

Two Childhood sweethearts Stella & Sebastian were in love with each other from their childhood but due to some misunderstanding no one confessed to each other and their family forced them to marriage and still they were living as strangers after her graduation Stella started working for his company and they slowly started to understand each other... But destiny decided some thing else for them and they get separated by an accident Read my novel to read further and how they united in the end If you like it after reading just comment in the comment section and yeah throw some stones too THANK YOU...

ARU · Urban
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She looked down and continued " My dad was looking for the woman who had slept with Mr. Lee and at last I told him that I had been looking after her… But he had his own plans and when she was in labor he sent his men to kidnap her kids and I barely saved Era from them..

I kept begging my Dad to leave Ray but he was not listening and he gave me a condition for that...As he knew 

I had the other kid of Mr. Lee"

"We had an agreement and he said he just wanted to see how Stella looks… I really had no idea that he would do something like this… I.."

She kept on saying all those words but Robin's heart was totally numb by the pain he was feeling from her.

He was so angry that her words had no effect on him so he stood up and said " I was willing to see you and wanted to beg you to come back with me...But it was really better that you left me on your own… From now on there is no Rachael in my life and no love for her… Only hate and nothing else"