
Supernatural: The Boys Are Back

After Sam and Dean Winchester Have been in heaven for twenty years god(aka Jack) calls them back to earth. Will they go or stay wait and see.

Betty_Tatum · TV
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20 Chs

Sad News And A Choice

The day Sam's Granddaughters were slaughtered Jack asked Cass to go over and distract the boys for a while.

Cass was not happy with it, but he went and did what was asked. He showed up early in the morning, and had breakfast with the family. Then he sat with the boys and Bobby while they drank beer. After that he sat on the porch while Dean worked on Baby. All the while Cass said very little and kept watching the road.

Dean has been watching Cass all day, finally he say," Hey, man what gives? Why you hanging out with us all day? I thought you had work to do in relic retrieval. Why do you look like someone stole your wings?"

"Dean I can't tell you, but I was told to stay with Sam all day."

"Why, what's wrong? Cass what's going on? Tell me man."

" I'm sorry Dean I can't tell you until God gets here. He gave me strick orders not to say a word till he shows up."

"So what if I guess, You don't have to say a word. You can just blink if I get it right. And close your eyes if I'm wrong. Is God coming with good news?"

Cass thinks about things for a minute, then he closes his eyes.

So Dean says, " Is God coming here with bad news?"

Cass blinks several times to this question.

"Does it have to do with Sam's family?"

Once again Cass blinks several times.

" Okay bad news from earth means someone has died. It has to do with Sam's family, So did one of his kids die? Why would that be so bad that God has to come here?" Or does it have to do with his grandchildren?"

With that Cass blinks many, many times. Dean is very upset by this.

" Who died Cass? Does he know yet, of course he doesn't. He has been with us all day. He is going to loose it man. Who died Cass?"

"I have to go Dean. First you need to call your parents and Bobby and get them here now. Then you need to get Sam out here again. We will be back in twenty minutes. Let every one but Sam know they don't know how they died. God has cleansed their memories of the event." Then Cass leaves.

Dean immediately does what he is asked. He warns everyone that it has to do with Sam's Granddaughters, and they had their memories of the death erased from their minds. Also Sam doesn't know anything yet but they need to be there because Jack said so in his God roll.

So everyone got together and waited for Jack and Cass to return. Sure enough twenty minutes later four people come walking up the drive way.

Everyone stands up from the tables and looks at the group. Jack, Cass, and two little girls are walking toward them. Sam figures it out first, and he steps forward. Jack simply shakes his head and walks them to Mary. He bends down and says," This is your great grandma Mary. She's going to take you inside for some lemonade."

As they go in the house Jack turns back to the men and says," Sam I need you to stay calm and let me tell you what's going on. After that ask me anything. This morning the twins were attack in their bedroom by a werewolf. He ripped out their hearts before there father killed it. I wiped their memories of their deaths. He asked me personally to have the girls stay with family so here they are. Now I have to get a few things off my chest, things on earth have become a disaster. The monsters are starting to over run the world. The hunters of this day and age are not good the way you guys were. Even the English men of letters are loosing the battle. I need some help getting things under control again. I was wondering if you guys would want to go back to earth? You could pick up where you left off. I am asking this of you to help the world. You could teach the new generation the proper way of hunting. You can even go back to the bunker. Baby has been lock in the garage since Sam moved on. Now I will let you think about it for a few days but I hope you will help. What are your questions?"

" First of all who will take care of the girls if I go back? Will we remember everything? Can I see my family?"

" I don't know about Sammy but I will do it. I feel like kicking some monster ass. Now when do I go?"

"Hey what about me? I can teach those dunder heads better than these boys."

" Awesome, we moved all of your books and things to the bunker so you can stay there."

" I would like to say good bye to the girls then I want to go back and kick werewolf ass.

"I am glad you are willing to go back. Cass can help like he did before. I am okay with you talking to your family. You will need to train them. Go on and get your things together. I will give you a half hour before Cass and I take you down."

Sam says good bye to the girls, then he lets Mary know what's up and what happened, as well as the fact that Dean, Bobby and himself is going back to earth. Then he asked Mary to look after the girls. She said She would love to, and that she always wanted girls.

Sam went back outside and told them he was ready to go.

By that time Bobby and. Dean were ready to go as well.