

Jennie cariesta multitalented woman, beautiful with full of charm.During her life she lived separately from her parents and only lived alone with his sister but was able to live luxuriously like a conglomerate just by relying on her abilities.But one day she has to get stuck with her boss which makes her have to accommodate her boss to her house, take care of him and feed him.Jennie, who has only loved her appearance and work all her life, is living in the same house with her boss able to help her feel new things, such as love...?

Saky_12 · Urban
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1 Chs


At 10:00 p.m. Jennie had just finished her work. A car had already been parked in front of her company an hour ago waiting for her. Seeing Jennie who had just walked out of the company door, the man in the car went straight out to her.

"I told you not to pick up... I can take a taxi later, have been waiting for a long time...?"

"What the heck is this work ..... this time just got home... this is a black company huh...? Can it be this time just to go home....?"

"I was overtime just now... have you eaten? "

"Not yet... waiting for you... It's been a long time... I was so starving that it felt like I wanted to die "

It has been almost six months since Jennie became secretary of the director at NJ Group, one of the country's major companies engaged in financial and capital services. She was recruited directly by the president of this company to help his son's work. The salary offered to her was not small, Jennie could get a bigger salary than the secretary in general.

The difficulty that Jennie can get is also worth the salary she receives. The director who is his boss is very incompetent and unscrupulous, he has an unfiltered way of speaking and acts carelessly. The main task of a secretary is to help ease the work of his superiors instead of turning into carrying out all the work of his superiors.

"Akkhhhh... so tired..." Jennie stretched all the muscles of her body that felt a little stiff.

Because of the actions of the director who couldn't control his mouth, yesterday's meeting with colleagues was very chaotic. They want to cancel their cooperation with NJ Group. If Jennie hadn't been a person with high loyalty, maybe she couldn't have cared about this problem and wouldn't have gotten this tired. Who makes trouble and who always takes care of it like that's Jennie's job.

Today she just paced back and forth to apologize and make new offers to her colleagues so they could rethink their decision to cancel the partnership with NJ Group.

"Aissshhhhh.." she cursed while massaging her forehead.

Everything didn't go Jennie's way. Just try to control his mouth a little bit, surely everything will be easier.

"Damn director...!!"

Even though Jennie only asked to control his mouth a little, it was just an easy and trivial request. But that easy and trivial request, that person can't do it either.

"Sir, I'm sorry ... Sometimes my sister's mouth is like that... can't be controlled...." Diaz felt bad for his driver who had to hear the swear words coming out of her sister's mouth.

"Woii.." Diaz nudged her sister's body,

"Take care of your talk... Don't swear carelessly." scolded Diaz to Jennie.

"Oh, sorry, sir.." because she was so upset, Jennie didn't realize that there were not only two of them in the car but also her driver. Jennie immediately lowered her head and apologized.

"It's okay.., I'm usually like that too when I'm upset..."

They have arrived at the apartment where they live. Because they only live alone, according to Jennie, it would be more suitable to live in an apartment than in housing. Jennie went straight into her room wanting to get some rest, but her brother kept following her behind and came into her room.

"What else...!! What do you want to ask hmm..?" Jennie was already very familiar with her younger brother's temperament. If it's like this, there must be something Diaz wants.

Diaz smiled awkwardly, "No.."

Diaz sat himself next to Jennie, "I just want to serve you..." Diaz's hand began to move to the right and left massaging Jennie's shoulders.

Jennie twisted her body to face Diaz, "You don't have to be complicated, just talk about it... I'm tired of going to rest..."

"Ok, never mind... you just rest..",

Diaz stood up and was about to walk out of Jennie's room.

"Dy..." Jennie picked up her bag and pulled out her wallet.

"Nihh..." She thrust a black card at Diaz.

"You don't have to feel burdened because you have bought expensive things, then you are reluctant to ask for more... use it as you like... big sister's money is a lot.."

"If I had been given it, I wouldn't have refused." Diaz gladly accepted.

"Even though I just asked for leave to go on vacation... why was this given instead..." He said, pointing to the black card Jennie had just given.

"Why not just go straight to the point Diazz...!! Wait for me to get year-end leave if you want to go on vacation."

"I want to take a vacation with my friend... But it looks a bit long, I'm worried if I have to leave you for a long time.."

"Just go if you want a vacation... if you need anything, just say it, don't be impromptu... I'm tired, I want to rest first..."

"What is it..?"

"Yes.. just go..."

"Then.. thanks..." he hugged his sister before exiting Jennie's room.


The morning looks quite relaxing for some employees in this company. There were even some employees who seemed to have just come to the company when Jennie and her assistants had started to get busy with problems with colleagues that needed to be resolved as soon as possible.

It was eight o'clock, and Jennie had to rush to the director's room. Jennie checked the director's schedule before it was read. She also brought some documents that her director had to sign immediately.

"You guys, please quickly complete the task I asked for yesterday..." Jennie said to her two assistants before she left the secretary's room.

"Okay, Secretary Jenn..." Lumi and Finn replied at the same time. They were assistant secretaries who helped with Jennie's work.

Jennie took a deep breath. She hopes that today can go well without a single problem that will be created by her director.

Jennie stopped by the company cafeteria first because usually the director hadn't had breakfast and liked to drink coffee in the morning.

"Morning Secretary Jenn..." Jennie is greeted a lot by other employees who cross paths with her, especially a man.

"Morning..." Jennie has always been friendly towards everyone.

"Please one espresso and one palm sugar equals a pack of breakfast menu for today..."

"Oh, secretary Jenn.... for the director...?" said a canteen guard.


"Wait a minute..."

All her orders were ready, she walked out of the company canteen with one hand carrying documents and the other hand carrying her breakfast and coffee orders.

"Don't you have eyes...? If you walk, use your eyes...!!"


Jennie was waiting for the elevator to open. Not far from where she stood, there seemed to have been a commotion. Jennie wasn't at all interested in seeing what was going on. She prefers to wait patiently for the elevator door to open.

The elevator door in front of her finally opened, Jennie had just set one foot into the elevator but suddenly she immediately discouraged her intention and rushed into the crowd. Jennie couldn't ignore it at all, she briefly heard the director's voice. Although vaguely vague, Jennie was sure that it was the director's voice.

"S-sorry, director... I'll reimburse the laundry fee." the woman trembled violently with fright. Her trembling hands began to touch Minu's suit which was getting dirty from the coffee she accidentally spilled to clean it.

"Don't touch my suit..!!", Minu violently rejected the woman's hand, even the woman cried with fright, "How dare a lowly person like you touch my clothes..!!".

"Director.." Jennie struggled to squeeze through the crowd, especially with so much luggage in her hands.

"Secretary Jenn... Fortunately, you came, please take care of this person. Just fire it all at once. How dare to spill coffee on my suit."

The woman knelt immediately when she heard the word fire coming out of Minu's mouth. She kept begging for Minu to forgive her.

"I'm sorry.." Jennie immediately bowed her body to face the woman.

"Secretary Jenn..!! what are you..."

"You don't worry about this incident, the director has already forgiven you. Once again I'm sorry to ask the director for the bad words you heard..." Not having time to protest, Jennie immediately interrupted his words.

"Thank you Secretary Jenn..," the woman turned to face Minu, "I'm s-sorry director."

"You think all this is done huh...!?" Minu still did not accept that the woman had not received a proper response for her actions.

"Director...!" Jennie was furious, "Many eyes are seeing, please take care of your dignity."

"You can already go... Please continue your work well." Jennie immediately told the woman to leave because if it wasn't like this, Minu wouldn't let her go.

Everyone also dispersed and returned to their respective jobs because it was time for working hours.