
Supreme Alien Collector

From the first contact between humans and aliens, to the establishment of the Alien Society, the interaction between humans and these amazing beings does not stop for a moment. Captain Roger Heart, an alien collector, is piloting his spaceship to and from different planets, striving to become the supreme collector. But in order to become the pinnacle that all collectors look up to, he has to conduct research and write many papers instead of participating in the confrontation. Roger Heart: Where is danger where is me because I have to write my thesis. Even God can't stop me. This is an interstellar travel taming novel; hope you will like. Please comment more often, I love reading them. : )

WCOP · Sci-fi
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9 Chs


Then the stunned Hill unleashed his thunder once again with full force.

Hitting the target squarely, the ghostly face once again let out an ear-splitting scream, then emitted a thick white smoke, wavered on the branch and fell down.

Only then did Hill see clearly that the thing he had hit was not some kind of ghost-like alien or monster, but something he was very familiar with, the mushroom that Roger had 'invited'.

He cautiously walked forward and carefully identified the alien who had been electrocuted by him to emit a barbecue smell.

He found that although it was somewhat similar to the one kidnapped by Roger yesterday, it was not the same one. This one was slightly larger in size, and the patterns on the cap were also connected, forming the terrifying face that Hill had seen before.

After confirming that the other party is no threat, Hill grunted, stretched out his forelimbs and kicked the big mushroom lying on the ground, indicating that it should not play dead, and quickly get up and honestly explain why it wants to sneak up on him.

Seeing that it played dead was broken, this mushroom also had to struggle to try to turn over. Although its huge cap played a good defensive and intimidating role, but after it lost its balance and fell backwards, but it became a burden to regain its balance, like a tumbler as hard to turn over.

In the end it was only after Hill used his head to push its cap with force that it rolled over with Hill's help.

The two aliens chattered and communicated for a long time, ending with the little mushroom announcing its surrender and voluntarily becoming Hill's prisoner.

During the exchange, Hill also learned that the little mushroom's name was Lulu, and the one they had taken was Momo. Because they are two mushrooms born on a root at the same time, so there is a certain mutual induction.

Yesterday, Momo heard some goblins say that there were humans around again, so it chased them all away and didn't let them interfere with the sacred ceremony, only to be captured by the despicable Roger in a trap. Lulu was anxious, but those big mushrooms wouldn't leave the forest, and it had to come alone to the middle of the city to find Momo's whereabouts.

It spied in the sewers near the Collector Club for a long time, and finally waited until Hill went out alone, so it followed.

The rest of what Hill knows.

After hearing this story Hill was also impressed by the friendship or or affection between Lulu and Momo and decided to reunite them as a family.

"So that's all that happened when you snuck out to play and took my card to buy seafood pancakes and didn't even bring me one?"

Faced with Roger's cross-examination, Hill was busy nodding in agreement and also pushed Lulu, who was hiding behind him, forward, indicating that although he had forgotten to bring a copy of pancakes to Roger, who had been hungry all day, he still had a windfall.

Roger ordered a breakfast at the club's internal restaurant and had the waiter bring it to the lab while knocking hard on Hill's metal head, making a bang-bang sound.

"You iron head, I told you not to go out and wander around, in case you get caught what to do."

Hill immediately showed a pleasing expression, bleating and rubbed Roger's body.

"All right, all right, remember to eat but not remember to be beaten, you little bastard, go and play aside."

Hearing that Roger forgave him for sneaking out to play, Hill immediately nodded and then darted out of the lab and went to the common area of the club to find other collectors' aliens to play with.

Hill thought for a moment and instead of immediately starting to interrogate Lulu, he released another unique alien from his hive.

This newly emerged alien was almost six feet tall like Roger, but had an extremely thick body, made up of some solid looking chunk of rocks that even had some moss on it because of its age. It did not have legs to rely on electromagnetic field floating in the air, a pair of eyes from the gap in the face of the rock silently looking at Roger.

"Please, Aggregate Rocks, take care of Hill, and if he doesn't behave, beat him up and bring him back."

Aggregate Rocks, the hive-mind alien, consists of a larger primary rock and a number of secondary rocks connected to him through electromagnetic force together, and although they are all separate individuals, their minds are connected to each other and can act as a whole.

Aggregate rocks are as stubborn as rocks, never say no to Roger's orders, and Hill's lightning attack has a very weak effect on him, is really the best choice to watch over Hill.

After dealing with this small trouble caused by Hill, Roger put his attention back on Lulu and Momo, the twins.

"Are you going to go in and reunite with Momo by yourself, or should I send you in?"

Faced with a kind smile Roger, Lulu grunted and bounced into the laboratory's Isolator by itself, staying with Momo who was anxiously tapping on the reinforced glass of the Isolator.

Roger picked up a walkie-talkie and began translating through the Goblin Mushroom language translator.

"Why are you attacking us?"

"Ritual, stop, balance, stop."

Roger nodded and jotted down a line in his notebook: a certain ritual must be broken to stop the disaster.

At this point, he thought of his previous dream and made another note: perhaps it had something to do with the mysterious ritual he had dreamed about.

"Are there still many of your kind in the middle of the jungle?"

"Mushrooms, many, us, few."

So Roger wrote in his notebook: the chance of the variant appearing in the middle of the forest is extremely small, perhaps the reason for its appearance is consistent with the speculation, as a by-product of the natural catastrophe of the planet Parry.

With Lulu's cooperation, his research work also progressed smoothly, at least to get some information beyond the mushroom body data.

However, Lulu and Momo had not been born too long ago, so they did not have a strong understanding of many things, and their simple language system and their intelligence level, which was not very different from their counterparts, made their answers difficult to understand.

Roger took a sip of his refreshing drink and recorded the last Q&A in his notebook as well, then took out a hive and waved it at Lulu, saying, "If you are willing to be marked by my hive, I can allow you to leave the Isolator and come out and move around with the other aliens, but only in the lab for now. "

Lulu obviously hesitated a little, but looking at Momo, who was in a low mood, it reluctantly agreed to do so.

"Mark, yes."

Saying that, it pointed to Momo, who was obviously a little smaller than itself, and added: "Fighting, I'll do."

Roger shook his head and said, "You guys, no fighting."

As a collector, he has a large number and variety of aliens, and has a proven battle plan for every possible situation, and doesn't need two not-so-strong little mushrooms to help him.

Because Lulu did not resist, Roger successfully marked the hive's mark on Lulu in one go, and then kept his promise and released them, together with several aliens including Fissile.

They are not innocent aliens, so Roger did not dare to let them enter the club's public areas, but out of respect for the research results of the collectors, the club's laboratory does not have monitoring facilities, allowing them to leave the hive to move their bodies.

Although sleeping in the hive allows aliens to get a good rest, but sleeping too long is obviously not good for their health.

Looking at a few small aliens in a mess, Logan's face also can not help but reveal a smile. Touring between the stars is not an easy thing, but for these little cuties, he thinks it's all worth it.

That said, he has not returned to his hometown of Hecal for a long time, but he knows very well that now is not the time, at least until he solves the problem of Fissile.

Fissile is a Loyda, an extremely rare superpowered alien with a mostly pure, giant jeweled appearance that likes to change into the appearance of other aliens, even humans, and live with them.

The reason for the birth of Loyda is unknown, the place of birth is unknown, and there are reports of sightings of wild Loyda on several planets in the human federation.

Fissile was originally an alien of Roger's mentor Caroline, then the lab exploded and Caroline's was killed, Fissile was inherited to her daughter Eva, and after several changes, it was finally registered under Roger's name.

Caroline's death was filled with too many accidents and intrigue, the unfinished experiment has also become a barrier in Roger's heart.

If one day he could get a higher collector level certification and could host an independent lab on Hecal like Caroline, he would still reopen these old stories.

Roger wanted to do this, not only to find the truth for poor Eva, but also to complete the unfinished business of Caroline's life, to perfect mankind's deep knowledge of the relationship between the mind and matter, and to solve the mystery of Loyda as the only kind of alien that can be born naturally on several very different planets so far.