
Pleasure mixed Treatment

Because of Kent's earlier practice with golden hallow needles, he quickly grasped the techniques of peak master Shreya. Till the afternoon, he followed every technique of peak master Shreya, learning all the basics in the shortest time possible.

Surprised by Kent's speed, peak master Shreya brought Kent to the outer area of the sect, where several people from nearby towns came for assistance. Most of these people are here to treat their wounds and internal conditions.

As peak master Shreya approached, the disciples who were serving the disease bowed their heads and waited for her command.

"Kent, analyze this lady's condition and tell me what you find." Peak Master Shreya asked while pointing at the laying middle-aged woman. The disciple who was treating her took a backstep.

After one careful glance, Kent placed his palm on the lady's stomach and closed his eyes. His eyes twitched for a moment as he opened his eyes and turned towards Peak Master.