
Tower of Skulls

“The realm is vast beyond measure.”

On the desolate land, Xu Yi sighed deeply, her face filled with frustration.

It had been ten days since she parted ways with Shangguan Yuquan, and during these ten days, she had been rushing tirelessly, yet she hadn’t encountered a single familiar face.

She grumbled a few more times before her eyebrows suddenly raised, sensing something ahead. She instantly focused her mind, cautiously approaching the area.

When she finally saw the scene before her, her pupils contracted, and a chill surged from the soles of her feet to the top of her head.

In front of her stood a towering tower made entirely of skulls.

Countless pale skulls were densely piled together, their hollow eye sockets seemingly hiding pairs of eyes that coldly stared at her.

Even Xu Yi, who was bold and daring, couldn’t help but feel her scalp tingling.