
Supremacy Creator's Plot

[Temporarily paused until the author's condition stabilizes.] [Reason for pause: author's health.] [Comeback: 1-2 months.] Kang Seongje, an S rank hunter from South Korea, transmigrated into the body of Arthur Rudolf, the successor to the duke who never appeared in his 2-volume novel "World of Level Up". The novel had been adapted into a game by his best friend. So, a lot of information was mixed up in his memory. He wanted to survive and prevent Adhitte, a dimensional mover, the original protagonist of the novel who wanted to destroy the worlds. He also wanted to get the protagonist to become his partner by seizing the position as the second protagonist candidate from Xavier Gladias. However, Xavier Gladias is the hidden villain in the second volume and he is a Crown Prince. Arthur Rudolf is not easy to fight. Muscles? His body is very thin. Political power? He is a neutral faction. Money? He is known as a philanthropist. This is why he worked his way up to hero for everything he wanted!

YSJ · Fantasy
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67 Chs

Chapter 5: Marithus Kingdom (2)

"It looks like I'm going to call a top doctor in this universe to heal you. It pains me to see you like that." Duke Rudolf's words made Arthur feel even more dizzy.

Then, Arthur looked at the explanation sentence at the bottom of the status window. Clearly he now understood why Duke Rudolf felt that way.

Arthur tried to act like the real 'Arthur'. "Dad ...."

As expected, the corners of the duke's lips slowly rose. If it was in the animation, there might be blood vessels appearing on his head indicating Arthur was upset. That man just sighed patiently because if he acted rashly towards the duke, he might get kicked out of the successor position.

The duke asked the maid beside him to pour more tea. He asked, "What are you reading this afternoon? Even though the doctor let you rest. Should I call a healer?"

Before Arthur could answer, the Duke continued. "You must not like that. You used to dislike paying a healer a lot of money just to treat one person. You would rather pay dozens of doctors for the people than pay one healer for you."

Arthur smiled with tears in his eyes. He closed his eyes with his hands. The Duke who saw that looked rather moved.

"Are you feeling touched and remembering?"

'Touched? My ass. Oh my God, Arthur Rudolf is an idiot, it's your money why are you giving it away when you need it more ....'

Not wanting to dwell on why 'Arthur' Rudolf was like that, Arthur changed the subject. "Dad, is the Crown Prince now my uncle?"

Duke Rudolf looked surprised by the question. "Yes, I thought you wouldn't remember."

"Then, why is he my age? Shouldn't he be at least ten years older than me considering the age gap between you and King Taylor?"

Hearing Arthur's question, Duke Rudolf asked the two servants accompanying them to leave. Arthur felt that something was a little off. Was it a secret?

"Actually this is quite a long story, is your head okay to listen? I'm afraid it might affect your memory." Duke Rudolf spoke with concern.

Arthur shook his head. "Think of it like I've formatted memory ca—eum, I mean, like I was just born and need to learn new things."

Duke Rudolf sighed. He placed his teacup on the table, then clasped his hands together in front of his face. He seemed to think for a moment.

"This is a story remembered in history. It relates to the civil war between the Senova Empire and our Marithus Kingdom. That war is still going on today. The main reason your brother, Sandy, was sent there secretly after graduating from the academy."

Duke recalled how the kingdom was when he was young. It was a long and hard story to him.


"Your Royal Highness, we beg you not to go to the Senova Empire! They may threaten you to give them part of the land by holding you hostage."

In a magnificent room, there was one graying old man pleading in front of an adult man with gray-white hair. That old man looked like an aide who should retire soon. However, his master was engrossed in the paperwork on his desk.

"Vine, you don't need to worry. I issued a public request for the imperial event later. So, other countries are also attending. I can't possibly go into the lion's den alone."

As the Crown Prince at the time, Taylor Gladius received various internal jobs from his father, Michael Gladius, the 9th King of Gladius. The King, in 5 years, will retire according to the Marithus Kingdom regulations, which is 65 years old. Due to a sudden illness and still having some unfinished business, King Gladius could not carry out the coronation of his son to the throne. However, Taylor Gladius has received an important stamp belonging to the royal family to take care of all official activities.

Taylor Gladius continued to do the work herself. This was her responsibility as the first child and successor to the throne. Even out of 5 siblings, he was the only one who was unmarried.

Vine, his aged aide, sighed at the sight of his workaholic nephew. "Your Highness, Crown Princess Larissa Phellin has come to visit you."

"Ah, she already came? Just bring her in. Tell the maid outside to bring tea as well."

The aide immediately carried out his orders without another word, looking like he was already tired of the Crown Prince. While working on some documents on her desk, Taylor also took out some files from the drawer. They were needed for her upcoming conversation.


An authoritative-looking mature woman walked in. Her dark blue hair was in a high bun with a luxurious-looking dress. She walked with very good manners.

She also greeted the Crown Prince of the kingdom. "I greet the Moon of the Marithus Kingdom, Your Royal Highness Crown Prince Taylor Gladius."

Gracefully, her delicate fingers picked up the strands of her dress and lifted it slightly. This was accompanied by her right foot moving behind her left foot. Not forgetting to bow her head slightly as a sign of polite greeting.

That elegance was perfect in Taylor Gladias' eyes, of course he had to reciprocate with the same courtesy. "Thank you for coming, Lady Phellin."

Taylor rose from his seat in front of the desk. He directed the woman called Lady Phellin to sit at the table near the balcony. Gently, he pulled out a chair and the lady accepted the courtesy by sitting down.

Once Taylor was seated, he handed over the file she was looking for. It was a file bearing the signature of King Michael Gladius. It had the seal of Count Phellin as well as Lady Phellin's father.

"Larissa, this may be my last gift as Crown Prince. I apologize for putting you in such a difficult position." Taylor apologized solemnly, even bowing his head.

That woman's name was Larissa Phellin, the daughter of Count Phellin, the fiancée of Crown Prince Taylor Gladias. The file that he gave her was their engagement letter. She read the contents of the engagement letter and it remained the same.

They were engaged not because of feelings, but to work together to expose Count Phellin's deceit. Count Phellin became a traitor. The civil war between Senova Empire and Marithus Kingdom continued until the couple came of age. It was very strange that it lasted so long, even though it was only over a land the size of a small town.

It was a free land until a city was finally established there. The city was realized because of civilians who fled from various kingdoms on the continent and lived there because they could not pay taxes. As there were more and more residents, they formed their own city. A city that did not belong to any kingdom.

The land was a legacy from the 3rd King Gladius, about 300 years ago that had not been managed. So, the Marithus Kingdom just let the land become a free city like in their northern region. However, since the Senova Empire was the seat of government of the Gigana Continent, the continent they lived on, had other regulations regarding the free city policy. Hence everything was complicated.

The Senova Empire requested that the free city become a city under its leadership. That meant, the land that the late King Gladius used to own had to be freely handed over to them. Of course, Taylor who heard this did not agree, because it was written in the agreement between the empire and the kingdoms that land that was not managed would be handed over to the empire if it was abandoned for 500 years so that it could be made a free city.

That's why they kept discussing. However, the residents of the free city were always attacked by imperial people who turned out to be troops led by Count Phellin.

Disappointed? Of course he was. Especially after hearing that Larissa Phellin, as the eldest child and a daughter, was used as an item to be sold in marriage to strengthen his power. Count Phellin was a power-mad man.

After reading the entire file provided by Taylor, Larissa smiled. It was a cool smile like she was feeling happiness for the first time. "Thank you, Your Highness."

Larissa then tore up the file, signaling that their engagement was off. They were engaged because Larissa offered the secret of Count Phellin and needed the power of the Crown Prince. Taylor gave her the title of Crown Princess temporarily so Larissa's word could be equal to his command, then she championed exposing her own father's rottenness.

"Congratulations on becoming Head of House Phellin, Larissa Phellin. Once all the paperwork is taken care of, I will award you the title of Marchioness for your courageous behavior." Taylor's words took Larissa by surprise.

"It would be my honor to receive that gift, Your Highness." Larissa's smile grew even bigger. All this time, she had only been regarded as an item and unable to stand on her own. Now, she was the successor of her own family.

Taylor spoke again. "The announcement that you are no longer engaged to me will coincide with your coronation ceremony as the head of the household. Is that what you want?"

Larissa nodded. She still did not let go of her smile. Taylor returned the smile firmly. Then, Larissa excused herself to go home while still wearing that smile.

Taylor still sat in his seat and watched her about to get into the carriage. He could see Larissa's strange slight trembling as she accepted the hand of the coachman driving the carriage. The coachman looked handsome from afar, with neat dark brown hair and simple clothes. Taylor realized what was going on between them.

The Crown Prince's aide Vine came back into Taylor's study and interrupted her calm. "Why did you let the intelligent Lady Phellin not become your future queen, Your Highness?"

With a reliable smile, Taylor replied. "Instead of handling the internal affairs of the kingdom as queen and only doing duties within the palace, it's better to let her dive into the political stream, right? Since she is intelligent, I believe she can make the current of the faction that supports me even stronger."

Vine then looked at Taylor's face who was not looking at him. There was a hint of amazement coming out of her face. Vine sensed that the Crown Prince he served would show significant changes in their kingdom.

This was the beginning of King Taylor Gladius of the Marithus Kingdom becoming a historical figure whose name would be recognized. However, it was still a long journey.

Remember, all the character in here is not disposable character.

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