
Supernatural: The Boys Are Back

After Sam and Dean Winchester Have been in heaven for twenty years god(aka Jack) calls them back to earth. Will they go or stay wait and see.

Betty_Tatum · TV
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20 Chs

Bobby And Ketch Return

Once we got everyone settled in bed we got classes started. Since only injured hunters in training are in the bunker we combine the classes to do it all in one room. Once class is done we go and check on the new arrivals. As of right now everyone is still asleep. Then we go make lunch.

Two hours later we hear the door open. We see Bobby and Ketch walk in. The first thing Bobby says is," I need a beer." So Sam goes and gets one for Bobby and Ketch.

Is someone going to tell us how it went? or do we just watch you drink and we guess."

"Don't be an IDJIT, I'll let Ketch fill you in they are his people."

"I'm afraid things are not going well at home. The monster attacks are getting much worse. Once I showed the council Bobby back from the dead they took what we had to say a little more seriously. We went in front of the full council we told them about Cronos and the pact made with Chuck that he didn't bother to follow through with. We told then that Cronos is eating angels and demons to regain his strength and only when Jack is dead can Cronos be free. We then told them the best way to kill the new monsters. And we gave them our current system for learning and training and practicing. After that we got more weapons and supplies then we traded the things we took there. After that we went to bed and then we came home today. What went on here?"

"Awesome! Okay so what went on here is last night, Crowley showed up to get an update. So we told him what we learned. He told us that no one can leave heaven right now since they are getting attacked by monsters. We told him not to let Jack use his powers unless he really had to. Then I gave him the letter explaining everything and the supplies we set up for them. Then this morning we got presents for being good little soldiers. Cass dropped off Rufus, Ash, Rowena, Jo,Charlie, Ellen, Alex, Asa, Kaia, Donna, and Eileen. They are still asleep right now but they should be good to go tomorrow. You have no idea how hard it was to get them to their rooms. Cass dropped them off in the library."

"Okay at least we know they read the letter. I was wondering if Jack would have the power to send them here."

"Well Bobby he managed it now all we have to do is figure out the best way to use them. I am tired of seeing the few hunters we do have die."

"Lets worry about this tomorrow. I'm starving they had tea and crumpets while I was there and I was very upset. They didn't have anything good. I need meat and beer not tea and sweets. Dean get us food boy please."

"On my way Bobby hold on a little longer man I won't let you starve."

"Oh shut up IDJIT just get us some food."

Fifteen minutes later Dean comes back to the bunker with real food. He got fourty-five cheese burgers Twenty each of the French fries and onion rings. And he gets fifteen salads for people like Sam. Once Dean calls people in for food everyone gets something then goes back to talking with the guys. After dinner is done and everything is cleaned up Bobby and Ketch goes to bed. Dean and Sam talk for a while then check up on the new recruits then they go to bed as well.