
Supreme Blood Heir

Multitude of worlds in a cosmos.The Cosmos divided into nine layers known as heavens.In a world where beings could shatter worlds with their fist,and tear apart all with a single move.A clan ruled the the 3rd heavens, their will unchallenged and absolute for thousands of years. A clan known as:The Abyssals. Suddenly a heaven shaking battle shook the 3rd heaven as half of its world was shattered into thousands of pieces.That was the last the worlds ever heard of The Abyssals. Vather celestria an orphan in the 1st heaven with an unknown bloodline and a green crystal embedded in his forehead seeks out the truth of his existence. Follow Vather as he tries to unravel the mysteries of his birth. Thousands of races will try to stop his awakening. Thousands of gigantic dead bodies will pile up to form the size of mountains but who can stop the reawakening of us ABYSSALS. The Supreme Blood System has been awakened. //Supreme Blood Bloodline:Gain the bloodline phantom of those you've defeated.// With the ability to own thousands of bloodline phantoms, just who is his match in the entire cosmos. ------------------------------------- Read the Review to if you want more information about the novel. A minimum of 1-3 chapters per day ------------------------------------ TAGS: Action(mostly),System, Mystery, Cultivation, Advanced technology etc. --------------------------------- For support and improvement Join me on discord: https://discord.gg/6yrpdGzM Instagram MQT celestial writer.

Void_Daoist · Action
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73 Chs

A human?

As Vather headed to his next target,he couldn't help but think of what the next beast is and if he was ready for the challenge that lay up ahead.His next beast was a very strange one as it lived in some type of cave present in it's territory.Vather can't see the beast only thing was the aura he sensed in the cave enough to make him know there is a terrifying existence within.

Arriving in a particular place in the forest,a cave could be seen in the distance covered in some type of gloomy aura enough for Vather to feel a chill run up his spine.He held onto spear tightly as he slowly walked into the cave.

Entering the cave,bones of different beast could be seen as Vather looked at them and noticed that their blood has been sucked dry by something even though there were no signs of injury or anything close to that.He advanced consciously into the gloomy cave the bones of different beasts piling up the deeper he went into it.

Vather slowly came out of the cave as he saw the sky again,there was absolutely no dimensional energy anymore in the air.Red clouds covered the sky as it was a made of blood itself.Gigantic bodies lay dead as the remains of what look like an ancient civilization appeared in front of him.

His mouth widened as he felt beings radiating an horrifying aura laid dead on the ground, carefully inspecting one of them he discovered they possess absolutely no injury on them as if an art was casted on them that immediately sucked away their blood.

He could feel a pillar of blood rising up into the air in the distance as Vather immediately headed towards the place, knowing the place might contained danger that might even take his life away,but he was well aware that danger and opportunity walk together.

Arriving before the gigantic pillar of blood,he found the shadow of a man which covered him as he slowly raised his head up looking at the pillar.

A man with long red hair sat on the pillar of blood, looking into the sky.He suddenly turned back with speed as he looked at Vather who was down on the ground.A surprised expression appeared on his face as if he couldn't believe Vather was able to arrive here in the first place.

Vather felt a chill rise in his spine as he looked at the man above him.His blood red eyes containing no pupils chilled Vather to the bones as he could see snake like organisms moving in his eyes.

The man jumped down from the pillar as his two legs slammed into the ground where Vather was standing on making them crack and shatter into pieces.Vather already disappeared from where he was standing as he appeared fifty metres away from the man, staring cautiously at him.

"A human was able to appear here without being affected by the death origin illusion, It's either you are very strong and like me weakened,or you Possess an incredible treasure on you"the man said his eyes filled with greed when he reached the part of the incredible treasure.

"So disrespectful,not even introducing my name to you, what kind of a person does that to his guest.Welcome home my guest, I'm Arnold Schwarzenegger of the Life peace sect.I wonder what your name might be,my guest"the young man voiced out in an amiable tone his voice taking a turn from the sinister voice tone earlier.

Vather ignored the question as he he secretly used his system scan on the man.

//Arnold holocaust//

//You have found the remnants of the abhorred death blood race//

//The death blood race are hated by the whole world for their bloodline which involves the killing of thousands of people to increase their cultivation and bloodline layer hence why they're are chased by the whole world and immediately killed when found//

//Kill the holocaust before you to be awarded with

-500 EXP

-A new bloodline ability.

-Shop on the system will be opened.

-Blessing of the Life peace race.//

"Oh I can see why you're are nervous,and probably feeling scared.An uncountable number of years ago,we the Life peace sect were invaded by a force in the world...",the young man talked on as a type of air emanated from him,which made Vather start to lower his guard and even believe the man before him when suddenly an holographic image appeared in front of him.

//A bloodline ability is being used against you//

//Your resistance to bloodline ability is being raised//

//Your foe is getting stronger//

Vather's pupils constricted as he saw something like a thread on the ground as blood from the pillar passed through the thread and entered into the man's leg as Vather felt his cultivation slowly break through into the meridian forging stage.

Crack appeared where Vather was standing on as he disappeared.A spear slashed on the man's head immediately moving for the kill as a long red scythe immediately in his hand and blocked the spear.

Vather's golden blue eyes collided with the man's blood red eyes as a sinister smile appeared on his face, slamming his legs on the floor the man immediately retreated backwards as he rested the scythe on his shoulders.

"So you figured it out,how do you know that I was only stalling for time".The man asked,"

but even if you have it's useless as I'll only start getting stronger from now on"but Vather ignored him as a spear image tore through the man's face which collided with his scythe in the next second,Vather slash and pierced as fast as he could but the man accurately blocked the spear strike due to his experience, the strength behind each of his strike slowly increasing.

Vather jumped into the air and slash the man's waist who disappeared from where he was standing and appeared at his back.

"You are too predictable"the man said with a sinister smile on his face but was immediately shocked to his core in the next second as he saw a smile on Vather's face.

"predictable?, that's okay,it was only a feint"Vather replied his spear covered in golden lightning slashed down heavily on the ground forming a smooth deep pit as the floor was slashed into two which also slashed the thread passing blood into the man's body,the cause for his rise in cultivation.

It was like blood was drained from the man's face as his face turned deathly pale when he felt his cultivation was stuck in the early core formation stage.

"You discovered the origin passing thread, that's impossible."The man said as confusion appeared on his face,which slowly faded away as a confident smirk appeared on his face."So what it will only take two years and I'll have formed another blood thread by then.But the blood will have reach perfection in just three more years time and you destroyed my goal of reaching perfect origin blood,How will you repay me boy."The man asked the sinister smile spreading on his face as the blood red scythe glowed an ominous red colour,dark red claws emerging from his hands while his fang pierced out of his mouth.

Powerful golden light and lightning flared from Vather's body as his spear completely covered in lightning appeared in his hands.

Two people faced each other as the powerful energy they emit from their body caused the ground for hundreds of miles to shatter into pieces.A confident smile appeared on their face as they both faded away like a mirage.


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