
Supernatural. Amara's daughter

Amara's very first creation was her daughter Amber. She was treated as an equal to herself and God but God grew envious of Amara's love for Amber. So hidden away from the everyone and everything deep inside the forest, Amara hid her child away from God and the archangels. As the years passed by Amber had become quite a beautiful and strong long woman. She had also learned how to protect her wolf companion, that her mother had given to her since birth. Now Amber fights to protect those around her and those she calls friends.

AmaraWinchester24 · TV
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(Stories and Scars.)

Chapter three:

So what do you want to know? Amber asked them sitting next to her wolf, Shadow. Looking around at all of them.

What the hell are you? Dean asked, glaring at her.

What my brother meant to say was that we never met anyone like you before. Why do you have what looks like powers, I'm guessing. Sam interrupts, hoping to prevent a fight.

It's fine Sam, like I said, ask me pretty much anything. The reason I have powers, I truly don't know. She creates a small fire person in the palm of her hand. I was just born with them I guess.

The two brothers looked at her quizzically, How do you not know? I mean, weren't you raised by something or someone? Amber shook her head to the side, a blank expression on her face.

I was never raised by anything, all I've ever had was Shadow. I've been in this forest as long as I can remember, fighting off monsters and just trying to survive. The aforementioned companion moves her head closer to Ambee's hand, nuzzling it. Amber smiles softly scratching her head, ain't that right girl, just you and me.

Wait, a new voice breaks the silence, one slightly deeper than Sam's. There are monsters in the forest? The raven haired angel speaks up, ruffling his wings.

Yep, there are. When I was a child Shadow protected me, now we just protect each other if something tries to attack us. Amber raises her left arm, showing a deep scar that ran across the entirety of her forearm. They gave me some nasty scars.

But you're able to heat yourself and others correct? Amber nods. Than how come you don't just heal scar and make them disappear? The raven- haired angel cocks his head to the side adorably.

Amber let's out a laugh in amusement. Because they're a reminder of who I am, not matter what I have, powers or not, I'm still a human and I'm still able to get hurt. Place each scar as a story to tell, whether it's bad or funny, it's still a story. She moves her hair away from the side of her neck, showing a line that ran horizontally.

Sam slightly cringes seeing that mark on her neck. How did you get that, looks like it was deep.

It was a werewolf, got me pretty good. Let's just say, never piss off a rogue werewolf or it will chase you and leave some deep scars. Amber laughs gently as she said that, moving her hair back in place. She stands up from where she was sitting. Anyone wants anything to drink?

Beer, Dean speaks up, she nods, walking out of the room.