
Supreme cultivation system in marvel comics

Lin Fan a Taoist priest and genius graduated from Tsinghua university.went home to inherit the family property and mountain temple. while cooking in the temple kitchen gas explode and crossed over to marvel comics.

last_wariror · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

true martial art and demons


[name: Lin Fan

age: 17

race: human

cultivation level:5th Realm of Qi Refining-late stage

cultivation method:

supernatural powers/spells:

Golden Light Curse - Proficient

Five Thunder Technique - Proficient

Heavenly Eye - level 2 (Allows Lin Fan to perceive luck and see through fate and illusions and analyze Qi and spiritual energies)

Divine Perception - Developing (capable of telepathy and telekinesis Heightened senses and intuitive omnidirectional awareness of his surroundings)

qi enhancement - Beginner (Ability to infuse his Qi with the body for enhanced attacks)

talisman- Proficient

Tongtian fulu-Beginner

inventory items:

physique: Innate Taoist Body (50 times stronger than average cultivators)


After a week of intense training and cultivation, Lin Fan could feel the transformation within him. The once-dormant energies now surged through his meridians with newfound strength and clarity. Just as he began to celebrate his progress, memories of the past week flooded his mind.

flashback A week ago, as the sun began its ascent over the horizon, casting a warm glow upon the mountaintop, Lin Fan knew it was time to descend. However, his departure was interrupted by a mysterious feeling that reached him, by opening the sky eye to see fate he saw people searching for him with unknown intentions. Intrigued yet cautious, he made the decision to investigate further.

With heightened senses and a keen awareness of his surroundings, Lin Fan ventured down the mountain, his heart pounding with anticipation. As he traversed through nearby villages, an unsettling aura hung in the air, leaving the villagers weary and haunted by unseen forces.

''Jie, jei, jei, a puny human came to deliver food to the door,'' the demon sneered, its voice dripping with disdain.

Lin Fan's expression remained stoic as he looked at the demon before him. He could sense the arrogance radiating from the creature, but he refused to let it affect him. With a flicker of determination in his eyes, he remained composed and unmoved.

"Hmp," Lin Fan uttered, his voice carrying a hint of indifference. He was not one to be swayed by the taunts of a lowly demon. He understood the importance of maintaining his composure, especially when faced with such arrogant foes.

The demon, expecting a reaction or a display of fear, was taken aback by Lin Fan's nonchalant response. It had expected to intimidate its human prey, to revel in their fear and submission. But instead, it found itself faced with an unyielding spirit that refused to be cowed.

Lin Fan's calm demeanor unsettled the demon, chipping away at its false sense of superiority. The human's unwavering confidence and refusal to back down challenged its very existence. It realized that this encounter would not be as easy as it had initially assumed.

With a newfound determination, Lin Fan prepared himself for the battle that lay ahead.judging from the 3rd qi refining like aura the demon is unconsciously exuding it will be an easy battle but one has to be cautious what if it was fake.

As the demon lunged forward, ready to attack, Lin Fan's body moved with an otherworldly grace. His fists struck with precision, his movements flowing seamlessly as he unleashed golden light curse. The demon, caught off guard by his speed and skill, faltered for a moment.

In that momentary lapse, Lin Fan seized the opportunity. His strikes landed with calculated force, each blow weakening the demon's defenses. With every punch and kick, he drove the demon closer to defeat. The once-arrogant creature now trembled in the face of Lin Fan's relentless assault.

Finally, with one final strike, Lin Fan delivered the decisive blow. The demon's body crumpled to the ground, its malevolent presence extinguished. Silence filled the air as Lin Fan stood, his breath steady and his heart filled with satisfaction.

He had proven that even the mightiest of demons could be brought down by the determination of a single human. It was a testament to his unwavering resolve and unyielding spirit. He stood tall, the victor in this battle of wills.

As the demon lay defeated at his feet, Lin Fan cast a glance of disdain. ''Who's puny now?'' he muttered, a smirk playing on his lips. He had shown the demon that strength came not from physical superiority alone but from the unwavering spirit within.

But Lin Fan's compassion went beyond defeating the demons. Utilizing his healing abilities, he mended the wounds and restored vitality to the villagers. They marveled at the power within him, their trust and admiration shining through their eyes. Their appreciation warmed his heart and strengthened his resolve to protect and serve.

News of Lin Fan's heroic deeds spread throughout the nearby villages, reaching the ears of the regional town government. the system bestowed upon him 50 merit points, and the villagers sent food as token of gratitude and acknowledgment for his contributions.

These merit points served as a reminder of his purpose, urging Lin Fan to continue his cultivation journey and extend his aid to those in need. With each accomplishment, he grew stronger and more attuned to the responsibilities that came with his newfound abilities.

As he made his way back up the mountain, the weight of the merit points reminded Lin Fan of the significance of his role. He had become a beacon of hope in a world plagued by darkness, an embodiment of strength and compassion. Embracing this responsibility wholeheartedly, he knew that his actions could make enemies or difference and inspire others to rise above adversity.

Renewed with determination and fueled by compassion, Lin Fan resumed his ascent, ready to continue his cultivation practice and confront the challenges that awaited him. The encounters in the villages had ignited a fire within him, a burning desire to protect the innocent and restore balance to the world.

Reaching the mountaintop once again, Lin Fan took a moment to reflect on the events that had unfolded.

end flashback

Lin Fan stood before the System; his gaze fixed on the available rewards that he could obtain with his hard-earned 20 merit points. His heart raced with anticipation as he scrolled through the list, searching for the ultimate cultivation technique that would propel him to new heights.

And then he found it - "True Martial Divine Art from Rebirth of the Urban Immortal Cultivator." The name alone sent shivers of excitement down his spine. This was the pinnacle, the epitome of foundation cultivation art of a certain novel protagonist. Without hesitation, he selected the coveted technique and confirmed his choice.

As the transaction was completed, a surge of energy washed over Lin Fan, filling him with a profound sense of power and knowledge. The True Martial Divine Art had chosen him, and he could feel its ancient wisdom resonating within his very being.

With the acquisition of this esteemed cultivation manual, Lin Fan knew that he had unlocked a treasure trove of unparalleled martial prowess. The secrets contained within these pages would grant him access to techniques that surpassed ordinary limits, allowing him to transcend the universe and attain immortality.