
Supposed To Be Mine

LOVE TRIANGLE ALERT!!!!!! Ryan- Quiet, Serious, a tad awkward, but considerate and caring. Landen- Charismatic, handsome, a player at heart, but funny and sweet. River- Damaged, weak, fearful, careful, but smart and determined. At seventeen, the most tragic of situations landed River Ruth Winters, arranged to be married. She wasn't sad about it. Actually, it was the silver lining in the worst of circumstances. It just so happened, that she was getting engaged to the man she was dreaming about. So what happened? After spending six years away at an all-girls college, she comes back home to find out that Ryan, her supposed-to-be finance, is engaged to another woman. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ All rights reserved.

Sweetstuff1111 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
19 Chs

Chapter 16


Still at the bowling ally a few seconds later.

Landen picks up a yellow bowling ball and walks it over to River. He pushes the ball to touch her stomach gently as an indication for her to take it. "Don't be like this Ree. It's your turn."

Her eyes divert to the wooden floor as she pushes the ball back. "I'm sorry. I really don't want to be." Her emotions were hard to fake. How could she play, and smile, and laugh, when she felt so crappy. "But...I can't hide that it hurts a little."

"We're best friends." He claims.

"Yeah." She sits down and begins switching back to her regular shoes hurriedly. "I guess I'm just not feeling bowling so much anymore."

Come on Ree." He clamps down his jaw. "Being friends is much better than being siblings. I mean, look at mine, and Ryan's relationship."

"I have to disagree." She grabs her bag and throws it over her shoulder. "I just need some time to get over this." Her feet begin taking steps to the exit.

"Wait River, I'll take you home." He sets the ball down and follows her. He could barely contain his constant edging teeth. He was irritated. His plans were completely spoiled, and to top it off, he hurt her. All thanks to neon and pink.

The car ride back was like a thinking zone. Both of their minds raced, but neither spoke. It was only when he pulled into the driveway and put the car in park, that they snapped out of it. "Ree." He pauses while gripping both hands onto the steering wheel. "I really didn't want it to be like this. I honestly need more time, but I would much rather you know than be hurting."

A confused Ree unbuckles her seatbelt and turns to leans herself against the window. "Is everything okay?"

"No." He clears his throat. "Ever since you came back..." He keeps his glare on the windshield. "I can't help... feeling attracted to you."

She blinks. "What?"

"I like you, Ree, more than a brother should, more than a best friend should."

"Haha. This is a joke, right? Not the best way to lighten the mood, Brenner."

His brows knit together. Surprisingly, the last reaction that crossed his mind. He turns, inhales, and puts singular concentration onto her eyes. "I'm serious."

She blinks again. Then she suspiciously squints her eyes and examines him carefully. He had to be kidding, but he didn't look like he was. "If this is some sort of prank, it's not funny."

"I couldn't be more genuine." His humorless gaze didn't falter

After a much too long silent moment, her mouth unlatches itself. "Landen, you change girls like you change clothes." It was almost outrage in her. How could he think of her as one of his meaningless girls?

"It's different with you." He admits.

She lifts her brows. "How many girls have you told that?"

He hesitates.

"Come on, How many?" She pushes.

He rolls his eyes, exhales, and glances away from her glare. "I lost count."

"Well, at least you're honest" She reaches for the door handle.

He grabs her arm stopping her. "See, things are different with you. I know I can be honest. With you, I know I can be true. Not because I have too, but because I want too. I want to be with you Ree. And in my defense, I've never made any girl, a girlfriend. But you... You're different."

Her forehead creases. "Landen, I..."She's interrupted.

"Don't say anything." He has never been rejected. He wasn't about to let it happen now, and he knew that's what she is about to do. "You haven't given yourself time to meditate on this."

"I don't need-" She tries again.

"Wait." He begs. He desperately needed time to make her fall for him. "Don't shoot me down so easy, it will break my heart."

Letting out a defeated breath, she tugs her arm away and opens the door. "I'm gonna go."

To say things were about to change between them, was an understatement.

Weeks Later

For two whole weeks, River blocked Landen out. Literally, she blocked his number on her phone and focused on work. When she realized that he wasn't kidding, she also realized that she needed time away from him. He was crazy and needed to get over whatever he was feeling. This is probably how Ryan would feel if she confessed her feelings for him. Weird.

Surprisingly, Landen didn't come around or call her mother's phone, but today, she had to face him. It was the monthly family dinner, and he didn't show to the last. So, according to Angela's rules for keeping the family together, it was mandatory for him to attend this one. Which he did, and was sitting beside her. Her mother sat on the other side, near Angela, who was at the end. Ryan sat on the other side of his mother and beside him, Ana. Fredrick sat on the other end with two empty chairs that were normally for his two sons.

Today, everyone was having fish, everyone except River, she was eating a salad and avoiding eye contact. Two awkward things were going on. One, she was still having trouble being around Ryan without feeling something, and two, the now weirdness between her and his younger brother.

"So, its almost time for a family vacation. Zackary will be home for two weeks" Angela states. "Anyone have any ideas?"

River wondered about Zack. She has sent him three emails over the last month and has gotten no response back. That was unlike him. She would almost always get a message back before the day ended.

"What about you?" Her uncle breaks her thoughts. He glances at his wife and points his fork at her. "She's never picked a destination." He adds.

"Have any idea's hun?" Her aunt asks.


"Yes, you," Landen responds.

It was weird that she felt comfort from him at this moment. She had to admit, she missed hanging out with him a little. Maybe it wasn't going to be weird as she thought. "Umm..." She thinks about her reply. Her idea of a vacation consisted of trees, sunlight, and fresh air. "How about a camping trip?"

"That's a bad idea." Ana voice's "No offense." She glances away towards her future mother-in-law. "How about Rome, or Paris?"

"Actually." Fredrick disagrees. "I think camping sounds like a good time. The family will have to bond. And it's something we've never done before. Right honey?" He looks at his wife again.

"I have to agree." She glances at Ana with an apologetic expression.

"Me too." Landen also agrees.

"That's a great idea Hunny." Lucille touches her daughter's hand.

"Can we at least rent an RV?" Anastasia inquirers as she touches Ryan's forearm.

Landen laughs.

"Yeah." Ryan agrees. He was mostly looking at his plate, hardly bothered by their convo. Ana grabs his arm, pulls him close, and begins whispering in his ear. River caught sight of their interactions and it stung. How was she ever going to get over him? Whenever she saw him it was like reopening a wound.

"So it's settled, we're going camping." Fredrick declares like it was the end of the conversation.

A little bit later, as River took her last bite, Landen leans close to her ear. "Can I talk to you for a minute?" He whispers.

"Sure." She wipes her mouth with a napkin and follows him. They end up in the home gym. She sat on an exercising bicycle with her legs and arms folded and did not speak a word. He was standing before her, also with his arms folded. This moment of awareness passed between them before he finally spoke. "I'm sorry." He apologizes.

"Me too." She breathes. "I shouldn't have blocked you."

"You blocked me?" He touches his chest as if it was shooting with pain.

Her mouth opens, and it froze that way. Oops.

He laughs. "River Ruth Winters, you blocked me. How could you?"

"I just can't believe you would think about me like that." She spoke like it was an insult. How dare he?

"Why is that such a bad thing?" I like you, Ree, I like you, like you." His expression was light and humor-filled. But she wasn't

"The way you treat girls you like isn't exactly nice. It's like you don't see them as real people, with feelings, a life, and families."

His mood changes. Discomforted by her words he looks away. "River come on." When he looks back at her his eyes no longer held humor in them. "Why did you block me?"

"I needed time. That wasn't just some random statement you throw at me."

"And what did you do with this time? Did it help? Did you miss me?" He inches closer to her.

She challengingly squints her eyes at him. "No." She then lies.

"Could you see us as more River?" He continues to press her.

"You're a player." She states matter-of-factly, hops off of the bike, and heads for the door.

"So you could see us as more." He yells out to her back.

"I'm leaving." She doesn't look back.


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