
Supreme Dark Demon Evil God Tiger, many children and many blessings

[STOP UPDATING CHAPTERS FOR A FEW DAYS WON'T FEEL FELL] Lin Feng traveled across the Douluo Continent and became the king of the Star Dou Forest, the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger. It has six multiple attributes of evil, darkness, space, time, thunder and lightning, and wind, and extremely high intelligence, which is no less than human beings, and has awakened the system. Many years later, Lin Feng dominated the Star Dou Forest and was known as the Forest Emperor and the Supreme Evil Tiger. There is azure bull python on the left and titan ape on the right. Behind him are thousands of six-winged devil tigers, blood tigers, ghost tigers, ghost tigers, white tigers, dark devil tigers, blazing tigers, and flame devil tigers. "My sons, follow me into the Spirit Empire, kill the Pope, and steal the Saint!"

FaaanzKun · Anime & Comics
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125 Chs

Captured Poison Douluo’s daughter-in-law!

  Chapter 44 Captured Poison Douluo's daughter-in-law!

  Lin Feng looked at the charming young woman in front of him, feeling a little hot in his heart.

  "Looking at your clothes, you must be from a big family!"

  The woman was also very shocked. She didn't expect that the huge beast in front of her could speak human language.

  "I advise you to let me go, otherwise my father will definitely not let you go. He is a powerful titled Douluo!"


  Lin Feng suddenly became energetic after hearing the woman's words.

  "What's the name of the Titled Douluo you just mentioned? Maybe I've even beaten him!"

  "Poison Douluo Dugu Bo!"


  After hearing the woman's words, Lin Feng couldn't help but be stunned for a few seconds. This was actually The captured Poison Douluo's daughter.

  Douluo Dalu said that Dugu Bo's daughter and son-in-law passed away, leaving only his granddaughter Dugu Yan to depend on him.

  I don't know if I should make an effort and restore the original work.

  "Swish, swish, swish!"

  The moment the two of them were talking, seven figures actually caught up with them.

  Seeing the huge thing in front of them, the seven people were instantly dumbfounded.

  "My dear, I didn't expect there to be such a huge soul beast," one of the soul masters said in shock.

  Another soul master said, "Lei Lie, I think you should go back and call your father-in-law. This soul beast is too powerful. The few of us are not enough to fill its teeth!" "

  Yeah, I feel like this one is too powerful. The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger will start at least one hundred thousand years ago!"

  Lei Lie stood on the ground with worry on his face.

  "Yun'er, are you okay!"

  "I'm okay," Dugu Yun responded loudly.

  At this time, Lin Feng stood up from the ground, his whole body getting taller and taller, like a huge hill.

  He tapped his right foot lightly and the whole ground shook.

  "I brought her back this time just to ask her to help take care of the child. I have no other ill intentions. When the child grows up, I will definitely let her go back. I advise you to leave here immediately, otherwise you will be in trouble soon!

  " The power of the tiger made everyone's hearts tremble.

  "Lei Lie, let's go. We are no match for him. Go back and find your father-in-law!"

  Lei Lie's tall and strong body trembled slightly, his face still a little unwilling.

  Lin Feng's eyes trembled slightly, and Lei Lie flew out immediately, hitting the ground heavily.

  "Go away!"

  Seeing the Dark Demon Evil God Tiger getting angry, Lei Lie took the lead and started to retreat.

  He didn't want to die.

  Seeing that several people were scared away without caring about their own life or death, Dugu Yun was completely desperate.

  Lin Feng continued, "You should have given birth to a child before!"

  Dugu Yun nodded, "Well, I have a daughter named Dugu Yan who has just turned eight years old. Today we are taking her to the Star Dou Forest to get the first soul ring! "

  Dugu Yun originally thought that if Lin Fengliang found out that he would let him go if he had a child.

  Unexpectedly, Lin Feng said, "It's just right, so I can have experience in raising babies!"

  "I have only raised children, but not spirit beasts!"

  Lin Feng nodded, "Well, don't worry, my child is the same. Human being, as long as you take good care of him for three months, I will let you go!"

  Hearing this, Dugu Yun's tense heart felt relieved a lot.

  "Then why should I believe you!"

  "Believe it or not!"

  Lin Feng's powerful tiger tail picked up Dugu Yun and threw him into the cave.

  Dugu Yun's body fell lightly to the ground. Looking at the cave inside, he was stunned on the spot again.   

  It was a cave of its own, and there were actually two women with a child.

  Looking at Hu Liena's bulging belly, Dugu Yun suddenly seemed to have an ominous premonition.

  Lin Feng also followed closely, walked in slowly, then moved his mind slightly and transformed into a human form.

  Dugu Yun looked at Lin Feng, his expression rising and falling slightly.

  "Your task is to help take care of the child and take care of Dong'er's daily life. When the time is up, I will send you away!"


  Dugu Yun picked up the child and couldn't help but feel a ripple in his heart. Mother's love suddenly overflowed and he scratched gently. Scratching the baby's nose, he murmured, "Newborn cubs are still cute!"

  Lin Feng then said to Bibi Dong, "You should have a good rest during this period, and I will send you home when the child is older!"

  After hearing Lin Feng's words, Bibi Dong was still very excited.

  Hu Liena also said, "Are you going to send me back too? If I don't go back, I want to stay with you forever!"

  Lin Feng took Hu Liena into his arms and kissed her forehead, "I will always be with you." Stay with you!"

  Dugu Yun's eyebrows moved slightly, "She is also a spirit beast?"

  "No, she is a human!"

  "Then this child? You don't like fighting for pregnant women, do you?"

  Lin Feng frowned, "What do you think? What, these two children are my biological children!"

  Dugu Yun was completely stunned. This was the first time she had heard that soul beasts could actually have children with humans.

  "Bastard, hand over my daughter and I will spare your life!"

  From the sound of the voice, I knew it was Dugu Bo. I didn't expect that this old poisonous person had such a soft tone. Is it up to you to spare my life?

  Lin Feng waved his right hand, and a huge rock flew out along the entrance of the cave.


  A loud noise was heard, and Dugu Bo was immediately thrown dozens of feet away.

  I was also shocked inside, what a powerful force.

  Lin Feng slowly walked out of the cave entrance. Dugu Bo looked like a javelin, with dark green beard and hair, and a pair of eyes that shone like emeralds.

  The whole person gives people an illusory feeling, like a phantom.

  With messy green hair on his head and a simple gray robe, he stood on a jade-scaled snake king that was dozens of feet long, with his hands behind his back, and his face showed full of arrogance.

  "Dugu Bo!"

  "Since you know my name, why don't you let my daughter go!"

  The moment Dugu Bo spoke, nine soul rings suddenly lit up around him: yellow, yellow, purple, purple, black, black, black, and black to show his power. powerful!

  "I have said before that I only let Dugu Yun help take care of the child for three months. When the time is up, I will naturally let her go.

  I see that your cultivation is not easy, and I don't want to kill you, so get out of here!"

  Feeling the radiance of Lin Feng The powerful force that came out made Dugu Bo tremble slightly in his heart, but Lin Feng was arresting her daughter, so he would not stand idly by.

  "The hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast is certainly powerful, but I, Dugu Bo, am not unworthy of my reputation for my poison!" "

  Oh, is it very strong?"

  Lin Feng lightly stamped his right foot, and the entire ground instantly exploded, forming a powerful wave. The impact force bombarded the Jade Scale Snake King.

  Dugu Bo immediately flew out and his feet landed on the ground.

  Dugu Bo's thoughts moved slightly, and the dozens of feet long green-scaled snake king spurted out a mouthful of purple poisonous mist, and immediately rushed towards Lin Feng.

  "The fourth soul skill: Jade Phosphorus Maze!"

  The Jade Scale Snake King moved quickly and arranged a maze around Lin Feng to control and confuse the enemy.

  An evil smile appeared at the corner of Lin Feng's mouth, "You don't know what you can do!"

  He slapped the Green Scale Snake King to the ground.

  The powerful force immediately shook Dugu Bo out of a mouthful of blood.

  In the face of powerful strength, no matter how powerful the soul skill is, it is in vain!

  Dugu Bo's heart trembled slightly. The Dark Demon Evil God Tiger in front of him was indeed too powerful, and it was actually immune to his green-scaled snake venom.

  (End of chapter)