
Supremacy of Another World

An Overlord Fanfiction. An Alternate Universe, thus there will differences between the original. This is wish-fulfillment with 18+ and harem, if the tags didn't give it away. I do not own any of the characters within this novel except the Main Character. All character rights are held by their respective owners. Disclosure: I do not own the cover art. All rights and ownership are held by their respective creators. Source: https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/78219413

Xrkerr · Anime & Comics
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41 Chs

Chapter 10: Suppression

Hanzo had somehow managed to work his way up to Guild Master right from the start. Even the man himself did not foresee this, after all, Momonga was still just as popular, thus he thought he would be voted.

When he asked around, he found out that 90% of the votes were for him, shocking him even more. According to the rest of the guild members, he was the most experienced in guilds as well as being one of the main members who organised their group activities already thus it felt natural to vote him.

It was now midway through the fifth year of Yggdrasil, Hanzo had developed the guild Ainz Ooal Gown to hold Nazarick once more. The layout was exactly the same as he left Momonga to do the majority of the planning. The reason for this, was that he was curious as to why Nazarick was such a durable defensive point. Naturally, Hanzo had a say in every step of the renovations however, everything was mostly the same, whilst other parts were improved.

After he had become the guild leader, Hanzo had decided to reveal that he held the World Item 'Banner of Gaia' causing the Guilds growth to skyrocket. It was decided that instead of using it in a single resource area, they would constantly rotate it on a weekly basis at Hanzos discretion. As a result, any guild that had tried to steal it, had to split their forces to first find it and by the time they organised their forces, the World Item had been moved by Hanzo and Ainz Ooal Gown had retaliated with a force of their own.

Currently, Heteromorphic Races were treated like the enemy of the world as they were hunted mercilessly by the other races. As a result, there was an influx of players trying to join Ainz Oooal Gown, however it was decided by a vote that they would stick to limiting the guild to 42 members. While there were advantages to expanding the numbers, spies had become a real issue recently. Within the past month, approximately 7 top tier guilds had been destroyed due to their information being leaked, before a combined raid from the top 3 guilds attacked them. Thus, Ainz Ooal Gown has been staying relatively on the defensive while they bolstered their defenses.

Hanzo sat inside his room on the 9th floor, his room had a sofa in the corner of the room with a small table, a huge canopy bed placed at the center of the back wall as well as large amounts of storage space.

As Hanzo had no issues with money, he had spent millions on customisation and buying data crystal slots. Data Crystal slots were used to increase the amount of free slots something had, in order to be upgraded using data crystals. NPCs in Nazarick had set amount of slots but could be upgraded if money was spent on them, as well as this, personal NPCs such as Albedo and Shalltear offer much more customization options but require more Data crystal slots.

The guild had decided that if someone needed additional slots, unless it was essential, the user would have to pay for it themselves. Luckily Hanzo had brought every upgrade possible for both himself and his creations, thus he was able to completely customise them in anyway that he wanted to. Once more, he was very thankful for the boons he had received.

Currently, Hanzo was deciding on what type of NPC he wanted to create. While there were many ideas circulating in his mind, he was stuck on what direction to go. After all, the NPC needed to be an essential force of Nazarick especially since he planned to spend a fortune in order to improve it.

"What do I need?"

He thought as he started listing off all of the bases that had been covered by his fellow guild members NPC's. He was honestly shocked by the diversity of everyone in the guild, after all, they all seemed to have picked separate roles without any of them clashing.

"I suppose it has to be that then"

Hanzo used his 'Developer Tool' and selected to create an NPC. Much like his own character creation, Hanzo got to choose the base classes and general appearance of the NPC.

After roughly an hour of tinkering, Hanzo was finally done. A bright smile sat upon his lips as he looked at the 4 meter tall NPC in front of him.

"I will need to seriously edit its appearance, but I am happy with this"

Stood in front of Hanzo, was a large tree, however unlike normal forest trees, the bark on this tree was a pale grey. On the side facing Hanzo, there was a large distorted face, similar to that of a typical carved pumpkin, however the eyes glowed a bright red.

"I would like to formally welcome you to Ainz Ooal Gown, Cinder"

As Hanzo lacked the necromancy skills of Momonga, he knew that in the New World, he would need a way to form large armies that can contend against the combined forces of the human kingdoms. While he could summon a single dragon everyone 72 hours, that did not give him enough versatility to combat large nations. All in all, he would have to send the Guardians of Nazarick onto the frontlines, thus weakening Nazaricks defense. Additionally, there are many individuals who Hanzo was not aware of their full strength thus a large army is essential if he wants to stay secure.

Therefore, to remedy this situation, Hanzo chose to create a Treant. In the future, this will cover that deficiency. Due to this, Hanzo chose Cinders first Job Class to be a 'Druid'. This gave him the ability to control plant life as well as the ability to use nature and earth magic with high proficiency. Hoping for the future, Hanzo started to map out the way he wanted Cinder to evolve.

"I should probably prioritise levelling this guy up before worrying about his appearance. I would rather not have to waste the guild money reviving you"

Thus Hanzo decided to spend the next few weeks focusing on improving Cinder, as did the rest of the guild.

Finally, the guild had finally become the Ainz Ooal Gown, Hanzo knew and loved, except this time, it was his.

While doing his weekly resource farming using the 'Banner of Gaia', Hanzo stumbled across something that shook him to the core. This week, Hanzo had decided to farm for 'Fortuitous Ferns' in a deserted corner of Helheim. These were often used to increase the Luck stat on armour as well as herbal medicines that increases drop rates temporarily. Therefore, they are very useful for farming items but, the plants themselves are rare. Alas, with the 'Banner of Gaia', it was not an issue as Hanzo and Peroroncino had come across a spawn spot of them when levelling their NPCs.

That was not what shook Hanzo however. What truly shook him was the effect of the 'Banner of Gaia' on the surrounding plant monsters. After 4 hours, Hanzo concluded that the World Item not only accelerated the respawn times of the Plant Monsters, it also drastically improved the drop rates and qualities of the monsters affected by the white mist.

As a result, after 4 hours of farming, Hanzo had already gotten more Data Crystals than he had for the entire week. This was astonishing as Data Crystals were always in high demand, more so in Top Tier guilds as they had players who needed the customisation more. Despite this, Hanzo intended to only let a select few know of this, after all, if this information leaked out, players would be even more eager to attack Nazarick for the World Item.

A bright smile grew upon Hanzos lips as he killed yet another 'Death Vine'. Once more, a small crystal dropped from the creature, increasing the total Data Crystals of the small hunt once more.

"I don't know whether this was an intended feature, but who cares? I love creative use of game mechanics"

Hanzo spent the rest of the week farming in that area, causing many of his guild members to start questioning where the huge influx of data crystals had come from. Consequently, Hanzo switched out the location of the World Item and swore to use it again, after the heat had died down.

As an avid fan of the series, Hanzo was very interested in the fable that Momonga often told in the anime and books, a fable about how Nazarick and Ainz Ooal Gown managed to defeat an army of 1500 players without reinforcements. He wondered how that had escalated and how well Nazarick had lasted.

His curiosity was answered on the 6th Year of Yggdrasil. It became common knowledge that a guild consisting of only 42 Heteromorphic players had possession of a large quantity of World Items and had managed to hold The Great Tomb of Nazarick as a guild base.

Due to this, a large raid was organised to finally defeat them. All in all, there was approximately 1500 members of the alliance, but the true threat that many of the guild members were wary of, was the fact that there was a World Champion participating. Under the right conditions, this World Champion could send waves of destruction throughout the forces of Nazarick unless it is contained. According to the information they had gathered, it was the World Champion of Asgard that was accompanying the suppression force. Apparently, he was one of the most skilled scouts and assassins within Yggdrasil, especially since he managed to win his World Tournament despite not being a front liner or a destructive mage, a truly rare specimen.

"So how are we dealing with this?"

Tabula Smaragdina questioned, his demeanour seemed to be quite heated as he threw his question out to the other 41 players. Immediately, everyones heads snapped to Hanzo, waiting for him to lead the discussion.

"Haah, what a situation we are in, it's quite interesting. Anyways, I feel we should use Floor 8."

After Hanzo expressed his opinion, small gasps and murmurs were heard around the table. They were shocked for two reasons, first he spoke of fighting back as though it was natural and secondly, he immediately suggested one of Nazaricks trump cards.

"Do you think there is no other way?"

Touch Me asked, he was cautious about using this as it would give the suppression force access to the 9th floor if they managed to get through it.

"There is 1500 in this suppression force, the biggest force to ever attack a guild. There is also a World Champion mixed in, I feel this is a dire situation where we cannot cut our losses and flee after all, if we lose Nazarick, we may as well give up playing. Thus, I feel we should use it"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement, it seemed none of them wanted to lose the years of grinding they had sunk into Nazarick.

"Good, as we're all in agreement with that, I propose an addition to the usual invader removal plan. We need to separate that World Champion from the rest of the group, but theres no way he will separate until the 8th floor after all as a scout, he can easily traverse the floors and avoid traps"

Downcast expressions were worn all around, it seemed it did not need explaining how troublesome of an enemy they had this time.

"Therefore, I propose we separate them on the 8th floor as we detonate the trap"

Immediately, Bukubukuchagama spoke up, she seemed to not be able to follow Hanzos train of thought. By the expressions of many others, they were in the same position.

"How do we do that? Moving a floor guardian or other high level NPCs will weaken the defenses even more and theres no way a low level NPC will be able to stall the World Champion for long"

Hanzo nodded and spoke with a smile.

"We won't use NPC's, what better way to fight a World Champion than with another World Champion"

Looks of realisation sprouted upon everyones faces as they heard Hanzo effectively volunteer to fight early.

"Wait! Isn't that too dangerous? I doubt he will even be weakened, why can't we separate him at the end?"

Flatfoot objected. Concern tinged his voice as he relayed his concerns to the guild.

"It's true he won't be injured and it will definitely be dangerous, however, it will be even more dangerous for all of us if a World Champion makes their way to the inner chambers of Nazarick. We don't know the full extent of his abilities but neither do they, so I can stall or fight him, while the rest of the suppression force is progressing forward. Plus, it will give the traps on the higher floors more chance of success if we remove such a skilled scout"

Flatfoot sank into silent contemplation as he mulled over Hanzos words.

"Very well, I agree. If you're ready to throw yourself into the dangers of a war, I will stand by your side!"

Touch Me declared in a resolute tone. It was clear that he was ready to fight, even after hearing of the disadvantages. After hearing Touch Mes declaration, multiple other members stood up with resolved faces. Eventually, everyone stood up and declared their intent to join, thus Ainz Ooal Gown started to prepare for the largest fight of its life.

The suppression force had made it's way until the 7th floor and was just about to finish up it's battle. Currently, there was roughly 900 members left within the suppression force as many had fallen due to the various traps and ambushes set up within Nazarick.

"It's time"

Touch Me said from the side of Hanzo. Everyones expressions were solemn as they looked at Hanzo, however a rebellious aura could be felt from their demeanour.

"Indeed it is, may the fortunes of war be with you all"

Saying this, Hanzo activated the 'Ring of Ainz Ooal Gown' and teleported to the 8th floor.

'I nailed that exit. I knew researching cool quotes would come in handy'

Hanzo thought to himself as he swelled with pride over his exit.

'Now... let's get into position and see if he takes the bait'

Hanzo went to the side of the trap room and stood in the center of a small corridor. This corridor was out of sight unless someone possessed a mapping skill of some sort. Originally, this would have been used as an evacuation point for any damaged members of the guild, however Hanzo intended to lure his prey here.

As Hanzo was checking over his gear, he received a chat message from Momonga stating that they had just entered the 8th floor trap room and the trap would be triggered soon.

Reading this, Hanzo walked backwards down the corridor slowly, his eyes however were still staring at the entrance of the corridor. Not once in his mind did he doubt that the World Champion would follow, after all, as a scout it was his job to find alternative paths if they were less dangerous, thus by Hanzo exposing a free path with a player in it, any good scout would check it out at the very least.

Relief filled Hanzo as he saw a man in a pure grey ninja costume turn the corner, making their best efforts to reduce their presence.

"A trap huh?"

The Ninja-like man asked as he looked around.

"Hmmm, not really, let's just say it's an invitation"

The ninja cocked his head at Hanzos weird phrasing.

"An invitation to what?"

Hanzo unsheathed his 'Harbinger of Corruption' and got into a battle stance.

"A duel"

The Ninja was taken aback by Hanzos blunt, yet courteous answer.

"Between me and you? Hmmm I see, you're the Champion of Helheim, man you look so different with all of your gear on"

Hanzo remained silent, intent on drawing an answer from his opponent.

The ninja sighed before pulling out two kunai. These kunai had a bright purple aura swelling around them.

'A poison enchantment huh? Well, at least it's not Dragon Slaying'

Hanzo thought as he stared at the kunais, a small amount of relief building within him.

As soon as his kunai were in place, the ninja kicked off of the floor and dashed towards Hanzo.

"Style Change"

Hanzo immediately entered his physical fighting form and braced himself to receive the attack.

"Scale Mail!"

His body tightened as the kunais clashed against his katana. Using his superior physical ability, Hanzo pushed the ninja backwards breaking his guard. Making the most of this chance, Hanzo performed a quick horizontal slash clipping the hand of the ninja.

Immediately, the ninja recoiled as a small amount of negative energy took a bite out of his Health points. Alas, he was a World Champion. Remaining calm, the ninja jumped backwards and took some distance. When he was a good enough distance, he cast 'Heal'.

This time, Hanzo charged towards the ninja, his charge was much slower than the ninja however, the ninja immediately made preparations to dodge. It was blatantly clear that Hanzo had the advantage in brute strength and magical capabilities thus, the ninja swiftly changed his approach.

As Hanzo arrived at the ninja, he lifted his sword up and activated his ability 'Severance of Fate'. The blade tore through the air closing in on the ninja. Trusting his instincts, the ninja dodged to the side whilst twisting his body. The unstoppable blade cut passed the ninja, narrowly missing his arm.

Using this as an opportunity, the ninja threw one of his kunai aiming towards the throat of Hanzos avatar. Deflecting it with his blade, Hanzo grunted as he recovered from the awkward position he currently stood in. Of course there was no physical pain, however his senses seemed to be strained in his position.

Suddenly, Hanzo felt a deep impact on his leg. Looking down in confusion, he noticed a familiar looking kunai penetrating his leg. Realisation flashed across Hanzos eyes as he jumped backwards and assumed a defensive stance once more. His interface was flashing a purple colour as his health starting to drain.

'Fuck! The poison!'

It seemed the first kunai had been a decoy that the ninja had used to cover up his true intent of the second kunai. After all, had he used the poison coated kunai on the first throw, Hanzo would have dodged rather than blocked.

Noticing his health points decrease at an alarming rate, Hanzo decided to voice his curiosity for a moment.

"Is this your Unique Champion equipment? Even with an extra boost to the poison due to Classes, I have never seen it eat away at my health like this"

The ninja took on what seemed to be a haughty tone.

"Imagine fighting me but not making any poison prevention preparations. But yes, it's my unique equipment which boosts my assassination skills, like that one just now"

Hanzo mentally clicked his tongue. He had antidotes in his item box, however it was almost impossible for him to get them out during a battle like this.

'I have never liked playing to the clock'

Just adding in pieces of information for anyone that hasn't read any of the Overlord Novels.

Additionally, some things are different so I wanted to explain some of them.

Xrkerrcreators' thoughts