
Supreme corruption: I corrupt every good woman into villainess

As mentioned in the name theme of the story, the central figure, driven by a twisted desire for dominance, methodically corrupts impressionable young women, weaving a web of control that extends far beyond mere physical enslavement. These women, once vibrant and free, are reduced to mere pawns in his elaborate game of conquest, their autonomy stripped away as they become instruments of his malevolent will. What truly sets this tale apart is the enigmatic presence of the antagonist, the very creator of the story itself. Trapped within the confines of his own narrative by an ancient curse, he grapples with the consequences of his own hubris. As he orchestrates the downfall of his characters, he simultaneously navigates the murky depths of his own psyche, confronting the darkness that lurks within. The boundaries between fiction and reality blur, casting doubt upon the nature of existence itself. As the story unfolds, parallels emerge between the protagonist's struggle against the villain and the author's own internal conflict. Each move on the narrative chessboard reflects a deeper existential battle, as the characters' fates intertwine with the author's own quest for redemption. Ultimately, the story becomes a haunting meditation on the nature of creation, agency, and the profound impact of our choices, both within the confines of fiction and in the vast expanse of reality. In conclusion, an author writes a cursed story. The curse is so strong it consumes the author and he's getting trapped inside his own story. But he gets a chance to decide his character. The author chooses to be the villain who can never be defeated. He becomes the main character of the story as the villain, he corrupts good women into evil and makes them fight the hero and the heroines.

minatoflash · Fantasy
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140 Chs

True power

As Bruce's eyes scanned through the profiles of the most popular users on POP, he felt a sense of disinterest wash over him. None of the women seemed to catch his attention or ignite the spark of desire within him. But just as he was about to give up hope, his gaze landed on a profile that stood out from the rest.

Her name was Morgan, and there was something about her that piqued Bruce's interest. Despite her seemingly foreign origins, she had managed to capture the attention of the app's users and secure a spot in the top fifty most popular users.

Intrigued by this mysterious stranger, Bruce felt a thrill of excitement course through him as he studied Morgan's profile. Her photos were captivating, her beauty enhanced by an air of mystery that surrounded her. With each swipe of his finger, Bruce felt himself drawn deeper into her world, eager to unravel the secrets that lay hidden beneath the surface.

Without hesitation, Bruce made up his mind: Morgan would be his next target. There was something about her that called out to him, a magnetic pull that he couldn't resist. And as he set his sights on winning her over, he knew that the thrill of the chase had only just begun.

As Bruce rose from his seat, a sense of determination washed over him. He was ready to embark on his quest to find Morgan, the mysterious woman who had captured his attention on POP. With his supernatural abilities as a powerful vampire at his disposal, Bruce knew that nothing could stand in his way.

With swift and silent movements, Bruce made his way through the streets, his senses keenly attuned to the world around him. As he searched for someone who knew Morgan personally, he relied on his heightened perception to detect even the faintest traces of her presence.

It didn't take long for Bruce to find a potential lead, a friend of Morgan's who frequented the same social circles as her. With a subtle exertion of his will, Bruce approached the unsuspecting acquaintance, his charm and charisma working their magic to gain their trust.

Using his persuasive abilities, Bruce subtly planted the seeds of his plan in the friend's mind, weaving a tale of intrigue and desire that would lead them straight to Morgan. With each carefully chosen word, he guided the friend towards the realization that they held the key to unlocking Morgan's secrets.

And as the friend succumbed to Bruce's subtle manipulation, they agreed to help him in his quest, unaware of the true nature of the task they had undertaken. With a sense of satisfaction, Bruce knew that he was one step closer to achieving his goal, his sights set firmly on the elusive Morgan and the thrill of the chase that lay ahead.

As Bruce continued on his mission to find Morgan, he knew that his unique abilities as a powerful vampire gave him an advantage like no other. With just a glance or a single word, he could bend others to his will, exerting control over their thoughts and actions with ease.

But Bruce also understood the importance of patience and perseverance in achieving his goals. While he possessed the ability to control others with a mere touch, he knew that true mastery over their minds required a more intimate approach.

For Bruce, the act of seduction was not just a means to an end, but a crucial step in establishing the deep and lasting control he desired over his targets. With each encounter, he embarked on a journey of exploration and discovery, using his supernatural charm and allure to captivate his partners and draw them further into his web of influence.

And as he engaged in twenty-four hours of continuous intimacy with his chosen companion, Bruce knew that he was laying the groundwork for a bond that would transcend the physical realm. Through the intense connection forged in the heat of passion, he would cement his control over his partner's mind and soul, ensuring their unwavering loyalty for all eternity.

With each passing day, Bruce reveled in the power he wielded over his subjects, knowing that they were bound to him in a way that transcended mere mortal constraints. And as he continued on his quest to find Morgan, he remained confident in his ability to bend others to his will, one encounter at a time.

With the incredible ability to regenerate from even the smallest fragment of his DNA, Bruce possessed a resilience that made him virtually indestructible. No matter how grievous the injury or how dire the circumstances, he knew that he could always rise again, reborn from the remnants of his former self.

This extraordinary power granted Bruce a sense of invincibility, allowing him to face any challenge with unwavering confidence. Whether confronted by mortal foes or supernatural adversaries, he remained undaunted, secure in the knowledge that death held no sway over him.

And with each regeneration, Bruce emerged stronger and more formidable than before, his body infused with the accumulated knowledge and power of his past selves. It was a cycle of death and rebirth that fueled his insatiable thirst for power and immortality, driving him ever onward in his quest for dominance.

But even as he reveled in his seemingly limitless potential, Bruce was mindful of the dangers that lurked in the shadows. For with great power came great responsibility, and he knew that his abilities could just as easily be used for destruction as they could for creation.

And so, as he continued on his journey to find Morgan and assert his dominance over the world, Bruce remained ever vigilant, aware of the forces that sought to challenge his supremacy. For in a world where even death held no sway, the only true victory was the one that ensured his eternal reign.

In his quest for control, Bruce walked a fine line between power and peril. With each regeneration, he grew more formidable, yet the specter of hubris loomed large. But driven by an insatiable thirst for dominance, he pressed on, heedless of the consequences that lay in wait.