
Supremacy Creator's Plot

[Temporarily paused until the author's condition stabilizes.] [Reason for pause: author's health.] [Comeback: 1-2 months.] Kang Seongje, an S rank hunter from South Korea, transmigrated into the body of Arthur Rudolf, the successor to the duke who never appeared in his 2-volume novel "World of Level Up". The novel had been adapted into a game by his best friend. So, a lot of information was mixed up in his memory. He wanted to survive and prevent Adhitte, a dimensional mover, the original protagonist of the novel who wanted to destroy the worlds. He also wanted to get the protagonist to become his partner by seizing the position as the second protagonist candidate from Xavier Gladias. However, Xavier Gladias is the hidden villain in the second volume and he is a Crown Prince. Arthur Rudolf is not easy to fight. Muscles? His body is very thin. Political power? He is a neutral faction. Money? He is known as a philanthropist. This is why he worked his way up to hero for everything he wanted!

YSJ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
67 Chs

Chapter 15: New Plot (3)


[Preparing the character 'Arthur Rudolf' to enter the main story plot: 53/100%]

"Was my brother helped by you?" Arthur asked in confusion. He hurried to sit beside Dean.

The bartender there asked, "Would you like to drink the best-selling drink in this bar, sir?"

Arthur nodded to answer the bartender. Dean was still busy eating his steak. "No, your brother was helped by a mage. I brought that mage to the battlefield because as you said, she was a diamond who infiltrated the ranks of my subordinates."

'Did my actions save Sandy?

Arthur slightly recalled how Woo Jihyuk had conceptualized the background of the Rudolf Family. The war representative, Sandy Rudolf, ended up disabled and died after helping members in the Southern Region who were hit by a surprise attack.

While at the guild headquarters, Arthur knew that Dean was going to the war site. Therefore, he gave the code to Cindy Esperen. In the future, that girl would become a Master of Magic Tower in the Kingdom of Marithus after marrying a Viscount who supported the Crown Prince. Xavier Gladias who discovered her power first and supported her.

Arthur didn't know it would be this smooth and didn't expect Dean to trust him so easily. "You trusted me right away?"

Dean finished his food. "Not really." Then he took off the gloves he was wearing.

Arthur could see that there were a few burn marks and scratches like punctures. Not too bad, but annoying.

"These burns were obtained from testing the mage's strength." Dean put his gloves back on.

The bartender came with the requested drink. Arthur thanked him before drinking it. However, it was seen as strange by Dean.

"You... it's okay to drink that alcohol?"

Arthur frowned. "What do you mean?"

Dean replied, "In my records, you can't drink alcohol, moreover high-proof ones."

Arthur was suddenly dizzy. He wanted to reply that he was fine. However, his body felt more and more strange as his consciousness faded away. He saw a shocked Dean staring at him dizzily. Until finally he fell unconscious.

'Damn body!


「At that moment, Yoon Dalmi realized that she was dragged into another world. A person dressed strangely like a prince in romantic comics, reached out to her and saved her from the pursuit of the royal knights. 」

「That man introduced himself as Xavier Gladias, the Crown Prince of the Marithus Kingdom. He boldly approached Yoon Dalmi because she looked just like an ordinary human. 」

「That place is a newly built theater. However, with some obvious magic and mana symbols appearing, as well as some strange tools, Yoon Dalmi realized a ritual had been performed to summon her."

「That man asked, "Are you human?" Of course Yoon Dalmi said, "Yes, I'm a human who may look like a demon." 」

「Xavier Gladias smiled. "In that case, it looks like I'll have to give this host some punishment. He seemed to want to summon the original demon race. Thankfully the summoning failed and you were summoned instead."」

「That woman asked, "Why are you kind to the one you just met? Especially since you're a Crown Prince."」

「"Fellow humans, should help each other." Xavier Gladias answered lightly. "However, you are believed to be a demon race now. Because the ritual was witnessed by the mages here and can be identified as the summoning of the demon race. I can help you get out of here."」

「"No need." That girl transformed into a princess wearing a noble-like dress. She was very beautiful in that purple colored dress. Unlike Xavier Gladias, he was surprised that there was no magic of quick appearance change like in Gigana Continent. Even for a circle 5 mage in the world.」

「"My name is Yoon Dalmi. I'm a human who came from another world and has a planet called Earth. I'm on a mission actually. Perhaps, I'll take a walk in your world first before leaving again." Yoon Dalmi turned around wanting to leave Xavier Gladias."

「The girl's arm was stopped by Xavier Gladias. "If you want, I'll help you find a name and a new place to live here."」

「"Why, I'm not your people. Moreover, I've been disrespectful to you since the beginning." Yoon Dalmi refused.」

「"I'm fascinated with you. Maybe, I'm the innocent one or something, but I seem to have fallen for you." Xavier Gladias explained it.」

「Yoon Dalmi doesn't believe it yet. However, it could be because the Crown Prince looks innocent. She also had a character description skill and found that he was kind. So, she just agreed to it. Moreover, this is the first time she has been favored by someone first.」

[A manuscript leak has been detected!]

[Data will be reloaded!]

[Data will—]

「Hey, wake up.」

「Are you sure that fiction will be the same as the real world?」



"Hah... Hah... Hah ...."

Arthur woke up with a gasp. He looked around and his eyes accidentally looked towards the vents, making the sunlight touch his eyes.

"Aisshh... Damn it. What a dream I had."

That man rubbed his eyes before getting ready to look. The room looked different from the room he was used to seeing in the morning. There was no gilded bed lamp or diamond-tipped pen. This was just an ordinary room.

He looked at the door for a moment. He wanted to go to it, but his legs were stiff and he ended up abandoning the idea.


The door opened, revealing a bespectacled man with milk chocolate hair. He recognized that man from before.

"A-are you alright, Young Master?" That man asked timidly.

"My head hurts, Leon Rith."


Leon Rith, Dean Volton's secretary, was surprised by Arthur's reply. He immediately approached the nightstand beside the bed and got some drinking water from there. He brought it to Arthur.

Arthur realized there was a drink there. He accepted the glass and took a sip.

"I-it's... Y-young M-master-nim ...."

Leon seemed hesitant to call Arthur. The man then handed over a document he was carrying.

"Leader-nim told me to hand this to you. He said, this is the result of the investigation you wanted."

Arthur took the document from Leon. He read it slowly. It turned out that Dean had already realized that Xavier Gladias' resurrection as a necromancer was by summoning evil souls. Therefore, Dean concluded that Xavier would summon the demon race.

"Where did Dean Volton go?" Arthur asked.

Leon stammered an answer. "Tryton Kingdom, there's business there."

'I must quickly send a proposal for the construction of a theater in the name of Count Rubel before being overtaken by other nobles.'

"Are you able to accept a separate mission?" Arthur asked earnestly. He then continued, "I want it done quickly, if possible today. I will pay dearly."

Leon replied, "It depends on the difficulty."

"If you make a fake proposal in the name of a noble and send it to the royal family personally, how long would it take?"

Leon thought for a moment. "It would only take a few hours and could be done today. It costs three gold coins."

Gold coins and silver coins were the stable currency of the Gigana Continent, it was the international currency. One gold coin was equivalent to 100 silver coins and one silver coin was equivalent to 100 ball coins, the currency used by the Marithus Kingdom.

'I don't know how much the total cost can be put into South Korean currency, but I can estimate it to be 3 million won.'

'Less than my daily allowance as a successor.'

"In that case, I would like to use your services."


The day was still hot, it was still noon. Dean was walking alone on a hill. He carried fresh flowers in a bouquet. He didn't use anything to block the heat from the sun.

That man walked to two tombstones that were close together. He placed the flowers in the center of the tombstones.

From a distance, there was someone watching him. A big old man, similar to Dean.

Dean himself just stared at the two tombstones expressionlessly. There were the names Carissa Soron and Jay Volton on both gravestones.

He was grew up not crying when he wanted to cry. Not being happy when he laughed. Nor did he stop when he wanted to be angry.

His blood, which was said to be cursed, made him strong alone. He was born to be lonely and bear everything alone. Even his only pet had died leaving her behind.

Dean knew there was someone watching him. However, that person won't come close because they feel bad for him. Dean wouldn't approach him either. The two people had created a great distance.

He left when it was time. Tryton Kingdom was the kingdom with the largest shopping center on the Gigana Continent. Dean came there to monitor the supply of raw materials as well as monitor the flow of information there.

Dean was walking alone in the market. Unintentionally, he bumped into someone wearing a cloak.

