
Chapter 1 - System

[ Dimension: #2711CentralIsles ]

[ Scale: A | State: Minor conflict | Populace Strength (Viribus) : Cultivation ]

[ Objective: Survive, Prepare for return ]

[ Time: 6:23:59:56 (7 days) ]

[ Reward: None (Insufficient energy) | Penalty: None (Insufficient energy) ]

[ 100x Dimensional boost active ]

[ Return to {world anchor} when Time equals 0:00:00:00 ]

'An AI? System? Transteleportation?' All senses returned to Adrian's body. Despite all the conflicting thoughts in his mind, Adrian sought to check his surroundings first.

*Loud chatter*

A shove pushed Adrian forwards as he was glancing around. There stood a crowd of people, unfazed by the glaring sun, messily queuing up for something ahead. Everyone wore distinct clothing reminiscent of past eastern dynasties. To the direction they were facing, past the plaza they walked on, stood a giant stone gate, guarded by two fierce-looking stone creatures. A plaque rested at the top, with writing Adrian could neither read nor recognize. Neither could he understand the people.

'Nobody seems to care that I'm here?'

Adrian took a quick look at the nearest people. There was a skinny young man in a dark green hanfu, waving his fan on Adrian's right and a round-looking, pimpled man to his left. Whatever they were thinking didn't appear to include him. They weren't even bothered by his out-of-era fashion. He stopped worrying about standing out as no one else looked bothered.

'Nothing seems to be happening right now and we're moving pretty slowly'

Adrian decided to figure out the situation with the computerized text scrolling through his mind first as it seemed he would be stuck where he was for some time, plus he also didn't want to attract any attention by moving around the horde of people.

Adrian read the text as it appeared like a scrolling logbook within his mind. He found that he could manipulate the log when he gave his intent to move it.

'Clearly, everything after [ Dimension: #2711CentralIsles ] relates to where I am currently. Nothing before that makes much sense besides the final line which is about my so-called transteleportation'

'Scale: A? Minor conflict? doesn't seem immediately useful. Populace Strength Viri...bus? Cultivation? As in people in this dimension have the strength of cultivation?' Adrian theorized, adapting quickly to the scenario.

Reading the next few lines, Adrian understood his predicament. He was sent to the 'Central Isles' to prepare for his return to the original world. This 'system' had given him a buffer, a chance to avert his predestined death. Although he was unsure of what his attitude should be towards this system, watching the {Timer} slowly tick down fueled a burning desire to return, to protect his sister, to protect his family, and stomp down anyone who tries to stop him.

'Since you have given me this chance and this system to use, I will use it to the utmost as a form of repayment' he promised.

'System open'

The log quickly dissipated and 4 floating words appeared, leisurely rotating around in empty space. In fact, Adrian didn't need to think of saying anything for the system to appear, he realized that anything that he needed to use the system for could be done with just a thought. It was as if it was an intangible limb that he always had.

{ Scenario Shop }

{ System Shop }

{ Missions (unavailable) }

{ Dimensional Simulation (unavailable) }

The 4 floated around his mental space, almost hypnotizing in a way. Adrian guessed that the 2 unavailable, greyed-out options were due to the insufficient energy the log kept mentioning. He thought it was a little bit unfortunate, but the system did save his life so he didn't complain. Due to the options being in no particular order, Adrian picked { Scenario Shop } with a thought.

The chosen text branched downwards.

[ Scenario Shop { Define } ]

[ 1 | 1x { Dimensional boost } ]

[ 20 | 1x { Lossless memory dust } ]

[ 100 | 1x { Body tempering art } ]

Adrian 'clicked on' every single expandable option.

[ Scenario Shop Definition: Converts { System Points } to synthesizable objects, physical and ethereal. Catalogue depends on current dimension and scenario. ]

[ System Points: Gained from completing missions and achieving milestones towards the objective. ]

[ Dimensional boost: Any gains, physical, mental, spiritual, viribus will be multiplied by this amount when in this dimension. Innate dimensional boost is calculated on a dimension-by-dimension basis. ]

[ Lossless memory dust: When inhaled, everything the user's senses take in will be retained indefinitely in memory. Last for 30 minutes. ]

[ Body tempering art: Copy of the standard Body tempering art manual. Contains directions for body tempering stages 1-9 ]

Adrian knew he had 0 system points currently and could even display a large red '0' in his mental space to show his funds if he wanted. There was nothing else he could do in the scenario shop, so he kept the descriptions in the back of his mind along with pondering how he could gain some points.

'System Shop'

[ System Shop { Define } ]

[ 25 | Restore { Language decipher } ( Recommended ) ]

[ 50 | Restore { System assistant } ( Recommended ) ]

[ 300 | Restore { Environmental hazard adaptor } ]

[ 500 | Restore { Dimensional Simulation } ( Recommended ) ]

[ 50 | 1x { Dimensional Anchor } ]

'This is a bit more interesting' Adrian thought. 'Though it looks like the system is not only out of energy, but also damaged'. he grimaced.

As he was thinking, someone pushed him once again. Alerted, he realized he had passed under the stone gate that he was eyeing before and that the crowd was beginning to split based on gender. Once again, Adrian just followed along.

Because the other two system options were labeled 'Unavailible' he decided to check them later. The line moved steadily and the people that were beside him naturally queued to his front and back. Adrian saw a study man with black hair on a pedestal up ahead holding a scroll of yellowed paper, asking and noting something to the queue, then the person questioned would walk past the man.

"Keela, ti-fa"

"Lijiami, ti-ju"

"Jinfawu, tu-fa"

Two younger lads walked answered the man, followed by a noticeably older man. Adrian steadily moved forwards while analyzing the people's responses to the question.

I'm trying to improve my narration :)

A_Whalecreators' thoughts