
Supremacy Creator's Plot

[Temporarily paused until the author's condition stabilizes.] [Reason for pause: author's health.] [Comeback: 1-2 months.] Kang Seongje, an S rank hunter from South Korea, transmigrated into the body of Arthur Rudolf, the successor to the duke who never appeared in his 2-volume novel "World of Level Up". The novel had been adapted into a game by his best friend. So, a lot of information was mixed up in his memory. He wanted to survive and prevent Adhitte, a dimensional mover, the original protagonist of the novel who wanted to destroy the worlds. He also wanted to get the protagonist to become his partner by seizing the position as the second protagonist candidate from Xavier Gladias. However, Xavier Gladias is the hidden villain in the second volume and he is a Crown Prince. Arthur Rudolf is not easy to fight. Muscles? His body is very thin. Political power? He is a neutral faction. Money? He is known as a philanthropist. This is why he worked his way up to hero for everything he wanted!

YSJ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Chapter 23: Nobles Banquet (5)

'That guy... he's so sneaky.'

The statement Crown Prince Xavier gave seemed to imply that no matter what the royal family decided, the Rudolf Household would not oppose it. Perhaps if the real Arthur Rudolf was listening, he would feel flattered.

'Gosh, is he afraid that the nobles will turn to me? It's a plan that's still a long way off but you've already sent such a warning!'

Arthur was annoyed inwardly. Because he was determined to take Xavier Gladias' prominent position in the kingdom.

[The character "Crown Prince Xavier Gladias" has strange expectations of you!]

[The character "Crown Prince Xavier Gladias" leveled up!]

[Preparing the character 'Arthur Rudolf' to enter the main story plot: 71/100%]

'I have to be patience, less than 30% more I can become a character.'

Arthur could see the exclamation mark box above Crown Prince Xavier's head. However, he was too far away to check the man's information.

Crown Prince Xavier spoke again. "We have made a new building on Britney Main Street. In two days, we can begin preparations for the theater and it will be held on the weekend."

The nobles applauded. The construction of the building was very fast. In just a few weeks, the plan was already underway.

'Forest Green Inn is on Britney's Main Street. It's very appropriate to set up assasin team on there.'

Arthur clapped his hands following all the nobles. Then he accidentally locked eyes with the Crown Prince from afar.



[Character Information]

Name: Xavier Gladias

Age: 28 years old

Occupation : Crown Prince of the Marithus Kingdom

Affinity :

- Leader of the Faction

- Investor of Marithus Kingdom's Magic Tower

- The *** of ***

Remarks :

Be careful of this character because *****

Become a 'Character' so that you can access further information.


The character information just appeared without him asking for it. Arthur was naturally very surprised by that.

He looked at Count Rubel, there was also an exclamation mark on it. Arthur wanted to try to check it, but couldn't because it was far away. Why could Crown Prince Xavier be seen so easily?

[Main Plot "Protagonist" being prepared!]

There's something strange over there.


Arthur walked in the hallway of the palace at night. Because he heard of Count Rubel's participation in the event, King Taylor gave him a room in the palace. Count Rubel's value also rose in the eyes of the upper nobles.

The banquet was stopped at the end of the evening. Normally, it would have lasted until the night, but there was still business that the palace had to do.

Count Rubel had just signed the contract papers as the person in charge of the theater. It was only a 20-year contract. Even if by that time, he had a successor, he still had to continue and it was not a hereditary contract.

Count Rubel called Arthur because Dean wanted to talk to him. Since the Forest Green Inn was the place for the guilf members later, they couldn't talk there.

The castle was so large that Arthur was a little overwhelmed to walk. Especially with his body that was not used to exercising because he had only started the exercise schedule for about two weeks.

The rooms of the nobles were separate from the rooms of the royal family. So, the hallway had a bit of chivalry to it. Arthur was accompanied by Roby to find Count Rubel's room.

When they arrived, Arthur went straight inside and Roby, as usual, guarded the door. Dean and Leon were already inside. He doesn't know why the scared guy came along.

"What do you want to talk about, Dean-nim?" Arthur said with annoyance.

Dean didn't like the way Arthur was acting like an asshole right now. He tapped Leon's shoulder to signal him to take over the conversation.

That beast people man looked at the window instead. He again made an expressionless and stiff face as he looked out.

Leon stammered, "T-that... our Team C have gone undercover as construction workers for the new building. They reported something strange about the floor. There are engravings that are already attached to the floor rather than just drawn."

That timid man then handed over a paper. Arthur took it gingerly.

The paper contained a description of a magic circle. There were materials described to make the circle. Then Leon spoke again.

"This c-circle was in the Archmage's ancient archives. It was magic that could hypnotize people and control them. The magic circle that was created was very large. According to the circle 5 mages in our group, it is probably controlled by one circle 6 or circle 7 mage."

'Obviously, it's Xavier Gladias himself.'

"So, they didn't build it first and then draw it, but it was directly engraved on the floor, is that it?" Arthur made a conclusion.

Leon immediately agreed with Arthur. He continued, "That means, the controller would have performed the ritual many times."

"That's obvious. Xavier Gladias himself said that the opera theater would be opened as an annual event exclusively for the nobility."

Leon scratched his head. "In that case, are you going to extend the cooperation with the K-Night Guild?"

"No. It should know that until Crown Prince Xavier Gladias' power decreases is the time limit for cooperation."

Dean cut in first before Arthur could say anything. That man coldly looked at Arthur who was glaring at him.

"What? Didn't you want that from the beginning?"

Count Rubel, who had been listening, immediately interrupted." Wait, wait. What do you mean by lowering the power of the His Highness, Crown Prince? Have you forgotten that he is the only successor? Are you planning a rebellion or something?"

Arthur looked at him. "You forget I have royal blood? I can take over that title."


Dean shook his head at Arthur's words. He looked out the window again.

"You mean, you're going to be the Crown Prince so...?" Count Rubel looked Arthur's appearance up and down.

"With your two-faced, thin and weak body, a puppet of your own faction, and a father who can't step in to help in politics, is that it?"


Again, Arthur felt the one and only man who see the outside from window smiling and holding back his laughter. Arthur was annoyed with that bastard Count Rubel's mouth.

"I can make my own power in politics. For example, you."

Count Rubel laughed. "Hey, I'm just being a spy."

"You should also do what I tell you to do. Don't forget that it's about bringing down Crown Prince Xavier's power."

Count Rubel was silent. He had lost again to Arthur. If he resisted and didn't want to now, his position in the first annual event could be undermined by Arthur.

"Okay, but I still support Crown Prince Xavier being released from his circle so that he doesn't become a mage or necromancer again. I will not support you."

Arthur shrugged his shoulders. Then he looked at Leon, reluctant to speak to Dean.

"Hey, that mage I was referring to, Cindy Esperen, have you introduced her to Count Rubel?" Arthur asked.

Leon shook his head. "N-not yet. That g-girl was stationed with Team B to evacuate the citizens in New Free City after the sudden attack."

Roughly speaking, Arthur knew the division of their teams. Team A was usually filled with professionals who had a lot of experience, they usually got the job of being a hunter in a forest full of monsters. Team B was the backup team of Team A. Then there was Team C who used to do disguise and socialization with the community. Finally Team D contains beginners who will be tested and put into which team is suitable.

For mages, they are often placed outside the team because they focus on internal guild problems. Rarely did they have attack-type mages. Even attack-type mages usually turned into internal members who took care of the guild's administration and management.

When Dean was angry at Leon on the first day they met, Team D was probably sent to the monster hunting area and Team A followed them. Then Team B was in the New Free City, while Team C had been disguised as construction workers by the palace. They were all working neatly.

"Try to get that girl here as soon as possible. Include her in the theater guard team later to validate that there is a demon race summoning ritual there."

Arthur looked at Count Rubel. "Then, you shouldn't be too proud of that girl. She has the strength of a senior mage on the Gigana Continent."

Count Rubel pointed at himself. "Me? Who is that girl—wait, did you say Cindy Esperen? The daughter of that sycophantic Baron Esperen?"

'Oh, apparently he knows her.'

"Yes, he does. Do you know him?"

Count Rubel showed a bit of a strange look. "No, I had a bad experience with her father. Maybe that girl already knows me too."

Arthur replied, "Oh, good."

'Because she will be your partner in the future when you gain more trust from Crown Prince Xavier and send her to the Magic Tower of Marithus Kingdom.'