

How does one control the world? Power & Strength. That's all Rui cares about. Rui has now found himself in a mystical world filled with extraordinarily powerful cultivators who can destroy mountains with a single punch, and split seas in half with a single slash of a sword! Rui himself wants this power but he isn't sure how, luckily for him, he somehow has his past memories, experience, and intelligence! Follow Rui as he devotes himself to being the most powerful being in existence! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- First time ever writing a novel, feedback and criticism are wanted, please!

trc · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Types of Baseline Magic

The Elemental Arcana:

Fire Magic - Pyromancers can manipulate and control flames, creating and controlling fire with their will. They can conjure fireballs, create walls of fire, and even manipulate the temperature of existing flames.

Water Magic - Aquamancers have command over water in all its forms. They can manipulate water currents, create water barriers, and summon powerful water-based attacks. They can also heal and purify using water.

Earth Magic - Terramancers possess the ability to control and manipulate earth and soil. They can shape the ground, create barriers of stone, and cause seismic disturbances. They are also skilled at sensing vibrations and connecting with the earth's energy.

Air Magic - Aeromancers have dominion over the air and wind. They can create gusts of wind, control air currents, and manipulate the atmosphere to create powerful storms. They can also use their abilities to enhance their agility and speed.

Light Magic - Luxmancers harness the power of light, using it to illuminate darkness and blind their enemies. They can create blinding flashes, bend light to become invisible, and project concentrated beams of light as weapons.

Darkness Magic - Umbramancers tap into the shadows and darkness. They can manipulate darkness, creating areas of total obscurity, and control shadows to attack or hide themselves. They are skilled at illusions and stealth.

Lightning Magic - Fulgomancers can generate and control electricity and lightning. They can create lightning bolts, channel electricity through their bodies for enhanced speed and reflexes, and generate electrical fields for defense.

Ice Magic - Cryomancers have mastery over ice and cold. They can freeze objects and create ice constructs, summon blizzards, and freeze their enemies in their tracks. They can also lower temperatures and create icy barriers.

Nature Magic - Naturamancers can communicate with and manipulate plants and animals. They can make plants grow at an accelerated rate, control vines and thorns, and call upon animals to aid them in battle.

Metal Magic - Metallomancers can control and manipulate metal. They can shape metal into weapons or armor, control metallic objects from a distance, and even transmute metals. They are highly skilled in metalworking and forging.

Steam Magic - Vapormancers can generate and control steam and vapor. They can create dense fog, scalding steam attacks, and use steam pressure to propel themselves or launch projectiles. They can also condense steam to create water.

Sound Magic - Sonomancers can manipulate sound waves and vibrations. They can create sonic blasts, manipulate and distort sounds to deceive or disorient, and even communicate with others over long distances using sound.

Time Magic - Chronomancers can manipulate time itself. They can slow down or speed up time in localized areas, glimpse into the past or future, and create time-based illusions. They have heightened reflexes and can manipulate their perception of time.

Space Magic - Spatiomancers have control over space and dimensions. They can create portals for teleportation, manipulate the size and shape of objects or areas, and even fold space to create pocket dimensions.

Gravity Magic - Gravitomancers can control gravity. They can increase or decrease the gravitational pull, manipulate the trajectory of objects, and even create gravitational fields to immobilize or crush their opponents.

Spirit Magic - Spiritmancers can communicate with and channel the energy of spirits. They can summon and control ethereal beings, enhance their own abilities using spiritual energy, and even banish or ward off malevolent spirits.

Blood Magic - Sanguimancers can manipulate and control blood. They can heal wounds by manipulating their own or others' blood, create blood-based weapons or constructs, and even use blood as a medium for divination or spellcasting.

Illusion Magic - Phantasmancers are masters of illusions and deception. They can create vivid illusions that deceive the senses, manipulate perceptions, and even create realistic illusions of themselves or others.

Plasma Magic - Plasmamancers can control and generate superheated plasma. They can create plasma-based attacks, generate plasma shields, and even manipulate the temperature and ionization state of plasma.

Healing Magic - Vitalmancers have the ability to heal and restore life energy. They can mend wounds, cure diseases, and revitalize their allies. They have an innate connection with the life force and can sense the health or injuries of others.

Poison Magic - Toximancers can create and control various toxic substances. They can produce poisonous vapors, create venomous weapons, and even manipulate toxins within a person's body to cause illness or paralysis.

These elemental-based magic abilities provide a diverse range of powers and capabilities for characters within the magical world. Each element offers unique strengths and weaknesses, and skilled practitioners can combine their elemental powers to create powerful synergies and devastating effects and create new magic in itself.