped it down again.

  He slammed Ju Douluo to the ground.

  Ghost Leopard Douluo's huge ghost leopard figure launched a sneak attack at Lin Feng from the side. The sharp claws streaked across Lin Feng's body, leaving clear blood marks of martial arts on his body again.

  Lin Feng's huge tiger body shook violently, and instantly formed a gray halo of light that swept around.

  All the surrounding soul masters were blown away dozens of feet, and the surrounding buildings collapsed with a rumbling sound.

  Several major titled Douluo fell to the ground in great embarrassment.

  They have tried their best, but facing the 200,000-year-old Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, they have no chance of winning!


  At this moment, the entire sky above Wuhun City continued to tremble, and a domineering aura spread out to the surrounding area.

  Several titled Douluo showed excited expressions on their faces.

  "Golden Crocodile Douluo, it's Golden Crocodile Douluo who appears!"

  Immediately afterwards, he saw a golden crocodile emperor's shadow that was dozens of feet long penetrated the void, opened its bloody mouth and rushed towards Lin Feng.

  "Golden Crocodile Douluo appears. Golden Crocodile Douluo is the second envoy of the Elder Hall of the Wuhun Empire. He has a respected position and has the power to make decisions in the Elder Hall and can even depose the Pope.   

  Its strength is second only to the Great Enshrinement Sendoryu among the Seven Great Enshrinements.

  He was once as famous as Sword Dou Luo Chenxin's grandfather, and could be regarded as a leader among the older generation. He has the oldest generation in the Wuhun Empire, and he is even the elder Qiandaoliu, so even Qiandaoliu has to give him three points of respect! "

  The eyes of the possessor of Golden Crocodile Douluo's martial spirit shone brightly, and his whole body was covered with a layer of fine golden scales. His hands turned into sharp claws, and behind him was a huge long tail full of scales and thorns.

  "Beast, since If you come, then stay!

  A slight smile appeared on Lin Feng's lips, "Old guy, why do you live for so long? I will send you to be reincarnated in advance today! "

  "Arrogant! " "

  The thought moved slightly, and nine soul rings suddenly lit up around him: yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and red!

  The last soul ring was surprisingly a hundred thousand year soul ring.

  This was also the first hundred thousand years Lin Feng had seen so far. Nian Soul Ring!

  Golden Crocodile Douluo's body trembled slightly, his eyes burst out with majesty, "The third soul skill: Golden Crocodile Tail! "

  Golden Crocodile Douluo didn't say anything, and directly activated the third soul skill. A huge golden crocodile tail that was more than ten feet long slapped towards Lin Feng like a blanket.

  Lin Feng did not show any weakness, and the huge tiger body immediately rushed forward. .

  This can also be said to be the duel between the top combat forces in the Douluo Continent.

  Golden Crocodile Douluo and Lin Feng only collided slightly, and the entire space could not help but shake slightly, and the surrounding buildings were directly reduced to ruins.

  Golden Crocodile Douluo Golden Crocodile Douluo is an old man with golden robes and silver embroidery, with white beard and hair. The golden robe represents the status of worship, which is different from the black robe worn by Contra and the red robe worn by the elders. The

  rough face is fierce The light flourished, revealing endless majesty.

  "The One Hundred Thousand Year Dark Demon Evil God Tiger is indeed much more powerful than the ordinary One Hundred Thousand Year Soul Beast! "

  "The Golden Crocodile King, the ninety-eighth-level peak Douluo, doesn't seem to be that good either! "

  Lin Feng's contempt made Golden Crocodile Douluo laugh.

  "You evil beast, you can actually turn into a human figure!

  Lin Feng said calmly, "Routine operation! " "

  "You are still married to the Saint of Wuhun Palace! "

  "We really love each other! A smile appeared on Golden

  Crocodile Douluo's lips, "You are indeed an extraordinary hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast. No wonder the nine elders of Wuhun Palace can't do anything to him!" Lin

  Feng said calmly, "I know I'm strong, you don't have to praise me!" "

  Golden Crocodile Douluo couldn't help but look at Lin Feng with admiration. He didn't expect that this hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast was not only powerful, but also very talkative. He was even more eloquent than many human soul masters.

  "But today, since you are a sheep in a tiger's mouth, I will definitely keep you! Lin

  Feng continued, "Golden Crocodile Douluo, don't talk too much. Be careful and you may stub your teeth later!" "

  Very good, then let me see your true strength! "

  "The fourth soul skill: tear apart the crocodile claws! " "

  The golden crocodile king's sharp crocodile claws immediately slashed towards Lin Feng. The sharp claws cut through the void and just collided with the right claw of Lin Feng's Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. The two of them were evenly matched in this attack. How much benefit can be obtained?

  Golden Crocodile Douluo and Lin Feng fought for a while. Two huge figures attacked back and forth, and each blow could cause space shock. The

  surrounding soul masters had already evacuated quickly.

  The duel between the two peak combat powers, lightly The ground will shake and the mountains will shake, or the mountains will collapse and the ground will crack. If you are not careful, you may not even be able to save your life.

  (End of this chapter)