

A SHITTY DEVIL REINCARNATE'S THE MC INTO THE MARVEL VERSE WITH A SLIGHTLY OP CHEAT,A GOOD STARTING POINT AND A YANDERE DEATH AFTER HIM......WAIT WHAT! mc will be evil and ruthless,there may be some mind fuckery involved so don't complain no ntr no beta mc BTW if you recognise it,it doesn't belong to me,including the cover pic

draculemorningstar · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

mega magic acid trips and learning sorcery


The Ancient one shows a smile at my awnser and nods at me "in that case,I have nothing to demand of you"

She looks to the door and a apprentice comes in,"please follow this apprentice,he will lead you to your room,it will be without a doubt nothing comparable to what you're used to,but it is what you Will have to live in,if you wish to learn the mystic arts,I will also have a apprentice bring you your robes and schedule. And once again I would like to officially welcome you to kamar taj, apprentice baldur.

A/N biggest chapter yet!!



One can see baldur walking down the hallways and towards where the ancient one was waiting for him wearing new grey apprentice robes.

Reaching the room ,he enters and sits down infront of her after greeting her.

Ancient one:"today will be your first introduction to the mystic arts, The language of the mystic arts is as old as civilization. The sorcerers of antiquity called the use of this language spells. But you can also think of it like a program, the source code that shapes reality. Unlike asgardian magic that one needs to have there own source of magic to use, We harness energy drawn from other dimensions of the Multiverse to cast spells to conjure shields and weapons to make magic." She waves her hand and a sword appears in it "cool" deadpanning at my reaction,she shoots forward and taps my forhead,she was still as slow as a snail to me,but I let her do it.

The moment she taps my head,my astral body is separated from my physical body.i can see my body sitting there infront of the ancient one,while she herself stares at my astral body,before everything blurres and i go shuttling through the different dimensions in the multiverse.

But unlike strange I didn't scream,hell I didn't make a single sound to busy making sure to memorise all i see,in awe at how beautiful and fucking terrifying some of the things in the multiverse can be,once again reminded of how weak I truly am.

When the mega magic acid trip ends,I'm once again staring at the curious face of the ancient one "you took that much better then most would "

"Love, when you've dealt with a drunk loki,who can't stop making eldritch illusions,even the multiverse can't faze you anymore " she shows a smile at that before handing me a list of books, seeing my confused expressions ,she laughs and says "these are the basics you need to know,only after you've gone through these may you find me to begin our lessons"

Oh,god why am I getting Arne vibes from her,don't tell me she's like him and instead of my body she'll fuck my mind instead! ,I swear if this bitch asks me to dance imma skedadle


one can see baldur sitting in the library of kamar taj looking at the pile of books infront of him, "this..this is the basics?" On top of that half of them were in different languages,which would require him to know those languages aswell,....that is if he hadn't perfected his allread spell that is,hah!! Take that you baldy!

Picking up one of the books baldur begins his training montage,which consisted of reading the book, finishing it,reading another book,finishing it as well ,having some food ,deciding sleep was for the week and...repeat,....yeah it wasn't as exciting as his last training montage now was it?


baldur walks upto the ancient one, "I'm done you witch!,now teach me!"

Ancient one:"..."


"Ehm sorry,I haven't slept in a week"

"You WILL sleep tonight,is that understood?"

"Yes mam"

"Good,now am I to understand,you've read through and understood everything I gave you?" At baldurs nod she continues "very impressive,truly you live up to your title as a prodigy,now come today I will teach you how to harness the dimensional energies  before giving you a new list of books to read this time at the apprentice level."

And that's how the months went , you could see badlur speed reading through stacks of books before going to the ancient one for lessons,as the months passed baldur stopped reading in the library and started to just open portals in the library to get the books he wants and read in the ss.sexy or his own room in kamar taj. A month or two later it was his astral body doing the reading instead and just like that 1 1/2 passed and today the ancient one was going to teach him about the mirror dimension

While walking toward the room the ancient one was in baldur thought about his time here,besides the Arne reminiscent training the ancient one gave him it was pretty chill, for one,he never really had to do any of the chores the other apprentices did,I mean he might wear an apprentices robe technically making them the same rank but...he was the ancient ones personal deciple,he was a Prince and he was you know ...a god ,so the other apprentices and masters treated him with respect,not that he was complaining why have power if you aren't going to abuse it?

The moment he walked in and greeted the ancient one he knew that today's lesson would be a bit different,...it still didn't stop him from giving her a nonsensical greeting,a thing that had become almost a tradition with them "Good morning my white witch , how's narnia doing?"


I see baldur walk In and greet me,once again with one of his nonsensical greetings ,I have truly grown fond of the boy over the year,he's a brat no doubt but a good hearted one,I'll admit one of my reasons to take in him was because I was wary of him and wanted to know why I couldn't see his own future, and most importantly why on the day he was born, I could no longer see the future overall clearly anymore,ever since I became the sorcerer supreme I knew what was going to happen, the avengers,the invasion ,strange and then....my death,but ever since the day I came to know was the day of baldurs birth nothing is clear any more, even my death is unsure now,like it could happen tomorrow,when it was supposed to or perhaps even after my previous time.

At first when this happened I thought that I would be dieing sooner and was worried about the entity capable of such a feat,but when baldur came to me to learn and I  found out that I could not see his future,when I found out the day he was born I realised he was the entity in question, a mere boy! A god and a powerfull one no doubt but still just a boy. I was worried is he a threat? But  when I heard his awnser to my question about protecting earth...I began to hope again perhaps he's not a threat ,perhaps the reason I can't see my death anymore is becouse baldur prevents it?, and all I've observed about him over the year points to him being a good but quirky child, but the question still remains how,how is it that I can't see his future and how is it that his birth clouded the sight of even an infinity stone!!.

I look towards baldur and wave my hand teleporting us to the mirror world,and watch him look at the mirror world with curiosity and excitement "today I will teach you about the mirror dimension,but first baldur tell me, you must have heard about me seemingly being able to predict things and always know who's coming to kamar taj"

"Besides me, apparently " he says with a cheeky smile. "Yes besides you, and I find that curious very curious indeed,you see this is the reason I can do these things" I say and open the eye of aggamoto on my chest,immediately his eyes sharpen locking upon it and his face loses his smile "that is not something that should be used or revealed so easily master" he says

Causing me to raise my eyebrows and ask"you know of the infinity stones "

"I was the personal desiple of my mother frigga,it would be a shame if I could not even recognise one of the most powerful and dangerous objects in the universe"

"I see it is good that you know of its power. So do tell me how you and your future are veiled from an object such as this "

Seeing the indecision and hesitation In his eyes while remembering his young age I reassure him "be assured that what is said will remain between us,on my honour"

He stays quite for a while before Sighing and saying "very well,put the shiny green rock of power away,you shall be the only person I have told this,....I have a soulmate"

While beyond rare and a true blessing she doesn't understand what it has...."my soulmate is lady death"....oh.. OH..this would explain many things,if there was a list of people strong enough to cloud the sight of the infinity stone, lady death would most certainly be among them,how it is possible for him to have her as a soulmate she knows not,what she does know is that the fact that the future is uncertain is not his fault and that just by existing he is one of the most powerful men alive,who would dare harm or offend the soulmate of lady death,not to mention she's sure soon enough he himself will become a true powerhouse as she doesn't really see him dieing anytime soon....or at all. Not to mention that this powerhouse will be protecting earth because of her,....accepting him as a student might have been the greatest decision of her life

Pov end


Ahh this dumb bitch.


writing is hard, it's hard to think of shit to write and even harder to put it to words ☹☹