
Supremacy Creator's Plot

[Temporarily paused until the author's condition stabilizes.] [Reason for pause: author's health.] [Comeback: 1-2 months.] Kang Seongje, an S rank hunter from South Korea, transmigrated into the body of Arthur Rudolf, the successor to the duke who never appeared in his 2-volume novel "World of Level Up". The novel had been adapted into a game by his best friend. So, a lot of information was mixed up in his memory. He wanted to survive and prevent Adhitte, a dimensional mover, the original protagonist of the novel who wanted to destroy the worlds. He also wanted to get the protagonist to become his partner by seizing the position as the second protagonist candidate from Xavier Gladias. However, Xavier Gladias is the hidden villain in the second volume and he is a Crown Prince. Arthur Rudolf is not easy to fight. Muscles? His body is very thin. Political power? He is a neutral faction. Money? He is known as a philanthropist. This is why he worked his way up to hero for everything he wanted!

YSJ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Chapter 59: Battle in Differents Arena (4)

Silence fell over Adhitte and number 101. There was a slight movement in number 101's eyes. Of course he was a little surprised that, throughout his life in the arena, no one knew his real name. Since entering, he had only been called by the number he had been assigned.

Adhitte, who said his real name, spoke up again. "Is this the first time anyone has called you by your real name here?"

That man chuckled. It had been a long time since he had met an interesting human being. Moreover, Adhitte was a person who took on other people's identities in his opinion.

[Do you want to make the target a party member?]

[You refuse to make him a party member!]

[The invitation can be given next time!]

This was the second time she refused the invitation windows. Adhitte immediately asked about the telepathy she had gotten this afternoon. There was a suspicious and strange feeling that Adhitte felt.

"This afternoon, after the intersection. You said you would help me through telepathy. However, at the break you rejected me outright. So, where is the real you?"

Adhitte said as she bent over the cell belonging to number 101. She walked in and began positioning herself in front of the man. There was no resistance from the owner of the room.

That man smirked. "Huh, do you think that beast people use telepathy? Haha, don't you mean we all the user of mana?"


This time it was Adhitte who really felt surprised. She immediately looked at number 101's reddish-brown eyes. Wasn't it yellow before?

Once again she used her observation skill to open that man's stats window. Everything felt strange.


[Stats Window]

Name: Nix (...)

Age : ***

Lv: $%#&

Class: Doll

Title: 101

HP : error

MP : error

Str : error error error error


Even that only contained the error text besides his name. If he really deserved to be a party member, Adhitte had invited him so that she could check the status of his window without skills. However, that man still kept secret things that she had no idea what they were.

Adhitte could guess that the man was something other than beast people. She tried to speak again. "What are you trying to find here?"

The 101 man grinned again. "Like you, I seek the truth behind the many monsters that continue to breed in our forest."

Beast people mostly inhabited the Free Forest in the west of the Gigana Continent. There were still many mysteries there because humans rarely ventured there. The Free Forest does not belong to any kingdom and borders the Tryton Kingdom to the north, the Garunam Kingdom to the south and the Senova Empire to the East.

Besides beast people, there are elves, vampires and other races that humans have yet to explore. Most of them never left their own territory. In that case, why did so many monsters appear there?

Adhitte recalled the place. That illegal battle arena contained many pitted monsters as well. She don't know where those monsters came from. However, Adhitte already knew the approximate origin of the monsters.

"In that case, you let yourself get caught because you suspected that the Free Forest was the breeding ground for the fighting monsters here?" Adhitte made a conclusion.

That man replied, "Am I answering something you already understand yourself?"

"That's good. We have the same goal but different origins. However, there is something I must ensure." Adhitte tried to see through number 101's eyes.

She pulled back his chin and looked directly into that man's eyes. Then said, "Observation."

Looking at the screens that appeared in front of him, she laughed a little. Adhitte felt that it was appropriate that this number 101 was very strange.

"Hey, are you a descendant of nobility or a high-ranking family in your tribe?" Adhitte asked in an irritating tone.

The 101 man did not answer. He just snorted, "Don't act like you know everything. Somehow you know things about me, but that doesn't mean I can be threatened."

Adhitte removed her hand from number 101's chin. She returned to opening his store because that man looked a little hurt.

"Just accept this as an initial bribe. Store!"

[You can't unlock the entire "Store" feature!]

[Raise your level to unlock all features!]

[Due to feature updates, all coins earned will be paid as system update fees!]


[Store: Potion]

- Small Health Potion: 12G

Adds 10% to your remaining health.

- Small Mana Potion: 11G

Adds 10% of your remaining mana.

- Medium Health Potion: 27G

Adds 50% of your remaining health.

- Medium Mana Potion: 26G

Adds 50% of your remaining mana.

- Large Health Potion: 50G

Adds 100% of your remaining health.

- Large Mana Potion: 50G

Adds 100% of your remaining mana.

Gold remaining: 648G


Adhitte took one small potion. She did so as an investment to make number 101 soften up to her a little.

"I just want to confirm something. Is there a descendant in your family who ran away because they didn't have the original blood of beast people and have no more news?" She said as she poured the potion over some wounds.


The hissing sound produced by the potion and the wounds could be heard. The 101st just watched the strange potion that was slowly treating his wounds. He knew that the level of the person in front of him was probably equal to or higher than him.

"You're right. But she died a few twelve years ago." Finally, number 101 was willing to answer.

"In that case, I'll take you to that person's descendants. At least don't let your brotherhood be cut off." Adhitte said incomprehensible things.

That man frowned. "What do you mean?"

Adhitte gave a small chuckle. "Apparently you guys are a bit alike too. Just as you heard. Provided that you'll help me with the action tonight."


The night sky in the early hours of the morning showed a full moon. The perfectly round moon showed its existence without being covered by clouds. The night was also filled with the howls of wolves that seemed to keep crying.

Two room guards were walking to change their shifts. Both of them stepped sleepily out of the hallway. Since the hallway only contained humans, they didn't need to be vigilant.

When the two guards finally disappeared, Adhitte again bent the door to her cell and exited. He also did the same to number 101's door.

Some of the other fighters were mostly asleep. Fortunately, in the afternoon, most of them fought and only Adhitte, number 101 and that strange knight stayed there. If they knew Adhitte could free them, there would likely be a commotion.

"S-sir ...."

The cute sounding little voice made Adhitte stop moving. She looked at the cell door next to 101's. There was the number 437 there. It was the little boy that the fighting man at the end of the hall scolded.

"You're so small. How old are you?" Adhitte asked while bending the door of cell number 101.

"Thirteen years old, sir."

'Very small. His body is severely malnourished. He looks more like a child than a teenager.'

Adhitte helped number 101 out before looking at the child of number 437. He said, "We're not going to run away. There are things to do. However, you must eat this. Store!"

She took about three large potions. Two of them were red and one was blue. Adhitte also took food sold in the store such as fruits only. She took green apples and also meat so that the boy could get vitamins and protein.

"Eat that. If I come back and you haven't finished it, I'll kill you."

Because of Adhitte's harsh words, the boy number 437 immediately picked up the potions and food that were still floating. The boy immediately ate it all well.

Adhitte did not forget to hand over mineral water as a thirst quencher. Then she joined number 101 who was waiting for her.

Number 101 said, "You are doing unnecessary things. How can we leave without getting caught by the guards?"

Adhitte opened the store again. "Store!"

[You can't unlock the entire "Store" feature!]

[Raise your level to unlock all features!]

[Due to feature updates, all coins earned will be paid as system update fees!]


[Store : Item]

- Disposable Mask: 10G

Reduces inhaled poison for one hour.

- Gas Mask: 15G

Reduces inhaled toxins for 24 hours.

- Synthetic Mask: 80G

Obscures people's view of appearance for two hours.

- Acting Mask: 220G

Take another person's appearance as a disguise reference for role-playing.

Remaining Gold: 476G


'Two masks worth 440 gold? I need to get more side quests to get my gold stock back.'

Adhitte took two masks and gave one to number 101. That man stared strangely and asked, "What's this for?"

As the one who gave the item, Adhitte didn't answer anything and just put on the mask. After putting it on, she appearance instantly changed. One of the guards who had just come out from there, appeared at the place where Adhitte stood.

Before number 101 asked again, Adhitte had already said, "Just put it on and think about what you want to use to disguise yourself. Think carefully because it's the only tool for now."

Number 101 thought for a while, then put it on immediately. After a few seconds, the look that number 101 took on surprised her.

With a grin, Adhitte said, "Good job! Now, follow me!"