
Supremacy Creator's Plot

[Temporarily paused until the author's condition stabilizes.] [Reason for pause: author's health.] [Comeback: 1-2 months.] Kang Seongje, an S rank hunter from South Korea, transmigrated into the body of Arthur Rudolf, the successor to the duke who never appeared in his 2-volume novel "World of Level Up". The novel had been adapted into a game by his best friend. So, a lot of information was mixed up in his memory. He wanted to survive and prevent Adhitte, a dimensional mover, the original protagonist of the novel who wanted to destroy the worlds. He also wanted to get the protagonist to become his partner by seizing the position as the second protagonist candidate from Xavier Gladias. However, Xavier Gladias is the hidden villain in the second volume and he is a Crown Prince. Arthur Rudolf is not easy to fight. Muscles? His body is very thin. Political power? He is a neutral faction. Money? He is known as a philanthropist. This is why he worked his way up to hero for everything he wanted!

YSJ · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 57: Battle in Differents Arena (2)

Along the way, Count Rubel read a copy of the ledger that Arthur had brought with him. He did not join in on the strange plan that Arthur and Kalypt had been talking about. Even a seemingly rational man like Kalypt could become strange when dealing with Arthur.

"Arthur, don't forget how Count Goldy treated you." Count Rubel warned in between their conversation.

Arthur tried to remember what Count Rubel had written when he memorized the names of the nobles in his faction. He opened his mouth. "As I recall, he's Duke Rudolf's sycophant but still loyal."

Kalypt added, "That's right, Young Duke-nim. Count Goldy is listed as a noble who is very loyal to Duke Rudolf. It's said that the idea to start horse breeding came from Duke Rudolf. So many of Count Goldy's horses have been exported and made the country's income rise thanks to him. Therefore, Duke Rudolf was appointed as his savior."

Arthur recalled the details recorded in the book back then. Count Goldy was a new noble. He used to be a knight who worked in the duchy. However, because he had participated in a war several decades ago and won, Count Goldy was promoted to Baron-level nobility. Then his son raised his title to Count because the horse's cattle business was successful in international trade.

"Count Goldy is a fit old man who is quite friendly. It looks like you'll be treated like his grandson, Arthur." Count Rubel commented without taking his eyes off the book.

Arthur thought for a while. However, his thoughts drifted away when the carriage stopped right in front of a not-so-large castle gate. Several gatekeepers immediately confirmed their identities and allowed him to enter.

The castle was still less magnificent than the duke's castle. However, it looked quite beautiful because the path from the gate to the main door was decorated with a small garden on the side. Arthur could deduce that the castle could be bought for over fifty billion won in South Korea.

Their carriage stopped right at the castle's terrace. There was a grandfather and a young master who looked friendly. They had beautiful bright purple hair.

'It's true, even though this game is based on my own novel. But I'm still a little surprised by the colorful hair color of the NPCs.'

A guard opened the door of Arthur's carriage. In that order, Count Rubel came out first as the teacher and then Arthur. Kalypt had activated a camouflage magic device that made his body disappear.

Count Goldy and his son placed their hands on their chests and bowed slightly. They greeted each other very politely.

"Young Duke-nim and representatives of the crown prince's faction, welcome to this small house." Count Goldy greeted in a friendly manner.

Yes, only a few upper-class nobles knew that Count Rubel was Arthur's teacher. Most of the other nobles knew that Count Rubel was sent by the crown prince's faction to keep an eye on the other factions.

Count Rubel greeted Count Goldy back, followed by Arthur. He said, "It's a pleasure to be greeted by Count Goldy, who is known as a friendly grandfather."

Count Goldy chuckled. He replied, "That's right, young man. Make yourself at home. By the way, this is my son, Jeff Goldy. He is my only successor."

Arthur shook hands with the man who was younger than Count Goldy. That man looked a few years older than Arthur alone.

"Good afternoon, Young Duke-nim. I apologize that my wife could not join me in welcoming you as she has to take care of the cattle that will be exported this month." Jeff Goldy looked polite in front of Arthur.

Arthur returned her greeting. He was a little stiff because he hadn't met any nobles in a long time, except for Count Rubel who didn't require him to be polite.

"Then, can we have a look around your house, sir?"


Kalypt rolled around on the bed. He was in Arthur's room provided in Count Goldy's castle. They would be staying for three days to check on the state of the territory that Count Goldy managed.

Arthur and Count Rubel sat on chairs in front of the table to drink tea. They were near the balcony. Count Goldy's castle had two floors. Less than the duke's castle which usually reached at least three floors.

Count Rubel continued to drink his tea elegantly. He continued to read Arthur's ledger. "There is no sign of fraud here. The taxes coming in and their expenditures are in line with the budget. It's even neatly organized. Who is this recorded by?"

Arthur, who was eating dessert, said, "My father keeps the records. I rarely get assignments for territories outside my own duchy."

Count Rubel looked at his student with an annoyed look. He said his succession was two years away, but the duke was spoiling his son too much.

"The budget given by Duke Rudolf is very sufficient and fair for a noble of the Count's rank. They also manage it well, especially since they pay taxes promptly." Count Rubel commented while still reading the book.

Arthur took the last bite of his dessert. It was just dry bread covered with strawberry jam. He missed soft bread because throughout his life in that world, all types of bread were either hard or dry.

Kalypt sat up from his position on the bed. He said, "Are you going to start looking for support for your new faction here?"

Arthur nodded. "Of course, loyal subordinates are good for us."

Not long after, there was a knock on the door. Count Rubel went to open the door, while Kalypt immediately camouflaged himself again. There was a butler who came there. He was surprised to see Count Rubel opening the door, even though it was Arthur's guest room.

"Good afternoon, Count-nim and Young Duke-nim. I was ordered by Count Goldy-nim to fetch Young Duke-nim to his room."

Count Rubel immediately stepped aside and looked at Arthur who was still chewing. The man he was staring at asked silently, but seeing that a butler was coming to him, he understood.

Arthur got up from his seat after drinking tea. He immediately followed the butler, leaving Count Rubel there.

"That boy is also fighting here. What about the ones in the Viper Kingdom?" Count Rubel muttered to himself.

That muttering was heard by Kalypt. The strange man replied, "It seems that Miss Adhitte has been fighting since yesterday as well. Miss Cindy, whose position will be announced soon, will be fighting as well."

Yes, they are fighting in their own way in the various kingdoms. This was a way to disrupt the support of the various places that supported that Crown Prince Xavier.

On the other hand, Arthur had entered Count Goldy's room. The problem was that the only person inside was Jeff Goldy, his son. Although there was nothing between them, Jeff Goldy had a very mature aura.

The butler closed the study and left Arthur with Jeff. Arthur was seated and served tea by Jeff.

"Looks like your success is imminent, Young Duke-nim. Seeing as you've come straight down to this little territory to monitor. Would you like to see our ledger?" Jeff spoke in a very polite tone.

Arthur nodded as he drank his tea. He saw Jeff rise from his seat and pick up a large book on his father's desk. Jeff seemed comfortable moving around because he was not being watched.

He handed it to Arthur before returning to his seat. Arthur took it with a complicated mind, he hadn't learned much about how to read big books. Even when he was Kang Seongje, back in college, he skipped a lot of classes before he was awakened as a hunter. There wasn't much for him to learn because he worked a lot.

Arthur read the numbers in the book. Surprisingly, he could understand the content. It was as if he had experienced it himself.

"Your writing is very good. The descriptions here match those in the duke's ledger. You are indeed ready to accept the succession as well." Arthur commented casually.

Jeff's face changed slightly. He said awkwardly. "Eum... My father wanted to serve until the end of his life because he was afraid that if I held the position, I would be dragged into the political flow of the arrogant nobles and they would try to take me under them. That's because of my efforts for this kingdom."

Arthur knew that, so he wanted to seize it early. He provoked what had happened in the trial. "Do you remember the theater case?"

"Ah, yes I do! Did the court go well? Our family isn't high nobility so we don't have any more info."

Arthur grinned. "In that case, you must not know who the culprit is because the trial is now in the central court."

He could see Jeff Goldy widen his eyes. As expected, the minor nobles who were in the neutral faction did not get any information regarding the continuation of the trial. If it had been brought to the central trial, it meant that the perpetrator had a high title.

Jeff asked, "I-If so, was it a high-ranking noble who triggered the terror?"

Arthur chuckled. "Yes, not a noble anymore, but the successor to our royal leader."

"Wh-what? M-I mean who did you say?"

"Crown Prince Xavier Gladias has been implicated as the perpetrator."