
Supremacy Creator's Plot

[Temporarily paused until the author's condition stabilizes.] [Reason for pause: author's health.] [Comeback: 1-2 months.] Kang Seongje, an S rank hunter from South Korea, transmigrated into the body of Arthur Rudolf, the successor to the duke who never appeared in his 2-volume novel "World of Level Up". The novel had been adapted into a game by his best friend. So, a lot of information was mixed up in his memory. He wanted to survive and prevent Adhitte, a dimensional mover, the original protagonist of the novel who wanted to destroy the worlds. He also wanted to get the protagonist to become his partner by seizing the position as the second protagonist candidate from Xavier Gladias. However, Xavier Gladias is the hidden villain in the second volume and he is a Crown Prince. Arthur Rudolf is not easy to fight. Muscles? His body is very thin. Political power? He is a neutral faction. Money? He is known as a philanthropist. This is why he worked his way up to hero for everything he wanted!

YSJ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Chapter 56: Battle in Differents Arena (1)

A night filled with the howls of wolves. Of course the howls were from those who had lost their family members. Even anyone could sense the desperate cries behind the gripping wolf howls. Adhitte began to count the number of times the howls were heard.

"Now I can smell you properly. It turns out that there are many unique odors attached to you. Mana from mages and aura from aura users. There is also the smell of vampires and beast people on your body." Number 101 was just talking while being brought to the battle arena.

Adhitte looked at him who was brought to a different arena. That man's eyes were shiny when at a distance. However, Adhitte could sense the signals that the man was giving.

[Ancient message 'Telepathy' received!]

[Would you like to hear it?]

Adhitte pressed 'Yes' there. Then the voice from number 101 entered his brain. Not in the form of a system window, but indeed voiced.

'I'll help you. It's been a long time since I last saw someone who disguised himself as a nobleman and was trapped by his own carelessness.'

Adhitte realized that the man was aware of her disguise. However, it was fine because he could not escape the arena.

They were both dragged to different places. Number 101 was taken to an arena that had a larger metal door, while Adhitte was only led to a small cell door.

Clap! Clap! Clap!

"Beat him, baby!"

"Bring me victory!"

"I bet a lot for you! Make more money for me!"

The sound of cheering rang out loudly as she entered the battle arena that seemed smaller than she expected. On top of the fence surrounding the arena were bleachers.

The spectators wore masks that covered the nose down to or around the eyes. It seemed to be the arena's policy to hide identities.

"Hello? Check? Did my voice come through?"

Above the entrance, a person wearing a formal suit spoke with a voice amplification device. It was made out of a magic box that had no idea what level it was.

The audience began to reduce the sound of cheering as the host of the event led the opening of the show. They heard what the host was going to say.

Adhitte could see that Mr. Kasry was not the host. From the man's elegant demeanor, it seemed like the arena host was a noble from who knows where.

"Tonight, we found a new kid. Actually not a new kid, but an old kid who used to run away. Hmm... he is a fallen noble from a count-level family here. It seems that some of you know him. He is the last descendant of that family." The host exposed the origin of the identity Adhitte used first.

A roar of excitement accompanied him until she asked the audience to fall silent first. "That person was number 017 when he entered here. In the afternoon yesterday, that person came back here!"

The crowd began to get excited as they sensed the dramatic nature of number 017, which was Adhitte. The arena was instantly filled with curse words for Adhitte.

"That Young Master is a moron!"

"You should have just run when you ran away, you idiot! Instead, you came here to die!"

"I fully bet on his opponent!"

The host immediately shushed them again. "If number 017 loses, I'll reveal another fact. Therefore, let's take out the opponent!"

Dung! Dung! Dung!

The sound of a strange musical instrument was heard. Adhitte looked at the door opposite her. It was already opening slowly when she looked at it.

A person covered in bruises came out of it. That man smiled madly at the crowd and started waving his arms confidently.

'As my expected. Number 691 is my opponent. Looks like they don't believe in my power.'

The person next to Adhitte's cell, the overly narcissistic number 691 became her opponent. She had actually expected that man to be his opponent.

"Our super rookie, number 691 who has already defeated five old winners! Let's see if he's up to it or not?"

Number 691 laughed like crazy. His bruised body did not restrict his movements. He tried kicking the wind and doing strange things.

The host gave Adhitte a sharp look. He said in a small voice, but Adhitte could hear him well. "You should have won this time to keep your identity as a woman covered. All this time, women who escaped from brothels and became fighters here, were sold to nobles after losing one fight. Women are useless creatures."

Adhitte hearing that was naturally upset. She thought she should have just killed the host without having to have a match there.

"Okay, let's get to the match! Numbers 017 and 691 should be ready soon!"

The crowd's shouts began to echo again. They were trying to demand a more exciting, blood-soaked battle.

"Three! Two! One! Start!"




Only movements that could not be seen by ordinary humans, at least aura or mana users. The wall on the host's side cracked and the ground of the field also abruptly. The movement was extremely fast.

The annoyed Adhitte deliberately ran with her back against the wall, then grabbed 691 by the neck and slammed him to the ground. It was an overwhelming force.

"A-ah... what is it?"

"What kind of power is that?"

"Hey, is number 017 not an ordinary human?"

Adhitte looked at number 691 who was covered in blood. He deserved to be sacrificed because he had more criminal records when checking his identity with observation skills.

"Y-you... why did you come back to the arena if you easily defeated me?" Number 691 asked in distress.

Adhitte opened his mouth. "Number 691—I mean, Henry. You're a man with many sins on his record. I want to eliminate people like you in order to achieve my goal."

Number 691, whose real name was called, laughed. "Hahaha—cough! You're so arrogant just knowing my identity. What do you think your goal is? Don't tell me to create a peaceful world? Cough!"

Adhitte grinned. "No, I'm not a superhero like in various fictional stories. I just want to live in peace without having to think about which world I should destroy again."

Henry laughed and closed his eyes. His head was spinning from being defeated with just one attack. He couldn't believe that a Young Master who was said to be returning to the arena had such unreasonable power.

"To create or destroy the world... it's a selfish act. You'll have a hard time finding your happiness."

Those were the last words before Henry actually breathed his last. Indeed, in the battle there, it was only until the opponent died that they were said to have won.

Adhitte muttered, "I think it's possible to be happy, at least in this world."

She remembered a person who was thin and very weak in the face. That person was trying to look as good as possible in her eyes, even though he seemed to be desperate to avoid her. Adhitte unintentionally thought of that person just like that.

That woman looked at the host who was still looking at the center of the field with a gaping mouth. Adhitte immediately waved at the host.

"Aren't you going to announce my victory?"


This time, Arthur was accompanied by Count Rubel and also Kalypt to visit some areas under the leadership of Duke Rudolf. Apparently, they visited some small nobles on the outskirts of the region.

Count Rubel is a central noble who happens to be Arthur's teacher. So he asked the court for permission to give him leave before escorting Arthur. Of course, the central court was still processing the events at the theater. Those concerned were definitely cutting tails.

Kalypt brought a list of some neutral nobles who really just took care of the territory, not caring about politics or putting themselves into high society. They just lived peacefully.

"I thought all nobles would want to crawl up to higher places. However, I just found out that under my father's rule, there were some nobles who didn't want to stand out." Arthur commented after reading the list Kalypt gave him.

They were in the same carriage. The carriage belonged to Duke Rudolf, so it was quite large and grand for the three of them. Of course, Kalypt was an uninvited guest.

Count Rubel elegantly drank the tea that he himself had brought from the magic bag. Because it was a bit difficult to ask the maid to brew it, when they were on the road. He said, "The faction led by Duke Rudolf is notoriously lazy to make a good reputation for itself."

Arthur replied, "Even though they can stand out quite well, you know. Count Terkh, the owner of a marine animal farm that is exported to several expensive restaurants. Count Farsh, a famous artist. Count Goldy, a famous horse breeder. There were still nobles under them as well who worked together. It's like the main characters are leading a group."

This time, it was Kalypt who opened his mouth. "Don't worry, Young Duke-nim, in our plan, you'll be the main character or hero, anyway."

Because of Kalypt's seemingly sincere smile, Arthur was pleased and continued to flatter himself. He even opened his magic bag. "Gosh, Kalypt, you seem to be a nice person even though at the first meeting, you were very annoying. Come here, here's 10 gold for you."

Count Rubel just shook his head at the interaction between the two people. One continued to praise and be rewarded, the other was happy without realizing he was being licked and blackmailed. It looked like Arthur would have a heart attack if the truth that Count Rubel knew was revealed to him.

I will took a hiatus after NaNoWrimo was ended.

YSJcreators' thoughts