
Supernatural: The Boys Are Back

After Sam and Dean Winchester Have been in heaven for twenty years god(aka Jack) calls them back to earth. Will they go or stay wait and see.

Betty_Tatum · TV
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20 Chs


People started showing up the next day. Clare set things up for them. Most of the kids were excited to meet Sam and Dean. They were even excited to meet Bobby. They chose their rooms and settled down to wait till everyone else showed up.

By the end of the third day everyone was there. Garth and his family showed up a bit late. Garth brought everyone in and at the back of the line was another face that the boys recognized. Dean steps up and asks," Garth what the hell is he doing with you? How long has he been with you? Where is his mother?"

The young man walks up and says," Dean your real! At first when the dreams started I thought I was going crazy. But Garth said it was true. Then I started remembering things. But then we heard you died. Then I just stayed with Garth, he helped me and took care of me. Garth and his family kept me safe and I did the same for them."

"CASS, CASS, I pray you get your but down here right away I have many questions, and I need answers."

Cass pops into the room and everyone stops talking.

" Dean don't get upset Jack thought it best after the Vampire attack that killed his mother that I should give him back his memories. He had to know things were real if he stayed with Garth. You were already dead so it's not like they could have used him against you. She died and he had no one. We had to make the transition as easy as possible. Garth has protected him for a long time. Let him help, it's better than being out there."

"Well this is Awesome, just Awesome. Are their anymore surprises we should know about?"

"Not that I can think of. But we will let you know if there is."

"Awesome, Okay so now that I know about Ben and he knows about us then I guess we can set up a room for him to. Garth thanks for getting him out safely. Ben I'm sorry about your mom."

"It's been a while and I have moved on, but thanks for that Dean. And I understand why you had Cass erase our memories. It was to protect us, I get that. But now I know and I want to learn, that's why I'm here."

" Okay well everyone should turn in now, we have an early start tomorrow. Thanks for your help Cass. At least someone was using there head."

"Your welcome Dean if you need me just call. I will be listening."

With that Cass popped out of the room and everyone headed off to bed. Dean did stay up and talk to Ben for a while. Dean learned about everything that had happened over the years. About how Lisa had died. How Garth took him in and how Garth had been teaching him how to hunt. Then they talked about heaven and how it changed. How Jack changed Heaven and how Jack got Cass out of the empty. After all that they finally went to bed.