
Supreme Blood Heir

Multitude of worlds in a cosmos.The Cosmos divided into nine layers known as heavens.In a world where beings could shatter worlds with their fist,and tear apart all with a single move.A clan ruled the the 3rd heavens, their will unchallenged and absolute for thousands of years. A clan known as:The Abyssals. Suddenly a heaven shaking battle shook the 3rd heaven as half of its world was shattered into thousands of pieces.That was the last the worlds ever heard of The Abyssals. Vather celestria an orphan in the 1st heaven with an unknown bloodline and a green crystal embedded in his forehead seeks out the truth of his existence. Follow Vather as he tries to unravel the mysteries of his birth. Thousands of races will try to stop his awakening. Thousands of gigantic dead bodies will pile up to form the size of mountains but who can stop the reawakening of us ABYSSALS. The Supreme Blood System has been awakened. //Supreme Blood Bloodline:Gain the bloodline phantom of those you've defeated.// With the ability to own thousands of bloodline phantoms, just who is his match in the entire cosmos. ------------------------------------- Read the Review to if you want more information about the novel. A minimum of 1-3 chapters per day ------------------------------------ TAGS: Action(mostly),System, Mystery, Cultivation, Advanced technology etc. --------------------------------- For support and improvement Join me on discord: https://discord.gg/6yrpdGzM Instagram MQT celestial writer.

Void_Daoist · Action
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73 Chs

Progress in Absolute blood control

A beam of golden light moved through the forest as Vather made his way back to the tree.A shadow could be seen on the ground,as Arnold laid on the tree,a leave stick in his mouth as he placed both palms on the back of his head while whistling to himself.

"So any luck finding it"Vather asked as he jumped from the ground and landed on the branch where Arnold was resting of about fifty metres into the air.

"We won't be leaving here anytime soon if there's only a single portal present in the forest"he said as he slowly sat up from the branch.

"And why do you say that"

"Because the place is swarmed by beasts,the lowest is at the early core formation stage while there's a particularly strong one.It's a gigantic bear-like beast at the late core formation stage.So we're kinda stuck in this place."

"But we can move behind it,and sneak away"Vather said as although they might not be able to defeat the beast,it won't be an impossibility to sneak past it.

"I'm afraid that's impossible.The bear is hibernating,and it's lying on the portal itself.Even getting close will be tough as it's lair is completely surrounded by beasts."

"That's impossible,beasts will never work together with each other"Vather said as he has already see how the beast created territory among each other and a battle to death will be observed once that happens"

"I'm afraid it's possible,if there's an intelligent one among them.Do you know why we cultivate Vather.I know to get strong, fulfill a wish but what is the primitive reason of being able to cultivate."Arnold asked as he stared at the young man before him.

"It's because we're trying to achieve something, something impossible for all beings irrespective of their race.And that's Perfection.We are majorly trying to fix our flaws.The beasts lack intelligence,but they can possess it through something and that is Cultivation.Cultivate to a certain level and it'll become possible and I think the bear has done just that although it's unknown how far it has really gone in the attempt.That makes it even harder to kill."Arnold said with a frown on his face.

"You said that cultivation to a certain level will give the beast intelligence right.Then I think I might have found another place where a portal might be"Vather said with a smile on his face.


"The swamp.It was where I first came into when I arrived.I believe there's a portal there as that was where I arrived from and the swamp snake even seems to work together among themselves in harmony.I can attribute that to the existence of a swamp snake king,which can only be that snake in the tornado"he muttered to himself as he quickly told Arnold his encounter with the swamp snake.

"The swamp snake king you say,you think it's well above the middle core formation stage, that means only one thing.The portal then has to be in it's lair in the swamp."

"And it also means, knowing that old man well,he probably placed the portals where the beasts are well above the core formation stage.Then leaves us with two choices:

-we either grow our strength to the core formation stage or

-we keep looking for a beast at the core formation stage that has a portal in it's territory while we lure it away or it moves away from it so that we can quickly make use of it."

"Then here's the plan,we improve our strength while also looking for a more weaker beast with a portal." Arnold said to Vather which elicited a nod from him as he slowly stood up and jumped high to the top of the tree.

-- --

Vather arrived on one of the branches at the very top as he sat down crosslegged on it while closing his eyes.His rapidly beating heartbeat slowly quieted down as he tuned himself to the best relaxed state he can achieve.

He concentrated on the blood flowing within him as he tried to quicken it's movement around his body which he was able to do albeit slowly, but he kept on trying making the blood revolve even more faster within him as he felt his heartbeat slowly increased.His strength suddenly rose as all his muscles tightened within him, veins wriggling around his body.His pupils dilated as he felt all his sense suddenly heightened, making him even sense Arnold turning on the branch below him.

Suddenly he felt strength leaving him as he collapsed on the tree branch while sweating hard,but a smile appeared on his face as he was able to increase his strength by increasing the blood circulation in him while also increasing his heartbeat.

Fatigue slowly set in as he laid on the branches,his eyes immediately closing as a soft sleeping sound echoed silently in the air around him.


Military Base

A notification rang out in the whole staff watch:

" The attention of all military personnel of all levels are needed"

Shock rang through the whole military base as this type of notification as only appeared once in the past before and can only mean one thing.

In a vast hall,a gigantic dais could be seen at the front of the hall where four people sat.A man with a red hair and eyes sat at the front while three seat was present at his back.Three people sat behind him one of them which was Erian Celestria,Fate lightning and a middle aged woman with a beautiful face and pink flowing hair which stopped at her waist.This was the third supreme commander,a woman usually called Alluring devil.The red haired man at the front was definitely at a high tier than the supreme commanders as he sat in front of the dais.

He slowly stood up as a voice boomed loudly in the entire hall easily reaching the end of it.

"We have gathered here today because the threat with the devirs have once again begin.We have fought the creatures for some years now and the current has been lowered as we have been able to send them back to their world.But the spatial fabrics have become even stronger and we have news from the Greyspace family that an army of almost a thousand if not more are gathering at the spatial walls and majority have the cultivation base of peak core formation stage .This can only mean one thing they are prepared for another war and this is probably the last so we can expect after this war the world's orbit would have moved far from each other again and that means we can finally be rid of the devirs forever.

This is the war that will determine whether we will still be the owner of our world our we will be forcefully colonized by a predator race and turned to food.This is a war to fight for our home and families and our people so we will defend it with our last breath but will is just not enough, we need power as well.

Therefore we will be going all out in the war this time.All cultivation grounds in the entire world should now be opened.Those who are unable to cultivate dimensional energy are to begin Nanotechnology cultivation.We have been debating on its use for a long time,but I'm afraid we now have no choice.Military drills should now increase three times it's former intensity.

Hunting of beast cores should begin in greater intensity as we need all the help we can get in this war.

There's now a temporary collaboration between the three families and the military in preparation of the upcoming war.

We the military will work overtime in producing the best soldiers we can,while they provide as much resources as they can for the war.This is a war that will determine the fate of not only us but fate of all the human realms so I hope we will put all our differences aside and become one.

I hope the preparations will be enough to at least defend our worlds form the devirs.

According to the Greyspace family,we only gave a year before the spatial fabrics perfectly balance and then they'll be able to come in so we all have a year of preparation before the war..."

An undercurrent was happening in the military base as the whole human realm in the 1st heaven prepare for a war.A war which will determine their life or death, their freedom or their captivity,their hope or their despair.

if you find the novel readable then don't forget to add it to your library and if you feel there are areas where the novel can be better improved then don't forget to share with me what you feel about the story as that will lead to an overall improvement of the story.Thank you

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